Big Brother Canada 7 Day 9

March 10, 2019

8:00-9:00 AM: First thing in the morning, Adam and Sam spoke to Dane about potentially evicting Maki over Kyra. Dane said they will be up on the block if Maki leaves. He suggested leaving Maki in the game to be a shield in front of Adam. Sam said they will look back on this if they don’t take Maki out. Dane said there is no way that they can get the votes. Afterwards, Adam told Cory he has thinking about what she said in terms of the whole East coast thing. Adam said it would be nice to have someone from the East coast win. Cory agreed. In the archive room, Kyra told Sam she thinks that she will have to campaign to everyone but she cannot throw Kailyn’s name out to them all. Sam encouraged Kyra to work on Eddie. Sam said people are already starting to see that Maki is a threat, and Kyra should remind Eddie that Maki was throwing his name out there. After Kyra left the room, Sam spoke to the cameras. She said she would have been going home if not for Adam winning the veto. In the living room, Anthony asked who Stef would want to take out if she could get anyone out right now. Stef said she would probably have to say Adam in order to level the playing field in competitions. Anthony said he feels like Adam is a huge target but they should focus on the people who can manipulate him.

9:00-10:00 AM: Adam spoke to Dane about how Kyra wont win a competition and she will remain loyal to the girls in their group. Dane said that keeping Kyra will only cause distrust. Adam admitted that Dane’s point about Maki being a shield is a good one. Adam said he will speak to Maki today. In the bedroom, Kailyn told Eddie that Cory is messing up. Kailyn thinks Cory was watching them all along since she made a comment that this week is totally different than last week. Kailyn suggested that they should let Adam win HoH to get Cory out of the house. Eddie said it’s so risky. Kailyn disagreed since the house target is Cory. Eddie doesn’t think that Adam is gunning for Cory, but Kailyn said he will do it anyway since the house wants it. Eddie admitted that he doesn’t trust Cory since she may run her mouth and throw their names out to Adam for talking game with her. Eddie thinks Cory went to everyone to say they should make an alliance. Kailyn asked Eddie if Cory has said to him that she would like to be in the Final 2 together. Eddie said yes. Kailyn said Cory told her the exact same thing. They laughed about it. In the storage room, Adam told Anthony and Mark that he is terrified of Maki competing for HoH next week. Adam said the three of them, Chelsea and Sam voting him out would mean that they need just one more vote. Adam asked if they are down for getting Maki out. Anthony said he thinks that it would just scare everybody. He pointed out that they are in the best position since they know where everyone stands. Anthony brought up that Stef asked him for this thoughts on Adam, so he said Adam is a monster but he needs to stay in the game in order to keep the target off of everyone else. They discussed that sending Cory home next is not a smart idea. When Adam brought up targeting Maki yet again, Anthony encouraged him to talk to Maki since Maki is scared of him.

10:00-11:00 AM: Adam and Maki talked things over in the have-not room. They talked about the mutual respect they have for each other as competitors. They swore that they will not put each other up next week if they win HoH. Adam told Maki that people will focus on him more if he were to take a shot at him and get him out of the game. Adam said he is willing to compete with Maki all season long. Maki said it makes him happy that the biggest threat in the house enjoys the competition, because it makes him be a better Maki. Maki suggested that they play it off as though they don’t like each other, or else people will come after them if they know that they are trying to work together. Out by the hot tub, Maki checked in with Mark to see where his head is at for this week’s vote. Mark said he has been told by Dane that Kyra is the target, so Dane is going to get what he wants this week. Mark brought up that there are bigger targets than each other. Maki said he likes having Mark around.

11:00-12:00 PM: Kailyn told Adam she can see that he wants competitors in the game. Adam said he got amped and pushed by competing against Maki last night. Adam claimed that he doesn’t want to send people like that home. Adam talked about seasons getting boring near the end because the comp beasts get picked off, leaving floaters to battle it out. Later, Kyra went to Adam to start their campaign pitch. Kyra let Adam know that Kailyn has been throwing his name and Sam’s name out there since very early on in the game. Kyra said they want Kailyn out due to her ability to control so many people. Kyra thinks that Kailyn is fighting hard to keep Maki because she knows that she will not be capable of manipulating them. Adam said he would be on board for getting Kailyn out this week but Dane is not going to be willing to make that move. Next up, Kyra went to Eddie to let him know that they will not put him up and they will also come to him if they hear someone else throwing his name out there. Eddie asked if Kyra threw his name out to Adam in week one. Kyra admitted to saying that he was someone who she hadn’t connected with because he is shy. Kyra assured Eddie that they are not gunning for him now. Kyra said Eddie’s name was just an easy one to throw out there for numerous people in the house. Kyra pointed out that Maki is a threat to win the game since he is well liked, he has a good social game, and he is a beast in competitions.

12:00-1:00 PM: Eddie encouraged Kyra to keep fighting. He said he is considering Kyra’s campaign but they need to have the numbers. Kyra told Eddie that they have five votes right now without even campaigning too much. Kyra said they need six to stay. Eddie asked Kyra to fill him in. Kyra asked Eddie if he is down if enough people on board. Eddie confirmed that he is. Meanwhile, Adam and Sam chatted with Cory out in the yard. Adam said he would like to go up against the big competitors at the end. They also discussed that it would be nice to have someone from the East coast win the game.

1:00-2:00 PM: Anthony told Kailyn he doesn’t think that they can get the votes this week since everyone is afraid of Adam. Kailyn said Adam told Maki that he is good. Anthony said they should be fine then. Kailyn thinks that Adam is worried for Sam if Kyra goes, because Sam wont have anyone other than him and Chelsea at that point. Anthony said Sam is going home much sooner than later anyway. Kailyn observed that Adam and Sam are latching on to Cory because they think that she will win HoH, but Cory sees past it. Kailyn said the house would totally change if Adam and Sam were to leave. Kailyn told Anthony that there is no reason to do someone else’s dirty work when Maki is not coming after them. Anthony filled Dane in on his conversation with Kailyn. The two agreed that Sam has to go in order to get Adam focused again. Anthony expects that people will want Adam to go if he is nominated next to Sam, but they will have to work on changing that. Dane pointed out that the vote flipped back and forth between Damien and Laura last week because of Sam, and now she is making Adam question things once again this week. Anthony said he will work on Adam. Before leaving the room, Dane said “Final 2” to Anthony.

2:00-3:00 PM: Cory told Kailyn she is wondering if Adam is playing her or if he really does want to work with her. Kailyn figures that Adam is covering himself just in case Cory wins HoH. They wondered why people would want to get rid of Sam before Adam. Kailyn said people seem to think that Sam is controlling Adam. Out by the hot tub, Dane and Kailyn wondered if they need to consider all of their options. Dane brought up that Kyra said Dane can have influence over their nominations if they win HoH. Kailyn said she is going to play devil’s advocate. She questioned if Dane doesn’t think that he would be safe with Maki too. Dane figured that he would but everyone is pointing out that he is a strong competitor. Kailyn wondered if they looked bad contemplating keeping Kyra when Dane had her talk to Maki about being safe if he were to go up as a pawn this week. Dane said it would sit uneasy with him but it is a smart move.

3:00-4:00 PM: Dane told Kailyn that the votes to evict Maki could potentially be her, Chelsea, Sam, Eddie, Anthony and Damien. Kailyn said it’s so much easier to watch from home. Both agreed that Maki is unlikely to nominate them. Dane mentioned that Sam would be able to build a little army with the other side if they leave Kyra in the game. Kyra spoke to Dane who asked about the plan for next week. Kyra said they will not nominate Dane but they will not say who they are going to nominate. Kyra believes that they can get the numbers. Dane said he can help influence them as well. Dane mentioned that it’s not even worth trying to get Kailyn or Kiera on board. Kyra asked what Dane would do in the event of a tiebreaker. Dane said he would have to think about it but only one of the nominees has come to him with a deal. Kyra told Dane that they would not nominate him in either of the next two weeks.

4:00-5:00 PM: Dane spoke to Maki. He asked if Maki will be nominating him when he stays. Maki admitted that it’s possible since Dane put him on the block. Maki clarified that there are about five people he would rather put up. Dane told Maki that he has the votes and the plan remains in place. Outside, Kyra spoke to Adam about the vote and about their earlier conversation with Dane. Kyra then revealed that Eddie said he would be on board with evicting Maki if the numbers are there. Adam said Damien wants to vote however everyone else votes. They discussed that they have a solid six or seven votes. Adam said Kailyn and Maki will come after them if Maki stays, as opposed to Kyra going after Kailyn.

5:00-6:00 PM: In the archive room, Kyra pitched to Chelsea and Sam. Kyra said they plan to nominate Kiera and Kailyn if they win HoH. Chelsea said they would be able to realign if they are able to get Kailyn out next. Both Chelsea and Sam said they are unsure about Dane, Kiera and Stef. Chelsea and Sam told Kyra that votes to evict Maki could potentially come from them, Adam and Damien. Kyra believes that Eddie will be on board as well. There were talks of Anthony and Mark siding with them as well. After Kyra left the room, Adam joined Chelsea and Sam. Adam said he is thinking of nominating Kailyn and Kiera if he wins HoH. The girls let Adam know that Kyra just said the same thing. Dane joined them. He said he is willing to get on board with the plan to evict Maki if they are able to get the numbers. Once Adam and Dane were alone, Dane suggested that he will go along with this plan but he wants Sam to go soon. Adam didn’t like that. He said there are others that need to go first. Dane agreed that Sam can stay until jury. He explained that he is looking out for Adam, as he doesn’t want him to be targeted due to his association with Sam.

6:00-7:00 PM: Adam told Mark that the boys need to get together to discuss the vote. Mark said Dane very much wants Kyra to go, but Adam disagreed. Adam said the way he looks at it is they can let Kailyn and Kyra go after each other. Mark asked if Adam is using the veto on Kyra. Adam said he is going to keep the nominations the same. Adam listed off the votes to evict Maki as the two of them, Chelsea, Damien, Sam and Eddie. Mark said he knows what the right move is but he worries about breaching trust in week two. Adam brought up that Maki told Dane he would likely nominate him whereas Kyra promised they are going after Kailyn. Mark said he is down for whatever the Pretty Boys collectively agree on.

7:00-8:00 PM: Eddie asked Chelsea what she is thinking in terms of the vote. Chelsea said she thinks that they should vote to evict Maki. Chelsea explained that she doesn’t trust Kailyn, and keeping Maki would only strengthen her. Eddie asked who is voting to evict Maki. Chelsea listed off Adam, Sam, Anthony, Mark, Damien and herself as likely votes. Chelsea told Eddie that Dane said he is okay with it if they have the numbers. Eddie said it’s too early to go against the house, so he wants to make sure that the votes are there. He also wondered if Dane is truly okay with it. Chelsea encouraged Eddie to talk to Dane about it.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds were off for the entire hour that the show aired.

9:00-10:00 PM: Damien and Mark were in the backyard discussing the vote when Kyra approached them to campaign. Kyra said neither of them are their target if they stay. Kyra told the guys that they have enough votes if the two of them get on board. Kyra insisted that someone is twisting their words in order to make them a target. Damien and Mark said they need to think things over before making a decision. Once Kyra left, Mark mentioned that Kyra is right about Maki being unbeatable. However, Mark said he is going to do what Dane wants on this one. Damien said he is on the same page. The two then went outside with Dane. Mark let Dane know that he is 100% behind him in whatever he decides. Dane thinks that Maki would go after Cory or Sam if he stays. Dane believes that targeting Cory is still the best play. Kyra eventually broke up the conversation.

10:00-11:00 PM: In the storage room, Mark asked Eddie about his vote. Eddie said Kyra is still his target for his own personal game, but he will obviously get on board if everyone is voting to evict Maki. Elsewhere, Dane told Anthony that Sam has got to go. He commented on it being sickening how they have had nine days of Adam and Sam following each other around non-stop. As for this week, Anthony said the only reason he is saying that Maki needs to go is that he is going after Adam. Dane pointed out that they are saving Adam so many times and he doesn’t even realize it. Dane told Anthony about Adam saying that Sam has to stay until jury. Anthony burst out laughing when he heard that.

11:00-12:00 AM: Chelsea and Eddie let each other know that they can trust each other. Eddie told Chelsea that unless it’s a 10-1 or a 9-2 situation, he will be voting for Kyra to go. Chelsea said that's smart for his game to vote with the majority right now. After Eddie left the room, Chelsea spoke to herself and said “that’s alright, I’ll just realign”. She mentioned that Kyra goes home and then it’s her, Adam or Sam next week, but it doesn’t mean that she is going to go. Afterwards, Kailyn spoke to Eddie. She said Maki is staying and there is nothing that Kyra can do about it. When Eddie asked how she can be so certain, Kailyn said her spirit is telling her that Anthony and Damien can be trusted. When Eddie implied that that’s not good enough, Kailyn said it is since that’s how she makes her money. Kailyn let Eddie know that she plans to gun for HoH and make a huge move. While she sees that everyone else is scared of Adam, Kailyn said she is not and she is willing to take him on.

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