BBCAN3 Day 35 - Jordan is evicted; Pilar wins HoH

April 22, 2015

10:00-11:00 AM: Bruno told Bobby that whether they turned on Zach with this vote or not, Zach was coming at them next. Bruno said that they are the only people in Zach’s way at this point. Bobby said that they can tell Zach that this move was about them being scared of Jordan. Bruno pointed out that they are both not in the Chop Shop, so it should not matter who goes. Bobby told Bruno that he likes the name B-Headers for them. Bruno said that he likes it. Zach and Jordan discussed that it would be ideal to get Sindy, Brittnee and Willow out in the next few weeks. They also said that if they can flush out Bobby’s secret veto in the process it would be good as well. Jordan said that he could put Bobby up as a pawn and say that a Willow tree told him that he has a power, so that is why he is going up. Jordan would explain that he is not the target. Kevin and Zach discussed that they are in a pretty good spot. Kevin said that Sarah is wavering but will not come after one of them right now. Zach pointed out that Jordan is really tight with her, so they have to use that to their advantage. Zach was concerned that Brittnee would make an emotional move. The guys agreed that they are over Willow at this point.

11:00-12:00 PM: Jordan told Kevin that Bobby has a secret veto that is good for three weeks. He said that Zach doesn’t want him to tell Kevin but he is telling him anyway. Jordan explained that there was a number on each of the two beds so, while Sindy was in the bathroom, Bobby found a key and then went to the box with that code on it, unlocking a secret veto. Jordan said that the ideal scenario is that Brittnee or Sarah win HoH, try to backdoor Bobby and flush it out. Bruno spoke to Godfrey and told him that everyone is still on board to keep him. Bruno said that he did work. Bruno said that he will need Godfrey to help him out if he ever goes up. Godfrey said that he will have his back. Bruno said that Bobby and Godfrey have always been his two guys.

9:00-10:00 PM: During the eviction episode, Jordan was evicted by a vote of 5-4. Arisa announced to the houseguests that jury begins tonight, so Jordan is the first member of the jury.

10:00-11:00 PM: When feeds returned we found out that Pilar is the new HoH. Sindy discussed with Brittnee that she is going to continue to deny her vote to evict Jordan. She felt that some on the other side are thinking that Willow voted to evict him, even though she did not. Sindy plans to push for Willow and Godfrey to go on the block.

11:00-12:00 AM: Brittnee and Godfrey had a chat in the backyard. Brittnee mentioned that Bobby has been saying that this is a one week thing and it’s not like they have an alliance. Godfrey said that it had better not be. He pointed out that Bobby has something against Sindy. Godfrey said that it made no sense at all for Bobby to have eliminated Sindy in the HoH competition. Godfrey told Brittnee that he questioned Bobby about that and he said that he didn’t want to make it obvious. Godfrey felt that Bobby was trying to keep the blood off of his hands, so it doesn’t mean that he isn’t with them just because he is acting this way. Godfrey felt that he would definitely be going on the block. He advised Brittnee that they should not throw each other under the bus in attempt to stay off of the block. She said that she would not do it, but she does not know if the rest of the alliance will be capable of doing the same.

Up in the HoH room, Willow told Sarah it’s obvious that she didn’t trust her enough to approach her about the plan. Sarah claimed that she had no idea who else was going to vote Jordan out, so she didn’t want to tell her. Sarah explained that she believed that she and Brittnee were possibly being set up. Willow said that the other side is mad at Sindy, seeing as she will not own up to her vote. Sarah said that Sindy is digging her own grave. Willow told Sarah that she trusts her and it’s because she loves her as a person and is friends with her. Willow told Sarah that she cannot be a floater anymore. She said that she cannot be in the middle anymore and not know what is going on. Kevin entered the room. Willow asked Kevin what Sindy said to him about the vote. Kevin said that Sindy is blaming the fifth vote on Willow. Willow said that she wants to go wring Sindy’s neck. She said that Sindy blamed Kevin for the vote when talking to her. Bobby then entered the room and was filled in on what Sindy is saying. Bobby pointed out that it was Sindy’s master plan to evict Jordan, yet she is the one that wouldn’t own up to her vote. Bobby explained that he eliminated her from the HoH competition because he believes that you should only get one life in Big Brother.

Bruno spoke to Zach and told him that this should bring them closer. Zach agreed, saying that he doesn’t have a choice. Bruno said that he doesn’t want Zach to feel trapped. Zach said that it’s not like that at all and he understands where they were coming from. Zach explained that Jordan was in with the other side of the house and was bringing him information, benefitting his game. Zach admitted that he was never going to go after Jordan. Zach explained that he targeted Godfrey because he didn’t know where his head was at, while Jordan had told him that Kevin was not after him. Zach apologized for not making a move that was in their best interests. Zach also apologized for the lack of communication throughout the week.

12:00-1:00 AM: Brittnee and Sarah discussed that Sindy is ruining her game by lying about her vote. They agreed that there was no chance of anyone believing that. They agreed that Sindy will definitely be nominated. If Sindy is up against Godfrey, they figured that the other side would send Godfrey home since he is after Zach. They agreed that they like Godfrey and feel as though he is legit. Sarah said that they need to shut up and lay in the background this week. Upstairs in the HoH room, Zach explained to Pilar that there are four people who would come after them. He then listed off Brittnee, Sarah and Sindy. Pilar said that Sindy is an easy person to nominate, given that she is already a target. Pilar said that she can put a pawn next to Sindy. Pilar questioned who the pawn should be, throwing Godfrey’s name out there. Zach said it’s between Godfrey, Brittnee and Sarah.

Pilar and Kevin discussed nominations. Pilar asked Kevin who it was that flipped tonight. He told her that it was Brittnee, Bruno, Bobby, Sarah and Sindy that voted to evict Jordan. Pilar said that Sindy is so easy to put up, so she is going to do that for one of her nominations. As for the second, it was decided that Godfrey can go up next to her. She pointed out that they wall wanted Godfrey out the first week and yet he is still there. Pilar told Kevin that she likes Brittnee and Sarah. She said that she trusts Willow and does not want to nominate her.

Ashleigh told Bobby and Bruno that it is likely going to be Godfrey and Sindy going on the block. She said that she prefers to send Sindy home first. They said that they are on board. Bruno asked if Sindy has admitted to her vote yet. Ashleigh said that she has not and that they are still playing it off as though they believe her. Bruno agreed that Sindy has to go this week. Bobby is still playing it off as though he has a secret veto, even though it has been confirmed that he does not have one. Bruno eventually left Ashleigh and Bobby on their own. Bobby told Ashleigh that Kevin and Pilar are not on his radar. He said that Bobby and Bruno are still on board with the Chop Shop. Bobby said that he made this move in part because he wanted the Chop Shop to live on. He explained that it now looks as though they are against each other. Bobby said that Jordan was so close to Zach, which was making him concerned about the possibility of Jordan making it to the Final 6 along with the Chop Shop.

1:00-2:00 AM: Bobby explained to Ashleigh and Zach that he and Bruno were the last ones that were approached about the plan to evict Jordan. Bobby told Zach that if he can get over the emotional side of things, this could be a good thing for the Chop Shop in the long run. Ashleigh said that the two people that she is scared of right now are Godfrey and Sindy. Bobby said that he is willing to get rid of them. Ashleigh asked how the whole plan to evict Jordan came about. Bobby said that Sarah came to him at the hot tub yesterday, though he felt that Sindy was trying to hint at this plan during his time with her in the vault. Bobby said that a good thing to come out of this is that Brittnee and Sarah will likely trust he and Bruno, which they can use to their advantage moving forward. The Chop Shop eventually met up together and discussed that they need to remain solid. Willow felt that they needed to fight hard for the veto in order to keep the nominations the same. Bruno said that he cannot see anyone but the nominees using the veto this week.

2:00-3:00 AM: Zach went to the HoH room to talk to Pilar and Kevin. Zach said that Brittnee and Sarah obviously caught on to Jordan trying to play them, while Bobby and Bruno caught on to him trying to get info from them. Pilar asked Zach how he feels about Sindy and Godfrey going up. Zach said that’s the easiest bet. Zach said that it amazes him that Bobby and Bruno voted with the other side yet want Sindy out so bad. Zach said that Bobby and Sindy still want to go after each other, though he pointed out that it’s possible that Sindy would come after him. Pilar said that she thinks that she would want Godfrey to go if Sindy wins the veto. Zach told them that he will be gunning after Brittnee and Sarah, seeing as he knows that they will be coming for him. If Godfrey is still in the game, Zach said that he would nominate Godfrey and Sarah next to each other. Pilar asked how Zach feels about Willow. Zach said to leave her alone for now, seeing as she was left in the dark with regards to tonight’s vote. He pointed out that they may even have to pull her in. Zach said that he cannot believe that Sindy, Jordan’s showmance, flipped and was apparently the originator of the whole plan.

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