BBCAN3 Day 37 - Godfrey wins the Power of Veto

April 24, 2015

10:00-11:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. Pilar, Godfrey, Sindy, Bobby, Kevin and Willow will be competing. Sarah is hosting. Bruno told Bobby that Sarah told him that even last night Ashleigh admitted that Bobby was supposed to be backdoored. Bobby said that it seems like they dodged a bullet. Bruno agreed. They said that they have to keep acting as though they are with the Chop Shop. Bobby said that they will keep him around as long as they believe that he has a secret veto. Bruno said that they need to play it cool but Zach is still target number one.

11:00-12:00 PM: Bobby and Sarah had a quick chat. Bobby said that there is no need to talk game this week, as it is unanimous that Sindy will be going if she remains nominated. He said that she has a 1 in 6 chance of staying in the house this week. Bobby mentioned that Sindy should have laid low, rather than come back in to the house and blab about everything. Sarah told Bobby that she didn’t agree with what Sindy was saying when she tried to suggest that Bobby go on the block. She said that she left the room when it happened.

12:00-1:00 PM: Willow told Sarah that she will not use the veto if she wins it, because they will put Sarah up. Sarah said that she doesn’t want anyone using it. She said that Sindy dug her own grave. Sarah said that depending on what happens next week, she is wiling to call a house meeting and put it all out there. Sarah mentioned that everyone knows that the couples are together. Willow told Sarah that people freaked out when she just mentioned that Kevin is Canada’s player. Sarah didn’t know why Canada would have him nominate Brittnee and Naeha. However, she thinks that Kevin could be a saboteur, seeing as she thinks that he popped the balloon and was given a pin from Big Brother. She discussed that Kevin was in the diary room before and after that incident.

Sarah said that Canada is bored with the season since Zach is running every HoH except for Brittnee’s. Willow said that she is mad that he is not loyal to anyone and will not pick a side. Sarah said that she would nominate Zach and Kevin, nominating their girlfriend if they win the veto. Sarah said that the girls are essentially extension of their men now. Sarah pointed out that nobody would vote for Ashleigh or Pilar over their boyfriends, so they are playing the game for second place. Sarah and Willow discussed that they could fake a fight so that people do not assume that they are always talking game together when they speak. Sarah felt that “King Zach” would hold it against Willow if he sees Willow talking to her. They agreed that Willow could leave the room acting mad. Sarah told Willow that Zach is already trying to bring Godfrey back in, but Godfrey is smart and wants Zach and Ashleigh split up.

Sarah told Godfrey that they are on the outside, along with Brittnee and Sindy, because the Chop Shop is now working with Kevin and Pilar. Sarah said that Bobby and Bruno need to know that the plan to backdoor Bobby was legit and that they will be targeted. Sarah mentioned that they can do much right now, but she said that if they win the veto next week she is willing to call a house meeting and tell everyone everything that she knows. Sarah told Godfrey that if the big alliance attempts to bring him in he can go along with it, but don’t throw her under the bus. Godfrey said that he would never sell her out, because he would rather play the game with the girls. They agreed that Bobby and Bruno must realize that they need them for numbers, so sending them home first is dumb. Sarah also said that Bobby having a secret veto is going to make him a target now that everyone knows about it.

1:00-2:00 PM: Godfrey and Sindy discussed that Sindy is the target this week. Godfrey said that he wont even BS her about that like he did with Jordan. Godfrey told Sindy that she has his vote if he gets off of the block. He figured that Brittnee and Sarah would also keep Sindy, while Sindy thought that she could possibly get Willow. The problem is that Sindy anticipates that either Brittnee or Sarah would go up in Godfrey’s place, eliminating one of her votes. Both agreed that Godfrey has a better chance of surviving if on the block against a replacement nominee. Sindy threw the idea out there that Godfrey could use the veto on her. Godfrey played along and said that he would honestly consider it, though he would have to talk to some people first. They discussed sticking together if they make it through the week. Sindy said that she does not trust Bobby at all. Godfrey said that she is right to, since it seems like Bobby wants her out. Sindy said that she will call Bobby out if he wins the veto, telling him that he is her target. She also believes that Bobby is lying about having a secret veto. Sindy explained to Godfrey that Bobby claimed to find one while in the vault, only telling her after the timer had run out. She said that Bobby told her that he did this so that she would not push the button.

Sarah and Brittnee chatted in the have-not room. Sarah said that Ashleigh and Pilar are delusional if they think that they will win at the end over their boyfriends. She also said that it’s not like they can even take each other to the end, because they wont be able to beat the guys in the competitions. Sarah mentioned that after Sindy revealed the Chop Shop, Ashleigh spoke to Pilar and made Willow leave the room when doing so. Therefore, Sarah figures that what Ashleigh did is tell Pilar that the alliance did exist but now she is with the couples alliance over the Chop Shop. Sarah explained that Sindy blowing up the Chop Shop was bad for their game, because Ashleigh and Zach were never considerations to go up. That only left Bobby and Bruno, who Sarah feels that they need for their game. Sarah again brought up that Kevin popped the balloon early on in the season. They discussed that he seems to sabotage everything. Sarah told Brittnee that this week they are not in a good position to protect Sindy, because she lied so hard. Sarah pointed out that Sindy is the only person that they have to worry about winning the veto. Even if Godfrey wins and they go on the block, Sarah said that they need to remain calm and they will stay over Sindy.

2:00-3:00 PM: Godfrey spoke to Bobby and Bruno about his chat with Sindy. Godfrey laughed and said that Sindy is telling people that Bobby has a secret veto that he said he found during their final minutes in the vault. Bobby said that it’s true and he did tell her that and he knew there was a risk in telling her because it would get around the house. Bobby apologized for not telling Godfrey about it, saying that he isn’t really supposed to talk about what happened in the vault. Bobby said that he assumes that the whole house knows about the veto at this point. Godfrey suggested that Bobby convince people that the secret veto is not real. Bobby that he doesn’t want people to think that he is lying and then think that he is a liar. He said that he may have to fess up about the veto and roll with it. Bobby said that the house would call BS if he claims not to have the veto, so he may have to admit to having it. Bobby told Godfrey that he understands that he probably wants to use it on him, but he selfishly has to keep it for himself. Godfrey said that Bobby doesn’t have to use it on him if he has the votes. After Bobby left, Godfrey asked Bruno if he knew that Bobby has a veto. Bruno said no. Godfrey said that he may or may not have it, but it seems like he does. They wondered why Bobby would tell Sindy.

3:00-4:00 PM: Godfrey told Kevin that he took one for the team by going on the block. Both guys agreed that they need to do whatever they can to win veto. Godfrey said that the information that Sindy gave them yesterday is legit. Kevin agreed. Godfrey then brought up the secret veto. Kevin said that apparently Bobby has one. Godfrey said that Bobby just confirmed to him that he does have it. Godfrey told Kevin that the Chop Shop is still loyal to each other, so don’t forget that even though they are bringing Kevin and Pilar in. Godfrey said that they are now scared of Pilar because she has been near the top in every competition. Godfrey told Kevin that he trusts him and Pilar more than the others since they were not part of an alliance.

Willow told Ashleigh, Kevin and Pilar that she really wants to win the PoV so that she can say something clever to say when not using it and sealing Sindy’s fate. Willow said that Sindy was so mean to her, questioning if she even wants to be there cause she is not playing the game. Willow was also irritated that Sindy tried to blame her for voting Jordan out. Willow noted that Sindy came to her last night and owned up to some stuff that she had said about her, though not all of it. Pilar told the others that Sindy’s pitch had a lot of truth behind it but Sindy doesn’t realize that the Chop Shop is no longer a thing.

Ashleigh told Pilar that whoever remains out of Sindy or Godfrey will likely be next week’s target. She said that they will need a pawn to go up next to them and the natural choices would be Brittnee or Sarah. However, Ashleigh said that she would like to propose to Bobby and Bruno that one of them goes up as a pawn in order to make it seem like the Chop Shop doesn’t exist. Ashleigh would explain to Bobby and Bruno that it could make it more likely that people will gun for Kevin and Pilar since they believe that the couples alliance is the alliance that is actually real. Pilar asked Ashleigh who the bigger threat is between Sarah and Brittnee, as she may need to name a replacement nominee. Pilar felt that it’s best to keep Brittnee around longer since Sarah is a bigger comp threat. Ashleigh thought that they were both similar in comps but Sarah has the better social game. Pilar threw Willow’s name out there as a pawn. Ashleigh said that she would not go home and it would be Pilar taking a stab at the Chop Shop. Pilar felt that it could be the smarter move to nominate Willow if veto is won. Ashleigh pointed out that Willow would break down and the week would be brutal.

11:00-12:00 AM: Feeds returned and we found out that Godfrey won the Power of Veto. Sarah advised Sindy to be as honest and forthright as she has been in her entire life. She told Sindy to say that she did what she thought that she had to do, stirring the pot a little bit. Sarah said that the others will see her as a person again now that she broke down. Sarah pointed out that she feels like Ashleigh and Zach don’t like Bobby, plus he apparently has a secret veto, so push for him to go up. Bruno could then go up if Bobby does use a secret veto. Sarah told Sindy to do what she has to do and not worry about if she goes on the block, cause she thinks that she will have the votes anyway. Sarah said to point out that Bobby and Bruno are coming after them, which is why they kept Godfrey, so they can gain an extra person (Sindy) on their side if they save her this week. Sarah also suggested that Sindy say that they can break up the group that voted to evict Jordan by sending Bobby out, which leads to Brittnee and Sarah running back to the other side.

Bruno told Zach that it doesn’t really matter who goes up, seeing is Sindy is going home 1000%. Zach called Sindy poison. He then pointed out that Sarah began scheming as soon as the competition ended. Bruno called her poison. The guys discussed that they never talk game with Sarah, only talking to her on a personal level. Bruno said that Sarah is a good talker and is good at making up stories. Zach said that she is good at framing things from your perspective in order to make things believable. Bruno said that supposedly Sarah can’t stand Willow. Zach said that it’s good for them, since Willow is the one person that might have been able to be pulled over. Zach suggested that he, Bruno and Bobby sit down with Godfrey this week and try to reel him in. They discussed that it makes no sense for the guys to go after each other while the girls target them and let them pick each other off. Zach said that he would nominate Brittnee and Sarah if he wins. Bruno said that he would do the same. He said that Sarah is all poison and doesn’t need to be there.

12:00-1:00 AM: Sarah informed Brittnee that she advised Sindy to push for Bobby to go up. She also mentioned that an argument could be made that Bobby’s secret veto needs to be flushed out. Sarah said that she suggested that Sindy bring Zach, Ashleigh, Pilar and maybe Kevin in to the room to discuss this. She also told Sindy to say that she would be theirs if this happens. Brittnee said that she is not getting her hopes up. Sarah said that it might work since they have to be worried about Bobby and Bruno. Sarah pointed out that they need Sindy for a number and because she is good at competitions. She also mentioned that she does not trust Bobby and Bruno.

Ashleigh and Zach discussed the plan for next week. Ashleigh said that the obvious move is Brittnee and Sarah but there are other things to think about. She said that if you nominate those girls together they will definitely be after the Chop Shop. Ashleigh therefore suggested that they could try to hide it by nominating Bobby or Bruno alongside Godfrey, targeting Godfrey. Zach said that she could float the idea out there to Bobby and Bruno about one of them going up to take the heat off of the alliance. Zach mentioned that they could always just take out either Brittnee or Sarah, since it only leaves one of them coming after them and they will be after them anyway. Ashleigh said that Godfrey will be after them too. Zach felt that it’s possible to convince him to do something else. He said that Bruno thinks that they can pull Godfrey in. Ashleigh said that they are underestimating Godfrey and he may outwit them. Zach said that’s why it would be ideal that one of the others wins and takes Godfrey out.

Ashleigh told Zach that when it comes down to it she is choosing Kevin and Pilar over Bobby and Bruno. Zach asked why. She said that’s where her loyalties lie. Zach said that he agrees with her. Zach told Ashleigh that they need to promote Bobby and Bruno as a couple, cause if the two of them are being paired together then Bobby and Bruno should be too. Ashleigh told Zach that he is way more at risk than Kevin is now. Zach agreed but said only if three people win HoH. He pointed out that they are back by the Chop Shop, while Kevin and Pilar are not. Zach said that they will have both sides voting to keep them unless Bobby and Bruno are just playing them. Ashleigh thought that there was no chance of that. Zach said that they could be ever since they flipped the vote. They agreed that Willow is someone that is loyal to a fault, which they can use to their advantage.

1:00-2:00 AM: Bobby talked to Ashleigh and Zach about the replacement nominee. He said that Brittnee is already expecting that it will be her. Zach wondered who Brittnee and Sarah would go after. He figured that it would be either him or Ashleigh. Willow joined them and said that Sarah is saying that the replacement nominee will draw the lines, as she will be able to see if it’s not someone in the Chop Shop. Bobby, Bruno and Zach said that it makes no sense and that Sarah is going to believe that the Chop Shop is together regardless.

Ashleigh went to Pilar and mentioned that if she is comfortable nominating Bobby she could do that and take some attention off of the alliance, while still keeping him in the house. Pilar said that she would only do that if Bobby was okay with it. Ashleigh asked if she is leaning towards that. Pilar said that she is leaning towards nominating either Brittnee or Sarah. Pilar mentioned that she needs to nominate someone that will be 100% safe, cause Sindy needs to go. Ashleigh assured her that whoever she puts up will be safe. They discussed getting together as a group tomorrow to talk things over further.

Bobby, Bruno and Zach discussed Zach’s plan to talk to Godfrey in order to try to reel him in. Zach said that they can propose a gentleman’s agreement where they don’t touch the block during the double eviction that they expect to take place this week. Bruno and Bobby said that they like that idea. Bruno said that Willow is getting really close to Sarah. Zach and Bobby felt that they grew apart since they were on opposite sides of the last vote. Zach said that Willow’s cards have never been exposed and she is floating down the middle, which is fine but they need to be able to count on her. He said that they need to keep Willow tight. Bruno pointed out that Willow was exposed in the girls alliance and does seem close to the girls. He suggested that she is pretending to be close to them but will jump to the girls if she gets the chance. Once the talk wrapped up, Bruno told Bobby that Zach is still going in the double eviction.

Bobby and Bruno told Willow that they are wondering who Sarah would go after. Willow said that they should be good and that Sarah would likely go after Zach and Ashleigh. Willow said that Sarah, Brittnee and Sindy believe that there is a couples alliance. Willow asked if the guys think that there is a couples alliance. Bobby and Bruno said that there could be because they are close. Bobby said that he feels that the Chop Shop is still the priority for Zach and Ashleigh because they would like to have the other couple broken up to give themselves a clearer path to the end. Bobby said that he is on board with the Final 7 deal. Bobby, Bruno and Willow agreed that the three of them have to look out for each other. Bruno pointed out that if they were up against Ashleigh, Ashleigh would have votes from Zach, Kevin and Pilar. Willow asked if either Brittnee or Sarah are going to be the replacement nominee. Bobby and Bruno said that they think so.

2:00-3:00 AM: Sarah, Brittnee and Sindy had a chat about the plan for the week. Sindy said that she knows that she is going home but at least she made a big move before leaving. Sarah told Sindy to play it cool because it’s possible that someone other than one of them will go up if the others are trying to throw them off. Sarah advised Sindy to go talk to the couples before the veto ceremony and be very nice and come clean about things. She said that Sindy can tell them to use this opportunity to take out one of their threats instead of the girls that they cream in competitions if they try. Upstairs in the HoH room, Ashleigh told Pilar to go with her gut, so if her gut is saying to nominate Brittnee then do it. Pilar said that she already drew the line. Earlier, Ashleigh had mentioned to Zach that Pilar seems to be leaning towards nominating Brittnee. He said that that’s good for them, since Brittnee is an emotional player and may hate Pilar and go after her, as opposed to them, because of it.

Pilar asked Ashleigh what is best for the four of them in terms of the replacement nominee. Ashleigh said that Sindy is for sure going home, so whoever goes up is strictly a pawn. Pilar said that a good reason to nominate Brittnee is that Sarah would never turn on her to save Sindy. Ashleigh told Pilar that she can say that her reasoning for nominating Brittnee is that she is a good pawn because the people that flipped on Jordan last week will not flip on her. Pilar said that she will never forgive herself if Brittnee goes home. Ashleigh continually assured her that Sindy will go home. Pilar said that she wants to talk to the group of seven tomorrow to ensure that they will keep Brittnee. As of now, she said that her plan is to nominate Brittnee. Ashleigh mentioned that sometimes she wonders about the possibility of Bobby lying about the secret veto because he is scared that she and Zach were drifting away. Pilar asked if they should try putting him up. Ashleigh said that they will talk to the boys about it tomorrow. Ashleigh said there would likely be strict rules about talking about the veto, either allowing you to talk about it or punishing you if you talk about it at all. Ashleigh said that it may be Bobby’s way of holding the Chop Shop together.

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