BBCAN3 Day 44 - Kevin Wins the Power of Veto

May 1, 2015

10:00-11:00 AM: Feeds were down for the players to be picked for the veto competition. Kevin, Bobby, Brittnee, Ashleigh, Pilar and Sarah will be playing. Sarah said that she feels bad for Godfrey on a personal level, seeing as he was not picked to play in the veto competition, but he figured that she would be the replacement nominee had Godfrey chosen to use the veto. Sarah told Brittnee that she trusts Willow way more than she trusts Bruno. Sarah pointed out that Bruno has not given them much information at all. Brittnee said that she does not trust Willow. Sarah told Brittnee that Bruno would try to get them to keep Bobby over her, but even Willow told her that they may be losing Bobby this week. She also mentioned that Willow comes back and tells her everything that is discussed in her conversations with the other side. Sarah said that she gets that Brittnee doesn’t trust Willow, but she needs to start not trusting Bruno and Bobby. Brittnee said that of course she doesn’t trust them. Sarah again said that Willow would have her back before Bruno would, as the smart move for Bruno would be to keep another threat in Bobby. Sarah said that she doesn’t trust Godfrey at all, cause he has already been throwing them under the bus. Sarah said that Godfrey needs to go up and go home, even though she would love for Bobby to go. The problem with that is Sarah said that Bruno is playing both sides and would come after them if Bobby goes.

11:00-12:00 PM: Sarah went to Willow and told her that Bruno is pissed off cause he thinks that she is up Zach’s ass again. Sarah told Willow not to let on that she knows. Just like she discussed with Brittnee, Sarah told Willow that Bruno is the one that they cannot trust cause he hasn’t given them any information. Willow said that they have to watch who they talk to now. They agreed only to tell each other stuff. Willow said that Bruno was questioning her about whether or not the plan was to take Bobby out or if they wanted to put him up, though she told him that they have not said anything about that and want Godfrey out. Willow said that Zach told her that they are not backdooring Bobby and that Godfrey has to go first. Sarah told Willow that if she wins the veto she will have to take Brittnee down, even though Bruno will not be happy about it.

Bobby joined Sarah and Brittnee. He asked if Godfrey is for sure going to go up. Willow said that’s what she has been told. Bobby said that he is scared that it will be Bruno. Bobby told Sarah that he is fine with her using the veto on Brittnee if she wins. Sarah said that Godfrey is a liability to them and he needs to go. Willow assured Bobby that Godfrey will go up no matter what. Bruno, Sarah and Willow then discussed potentially trying to get Kevin to nominate Zach as the replacement nominee. Sarah said that it would have to be Bruno that approaches Kevin with the idea. She pointed out that it is quite risky. Bruno agreed, saying that it’s a big risk but could be a big reward. Sarah said that she could phrase it to Kevin that now may be the only time do it and that he needs to consider all of his options. Sarah also mentioned telling Kevin that he would have Ashleigh, Pilar and herself on his side, with the potential to pull in Bobby and Bruno.

12:00-1:00 PM: Brittnee told Sarah that she asked Ashleigh what she would do if she won the veto. She said that Ashleigh told her that she may use it on Bobby because Bobby may go home. Sarah said that the real reason why she would do that is because they are in an alliance together. Sarah said that Bruno is freaking out that he will go up next to Bobby. Sarah told Brittnee that there is no way that she would leave the only person that has been loyal to her on the block in order to pull Bobby down instead. Willow then joined them. Sarah asked if Bruno will be pissed if she uses the veto on Brittnee. Willow said who knows. Sarah said that there is no way that Bruno would go up next to Bobby, cause they are too scared to do that. Sarah said that all of the guys in the house are so paranoid. She said that they cannot leave Godfrey alone with any of them. Sarah said that eventually they will have to pull in Ashleigh and Pilar. Sarah said that they would have no choice but to join them if the other guys take out their boyfriends.

1:00-2:00 PM: Godfrey told Bobby and Bruno that all he can do is watch now as all three of Zach’s lap dogs are competing. Bruno told Godfrey that you never know what can happen. He said that it may be a Diamond Power of Veto and then someone like Zach could even go up. Bruno pointed out that Zach is gone the second that he sits on the block. Bruno told Godfrey that he will work for him but he wants to wait until after the veto competition. Bruno suggested that Godfrey tell Kevin that Zach has been trying to backdoor him for weeks. Godfrey said that he already told Kevin that but he doesn’t think that he gets it. Bruno said that after the veto competition he will point out to Kevin that this is the chance to get Zach out without letting him have a shot at taking himself off of the block.

2:00-3:00 PM: Bruno and Godfrey continued to chat. Bruno said that Zach would still have Ashleigh and Pilar, even if Kevin was out of the house. Bruno believes that Ashleigh and Pilar are the tightest pair within the couples alliance. He is unsure of how in Kevin really is with that group. Bruno said that he thinks that they can pull in Kevin or maybe Ashleigh if Zach goes. He suggested that Zach leaving would shatter everything. Godfrey said that Zach is their leader and tells them what to do. Bruno agreed and said that they need him and the alliance would shatter without him. Sarah and Willow are aware that everyone else realizes how much time they have been spending together. They discussed that it may be necessary to throw each under the bus a little bit or even stage a bit of a fight. Willow told Sarah that they have to keep playing both sides, creating pandemonium. Willow said that Sarah is better at manipulating people, but she is good at relaying information in between everyone. She suggested that they need to ensure that Zach is after Bobby and Bruno, while Bobby and Bruno are after Zach. Sarah said that Bruno is mad that Willow is playing both sides because he too is playing both sides. Willow said that Zach tells her stuff but won’t tell Bruno. Sarah said that she is continuing to try to get Brittnee to trust Willow. Willow didn’t understand what the issue was.

11:00-12:00 AM: Feeds returned after the veto competition. Kevin won the Power of Veto and also won a $10,000 prize, possibly spending money for The Brick. Willow told Sarah that they need to sit down and decide who needs to go first out of Zach and Kevin. She mentioned that Kevin is doing so well in the competitions. Sarah said that she would put them both up and see what happens. Sarah also said that Bruno is throwing her under the bus, so she said that all four of those guys need to go.

12:00-1:00 AM: Bobby told Bruno that he knows that Godfrey staying would be better for their game but it would be pissing off both sides of the house if they kept him. Bruno said that it’s not necessarily true if Sarah and Willow are keeping him, but Bobby said that they would not do it. Godfrey then entered the room and told Bobby that he thinks that Kevin will use the veto on Bobby for sure. Bruno asked how Godfrey felt. He said that for all they know Kevin may keep his word and actually nominate Sarah. Brittnee, Sarah and Willow were the next ones to talk things over. Brittnee asked the girls if they think that the guys still want to get Godfrey out. Sarah said that that’s what Zach told her tonight. Sarah couldn’t understand why Zach and Kevin would want to leave Bobby and Bruno in the game. She wondered if they think that they are so good that Bobby and Bruno are actually buying in to what they are saying, going with the “Final 7”.

Brittnee and Sarah were also confused as to why Kevin would use the PoV on Bobby when Bobby has a secret veto of his own. Brittnee and Sarah said that Kevin should be trying to force Bobby to use his own veto. Sarah figured that Zach must think that Bobby would actually use it on him or on Ashleigh. Sarah asked Brittnee if she thinks that she will go up next to her. Brittnee said that she would like to say no but she does not trust the others. Sarah said that she is going to snap on everyone is the goes on the block. Brittnee said that she would go off too, though Sarah told her not to. They discussed that Kevin has no backbone in the game. Sarah said that for such a superfan he is not doing anything. Willow rejoined the girls. Sarah asked Willow why she can’t look at her. Sarah said that she is going to kill everybody. Willow told her that she needs to calm down and asked if she is being paranoid. Sarah is concerned that Zach told her that she and Brittnee are in a good spot. Willow said that he may have been trying to make her feel good, not paranoid. Sarah also pointed out that Willow was supposed to come talk to her earlier and that Bruno is normally talking her ear off.

1:00-2:00 AM: Sarah told Bobby that she is paranoid. He told her not to be, because Godfrey is going up on the block. He also mentioned that if Godfrey goes up they will have the votes to keep Brittnee no matter what. Sarah said that she is glad that they touched base, as she feels better now after hearing that. Sarah and Willow continued to chat. Willow is concerned that Brittnee would nominate her, especially if she needed a pawn. Sarah told Willow that she would not let that happen, Brittnee wont win anyway and that Brittnee would be a hypocrite to use a pawn. Later on, Sarah said that it’s a good thing that she didn’t win the veto, because using it on Brittnee could be bad for her game. They discussed whether or not it would be best to nominate Kevin and Zach together. Both considered that it may not be since one would win the veto, though it was mentioned that it would then make the decision for them in terms of which one needs to go. Willow said that Pilar could be used as a pawn, seeing as Ashleigh is more likely to be someone that they could work with.

Sarah and Willow agreed that Bobby is more loyal than Bruno is. Sarah said that she has been frustrated with Bruno of late. She mentioned that Bruno is saying that Willow is up Zach’s ass. Willow feels that Bruno is playing up his thumb injury for game purposes. The girls discussed that they are becoming emotionally attached to each other. They said that they need to act frustrated with each other and perhaps stage an argument. They then split up and headed inside. Godfrey told Sarah that he is going to try to talk to Kevin one last time. Sarah asked him what he is going to say. Godfrey said that he will tell Kevin to nominate Zach. He plans to explain that the only people that don’t want that to happen are Zach and Ashleigh. He said that it may not work and that he is likely going to be nominate, but it is worth a shot.

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