Celebrity Big Brother 2 Day 16 - Natalie decides not to use the PoV

January 31, 2019

2:00-3:00 PM: Natalie told Tamar that she isn’t going to use the veto. Natalie said there is no benefit to using it. Natalie claimed that she would only use the veto if Lolo or Tamar were on the block. They agreed that using the veto only benefits Kato and Tom. Natalie then spoke to Lolo and Ricky. She said it’s weird that Kato and Tom haven’t tried to talk to her about the plan for the veto ceremony. Lolo agreed that it was weird, particularly after how many talks they had a day ago. Up in the HoH room, Kato told Tom that he cannot see the girls coming to them and saying to nominate Ricky. Tom said they can just vote Joey out since Lolo and Natalie want that and it’s a good move. Tom said he is now set on the idea of it being good if they do not have to nominate anyone else this week. Tom said he will not be asking Lolo and Natalie to have a meeting with them. Tom explained that he already has every scenario mapped out in his head, so he wants the girls to get nervous that he is not asking for a meeting, then they will come to him.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds returned at 4:42 following the veto ceremony. Natalie decided not to use the Power of Veto. Joey and Kandi remain nominated. Tom made a comment to Tamar about how she thought that he was going to do something to her. Tamar said that’s because Tom said he was going to. In the storage room, Natalie told Tamar that Kato and Tom thought she was going to be a puppet. Natalie said that being stared down by them was not going to change her mind. In the bedroom, Tom told Kato that he was not expecting that to happen. Tom found Natalie’s comment about respecting the HoH’s decision to be a passive aggressive one. He said she didn’t even come talk to him beforehand. Tom considered publicly breaking up the alliance right then. Kato said he cannot have a knee-jerk reaction. The guys discussed that Ricky is acting right now. Meanwhile, Ricky was telling Lolo and Natalie that he would play it off as though he thought that they were supposed to nominate Tamar. Ricky then went to Kato and Tom. He questioned if the plan changed. Tom said they don’t know what’s going on. Ricky said he thought that they were supposed to backdoor Tamar. Tom pinned it on the girls for not coming to talk to them today. Ricky said they had a golden opportunity to get the power out of the game by nominating Tamar. Ricky said they have to get on the same page if they are going to be working together. He placed some of the blame on Tom, as HoH, for not talking to Natalie. Tom said he wanted to give them respect since they have the PoV. Ricky repeatedly said that Tom is the boss. Kato said there were plenty of opportunities for Lolo and Natalie to talk to them. Ricky revealed that he would like to vote Kandi out since since Joey is alone in the game. Tom said he would like to get input from the girls too. They all then agreed to meet in the HoH room.

5:00-6:00 PM: Ricky informed Lolo and Natalie that Kato and Tom are really confused and think that the girls were acting weird today. Ricky advised Lolo to play up that she was sick, and Natalie to say that she was waiting for the guys to come to her. Upstairs, Kato and Tom agreed that Ricky was acting and being fake in their conversation that had just ended. Everyone headed up to the HoH room. Natalie said no one talked to her today even though she was waiting out in the kitchen. Lolo took some of the blame, saying she was sick today and couldn’t do her usual job of bringing them together. Tom said he didn’t want to be coming to Natalie and telling her what to do when she is the one who won. Natalie said the veto ceremony was also earlier than she had expected. Tom said she could have whispered into their ears to ask what to do just before it started. Lolo and Natalie pointed out that everyone would have been there to listen. Natalie explained that Tom changing the plan so many times led to this confusion. Ricky said they have to trust each other and communicate in order for the alliance to be effective. Tom asked what everyone would like to do. Ricky again said that he would prefer to target Kandi. Natalie said she would like to evict Kandi as well, since Kandi has her name in her mouth. They agreed to think it over for the next 24 hours. Lolo and Ricky left the room. Natalie apologized for not talking to them beforehand. Kato said he thinks they had opportunities to do so, but he is not going to blame anyone. Once Natalie left, Kato said they are liars. Tom said they just watched a fun performance with Lolo, Natalie and Ricky each having their little story. Tom again brought up publicly ending their alliance. This time he said they could bang pots and pans while doing it. Kato preferred to wait until they have a backup plan. Tom thinks that Lolo, Natalie and Ricky have talked to Joey about working with them, which is why they are now wanting to keep him. Downstairs, Lolo, Natalie and Ricky concluded that Tamar has the power. Lolo and Natalie had been thinking that Dina had the power earlier in the day.

6:00-7:00 PM: Tom asked Lolo what she was trying to whisper to him during their meeting earlier. Lolo said she wanted to bring up that Tom had talked about wanting to keep Joey and potentially work with him, but that was said only in front of the four so she didn’t bring it up in front of Ricky. Lolo said she has been trying to feel him out and talk with him a lot lately. Tom said he likes Joey and he is glad that Lolo is now getting along with him. Lolo said she had to reevaluate that situation after the conversation with Tom. Lolo added that if Tom is still think Ricky has the power, and Joey doesn’t have anything against her, that’s someone who Tom can swing to. Tom asked Lolo to talk to Natalie and let him know what they are thinking.

7:00-8:00 PM: Kato told Tom that they are dead. He said he can sense it from Joey and from everything going on downstairs. Kato said he thinks that the whole house, except for Dina, is against them. Tom mentioned telling Lolo to start getting along with Joey more. Tom said it would be a complete disaster to throw Lolo on the block if all that she is doing is what he told her to do. Kato said he didn’t know that Tom had told her that. Tom said it’s possible that Lolo and Natalie couldn’t find them or they were waiting to be approached, given that they didn’t go looking for them like they normally do. Kato said the bad acting is throwing him off. Tom said the worst case scenario is that Joey, Ricky, Natalie, Lolo, Tamar and maybe even Kandi are all together. Kato said that’s the feeling that he was getting downstairs. Tom thinks that they can reel Joey back in even if he is with the others. Tom figure that they could reveal to Joey that he asked Lolo and Natalie to get along with him more because they were so set on evicting him. Kato said it’s blowing his mind that the girls want to keep Joey after being so against it a day ago. Kato said he was convince that they had a Final 4. Tom thinks that Ricky swayed the girls. Kato thinks it had to be by telling them that he has the power.

8:00-9:00 PM: Tom had the houseguests gather in his HoH room for a party. He asked Big Brother for some wine, and they gave it to him.

10:00-11:00 PM: After everyone left Tom’s HoH room, Ricky commented to Lolo that it was a nice party. Lolo agreed. Ricky said he still wants to get rid of Tom though. Lolo reassured Ricky that nothing has changed. Elsewhere, Tom told Dina that he will be seeing her on the outside since people are gunning for him now. Kato told Dina to trust no one but him and Tom. Dina brought up that Tamar has the power. Dina explained that Tamar appears to be a bit too confident. Tom then spoke to Kato about a plan to expose their alliance with Lolo and Natalie to Joey and Kandi. He said he can let them know that his plan all along was to target Ricky, not them. Kato wanted Tom to get a feel for whether or not Joey hates Ricky and the girls, because they are screwed if he no longer does. Kato said his gut is telling him that Lolo, Natalie, Ricky and Tamar are working together. When Joey asked to use Tom’s HoH shower, Tom went up to the room ahead of him to wait for him. Tom then let Joey know that he wants to talk. Tom said it was never his intention for him to go home, Tom revealed that he and Kato made an alliance with Lolo and Natalie. Joey said he figures that the goal was to knock out Jonathan and Ryan. Tom then said he never wanted Ryan to go, as his target was Ricky, and he wanted to backdoor Ricky this week. Joey questioned why Natalie didn’t take him off of the block. Tom said the girls double crossed him. Tom then explained that his plan was to have Joey come off of the block, but Lolo was upstairs yesterday telling him that Joey would put her up next to Natalie, so he has to go. Tom then talked about Ricky realizing that they had a strong alliance with Lolo and Natalie. Tom said Ricky is a strong player and knows about their four person alliance. Tom reiterated that Lolo was going nuts yesterday, saying she cannot backdoor Ricky, and Joey has to go. Kato came upstairs to inform Tom that Dina is outside opening up Ricky about everything, and Ricky is egging her on. Kato then spoke to Joey about the girls wanting to get rid of him. Kato said he does not trust Ricky at all, and now he is working on Dina. Kato said he has Dina, so he is not worried about it.

11:00-12:00 AM: Kato told Tom he trusts him, Joey and Dina. Tom said they can probably get Kandi and Tamar on their side too, potentially flipping the whole house against Lolo and Natalie. Meanwhile, Dina told Ricky she just heard that he is against her. Ricky said they are trying to make sure that she doesn’t vote to save him. Ricky asked Dina if she would vote against him. Dina said no. Dina brought up that she was upset about Kandi leaving her of the other girls. Ricky mentioned that Joey has been nice to Dina. Dina said he is an angel. Kato then pulled Dina aside. He told her that he isn’t even going to talk to her right now. Dina said she is ready right now, so it’s now or never. Kato brought up that he just finished telling her not to trust anyone. Dina claimed that she wasn’t giving Ricky any game info, but Kato said he had overheard her talking about the girls. Kato said he would give Dina more info tomorrow, but she wanted it right now. Kato let Dina know that Tom told him not to tell her this right now, and it will screw him over if she starts acting differently, but he had an alliance with Lolo, Natalie and Ricky. Kato said they now know that they are being lied to by those three. Dina said they wanted to be the fabulous five and she is just a pawn in their game. Dina told Kato that they should have known those three were lying when they ditched Ryan. Kandi entered the room. Dina confronted her about saying that she would vote her out. Kandi denied it and pointed out that Dina is the one who voted to evict hr. Dina claimed she knew that Kandi was safe, and she was lied to since they told her that it would be a tie vote. Kandi explained that that makes no sense, Ryan never would have broke a tie in her favour in order to evict Jonathan or Joey. Dina asked if Kandi is safe and still there right now. Kandi said it’s no thanks to her. Dina brought up that Kandi is now with the other girls. Kandi denied it and pointed out that she is always with Dina.

12:00-1:00 AM: Dina spoke to the girls in the bedroom. Kandi told her not to let Kato put things into her head. Dina brought up that she told the producers it should be girls against guys. Afterwards, Dina went up to the HoH room with Kato and Tom. They explained their side of the story in terms of what has been going on up to this point in the game. Kato told Dina that they want Joey to stay but the others think that they are voting him out. Downstairs, Ricky told Lolo, Natalie and Tamar that Dina is like a woman in an abusive relationship, in that she keeps going back to Kato and Tom because it’s the only love that she is getting in the house. Lolo asked Ricky what Joey is thinking. Ricky said Joey feels the same way that they do. He mentioned Joey saying that Kato was listening at the door while Dina was talking to the girls. Natalie said they have to stick to the plan, keeping Joey, and then they have to win HoH to nominate Kato and Tom. Joey came by to update Lolo, Natalie and Tamar on his conversations with Kato and Tom. Natalie asked for confirmation that Joey is definitely not with those two. Joey said reiterated that what he said yesterday is true.

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