Celebrity Big Brother 2 Day 17

February 1, 2019

10:00-10:30 AM: Tom spoke to Kandi to let her in on everything, just as he had done with Joey last night. Tom told Kandi that backdooring Ricky was his true plan. He also revealed the alliance that he had with Lolo and Natalie, which turned out to not be so solid after all since they didn’t even come talk to them about the plan for the veto. Tom told Kandi that her only shot at not facing an eviction vote is to find out who has the power and get them to use it on her. Lolo and Natalie were in the bathroom getting ready for the day. When Kato came by, Natalie said she walked in on Tom banging pots and pans at 5 AM. Natalie clarified that Tom wasn’t really trying to wake anyone up by doing it. Kato told the girls the good news for them is that he is 100% going to win the HoH. Natalie replied with “nice”. Lolo asked where this is coming from. Kato then added that they are safe. Natalie asked what that means. Kato said she wouldn’t be if someone else got it. Kato asked Natalie if she has ever gone to an acting academy. Natalie said she has not.

10:30-11:00 AM: Natalie told Tom that Kato is upset. Natalie said Kato basically just told her that she is not safe. Tom then called Kato to ask if they are going to talk about this now. Kato came by and said he didn’t like the fact that they were supposed to meet about the plan yesterday but Lolo was out cold. Natalie said she was in the bathroom with Kato multiple times, and he didn’t say anything. Lolo added that it’s weird how they talked to them so much the day before but couldn’t find them yesterday. Natalie pointed out that they then got blamed for it and were told that they are not safe. Tom said maybe they should talk about it privately. Lolo said she is over it. Lolo told Kato and Tom that she is not for this BS, as they could have came to her at any point yesterday. Kato then raised his voice and questioned if she has ever taken an acting class. Lolo said she is not an actor. Kato said he can read that. Lolo then got loud with Kato and Tom, saying they pick someone to piss off every single day. Lolo told the guys that they are making people who used to like them hate them. Tom walked away and said “we know what you guys did”. Kato and Tom headed up to the gym where Ricky was doing yoga. Tom straight up told Ricky that he has been trying to backdoor him for the last two weeks. Tom said Ricky probably knows that but they should get it out in the open so that they don’t have to fake it and pretend. Ricky said he wasn’t pretending. Tom then said he thought that they were in an alliance with Lolo and Natalie, and Ricky said no to joining it. Ricky denied that. He then walked out. When he came back, he called Tom a dumbass and said that Tom messed up everything. Back downstairs, Lolo told Dina she knows that her fight with Kandi last night was orchestrated by Kato and Tom. Dina said that’s BS. Dina said she was hurt by Kandi because Kato told her that Kandi wants her out. Dina explained that she was being lied to. Natalie entered the room. She told Dina that she is crazy if she is walking around with Kato. Natalie said Kato and Tom now have the whole house against them because everyone knows what’s up. In the kitchen, Tom said their interpretation of things is that the girls tried to make them think that they are in an alliance with them, but they saw through the lying. Natalie says the house sees Kato and Tom for what they are. Kandi told the girls that Kato and Tom said the plan was to backdoor Ricky but they didn’t use the veto, and they are sorry that she is in this position. Lolo said Tom changed his speech after initially telling them that he wanted to put Joey and Kandi up since they are threats, and he doesn’t want someone to not have a chance to fight for veto. Lolo said Tom then began talking about backdooring Ricky or Tamar.

11:00-12:00 PM: Off camera, Lolo was yelling at Tom, saying “you guys are pieces of sh*t”. Lolo mentioned that Tom cannot compete in the HoH competition. Tom said he will win the veto. Lolo said he is a terrible human being. Lolo then brought up that it was Tom’s decision to put Joey and Kandi on the block, then they are mad about Natalie honouring that decision. Lolo called Tom a psycho. In the gym, Kato told Tom that he wants to speak the truth about how it hurt when Lolo and Natalie sided with Ricky over their four. Kato said he is sorry about the blow up with Lolo. Tom was bothered by the remarks made about him, such as that he is a chauvinistic pig. He also doesn’t feel as though they have threatened people. Tom told Kato he thinks that it’s possible to get Tamar on their side. Ricky entered the gym. He said he is trying to do his yoga but Tom is stepping on his mats with his dirty shoes. Ricky said Tom has an HoH room that he has been bragging about, so please leave. Kato told Tom to stay. Ricky then said it’s disrespectful. Ricky asked Tom to have his friend leave with him. When Tom asked Kato to go, Kato said no. Kato said Ricky should be able to block everything out if he is who he says he is. Ricky then called Kato fake and said everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Ricky then left the room. Later, Kato attempted to speak to Lolo. When he entered the room, Lolo shouted for him to get out. Lolo asked Ricky to get him out. She then asked production to get Ricky to leave her room. Feeds cut.

12:00-1:00 PM: Natalie told Tamar she is so happy that she didn’t use the veto. Tamar pointed out that Lolo might have even went on the block, not because they want her out, to teach them a lesson. Natalie said they no longer have to fake the funk after this happened. Tamar asked how much Natalie trusts Joey. Natalie said she doesn’t know. Tamar said something doesn’t feel right to her. Tamar expects Joey to go back to Kato and Tom if Kato happens to win HoH. Natalie said Joey is the least of their worries right now. Tamar agreed. Lolo said everyone but Kato and Tom is the least of their worries at this point.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kato told Dina that they are going to vote to keep Kandi because they know that she is going to. Kato said Kandi will have to work on Tamar, because she will stay with his vote, Dina’s vote, Tamar’s vote, and Tom’s tie breaking vote. Kato explained that getting Joey out will remove a better athlete that Kato would have to compete against for HoH. Afterwards, Tom told Kato he is glad that he doesn’t have to talk to Ricky anymore. Kato said he doesn’t think that Lolo or Ricky will talk to them for the rest of the season. Tom said Tamar need to realize that she will be one of the first to go if Kandi leaves tomorrow. In the bedroom, Natalie told Lolo that no apology will make things better. She said she will be civil, but she has no desire to speak to Kato and Tom other than that. Lolo said she would have honoured the four if Kato and Tom had honoured the five. Natalie agreed. Lolo said this makes her believe that Kato and Tom teamed up with them just because they thought that they could beat them.

3:00-4:00 PM: Kandi asked Tamar if she is going to vote for her to leave. Tamar said no. Kandi thanked Tamar. She mentioned she was told that she will stay if Tamar keeps her since she has Dina’s vote and Kato’s vote already. Kandi added that Tom is going to break the tie to keep her there. In the bedroom, Lolo asked Ricky if he cares who goes. Ricky said not really. Natalie said she thinks they should keep Joey since he has a better shot at winning HoH. Ricky suggested pointing that out to Tamar. Lolo said she would like to honour what they agreed to with Joey. Tamar joined them. She told the group what Kandi had asked her. Tamar said she doesn’t know what to do. Lolo said Joey staying would increase their chances of getting Kato and Tom out. Tamar asked if the votes are there to evict Kandi if she doesn’t vote her out. Lolo said Tom will make sure that Kandi stays if that happens. Natalie said Kato and Tom have been in Kandi’s ear all day. Tamar said she is out then. That being said, Tamar did not want to ruin the progress that she and Kandi have made in their relationship while in the house. Ricky said he doesn’t think that Kandi will take it personally. Ricky said Kandi would have to make a deal with the devil to stay. Tamar said she will ask Kandi, then she will tell her that she cannot support her decision if she hears that Kandi is with Kato and Tom. Tamar said it changes everything if Kandi is on that side.

5:00-6:00 PM: Kandi told Tamar she doesn’t get how Lolo and Natalie can be having a conversations about backdooring Ricky and Tamar for a whole week but they are just now bringing it up. Kandi said she thinks Natalie didn’t use the veto because she wasn’t sure that Tom wouldn’t go ahead and backdoor Lolo instead. Tamar asked Kandi if Kato and Tom have told her that she will be on their team if she stays. Kandi said no. She said they explained that they are keeping her because Kato thinks he has a better shot at winning HoH over her than Joey. Dina joined them. Kandi reassured Dina that she doesn’t have to worry about her lying to her. Tamar told the girls she will tell the others that she is voting for Joey, cause she already told them that she doesn’t feel comfortable voting for Kandi. Kandi told Dina and Tamar that the three of them will have power if she stays. Kandi said they could always pull one of the guys. Tamar said she doesn’t trust Ricky. She also said she is not working with Tom or Kato. Kandi said they wont even have to do anything since they are already against each other. Tamar worried about what would happen if Kato wins HoH. Both Dina and Kandi told her that Kato would not put her up. Kandi said they will get rid of Lolo, Natalie and Ricky before her. Tamar told Kandi her roommates were telling her if Kandi doesn’t go this week, she has to go next week, but that’s not true. Kandi agreed, saying they would be nominating Kato and Tom next anyway. Tamar said she wont vote Kandi out, and they are just going to have to deal with it. Tamar said nobody is going to control her vote or control her, and she needs to look out for herself.

6:00-7:00 PM: Kato and Tom discussed how great it would be if Kato wins HoH. Kato asked if Tom wants Lolo to go first. Tom said he is fine with either Lolo or Natalie leaving. Kato said it would be hilarious to hear their final pleas. Kato said the other side would be smart to get Joey out themselves. Tom said they might vote him out then. Kato wondered what benefit there is to them keeping Joey. He couldn’t find one. Tom brought up that Lolo wanted him out so badly a day ago. Kato thinks they must have done something major with Joey, which is funny to him since Joey was telling them not to trust those two girls. Tom said he never trusted them.

8:00-9:00 PM: Tamar approached Joey. She told him that Kandi wants her to vote for her to stay. Tamar said she doesn’t think Kandi understands that this is a game and they aren’t there to sell girl scout cookies, but Joey voted her out last time. Joey said the only reason he did that is that it he knew it would be a 6-1 vote. Tamar said she feels like Joey is an excellent person. If she votes to keep him, Tamar explained that she would want to know that she would have an ally in him. Tamar asked Joey if he would consider being an ally for her to the end. She said she will take Joey with her. Joey said of course. The two clarified that they are being serious. Tamar later spoke to Kato to ask what the pounding on the table meant when he did that earlier during the confrontation with Lolo. Kato said it was done to get a reaction from Lolo. He said he reacted to something, which was being betrayed. Kato said that’s unacceptable for someone who is reading the bible every night. Kato claimed that he only hit the table once to emphasize a word, though Tamar said it happened multiple times in a row.

9:00-10:00 PM: Tamar told Lolo and Natalie that Kato said he pounded on the table to get Lolo’s attention. Lolo and Natalie said her attention was already on Kato since it was a one on one conversation at that point. Tamar said Kato also lied by saying that he only hit the table once. Tamar said it’s not cool for a dude to do that. Tamar told the girls that Kato said all they had to do was say they were in another alliance. Natalie brought up that Kato betrayed Tamar by telling her that she was safe and then putting her on the block, so he shouldn’t be talking about betrayal. In the lounge, Lolo revealed to Tamar that Kato wanted to say “you look like Miss Cleo, so you should have seen it coming” when he nominated Tamar. Tamar said that’s a racist comment. She assumed he made that comment due to the head wrap that she wears at times.

10:00-11:00 PM: Tamar confronted Kato, saying he constantly says derogatory thing towards her. Tamar said it’s unacceptable. Kato apologized. Tamar said it’s beyond an apology because it’s unacceptable to speak to and about her in that manner. Tamar let Kato know she thinks that he is pompous, racist and sexist. Tamar said Kato should be ashamed of himself. Tamar then headed to the diary room.

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