Celebrity Big Brother 2 Day 19 - Tamar nominates Kato and Tom for eviction

February 3, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Kato told Dina and Kandi he knows that he and Tom will be on the block, but he thinks that the smartest move for Tamar to make would be nominating Lolo and Natalie. Elsewhere, Tamar spoke to her roommates about the need to win the next HoH as well. Natalie said they have to win tomorrow so that they can nominate whoever stays between Kato and Tom. Tamar said Dina will have to go up too since she is with them.

11:00-12:00 PM: Tamar asked if they are going to accept that Kandi is not going to win anything. Natalie said Kandi is smart, so she is playing it safe by not ruffling any feathers. Lolo argued that Kandi ruffled feathers by giving Kato answers during the HoH competition last night. When Lolo explained what happened, Tamar pointed out that it wasn’t Kato’s turn at that point. Ricky asked who Kandi would have preferred to see win HoH between them and Kato. Both Lolo and Natalie said Kato. Tamar said Kandi was in her feelings yesterday but she thinks that she is back to normal today. They discussed that Kato needs to go before Tom. Meanwhile, Kato spoke to Tom about how it would be good TV if he won the veto and gave it to Tom. Tom said he had thought about the same thing but in reverse. Tom explained that it would be the best way to go out and it would let you get out of there three days earlier. That being said, Tom told Kato that he would get no greater happiness than watching Kato win the whole thing. Tom said he will not accept the veto if Kato tries to give it to him.

12:00-1:00 PM: Kato told Tom that he will be trying to win the veto since he doesn’t have it in him not to. Tom thinks it would make sense for them to put Lolo up and go after her if Kato wins the veto and he is playing it off as though he is down in the dumps. Kato said one of them will be going home no matter what. Tom argued that they could both survive if they play it just right. When Tom mentioned that Kato’s chances of staying could be better if he isn’t trying, Kato said he will be trying. Up in the HoH bathroom, Kandi discussed the trio of Lolo, Natalie and Ricky. She said Natalie is the most likely to get the jury votes, Lolo is very athletic, and Ricky is super smart. Tamar said it may be too early for that move. Kandi said if it doesn’t happen now, it’s not going to happen. Tamar told Kandi to trust her that Kato and Tom have both got to go. Kandi said she will end up on the block with Dina if that happens, then she will be gone if Dina wins the veto. Even looking past the next eviction, Kandi said she will be on the block with Dina if Tom wins the veto. While Tamar acknowledged that Kandi may go on the block, she said Kandi would stay.

1:00-2:00 PM: Lolo, Natalie and Ricky discussed whether or not they need to win the next HoH competition. Ricky initially said that they don’t need it as long as whoever stays out of Kato and Tom is not going to win it. He later brought up that Dina doesn’t trust Lolo or Natalie though. Natalie said Dina and Kandi would nominate her next to Lolo for sure. Lolo said she knows that Kandi doesn’t trust her since she questioned her about why she didn’t tell Tamar right away about the comment that Kato had made. Tom told Kato it’s frustrating that the edit will make everyone seem likeable. Tom doesn’t think that people will realize how badly they got screwed. He did mention that it might not be possible to edit around Lolo yelling at them like a maniac. Tom said Kandi winning the game would be a nice ending. Kato disagreed. He said that he would like to see Dina win.

2:00-3:00 PM: Tom told Kato that he wants to try hard in the veto competition because it will increase the likelihood of him being evicted. If he chooses to mail it in instead, Tom thinks that he would then be more likely to stay. Kato said he knows in his heart of hearts that he is the target. Kato said Tom will be staying unless he wins the veto. In the other bedroom, Ricky said they may have to win tomorrow’s HoH competition. Ricky said it would make him sick if Kandi were to win. Natalie reiterated that Kandi would put her and Lolo on the block. They agreed that they need to win everything from here on out. Natalie asked who they will be putting up if they win HoH. Ricky said he would ask everyone and then make a group decision so he doesn’t get blood on his hands. Natalie said it would be Dina or Kandi going on the block next to whoever survives tomorrow night’s eviction. Ricky said he is thinking about nominating Dina and Kandi, looking to backdoor whoever stays out of Kato and Tom. Tom told Kato that he is going to formally request that Tamar not be able to say anything untrue in her nomination speech. He advised Kato to do the same thing. Each of them went to the diary room not long after. After his diary room session, Tom told Kato to rest assured that it will be fine. Feeds went down at 2:24 for the nomination ceremony.

3:00-4:00 PM: Feeds returned at 3:11 following the nomination ceremony. Tamar nominated Kato and Tom for eviction. Tamar asked Kandi and Ricky why everyone was clapping. Ricky said he saw Kandi clapping so he started clapping. Kandi said she thought they were supposed to clap. In the HoH room, Tamar brought up that Kato needs to be the one to go tomorrow. Natalie agreed. Tamar pointed out that both of them could go this week if they play their cards right. Dina said she will leave the nominations the same if she wins the veto. Tamar said nobody is going to use the veto. Tamar asked who the pawn will be for the next HoH. When Natalie said they can talk about it, Tamar said it wont be her since she wont even be able to compete for HoH.

4:00-5:00 PM: The houseguests got a delivery of Mexican food. They also received cupcakes for the Super Bowl. The cupcakes were Patriots and Rams cupcakes. The houseguests previously were unaware of who was playing the Super Bowl.

6:00-7:00 PM: Tom told Kato that the reason to fight hard for the veto is it’s nice that they will have to put someone else up on the block. He later brought up that it would be silly not to use the veto on themselves if they happen to win it. Kato said it will be Dina who goes up 100% if they win the veto. If Kato wins HoH, he said he would have to put Ricky up. Tom suggested that Kato may have to think about it differently, since Ricky could use a strong competitor like Kato. Tom said Kato could quietly have a conversation with Ricky, win HoH, and make a deal with him that he wont nominate Ricky. Tom said Ricky would be able to thin the herd without getting any blood on his hands. Tom talked about letting Ricky tell Kato who to nominate, then Ricky gets the person he wants to go out of the house. Kato said he wouldn’t trust him. Tom said Ricky could use his charisma to convince people that Kato shouldn’t be the next target.

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