Celebrity Big Brother 2 Day 20 - Kato is evicted; Tom wins HoH

February 4, 2019

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, the veto competition took place. The veto players were Tamar, Kato, Tom, Dina, Kandi and Lolo. Lolo won the Power of Veto. At the veto ceremony, Lolo decided not to use the Power of Veto. Kato was evicted by a unanimous vote of 5-0. Julie revealed to the viewers that Friday night will be a live double eviction.

7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, Ricky congratulated Lolo on a job well done in the veto competition. He pointed out that they are off to a good start when it comes to winning like they said they needed to. Ricky asked Lolo who she is going to nominate if he wins HoH. Specifically, he asked if it would be Dina or Kandi nominated next to Tom. Lolo said she thinks that they have talked more about the latter of those two options. Natalie joined them. They discussed that Tom took a jab at Ricky after Julie revealed that the power has expired. Natalie said she bets that Tamar had the power. Lolo said she could see Tamar being America’s favorite because she is so funny.

8:00-9:00 PM: In the bathroom, Lolo and Tom talked things over. Lolo asked Tom to promise that he not go crazy again if he wins HoH. Tom said he has learned his lesson, and he isn’t even sure if he wants to win again. Tom claimed that it is so much nicer not having to deal with all of the responsibility of being HoH. Tom reiterated that his goal has always been to get near the end, as he was most concerned about leaving early. Lolo let Tom know that his HoH reign was crazy, making it hard for them to keep up with what he wanted. Lolo said they would have stayed true to the plan if not for that. Lolo pointed to the night that Tom was interrogating everyone about the power as a turning point. Tom said he thought that it would be a good TV moment to have him questioning people about the power. He added that he didn’t think people would take him so seriously. Tom said he wants to have fun, be nice to everyone, and not worry about winning for the rest of his time in the house.

9:00-10:00 PM: Lolo was asked how her chat with Tom went. She told Kandi, Natalie and Tamar that it was good. Lolo explained that Tom said he was going for a good TV moment when he was questioning people about the power. Natalie said it wasn’t funny. Lolo said she is just telling them what Tom said. Lolo acknowledged that Tom saying these things and telling her that he just wants to have fun is also gameplay. Lolo mentioned telling Tom that it would have been different had he handled things better, as he pissed off a lot of people by accusing them of things. At the end of it all, Lolo said nothing changes. Natalie agreed. Lolo later asked her roommates if they believe what Tom said about doing the interrogations to make the show funnier. Natalie, Ricky and Tamar all said no. Lolo said there is always a bit of truth in every joke. Tamar argued that Tom’s cockiness and power got to him. Elsewhere, Dina amassed Kandi who she will nominate if she wins HoH. Kandi said she would nominate Lolo and Natalie. Kandi then went to Tom to ask who he would nominate. Tom said he hasn’t thought about it yet. Kandi explained that Lolo, Natalie and Ricky are together, so you need to break up that trio before they become the majority.

10:00-11:00 PM: While the houseguests waited around for the HoH competition to begin, Lolo asked Natalie and Ricky if the plan is still the same. Ricky said he thinks that they should nominate Dina next to Tom, then put Kandi up if one of them uses the veto. Natalie agreed. They discussed that they need to win the competition even though they should have numbers if Tamar is with them. Lolo told Ricky she doesn’t want him to become self-conscious that only guys have been evicted up to this point. Ricky reassured the girls that he is not concerned about it, though he did say he would be if not for having them on his side. Feeds went down at 10:39 for the HoH competition.

1:00-2:00 AM: Feeds returned at 1:26 following the HoH competition. Tom is the new HoH. Lolo mentioned to Ricky that Tom will have his chance to make amends, which is what he wanted to do. Ricky said he might do so at the nomination ceremony.

2:00-3:00 AM: Natalie told Lolo that this was the worst case scenario. Natalie mentioned that Tom not having Kato in his ear will help him not be so manic. Natalie guessed that she and Ricky will be nominated. Lolo said if one of them win the veto she will get voted out. Lolo told Natalie that Tom has no chance against Kandi and Tamar at the end. Natalie questioned why they couldn’t pull him into their five. Lolo said they can definitely try. Later, Natalie told Tamar she thinks that Tom will either try to put Ricky up, backdoor Ricky, or nominate her next to Lolo. When Tamar asked what she is going to do about that, Natalie said she guesses that she has to win the veto. Tamar said Kato is probably happy that Tom is HoH, but he is going home right after. Natalie pointed out that it screws them no matter what since one of them is going home. Tamar said it hurts worse to see Tom at the end of the game. Lolo joined them. She said they knew Kandi was playing both sides but they understand why. Tamar asked if they are saying that Kandi threw it. Lolo and Natalie said she didn’t need to win. Tamar said she wishes she knew that they thought Kandi was playing both sides. Lolo and Natalie both stressed that they had told Tamar about that. Lolo said it’s frustrating that Kandi is doing this after they saved her. Lolo pointed out that Kandi will have no blood on her hands if she makes it to the end. Tamar argued that nobody is voting for her to win the game. The other two girls disagreed.

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