Celebrity Big Brother 2 Day 22 - Tom wins the Power of Veto

February 6, 2019

8:00-9:00 AM: First thing int he morning, Tom wished Natalie good luck in the veto competition. He said he really hopes that she wins it. Tom let Natalie know that he did want to tell her about the change of plans for nominations, but she didn’t want to talk to him. Tom explained that his mind changed because somebody else was so upset about being put on the block. Natalie said no worries. Natalie then let her roommates know what Tom told her. Lolo said he was probably talking about her. Natalie agreed. Lolo said he is a terrible human being. Feeds then cut. When they returned, Lolo said none of them are going to want to talk to Tom after this. Natalie said Tom doesn’t care. Tamar added that Tom didn’t come there to make friends. Lolo then ranted about Tom, saying she got mad due to their conversation because Tom talked about her not having health insurance and not having money to train for the Olympics. Lolo followed it up by saying “CBS, f*ck you for letting him say that”. Feeds then cut.

9:00-10:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. The veto players are Tom, Natalie, Ricky, Dina, Kandi and Tamar. Lolo is the only one who will not be competing. Natalie asked Tamar if she will save her if she wins the veto. Tamar pointed out that Lolo would then go up, so she asked what Natalie wants. Tamar suggested that leaving nominations the same would be their best bet. Natalie wondered if she would have the votes. Tamar said she doesn’t have a problem using the veto but she isn’t sure that the votes would be any different with Lolo on the block as opposed to Natalie. Tamar said she will play for Natalie since she would want Natalie to do the same for her.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds went down at 12:11 for the veto competition.

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned at 2:33 following the veto competition. Tom won the Power of Veto. Tom let Lolo know that he would like to speak to both her and Natalie tonight. In the bedroom, Tamar said she thinks that Tom will use the veto to put her up. Ricky said everyone knows that it’s his turn to go. Natalie then brought up that she is expecting Tom to do something crazy like saving Ricky, which Ricky disagreed with. Lolo, Natalie, Ricky and Tamar discussed that Tom is a beast in every competition.

3:00-4:00 PM: When Natalie said she thinks that Tom might backdoor someone, Ricky promised that he is the target. He told the girls to stop wasting their energy worrying about this week. Ricky thinks that Tom has made things personal, so he is not going to change his plan. When Lolo brought up that Tom said he wants to talk to her and to Natalie, Ricky suggested that they don’t speak to him. Natalie said she wont until Tom approaches her. Ricky advised against talking to him at that point as well. Tamar agreed. She said Tom has to go, as nobody stands a chance with him in the house. Natalie said she is going to win HoH so that she can nominate Kandi and Tom. While alone in the lounge, Tom spoke to the cameras. He revealed that he is considering using the veto on Natalie in order to put Lolo up and ensure that Ricky goes. Tom said the honourable thing might be for Ricky to ask his allies to vote him out. Tom explained that he would like for Ricky to leave unanimously so that they have some unity in the house. Tom called Ricky the strategic brains of that side of the house. Tom thinks he will have more control if Ricky is out of the house. In the kitchen, Tom told Dina and Kandi that they are a team and they support each other with their ideas. Dina said she will get Ricky out this week but she wants Natalie out next. She asked Tom if they have a deal. Tom said absolutely. Tom told Kandi that it would be nice to have a week of fun and win to finish off the season. Kandi asked if he wouldn’t rather have a week of fun with his best chance of winning. Tom said he thinks this move gives them the best chance, plus having fun is more important than winning. Tom explained that he wants the negative people to go, and he doesn’t want to keep those who stare people down.

4:00-5:00 PM: Tom let Kandi know that he is probably going to use the veto on Natalie unless he is totally confident that she will stay. Kandi told Tom that it’s a crazy idea and he is letting his emotions control him. Tom said Ricky is controlling the other side of the house, but Kandi disagreed. Tom told Kandi he has a feeling that she is not going to do what he wants her to do, so he is going to do something that will get his goal accomplished. Tom mentioned that there are some people who Kandi would not vote to evict. Kandi argued that others will vote those people out. Tom claimed that he can get Dina to vote with him, and then he can be the tiebreaker. Kandi said it sounds like a threat. Tom said the threat is coming his way, and he has been emotionally targeted for three weeks now, so he wants to enjoy his last week in the house. Tom said he will talk to Lolo and Natalie about working on their energy. When Kandi brought up that people don’t like threats, Tom said it’s unfair to use that word when it’s a game. Tom suggested that Lolo, Natalie and Ricky are all about equal anyway. He added that he has won more competitions than the three of them combined. Kandi said she and Dina are the ones competing next week, and she would rather compete against Ricky than Natalie. Tom then said that he can convince Lolo and Natalie to work with them. Kandi was not on board with that. She let Tom know that she and Tamar are cool. Kandi told Tom that the move seems personal, seeing as none of those three are fans of Tom’s. Tom said he believes that Lolo would work with them. Afterwards, Kandi told Tamar about her conversation with Tom. She said Tom wants Ricky out so he is thinking about using the veto on Natalie. Tamar immediately assumed that she would be going on the block. Kandi said the move is being made to force her to evict Ricky. Tamar told Kandi to vote her out, but Kandi said she is not going to do that. Tamar said she tried to warn Kandi about Tom but she didn’t listen. Tamar then let Lolo, Natalie and Ricky know that Kandi just said Tom wants to put her on the block. Tamar went to the kitchen to confront Tom. She asked if he wants to put her up so that Kandi will vote the way that he wants her to. She also asked if he is back to threatening people. Tom said she needs to stop using that word. Tamar told him to stop doing that BS. When Tom said it’s a game, Tamar replied by saying it’s not when you are threatening people. Feeds then cut.

5:00-6:00 PM: Tamar once again told Kandi she warned her about Tom but she didn’t want to listen. Kandi pointed out that Tom would have been there no matter what since nobody beat him in the competitions. Tamar explained that Tom wasn’t talking about either of them, since he was focused on the trio, but Kandi then continuously talked game with him. Tamar brought up that Tom cannot be using the threatening tactic every time. Feeds then cut.

8:00-9:00 PM: Kandi told Lolo and Natalie that she would hate to see Dina on the outs. She also said she would not be able to put Tamar up since they have been working on repairing their relationship. Kandi explained that it’s not that she had an alliance with Tom but she knew that he was not going to put her up. Kandi said she thought that Lolo or Natalie would put her up with Tom had they won, then she would have left if he won the veto. Natalie acknowledged that Kandi was doing what was best for her game. Lolo said they need to stop having Tamar as the middle man, because they need to communicate directly. Lolo let Kandi know that as much as she is saying that Tamar saved her, Tamar has also said to put Kandi on the block. Natalie said she would like for Kandi to keep her around, and then she will win HoH and they can roll with the girls as a five. Lolo asked if Kandi still wants to work with Tom. Kandi said she is not against him but she doesn’t like how he came at her and tried to force her hand. Natalie said that’s why she didn’t use the veto. Natalie told Kandi that they were standoffish towards her at the beginning because they shared a room with Tamar and did not want to get in the middle of their drama. Kandi said she already guessed that. Dina joined them. Natalie said she would appreciate it if they did not vote for her. Dina said she is not, and she already told her that. Kandi was honest that she had been thinking of voting Natalie out because she thinks that she is the better player. Natalie said she only needs Dina’s vote.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kandi let Dina know that all hell broke loose while she was sleeping earlier this evening. Kandi said when she was playing pool with Tom, he told her that he is thinking about using the veto on Natalie because he needs Ricky out of the house and he wants to ensure that they vote him out. Kandi said it’s not cool to put Tamar on the block, and it feels like a threat. Kandi brought up Tom saying that Ricky is not good energy, but she told him that it will not be good energy if he puts someone else up. Dina called Tom dumb, saying that they are all gunning for him anyway. Feeds then cut to a sleeping Ricky. Natalie later spoke to Ricky. Ricky said he will have a sliver of a chance if Tamar ends up getting put on the block. Natalie doesn’t think that Tom will use the veto now, because she thinks that Tamar scared Tom. Ricky doesn’t think that he will use it either but he said who knows. Dina, Kandi and Tamar entered the room. Tamar commented on how Tom has been hiding in his room ever since she confronted him. Feeds then cut.

10:00-11:00 PM: Dina teared up while talking to Kandi. She said she feels bad for Tom since he gets deep in his head and is stuck alone in the HoH room. Kandi said Tom is the one who started all of the craziness. Dina said that’s his personality. Kandi told Dina that Tom needs to stop trying to force everything, given that it’s a democracy. While Dina said she would not be acting like that, she said it’s a game. Dina thinks that Tom should leave the HoH room. Kandi said Tom probably got frazzled after Tamar cussed him out. Kandi added that Tamar went in on him hard. Kandi said it is not going to go well if Tom puts Tamar on the block. Kandi expects that Tom is now mad at her after Tamar went off on him. They discussed that Natalie is a great player. Kandi feels as though Tom is focusing too much of his energy on Ricky at the moment. Dina said all she knows is that the two of them need to stick together until the end. Kandi wondered if Tom will now turn on them because he is mad. Dina doesn’t think so.

11:00-12:00 AM: Dina said she doesn’t think they have an option which way to vote, because her and Kandi only have two votes. Kandi thinks that Tamar would vote Natalie out as well, but Kandi explained that that’s why Tom wants to put Tamar up in order to secure the votes. Kandi said she will tell Tom that she doesn’t appreciate his approach, but she doesn’t want them to have bad blood, so she will let him have what he wants this time even though she thinks that it is the wrong decision to evict Ricky. Dina talked about Ricky not being able to win competitions. Kandi again said that it is not the right choice. She thinks that Ricky is letting personal feelings take over. Dina asked if Tamar is good with Ricky. Kandi said she doesn’t know, and she was even second guessing herself too.

12:00-1:00 AM: Lolo told Natalie she honestly doesn’t think that Ricky is coming after her like she thinks. Lolo suggested that they are all too paranoid, and Ricky would be upstairs with Dina and Kandi right now if that was the case. Lolo said Ricky is a solid teammate and he has always been truthful to them. Natalie said it is out of her control. Lolo said Natalie needs two votes and she has her and Dina plus she likely has Tamar as well. After leaving the diary room, Tom headed back up to his HoH room where he spent nearly the entire night. He briefly left the room to go speak to Dina. He hugged her and let her know that everything is fine. Tom told Dina that she is safe. He explained that he is hiding out and he doesn’t want to talk to anybody. Tom said he is probably going to go hide some more and just sleep tonight. He asked Dina to not tell anyone that he talked to her. Dina asked if it is still Ricky. Tom simply replied that “everything is fine”.

1:00-2:00 AM: Tom, alone up in the HoH room, spoke to the cameras. Tom said his veto win gives him a lot of control over the nomination and eviction process. He said he has another move that he can make, which he will be making tomorrow in the veto ceremony. Tom admitted that his odds are not good at the moment, seeing as most of the house is now against him and will be gunning for him again once his HoH reign ends. Tom said there is one person not talking to him, four people giving him the cold shoulder, and two people that he would consider allies. Tom expects to be on the block next week and in need of another veto win to survive. Tom said Lolo, Natalie and Ricky made a big mistake by evicting Kato over him. Tom said he wont tell what he is planning on doing with the veto tomorrow, but it may be an interesting move since there may be more moves to make. Tom thinks that some of the houseguests have got so into the game that they have made it vicious and mean-spirited. Tom pointed to the victory dance won Tamar won HoH. He said he was embarrassed for them since it looked like an incredible display of poor sportsmanship. Tom said he made a decision after the veto competition. Tom explained that he is not leaving the room until the veto ceremony tomorrow. Tom said he is going to surprise some people with his decision making, as everyone believes that he is not going to use the veto tomorrow. Tom mentioned that nothing is off the table. Tom said the whole house is against him except for Dina. Tom noted that Dina has been very supportive. While he said Kandi has been supportive as well, Tom explained he now knows that she will walk down the hall and tell everyone on the other side everything within minutes. Tom then talked about being yelled at by Tamar because of what Kandi told her. Dina is the one person Tom said he trusts, if anyone.

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