Celebrity Big Brother 2 Day 23 - Tom uses the PoV on Ricky, nominates Lolo

February 7, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Tamar told her roommates that Tom hasn’t been seen all morning. She pointed out that he is still barricading himself up in the HoH room. Due to that, she believed that Tom would use the veto. Natalie didn’t think so.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds went down at 11:27 for the veto ceremony.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds returned at 12:25 following the veto ceremony. Tom used the Power of Veto on Ricky. Tom nominated Lolo as the replacement nominee. Lolo asked Ricky if he forgives Tom now. Ricky said he didn’t hold anything against Tom, and all he was ever asking him was to be real. Ricky told Lolo and Natalie that when you come to peace with things, good things happen. Ricky explained that he had come to peace with whatever, and it’s not too late for the girls to do the same. Lolo said she had come to peace with all combinations last night. The two got into a bit of back and forth after that. Elsewhere, Tamar told Kandi that Natalie will be going home. Tamar said it will be a battle for HoH. She plans to nominate Ricky and Tom. Tamar told Kandi that she had better do the same. Tamar was surprised that she didn’t go on the block. Kandi said she didn’t see this coming. Tamar believes that Tom didn’t put her up since he wanted to save face with America. Afterwards, Tamar headed to the bedroom. Ricky told her and Natalie that he will still be going after Tom if he wins HoH. Ricky believes that they are now even. In the kitchen, Lolo asked Kandi for advice. Kandi said Tom likes her a lot, and he put her up since he thinks that nobody would vote her out. Kandi let Lolo know that she has her vote, Dina’s vote, and Tom’s tie breaking vote at minimum.

1:00-2:00 PM: Tom remained in his HoH room where he went immediately following the veto ceremony. Dina made him a sandwich. Though Tom said he had enough food up there for days, she said he needs some real food. Tom mentioned that the ceremony worked out pretty good. Dina said she thought it was awesome. Tom said he is staying upstairs in order to give everyone a chance to breathe and have fun. In the bedroom downstairs, Ricky told Lolo and Natalie that he would like to talk to whichever one of them is still there after tomorrow. Ricky said this shouldn’t mean that they all have to break up. Ricky asked the girls if they would prefer for the vote to go to a tie, or if they are going to lobby for votes. Natalie said she isn’t going to lobby for votes. She said she didn’t want to put people in weird positions during her final 24 hours in the house. Natalie told Lolo she is fine with her doing whatever she wants, considering Lolo was just put on the block. Lolo said she respects that. Ricky let Natalie know that he would have expected her to lobby for votes had the nominations stayed the same.

2:00-3:00 PM: Natalie told Ricky that a lot of things he has been saying have been hitting her. She questioned why she should be counting herself out when she is there and playing to win. Natalie said she will not give up. Natalie then told Tamar that she loves Lolo but she wants to be there and she has been riding to the end with those who she has given her word to. When Tamar asked Natalie how many votes she needs, Natalie said she would need three since Tom will evict her if it’s a tie. Lolo returned to the room. She mentioned in front of Natalie, to Tamar, that she wants to stay and fight just like Natalie does. Meanwhile, Kandi asked Dina what she thinks about Tom’s decision. Dina said Tom listened to them. While Kandi said she was shocked, Dina said she wasn’t. Dina figured that Tom realized that Natalie is the best player other than himself. When Kandi said Tom is smart, Dina said no. Kandi asked if the two of them are smart, at which point Dina said she thinks so. Dina explained that they now have to be smarter. They discussed voting Natalie out. Dina then asked Kandi who gets in people’s heads the most. When Kandi didn’t give a name, Dina said Ricky. Dina suggested that Ricky still needs to be targeted.

3:00-4:00 PM: Lolo told Tamar she is torn because she knows how hard it was thinking about things even when Natalie and Ricky were on the block. Lolo wasn’t sure if she should campaign. She explained that she feels like she would be a bad person for doing it, but Natalie was already able to campaign while she was on the block against Ricky. Lolo likened it to running a race in which Natalie has a 30 meter head start. Tamar said she doesn’t think that Natalie has the votes. She informed Lolo that Kandi is not going to vote for Natalie. Tamar said she would talk to Dina and Kandi to find out. When Tamar spoke to Kandi, Kandi let her know that she and Dina are planning to vote to evict Natalie.

4:00-5:00 PM: Lolo and Natalie discussed that Tom lied point blank to their faces. Natalie said he will not be getting her vote if he makes it to the end. When Lolo asked who Natalie would vote for, she said she would give it to Dina. Natalie’s logic was that Dina stayed in it with younger kids, competing better than others including male athletes. Lolo liked that answer. She said Natalie is right. Natalie pointed out that Dina was able to to stay neutral and be nice to everybody as well. Natalie wondered who would win if it came down to Kandi and Tamar. Lolo thinks that Kato and Tom would vote for Dina. Natalie thinks that Jonathan, Ryan and Dina would as well. Lolo said it makes it easy for Kandi to win when she doesn’t have any blood on her hands. Natalie eventually changed the subject, asking Lolo if she wants her to take one for the team. Lolo said no, seeing as Natalie said earlier in the day that she planned to fight. Natalie said it’s different now that Lolo is on the block next to her.

5:00-6:00 PM: Lolo got emotional while talking to Ricky. She said Natalie told her that she doesn’t want to plead. Lolo said she is still going back and forth since Natalie had a chance to campaign prior to her going on the block, and she doesn’t want it come off as she doesn’t want to stay if she doesn’t campaign. Lolo voiced her frustration about not being able to play in the veto competition, and then being at a disadvantage when it comes to campaigning as well. Lolo talked about wanting to take Natalie’s feelings into consideration, since she considers Natalie a true friend. Ricky told Lolo that a true friend would not hold it against her if she chose to campaign.

6:00-7:00 PM: Lolo and Natalie discussed the position that they are in. Natalie said she is thankful and grateful for having met someone like Lolo. Lolo brought up not wanting to lose their friendship, at which point Natalie said that’s why she is to the point where she is okay with saying that she will go. Both girls agreed that they would rather know what’s going to happen beforehand as opposed to finding out when the votes are revealed. Natalie thinks that the others will vote how they want them to. Earlier, Lolo had brought up that it’s tough for her since she has nobody to go home to unlike the others who are married or have families waiting for them. Natalie acknowledged that Lolo is in a much tougher position than she is, considering she is going home to an empty house. Natalie let Lolo know that she would rather see her happy than campaign in order to stay an extra day. Lolo encouraged Natalie to pray on it. She said it would be too big of a gift for her to even process, and she does not want Natalie to feel that she has to do this. Natalie explained that it came to her and she would feel good about doing it for Lolo. Lolo advised Natalie to think about it some more to see if her mind changes by morning. Lolo filled Tamar in on their discussion. Tamar then questioned why Natalie would die on the sword for Lolo. Natalie said she feels bad for Lolo since she is going home to nothing and no one. Natalie admitted that she doesn’t want to leave, but she feels bad and thinks that Lolo would have the votes anyway. Tamar then told Natalie that she would prefer to have her stay since they have a different connection and Lolo is more likely to be swayed by Tom. When Natalie asked what Tamar would do in her position, Tamar suggested asking Dina and Ricky which way they are voting. Natalie went and did exactly that. Dina said she can’t give an answer right now since she is still in shock about them being on the block together. Ricky said he is 85% sure that he will keep Natalie, but he wants to talk to the others first. Natalie let them both know that she would prefer that it not go to a tiebreaker, and she would like to know what’s going on beforehand.

7:00-8:00 PM: Natalie reported back to Tamar about her conversation with Dina and Ricky. Assuming that she has Tamar’s vote, Natalie said she would need to get Kandi on board as well in order to avoid a tiebreaker. Tamar suggested that Natalie talk to her. Natalie went to find Kandi but she was sleeping. Natalie then came up with the idea of asking everyone what they are thinking when they sit down for dinner tonight. She thought it would be best to get it out in the open. Tamar understood. When Natalie ran the idea past Ricky, he suggested that she hold off since he preferred to talk to people some more first.

9:00-10:00 PM: Ricky told Lolo and Natalie that the only idea he has is that he and Tamar should split their votes since they have all been tight. Natalie brought up that Kandi has already said she is voting her out. When Lolo left the room, Ricky and Tamar discussed that they are leaning towards keeping Natalie. Natalie said she would still need another vote, which she doesn’t think that she can get. Tamar said she thinks Kandi is voting Natalie out. When Natalie left the room, Tamar and Ricky discussed that Dina and Kandi may have made a deal with Tom. If so, Tamar said she wants Natalie to stay. Meanwhile, Lolo and Natalie discussed what they would like to see happen. Lolo said she would understand if Natalie no longer wants to give up, and she wouldn’t blame her if that’s the case. Natalie admitted that she has been going back and forth. They agreed that they cannot give Tom the power to break a tie. Lolo suggested that one of them bows out, or else they go all out and campaign. They mentioned waiting until the morning to decide 100%. Natalie said the purpose of her coming on the show may have been to show America that two strong female athletes can work together and stick together even in a situation like this. Back in the bedroom, Ricky brought up that Lolo and Tamar have had their issues in the past. Tamar said she hadn’t thought about that, and she has to keep Natalie for that reason. On top of that, Tamar said she kind of wants to keep Natalie since Tom doesn’t want to. Tamar asked if they will still have a Final 2 if Natalie stays. Ricky confirmed that they would.

10:00-11:00 PM: Tamar headed upstairs to let Dina and Kandi know that she doesn’t see a benefit in evicting Natalie. Kandi said Natalie will get her out of the house if she stays. Tamar disagreed. Tamar focused on the idea that Tom needs to go next or else they will all lose to him. When Tamar said that Tom is a threat, Kandi disagreed. Tamar asked Dina and Kandi if they are basically the same vote. Dina said she isn’t sure which way she is voting yet. Kandi questioned Tamar about why she wants to keep Natalie. Tamar explained that they need her in order to get Tom out. Kandi said she has to give herself the best chance to win, so she wont put herself in a situation where she is done for. Ricky joined the conversation. He asked if Kandi would honour an agreement if Lolo and Natalie come to one, or if she is voting Natalie out no matter what. Kandi said she pretty much knows who she is voting for. Ricky explained his side of things that it would be beneficial to do what Lolo and Natalie want in order to remain on their good side in the event that whichever of them stays wins HoH tomorrow. Dina and Kandi remained set on evicting Natalie. Once the conversation wrapped up, Ricky and Tamar met up with Lolo and Natalie. They all agreed that Dina and Kandi have a deal with Tom. Tamar pointed out that Dina and Kandi both had attitudes during their conversation. In the parlour room, Kandi told Dina that Ricky and Tamar are trying to trick them. Both agreed that Natalie has got to go. Dina reminded Kandi that Tamar cannot be trusted. Dina hoped that they could pry Lolo away from the other side after how that side has been treating her. Back in the bedroom, Ricky and Tamar continued to go over their conversation with Dina and Kandi. Lolo started to pick up on the fact that they were pushing for Natalie to stay. When she asked if that was the case, Ricky and Tamar denied having done that. Tamar said she was just trying to understand their logic. Tamar told Natalie that Dina and Kandi basically said that they are voting her out. It was decided that Natalie will be the one to go, which Natalie was okay with. Lolo said the main thing that they need to do is have a common goal moving forward. She mentioned that going after Tom can be that goal. Ricky said he would like to get Kandi out as well. Natalie said Kandi will beat everyone in the Final 2. Ricky still thinks it would be best to get Tom out first, since nobody would take Kandi to the end if he is gone. Tamar said she wouldn’t have a problem nominating Kandi next to Tom. Ricky told her not to change her mind about Kandi. Tamar said she wont after what just happened.

11:00-12:00 AM: Lolo told Ricky that she is ride or die with him and Tamar. She said to let the other side think that she is cool with them, and then she can use that if possible. Dina headed up to the HoH room to fill Tom in on everything that transpired over the past couple of hours. She made him aware that the other side wants to keep Natalie. Tom said it wont matter as long as Dina and Kandi evict Natalie. Dina wants Kandi to realize that Tamar is not her friend inside of the house. Tom worried that Kandi could be a mole, seeing as she went straight to Tamar yesterday to tell her what he had said. Dina continually reassured Tom that Kandi is voting to evict Natalie.

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