Celebrity Big Brother 2 Day 8 - Joey is the replacement nominee

January 23, 2019

8:00-9:00 AM: Tamar wondered who Ryan would nominate if he has to choose a replacement nominee. Natalie said she doesn’t think that anyone else is going up, but Tamar disagreed. Natalie said it would seal Jonathan’s fate if Lolo or Tamar go up, since all of their votes will then go towards him. Tamar explained that she will openly gun for Kandi if she is on the block next to her. Ricky suggested that Tamar not bring Kandi’s name up anymore, as Tamar continued to dwell on the events of last night.

9:00-10:00 AM: Jonathan suggested to Ryan that they should ask the girls for their thoughts on the replacement nominee, seeing as they got mad when they weren’t talked to in advance of the last nominations. Jonathan thinks that the girls will want Joey to be nominated. Ryan didn’t think that it would be a good idea to nominate him. Jonathan explained that Joey may get a vote, which would be one less vote that could go his way. The guys then went to speak to Lolo, Natalie and Tamar about the plan for the week. Jonathan said he thinks that they have to put Joey up, given that nominating Dina would split the vote. Jonathan and Ryan asked the girls to think about it and then get back to them. Once the guys left the room, Natalie and Tamar discussed that the guys didn’t come to them the first time, making this all seem so fake. They discussed that Jonathan has got to go. Later, Natalie let Lolo know that Tamar was crying in her be. Lolo said it is getting out of hand. They talked about it happening after Kandi was simply in the same room as Tamar. Natalie said she gets it but it’s to a point where Tamar should avoid being in the same room as Kandi if she is going to let it impact her like that. Elsewhere, Kato and Tom went over their speeches for the veto ceremony. While Kato plans to use the veto on Tom, they talked about potentially downplaying their alliance in the speeches in order to avoid being targeted as a duo. Both agreed that it’s unlikely that they are being played by the girls right now, in a sense that they would not surprise them by voting to evict Kandi.

10:00-11:00 AM: Ryan brought up to Jonathan and Joey that Lolo made a comment about the three of them when they asked the girls what they should do if a replacement nominee is needed. Jonathan suggested that that’s why they need to do what he said earlier, implying that Joey needs to be nominated. Jonathan told Ryan that he will be evicted if he loses the votes of the girls. Ryan pointed out that they are not giving them real answers, which means that their alliance is nowhere to be found. Ryan mentioned Lolo as his best option for the replacement nominee, but Jonathan said that nominating her would secure his eviction since nobody will want to vote her out. Ryan then went back to discussing nominating Joey. In the gym, Kato, Tom, Natalie and Lolo reiterated that they are good with each other. Once Kato and Tom were alone, they talked about wanting to get to the end with those two girls. They figure that people are going to see that the two of them have a Final 2 deal, but Tom wants Lolo and Natalie to know that he is a team player. Kato thinks that Ricky is someone who they could work with as well. Tom added Ryan’s name in to the mix. Kato agreed that Ryan might be able to be brought in if Jonathan is out of the picture.

11:00-12:00 PM: Jonathan asked Lolo, Natalie and Tamar what they should do if a replacement nominee is needed. He pointed out that Dina and Joey are their only options. The girls avoided giving a name, opting instead to say that the vote will be the same either way. Ryan then joined the girls to ask the same question. He was told that it doesn’t matter since both options are the same. Natalie suggested that Ryan make a game time decision. Once Ryan left, Natalie again brought up that the guys are all of a sudden trying to include them. Lolo had some doubts about whether or not they are making the right move by turning on the guys. She said it breaks her heart every time that Ryan comes in the room, so she is relying on Natalie and Tamar on this one. Natalie reminded Lolo that Ryan had no problem throwing her under the bus, so she needs to get over it. Tamar questioned why Kandi is so comfortable. She made it clear that she plans to evict Kandi. It was discussed that they still have time to think things over. Meanwhile, Ryan asked Joey if he is okay with going on the block as a pawn. Joey said yeah. Ryan explained that there are only two options. He said the only thing that scares him is that the girls may not be telling the truth, and they might vote Jonathan or Joey out. However, he said he doesn’t think that anyone would vote Lolo out if he were to nominate her.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds went down at 12:05 for the veto ceremony.

1:00-2:00 PM: Feeds returned at 1:30 following the veto ceremony. Kato used the Power of Veto on Tom. Ryan nominated Joey as the replacement nominee. Tom checked in with Kandi who expects to be evicted. Tom encouraged her not to give up. Kandi thinks that Tamar is dragging the girls into their personal issues with each other even though it has nothing to do with them. Tom suggested that Kandi attempt to make friends with Tamar today. He let Kandi know that he is working behind the scenes for her. In the storage room, Ricky told Lolo that Ryan was considering nominating her but he explained to Ryan that nominating Joey would stop the girls from thinking that they are in an alliance together. Lolo then filled Natalie in on the news. Natalie said she believes Ricky. Lolo was a little less sure, as she sees him as being situated in the middle. Natalie said everything that Ricky is saying is fact checking, as opposed to what they are being told from Jonathan and Ryan. Natalie, Lolo and Ricky discussed that Tamar is in bed crying again. Natalie said she is losing patience with her.

2:00-3:00 PM: Lolo told Natalie that the question of who to take out in the event of a double eviction came up, and they should get the next strongest player out if their rationale for getting Jonathan out is that he is the strongest player. Lolo said Tom brought up that he likes Kandi though. Natalie suggested that getting Kandi out after Jonathan would be wise for their alliance since it would only leave Joey and Ryan together. Lolo agreed, saying that Kandi has too many people on the other side. Elsewhere, Jonathan told Ryan that they need to work on buttering up the girls that they are aligned with, seeing as the alliance with the girls is the only thing that is saving them right now. Afterwards, Ryan told Joey he thinks that he made mistake. He mentioned overhearing Kato telling Lolo that “it worked perfectly”. Joey thinks that Lolo and Ricky will vote to evict him, while Jonathan thinks that Kato and Tom will evict him. They are hoping to at least secure a tie so that Ryan can vote to evict Kandi.

4:00-5:00 PM: Natalie spoke to Lolo about evicting Jonathan being the right move. Natalie said she doesn’t trust him or Ryan. Lolo grouped Joey in with them as well, though she said she cannot believe that Ryan would do this to her. Natalie reminded Lolo that Ryan said she needs to get her attitude in check. Lolo found it odd that he would say that when he was planning to backdoor her.

5:00-6:00 PM: Tom told Kato that he would not have nominated Joey, one of his only allies, if he were Ryan. Tom said it seems like a huge mistake strategically, since nominating Tamar likely would have resulted in both Jonathan and Joey staying this week. Kato thinks that Tamar may eventually voluntarily leave the game. He compared it to the situation with Metta World Peace last season.

6:00-7:00 PM: Jonathan spoke to Ricky about the importance of his vote. Jonathan explained that whether or not he stays or goes likely will be determined by which way Ricky votes. Ricky worried that he would be targeted if he keeps Jonathan. Jonathan guaranteed Ricky that he would have his vote, Joey’s vote and Ryan’s vote if Kandi were to leave this week. Ricky said he would need to know that they would use the veto on him if he goes on the block. Jonathan then went to Joey and Ryan to let them know what Ricky wants. Both Joey and Ryan agreed that they would use the veto on Ricky. Ryan later told Jonathan that he is worried that the girls will think the guys are aligned if Ricky lets them know about his conversation with Jonathan. Jonathan said when your alliance isn’t big enough to protect you, you need to bring others in. They talked about protecting Ricky next week should they all survive this week.

8:00-9:00 PM: Tamar told Natalie that some weird stuff has been going on today. Tamar said she is not getting ready to play Kandi’s game, but that’s what they are doing if they keep her. Natalie disagreed. Tamar insisted that keeping her is not good their games, and she swore that it’s not personal. Tamar brought up that Kandi orchestrated this plan and that she is working with Kato and Tom amongst others. Ricky joined the girls. He informed them that Ryan spoke to Joey before nominating him in order to give him a heads up. Ricky added that Joey, Jonathan and Ryan have an alliance, and they have offered to have his back twice today if he votes to keep Jonathan. Natalie asked which way Kato and Tom are going to vote. Ricky said they will be voting to evict Jonathan. Later, Tamar questioned Ricky about a conversation that she believes he had with Kandi following the veto ceremony. Tamar said she saw Ricky come out of a room that Kandi was in. Ricky denied it, which led to a back and forth between the two.

9:00-10:00 PM: Tamar went to Lolo to fill her in on what happened with Ricky. She said that Ricky is a liar and he is trying to use the fact that she and Kandi don’t get along to get people to doubt her. Lolo assured Tamar that they are not doubting her. After Tamar left the room, Lolo said to herself that she doesn’t know who to vote for. Minutes later, Lolo spoke to Natalie. She admitted that Tamar had almost swayed her. Natalie said she wanted to trust Jonathan and Ryan but they gave her no reason to this week. Both girls agreed that it doesn’t even matter if Kandi and Ricky are working together like Tamar thinks they are.

10:00-11:00 PM: Ricky and Tamar spoke yet again, with Ricky reiterating that he was not in a room with Kandi. Tamar said she is not going to argue what she saw. After the two held strong in their beliefs, Ricky eventually wanted to squash things. He apologized. Tamar said she respects it. She then went to Lolo to tell her that she is not crazy, and that Ricky was trying to create doubt about her. Later, Tamar said she would like to fix the Kandi situation to a point where it is no longer stressful. She doesn’t think that they can get to a point where they talk, because she believes Kandi would see it as a betrayal of her friends back home if she starts to see her for who she really is.

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