Celebrity Big Brother Day 11 - Ross nominates Keshia and Omarosa

February 10, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: The houseguests started waking up for the day. Omarosa has still not returned from the hospital. Mark said he hopes that she can return. James hoped that they would get an update soon. Mark mentioned Ross said he got information saying that she is okay. Metta felt that it’s not worth it for her to come back. He said she should take care of herself. Metta later brought up that Ross can put him up. He said he will win the veto, save himself, win HoH, and nominate James and Shannon. James was sitting right next to him when he said it. James told Metta they can try to get him out if Omarosa doesn’t return. Metta said that even if Omarosa returns and they don’t try to get him out, he will try to take them all out.

10:00-11:00 AM: Mark said the later it gets, he thinks the chances of Omarosa returning are lesser and lesser. Brandi said she doesn’t see Omarosa as a quitter. Mark said he sees her as very smart. He mentioned that last night was her first competition, and he doesn’t want her doing this if it will worsen her condition each time. He added that you can go into cardiac arrest if you have a bad asthma attack.

11:00-12:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, James asked if it might be an opportunity to get Metta out if Omarosa doesn’t return. Ross said he doesn’t think so. James mentioned that they might have to consider who is more likely to win the next HoH competition. Ross said his initial gut reaction is to stay the course by nominating Keshia and Omarosa. He said he would likely nominate Keshia and Metta if Omarosa doesn’t return. In that event, he said he hopes that people would evict Keshia. Ross said Metta can be dealt with next week. Down in the bedroom, Brandi told Ariadna and Marissa that they could always let Metta win the next HoH so that he can get James or Shannon out. Brandi was concerned that she doesn’t know what the game plan is. Marissa said she thinks the plan is Omarosa, Keshia and Metta. Brandi doesn’t think it would be smart to get Metta out before some of the others. Brandi mentioned that James will be hard to beat in a physical competition. Marissa brought up James suggesting that they should get Metta out next. She said that’s not happening. Ross later joined them. Brandi mentioned her concerns. He said he needs James and Shannon to t think that he is with them. Ross said he would much rather be in the Final 4 with the three of them than with James and Shannon. In the lounge, Metta told Keshia he doesn’t think CBS is trying to make the crazy storylines. He said he has to talk to them. Keshia left the room. Metta told CBS not to f*ck around and play racist cards in order to make it a storyline. Metta said he know some people are. Metta told them not to f*ck around for some extra commercial bullsh*t.

1:00-2:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Ross spoke to Mark about keeping an eye on Shannon and James for him. He said that he would make a Final 2 if he were them. Mark said he can do that and he can even fish for some information from James. Ross later headed down to the bathroom. He and Shannon agreed that they made the right move and that they have no regrets. Ross said he thinks the seven person alliance is stronger all around than their previous alliance was. Shannon apologized to Ross for not previously having said anything about her deal Day 1 deal with Omarosa. Shannon said she didn’t know how to say it, though it was over in her head. Ross said he believes her. Shannon asked Ross if he is still down for what they talked about. Ross said yeah. He promised that they are good. Back up in the HoH room, Ross told Ariadna and Brandi about his plan for nominations. He said he is thinking he will nominate Keshia and Omarosa, or Keshia and Metta, depending on whether or not Omarosa returns. Brandi suggested that getting Metta out would not be smart. She pointed out that he is the only one who could potentially beat James in a strength or endurance competition. She also noted that James wants Metta out. Ross said he gets what Brandi is saying but it’s too early for a move like that. Ariadna mentioned nominating Shannon next to Keshia if Omarosa doesn’t return. Ross said he can’t do it because Shannon will win the veto. Brandi said it’s time to make a big move, but Ross said they just did that. He clarified that he doesn’t want Metta to go. Ariadna said she would rather have Shannon leave over Keshia. Ross promised that they can revisit the conversation of putting Shannon up if they win the veto. Ross said he agrees that Shannon is a huge threat, is good at the game, and is untrustworthy. For now, he said they have to reassure Shannon that they are not mad at her for her deal with Omarosa. After Ross left, Brandi told Ariadna that she would vote for her to win over Ross if it came down to the two of them in the Final 2. She said she is not going to allow Ariadna to be the runner-up again.

2:00-3:00 PM: In the storage room, Ross told Marissa the whole point of splitting up Keshia and Omarosa was that they are a strong pair. If Omarosa, doesn’t return, Ross said they no longer have to break them up. Ross asked who Marissa would break up if she could break up anyone in the house. She mentioned James and Shannon. Ross said he could nominate Keshia and Metta, then possibly put Shannon up if the veto is used. Ross said Shannon lied to them about her deal with Omarosa, and she is playing harder than James is. Ross said he is just thinking and probably wont make the move. Marissa suggested that Ariadna and Brandi would probably be on board. Ross told Marissa that they are the ones who presented him with the idea. They agreed that they trust those two. Marissa’s concern is that Keshia and Metta would remain wild cards, while James may flip on them if they take Shannon out. Marissa said James and Shannon will not put Ross up. Ross asked if they know that just like they knew that Omarosa and Shannon didn’t have a Final 2, cause Shannon looked him in the eye and said she has no Final 2 deals.

4:00-5:00 PM: Omarosa returned to the Big Brother house. She headed to bed where she remained for a couple of hours. It took some time for the houseguests to even realize that she had returned, as they were all up in the HoH room when it happened.

5:00-6:00 PM: Metta spoke to Ross. He said everyone knows that he is trying to go home, but he will stay if Ross needs him to stay cause the only deal he has is the one with Ross. Ross said he has to do something but he will try to help Metta leave after that. Ross asked Metta who he thinks he should send home. Metta said that Shannon or James have to go. He added that Keshia and Omarosa are not threats to Ross. Metta said he doesn’t see how else Ross wins this without making a move now. Ross said he is playing the game a specific way, and putting James and Shannon up would be a completely different way. Ross said he met with everyone individually to ask who they want on the block, and everyone said Keshia and Omarosa. Ross told Metta he hopes that he wont get all of the blood on his hands if he mentions that in his speech. Ross said the only other thing he could do is make a deal with Keshia and Omarosa that he will put James and Shannon up if they will work with him. However, Ross said he is not the type of player to strike in front of everybody like that.

6:00-7:00 PM: Keshia spoke to Ross. He apologized for the position they are in. He said he saw the hurt on her. Ross said for him it was about having to get out of an alliance in which he was first to go once they got down to seven. Keshia said she has been truthful about her involvement with everything. Ross said he believes her. Keshia said she feels that integrity is priceless, so she wanted to play an upfront game. Keshia admitted that she trusted the wrong person. Ross assured Keshia that she will not be going this week if it’s up to him, though he has very little choice in terms of who he can put up. He said there is a consensus and the lines are drawn. Ross implied to Keshia that Shannon was the one who orchestrated the flip. Ross explained that the majority of the people who flipped did so out of fear that Keshia had a deal with Chuck. Meanwhile, Omarosa got out of bed. Most of the houseguests checked on her. Omarosa said she is feeling a lot better. Marissa and Ross spoke in the storage room. Marissa said she feels that James and Shannon have something else going on. Ross said his plan is still to nominate Keshia and Omarosa. However, he said there is a serious conversation to be had if one of them wins the veto or if one of the nominees wins the veto. Ross said he trusts Keshia more than he trusts James or Shannon.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned following the nomination ceremony. Ross nominated Keshia and Omarosa for eviction. Ross spoke to Omarosa to let her know that he was concerned for her while she was gone. Omarosa said the great thing about going to the emergency room is that it put things into perspective. She mentioned that they got to meet 11 great people in the house. When Ross explained why he made the decision to flip his vote, Omarosa said that move is one that will win him the game. Omarosa said she thought good for Ross when she heard that he was the mastermind behind the move. Ross said it wasn’t him. Omarosa said she thought it was he and Shannon. Ross said it was not him. Omarosa told Ross to own it if he makes it to the end, even if it wasn’t him. In the lounge, Ariadna told Brandi they need to get Shannon out. Brandi agreed. Ariadna said Ross is scared. Ariadna said she would prefer to have Keshia and Omarosa in the house. Ariadna said everyone would vote Shannon out if Keshia wins the veto and they put her up. Brandi headed up to the HoH room. She asked Ross what Keshia said. Ross said Keshia is feeling as though she should not have trusted Omarosa. Brandi revealed that she and Ariadna think that James or Shannon need to go this week. Brandi told Ross that Shannon sees he is the one who has relationships with both sides, so she will know she can have access to the other side if she gets rid of him. Ross said he is not there yet in terms of being ready to agree to put Shannon up. Brandi told him to think about it. Ross said he is intrigued by it. Brandi defended Keshia and said she is someone who can be trusted. Brandi mentioned her experience with Keshia on Celebrity Apprentice.

9:00-10:00 PM: Ross told Brandi he thinks that backdooring someone is shady. Brandi told him that everything about the show is shady. Brandi later brought up that Ross asked her for a Final 2 when they first got there. Ross said he told her that it would be great. He asked if she wants it. When Brandi said yes, Ross told her he hasn’t said that to anyone else. Ariadna joined them. Brandi said they have to win the veto tomorrow so that they can backdoor Shannon. They discussed who they would want out if the nominations stay the same. While Brandi and Ross said Omarosa, Ariadna said it would be best to get Keshia out since she is better at the game. Brandi and Ross asked Ariadna what she would do if she wins the veto. She said she would backdoor Shannon. They discussed using the veto on Keshia so that she would work with them.

12:00-1:00 AM: Marissa told Ross that nobody would blame them if they backdoored Shannon. Ross said they would get respect for it. While they expect James to hate them for it, Marissa said they could let him know that Shannon was saying to get him out next. Their concern with making the move against Shannon is that James may then put them up next to each other. Ross said he hears people like Evel Dick screaming in his ear asking why he is going after Omarosa who could never win instead of Shannon who would wipe the floor with them. Ross expects that they would have the votes in a landslide if he was to put Shannon up. Ross concluded that they have to make the move since Shannon knows the game so well and is too good. Marissa agreed.

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