Celebrity Big Brother Day 20 - Metta is evicted; Mark wins HoH

February 19, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Metta told James and Mark that he couldn’t sleep until 6:30 this morning. He said he wants to go. Metta brought up that the two sides of different plans, and he could co-operate, but nobody wants to co-operate with him. Mark said he tried to help Metta leave the first week. Metta later told Ari and Brandi that he couldn’t sleep until 6:30. The girls told him that he cannot nap today. Metta said he tries to sleep the day away. Brandi said that leads to him being up all night by himself. Metta then headed out to the kitchen. Metta brought up to James and Mark that he has to try to win the veto. He said he wouldn’t play the veto if he knew that he was going home, but that’s not the case. Mark told Metta it will be hard for him to go home even if he is on the block. Mark said Metta might as well play at this point, cause he is not going to influence anyone’s decision. Metta said he is going to try to go home until the last day, but he will definitely play and tough it out. Mark said Metta’s whole attitude would change if he got the HoH room. Metta said he doesn’t care about the room and would not even sleep up there if he won HoH. Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Marissa told Ross that Omarosa said she would put Mark up if Brandi wins the veto. Ross said the girls could then vote Mark out. Ross asked if Metta gave any indication which way he is going to vote. Marissa said Metta is not voting Ross out. Ross asked if Marissa confirmed to James and Mark that she is on board with the Final 4 deal. Marissa said yes. However, Marissa said she thinks she has to nominate James if she wins the veto and has the chance to choose the replacement nominee.

10:00-11:00 AM: Metta joined Omarosa, Marissa and Ross in the bedroom. Metta said he might have a play. He said to let him leave, and they can’t get rid of Omarosa next. Omarosa said they are getting rid of her. Marissa said she would do that. Ross asked if he wants to leave today. Metta said today. Metta then brought up that he has to evict Ross today. Ross asked when that changed. Metta said he had to make a choice, but he would like to go home. Ross asked if he did something. Metta said he had to make a decision, and he got a commitment that someone will send him home if he votes Ross out. Ross said he doesn’t need Metta’s vote but he would like to talk. Metta said he is not sleeping and therefore has to go. Ross mentioned that he could go if Omarosa is willing to put him up, but Omarosa said she has already let Metta know that she doesn’t want him to go. Omarosa brought up that Metta’s wife wants him to stay. He said he is in desperate need of sleep. Afterwards, Metta told Ari, Brandi, Marissa and Omarosa that they have to stick together. Omarosa asked Brandi if they can work together. She said yes. Brandi added that James needs to go. Metta said Mark and James are the next two that need to go, at which point Marissa said they can nominate Mark and vote him out tonight. Omarosa told the girls that they can stay four strong and save Brandi. She said their four votes would control the house. Marissa said she is all for Metta going next, so she wont vote Omarosa out next. Omarosa asked if Marissa feels torn. She admitted that she feels torn because of Ross. Omarosa pointed out that Ross even said he doesn’t need Metta’s vote, implying that he has something with James and Mark. Brandi told Marissa that the guys have a deal. She said she loves Ross too, but it is every man and woman for themselves at some point. While Marissa said Ross is not her target, she also said that Mark and James are.

12:00-1:00 PM: After an HoH lockdown, numerous houseguests discussed the deal that Metta is offering. Ross questioned why he should have to promise anything to let Metta go. Brandi told him to just do it for now. Ross asked if Brandi promised. She said she told him she would not put Omarosa up next week. Brandi said she has to save herself. As for Ross, he said he told Omarosa that she is not his target. He admitted to Brandi that he did not mean it. Ari, Brandi and Metta then discussed that Ross is only worried about himself. Brandi said she feels bad for trying to save herself. Ari told her not to, because Ross went to James and Mark to ask for their votes. Brandi said the boys are dumb to keep Ross, since he will beat them in the end. She added that Ross has been running the whole house. Metta said Ross should come to their side, let him go, then go after James and Mark. Metta told Ari he will stay if people don’t want him to go. He said he will vote to evict Ross. Metta let Ari know that he was trying to align with her and Brandi. Ross came by. Ari mentioned that Ross made a deal with James and Mark. Ross said it wasn’t a deal. He explained that he asked how they would vote, and they agreed to keep him. Brandi asked what they get in exchange for that. Ross said they want Brandi out. Brandi then said it seems like Ross is making a deal to get rid of her. Ross again denied having made a deal.

2:00-3:00 PM: Marissa asked if Ross really said that he wouldn’t go to the Final 2 with her. Brandi said yes “on my life”. Brandi reminded Marissa that they are all there to play a game, and it’s not about making friends. Omarosa asked Marissa what her son would tell her to do. She said to evict Ross. Ari then asked if Marissa would rather disappoint Ross or her son. Marissa didn’t reply. Marissa asked who they can put up next to Ross that would be safe. Ari said Mark. Marissa asked if they would save Mark. Omarosa said Ross has got to go. Ari said the two of them and Metta can save Brandi. Brandi told Marissa she should stop talking game with Ross. Ari said Ross is going to try to convince her. Marissa said there is nothing to convince her of since Ross thinks that he has her vote. After Marissa left the room, Omarosa told Ari she doesn’t trust anything that Marissa said. Elsewhere, Ross questioned Marissa about what has been said. She said it’s nothing, and they are just freaking out. Marissa said her game has not changed. Marissa said she needs to win the veto to save Ross. She said that is the only option right now. Ross told her that nominations staying the same would work as well. Marissa agreed that Ross would have the votes, but she said it will cause a war if nominations stay the same and she votes to evict Brandi.

5:00-6:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, it was revealed that the houseguests would be competing for the VIP Veto. The VIP Veto gives the winner the option to use the veto once, twice, or not at all. The veto players were Omarosa, Brandi, Ross, Marissa, Mark and Metta. Ross won the VIP Veto. He used the VIP Veto on himself. Omarosa nominated Metta as the replacement nominee, stating that he wants to leave. Ross decided not to use the VIP Veto a second time. Metta was then evicted by a unanimous vote of 5-0.

6:00-7:00 PM: When live feeds returned, Marissa was telling Ari and Brandi that even if Ross has something going on the side, it’s not where his heart is. She added that Ross is smart enough to see that America voted for the VIP Veto because they wanted their group to stay safe. Ross came by to give his word that he is with them. Marissa told him that America wants the four of them to be together. Afterwards, Ari and Brandi discussed that they have to trust Ross. Meanwhile, Ross went to Mark to tell him that he would have gone home had he used the VIP Veto for a second time. James then told Mark that Ross shouldn’t have used it at all, as he only made it tougher for them moving forward. James told Ross that Omarosa might not be the best target. Ross then spoke to Ari and Brandi to tell them that it may be best if they come together as a six to get Omarosa out this week when she cannot play for HoH. Ari said it’s more important to get James out. Ross argued that they will end up in the same position as they were if they leave Omarosa in the house. Brandi said Ross would have to promise to go back to it being 4 on 2 once Omarosa leaves. Ross said he would have no reason to go to the side with two. James told Ross and Marissa that the best move is not to go after Omarosa. He pointed out that Ari and Brandi are a pair, and all three are equal competitors. James prefers to break them up before going after Omarosa. Ross said he sees what James is saying.

11:00-12:00 AM: Feeds returned following the HoH competition. Mark is the new HoH. Ross told Marissa that Ari and Brandi will likely be nominated, but he is pushing for Omarosa to go up instead. Marissa said James and Mark will get mad once they know that Omarosa is lying to her about them, saying they wanted her on the block. Ross encouraged Marissa to ask them about it in hope of getting them mad at Omarosa. Not long after, Marissa told James about it. She said she doesn’t believe Omarosa. James said it never happened, and he would not want to send one of his alliance members home. In the kitchen, Mark told Omarosa he couldn’t be happier to be the one to nominate Brandi. He also said he will have no blood on his hands by nominating Ari, because Ari put him up. In the bedroom, Ross attempted to put the target on Omarosa. He brought up that she is scary because she is capable of anything and she is coming after him next. Mark said she wont be able to when they have the numbers. Ross said it would be a 4-0 vote if Omarosa goes up, meaning that there would be no blood on Mark’s hands. Mark said that’s true. Mark said he is targeting Ari the least of the three, but Brandi is a huge target for both he and James. Mark explained that they aren’t so concerned about Omarosa since they don’t play in to the drama. Marissa joined them. She too said that Omarosa is going to lie. Mark said he doesn’t care as long as the four of them stay locked in. Ross asked who Mark would nominate if Ari and Brandi are up and one of them win the veto. Mark said Omarosa.

1:00-2:00 AM: Ariadna told Ross that Omarosa was trying to convince her and convince Metta that they had to be together cause Ross was coming for all of them. Ross then told Ari, James and Marissa he wants to make it very clear that Omarosa is the only person he is after. Ross said Omarosa makes it sound like he is very busy. James said Omarosa is trying to make a deal with everybody. Marissa brought up Omarosa said Ari and Brandi were trying to get her nominated next to Ross, then she later said that James and Mark were the ones pushing for that. In the other bedroom, Omarosa told Brandi she is going to try to put a target on Ross by continually saying that Ross has her vote if he makes it to the end.

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