Celebrity Big Brother Day 8 - The live feeds launch

February 7, 2018

During tonight’s premiere episode, Shannon became the first HoH of the season. A twist was revealed towards the end of the episode. Julie said that someone will be able to overthrow the HoH. Based on the sneak peeks over the past few days, we found out that Keshia had taken over the HoH. Keshia nominated Chuck and James for eviction. Shannon went on to win the Power of Veto. At the veto ceremony, the original nominations were left the same. Either Chuck or James will be evicted on Friday.

9:00-10:00 PM: Following the west coast airing of the premiere, the live feeds launched. The houseguests spent much of opening hour playing charades in the living room.

10:00-11:00 PM: James had a quick chat with Ross about his position on the block with Chuck. James explained to Ross that he and Chuck had tried to make a deal not to come after Keshia and Shannon, yet they didn’t take it. James thinks that they wont take a deal from him alone if they turned down a two person deal. James said they keep making up BS reasons for why he is on the block, and it will be nothing to do with game if he ends up going over Chuck. Ross suggested that James promise the moon and the sun, then stick to his word as much as possible. James said he is fine with going to the end with strong competitors if need be, should he have to promise to leave certain people until last. James told Ross he believes that he has a few votes already.

11:00-12:00 AM: Brandi was drinking throughout the night. Out in the yard, where the majority of the houseguests were hanging out, Brandi brought up that Chuck and James said they are going after her because she knows the game. Mark questioned it. Brandi said the two of them went to Shannon to say that. Chuck denied it. Minutes later, Shannon pulled Brandi aside to say that she told her these things in confidence. Brandi said it doesn’t matter since the guys see Shannon as their biggest threat either way. Shannon pleaded with Brandi to not throw her under the bus or bring up her name. Shannon headed inside. She quickly said to the cameras that she will be out next week unless her alliance wins, because Brandi is drunk and throwing her under the bus. Back out in the yard, Brandi again told Chuck and James that she heard they are after her, which is why she is after them. Brandi’s allies eventually got her to head to bed. Keshia spoke to the guys in attempt to smooth things over. She said this is what happens whenever Brandi has liquor. Keshia mentioned that Brandi was even calling her “Rudy Huxtable”. James and Keshia agreed that Brandi’s attacks were not game related. In the bedroom, Brandi told her allies that she felt alive for the first time in eight days since she was able to speak the truth. Ariadna pointed out that people are getting angry. Brandi was not concerned about that. She said that they are all feeling the same way about the guys. Shannon said they are worried about the guys getting in power, though Brandi said they don’t have a chance. Back outside, James told Mark that he will be a little relieved if he ends up going home. James explained that he does not like the pettiness. He told Mark that he has a strategy for tomorrow. If it is unsuccessful, James said he will be relieved to get out of the house. Up in the HoH room, Keshia and Omarosa discussed that they have to do better in terms of managing the alcohol that Brandi gets.

12:00-1:00 AM: In the bathroom, Omarosa attempted to refocus the girls alliance. She told Ariadna, Marissa and Shannon that they need to be ready for HoH, so they need to study, be disciplined, and be prepared. James spoke to Ross about the upcoming vote. He asked if people will go along with what Keshia or Shannon want if they are the ones making the decisions. Ross said he imagines that that would be the case. James thinks he already has two votes in Mark and Metta. James said he would only need to get two more if Ross votes in his favour. It was discussed that James could talk to Keshia and/or Shannon in attempt to strike a deal. Ross later filled Shannon in on James’ plan to talk to her and to Keshia. James also briefly talked things over with Marissa, who later compared notes with Ross. They both agreed that they have always liked James, but Marissa said she thinks it is too late for him at this point.

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