Big Brother: Over The Top Day 10 - Kryssie receives a care package

October 7, 2016

1:00-2:00 PM: The first care package was delivered. Kryssie received the “Save-A-Friend” care package. She will be able to save one houseguest from nomination. That houseguest will not be able to be nominated by the HoH or by America this week. Kryssie must reveal her pick prior to tomorrow night’s safety ceremony. Whitney told Alex that she doesn’t think Kryssie should give the safety to Neeley. Alex said Neeley is already safe. Alex thought that it would be good if Kryssie gave it to Justin, because then Monte would have to stop freaking out about targeting Justin. Alex and Whitney agreed that they will push to have Kryssie save Justin. Alex said that Monte wanting to nominate Justin is personal. Whitney said that’s a huge no to her. Alex agreed. In the storage room, Neeley advised Kryssie to speak to Alex because Alex could use what Kryssie does as an excuse to nominate her. Neeley said that in exchange for Kryssie compromising and making the decision on who to save along with Alex, Kryssie needs to make Alex be real with her with regards to who she will nominate. Scott then pulled Kryssie aside, telling her that he would like to see it used on Jason. Kryssie said that’s where her head went too. Scott told Kryssie to use this as an opportunity to get as much information as she can.

2:00-3:00 PM: Julie had an announcement for the houseguests. She revealed that America will be voting for the have-nots each week. Julie said that no houseguest can be a have-not two weeks in a row. Shelby told Alex that Scott keep promising that he is going to vote with them, so his game is getting blown up if he doesn’t do that. Scott made his way upstairs. Alex asked if he is definitely going to vote with her. Scott said absolutely. Scott told Alex that he thinks they can make a big move this week and he is fine with getting Shane out if that’s what Alex wants. Scott let Alex know that he put a few words in with Kryssie about saving Jason with the care package. Scott said he already evicted Cornbread for the other side of the house, so he will not be doing that side another favour this week. Scott mentioned that he knows Danielle, Jason, Justin and Neeley are way tighter with each other than they will ever be with him. Scott said he trust the girls and Monte so much that he would use the veto on one of Alex’s nominees even if America nominates him, if Alex wants to backdoor someone. Alex, Monte, Morgan and Whitney all went on to discuss that they will blow Scott’s game up if he doesn’t vote with them this week after promising that he would ever day.

3:00-4:00 PM: Alex asked Kryssie if she has any idea who she is going to use the safety on. Kryssie said she does not. She thought that it would be best to use it on someone on her side of the house. Kryssie worried that she could end up on the block next to whoever she saves next week. Alex said she is under a lot of pressure to put up Jason but she does not want to put him up, so she would love it if Kryssie used it on Jason in order to remove that option. Alex said she thinks America gave it to Kryssie in order to make it interesting because she is in the middle. Kryssie said she heard that Danielle and Shane’s names have been thrown around. Alex admitted that those are two of the four. Kryssie assumed that Jason and Shelby were the other four. Alex said a lot of people want Justin out as well. Kryssie thinks that Justin is another Shelby in a way. She didn’t think it made sense to go after Justin. Kryssie said her gut is telling her to save Jason. Alex pointed out that America loves Jason and that move would benefit Kryssie in that sense as well. The other name that Kryssie threw out there was Justin’s. She said she cannot play favourites within the showmance by choosing either Danielle or Shane.

4:00-5:00 PM: Kryssie asked Shane what she should do. Shane told her to give it to Danielle in order to keep her safe because he will be safe and then they have two votes this week to help save whoever gets nominated from their side. Kryssie said she is trying to explore all of her options, including giving it to Shane because that was her initial thought. Shane said they need his vote and Danielle’s vote in case America nominates someone from the other side. Shane said he thinks that he could persuade Scott to vote with them, Kryssie said the thing that concerns her is that Scott told her to save Jason. She asked if they would have Scott’s vote if she does what he says. Shane then said no and told Kryssie that he doesn’t trust Scott. Justin joined them. He was asked who Kryssie should give the safety to. Justin said he wants it, but Kryssie told him she worries that she will then end up on the block next to Justin next week. Justin said he will win HoH. Kryssie said she feels like Jason will go up if she doesn’t save him but anyone else would have a fighting chance. Kryssie said they need to get America to nominate Monte. Danielle then told Kryssie she will respect whatever she does, but the one vote could have came from America and America may nominate her this week. Danielle said America cannot put her up if Kryssie saves her. Kryssie said that argument could be made for anyone on their side. Danielle argued that Shane has a better chance of staying than she does. Kryssie said Alex thinks that Shane is in the best position in the house because he is in a showman and a bromance. Kryssie also said Jason is going to go up if he is not safe.

5:00-6:00 PM: Kryssie said she is worried that she will save someone who is already going to be safe. Danielle said two of their people will be put up and their only chance is to have America nominate Monte. Danielle said she thinks that Kryssie getting the care package shows that America is on their side. Danielle mentioned that America probably flipped when they heard Monte say that he wants Trump to win the election. Danielle said she lied and said she wants Trump to win when in reality she hates them both and is not voting. Danielle mentioned that Monte said Jason was staring at him when his pants were not up all the way. Kryssie asked if she is serious and that Monte is threatened by Jason because he is gay. Danielle said yes. Danielle said Jason already thinks that Monte put him up for personal reasons, and she thinks Monte’s vendetta with Jason is strictly personal. Kryssie said it’s now personal against her too because she said that she does not want to live with homophobes. Kryssie said she is now going to want to punch Monte in the mouth every time she looks at him. Danielle said Monte is going to go home if America nominates him.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kryssie told Alex that she thinks the best move for her and for her side of the house is to save Jason. Kryssie said she can’t use it on Justin since people know how close they are. Alex said she wants her to save Jason and thinks it would be smart for her to avoid saving Justin because she doesn’t want to look like she is in a duo with him. Kryssie pointed out that it would take the heat off of Alex to put Jason up. Alex agreed. Kryssie said she is pretty sure she knows why Monte has a problem with Jason and it’s not because he is a vet. Kryssie told Alex that she thinks it is because Jason is gay. Alex said she doesn’t want to think that and doesn’t want to pin that on Monte, though she thinks it very well could be. Kryssie said she would like to discuss it with Monte but there is no good way to ask someone if they are homophobic. The girls got back to talking game. Kryssie said she is 90% sure that she is going to save Jason. Kryssie agreed to let Alex know if anything changes. The girls talked about working together down the line once the groups reshuffle. After Kryssie headed outside, Jason told her that he thinks she really needs to use it on him. Kryssie said she is way ahead of him. Jason said he hopes that she would be. Neeley told Jason and Kryssie that the showmance is probably throwing all of them under the bus. She added that she is almost certain they have made a deal with Alex to have her target one of them instead. Neeley agreed that saving Jason is a good move. Back up in the HoH room, Danielle and Shane spoke to Alex. Shane assured Alex that she will not be his target if he wins HoH. Danielle said she doesn’t see Alex as a threat because she would like to work with someone with her competitive edge. They again offered their votes this week and said they would do whatever Alex wants them to do with the veto if they happen to win it. On top of that, Danielle said she can rally the votes of the people on the other side in order to make it unanimous instead of a split decision. Shane tried to feel Alex out about nominating Kryssie. Alex said that she cannot do that after her discussions with Kryssie and knowing that Kryssie would come after her next week if she were to do that. After Danielle and Shane left, Monte and Morgan headed to the HoH room. Alex said something in her gut is telling her not to trust Danielle and Shane.

10:00-11:00 PM: Monte told Alex, Monte and Morgan that if he gets put up next to Danielle and Shane and the rest of the house plus America votes him out, he is gone. Scott and Monte’s group had been operating under the assumption that they had the votes even if one of them went up as America’s nominee. Scott forgot about America’s vote. He said he is so stupid. Scott apologized to the group. Alex said they will find out the have-nots before nominations, which will be very telling in terms of finding out who America doesn’t like. Monte expects that America hates him. Morgan didn’t think that he would be nominate. Whitney suggested that it would be a girl. Alex told Morgan, Shelby and Whitney that she is concerned about Scott flipping to the other side now that he realizes they don’t have the numbers for sure. Whitney let the girls know that Justin told her he is going after Danielle and Shane because they will always keep each other over him, so they will have his vote. Alex revealed to the girls that Kryssie thinks monte is homophobic and that’s why he hates Jason. Morgan said Monte hates Justin, not Jason. Whitney said Kryssie is crazy and she cannot believe she is trying to find something about Monte to use against him like that. Monte rejoined the girls. Alex said she is planning to go big this week and see what happens. She said there is no point in backing down now. Outside, Kryssie told Jason she thinks that it’s personal when it comes to Monte not like Jason. She said it’s absolutely because Jason is gay. Kryssie said Monte will hang himself in America’s eyes because he is coming across as a homophobe and a bigot. Jason talked about how he will go off if he hears Monte saying anything about him in that manner, because it would be going after him for the way he was born.

11:00-12:00 AM: Kryssie pointed out to Justin that Danielle and Shane have already started distancing themselves and are making deals with Alex. Justin said he sees it too. Kryssie spoke to Justin about her plan to save Jason. She said it will not sell out of the fact that she and Justin are close. Just told Kryssie not to stress about it. He agreed that she needs to save Jason. Kryssie assured Justin that it’s the two of them and Jason in her mind. Kryssie expects Danielle and Shane to go on the block if she saves Jason, so she said Justin will also be safe. If Jason is not saved, Kryssie said he is likely to be targeted. Kryssie told Justin that her ideal Final 3 is with him and Jason.

12:00-1:00 AM: Kryssie told Justin that she thinks the reason Monte doesn’t like Jason is that Jason is gay. Kryssie said she thinks Monte is extremely homophobic. Justin said nobody should be against that and nobody should judge people for their personal decisions. He said it’s like judging him for being black. Justin went on to say that people were very standoffish with him since Day 1. Justin talked about how Scott runs back and forth between sides with information, making him untrustworthy. Kryssie hopes that America nominates someone from the other side so that they can vote them out. If they do that and win the next HoH, Kryssie thinks that the other side will be done. The two discussed the possibility of Danielle and Shane going on the block. Justin said those two would vote to keep each other over him. He said you have got to break up the showmance. Justin expects Danielle to try to latch onto him if Shane leaves. Justin said he wont be having it. Scott let Kryssie and Shane know that he already gave his word to the other side that they have his vote this week in exchange for keeping him safe. Kryssie said that’s concerning. Scott said he already did this side a solid last week by evicting Cornbread when Cornbread wanted to go to the end with him.

1:00-2:00 AM: Kryssie told Scott and Shane that Monte can and should go this week if America nominates him. Scott said the other side needs one more vote this week and they are counting on him. Kryssie told Scott that he can make moves for himself. Scott said he already made his choice by offering that deal for safety. Scott asked Kryssie why she wants to use him as a pawn next to Shelby. Kryssie asked what he is talking about and said that’s hilarious. Scott said he heard that and does believe that she would use him as a pawn, thinking he is well liked. Kryssie said that’s ridiculous and she is offended. Kryssie pointed out that Scott formed his opinion about her without approaching her. She said that is not going to look good to America and will make him seem like an idiot. Kryssie told Scott that he has to keep America in mind. Scott said he doesn’t really care what they think because he is going to play his game regardless. Scott said the deals he makes are very important to him and he needs to keep them. Shane asked if Scott would vote him out if he was told to. Scott said sorry and said it’s still early and he is trying to survive. Kryssie let Scott know that she is disappointed and surprised. She said she is concerned that she cannot count on him in the future. Scott said fi they can’t work together, they can’t work together. Kryssie said she wont absolutely rule it out but this is concerning to her. Kryssie told Scott that he is going to screw himself over if he doesn’t start being more direct with people. Kryssie said Scott is incredibly smart but he does not have the social thing figured out. Kryssie let Scott know that more than four people have told her they don’t trust him. Kryssie said Alex is one of the only people she has seen in this house that Scott has a legitimate connection with. Kryssie advised Scott to compare notes with her.

2:00-3:00 AM: Neeley told Kryssie that Shane needs to go this week if it comes down to either him or Danielle. She said Shane is the bigger threat. Neeley explained that Shane and Monte will team up and run through them all if Danielle leaves. If Shane goes, Neeley thinks that Danielle would come back to them because they will be all that she has. Neeley clarified that she doesn’t want either of them to go but she wants it to be Shane if someone has to. Neeley said Jason and Justin have to stay for the two of them. She said Danielle and Shane will not ride with them.


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