Big Brother: Over The Top Day 16

October 13, 2016

2:00-3:00 PM: Kryssie and Neeley discussed America’s Nominee. Kryssie thought that they may nominate Shelby. Neeley hoped that they would go after a bigger fish like Alex. Kryssie’s concern with that is she thinks Alex would then win the Power of Veto. Kryssie worried that she would leave over Danielle. Neeley said she would vote for her to stay. Neeley explained that Danielle would throw her under the bus immediately and she may already be doing it. Kryssie mentioned that America is on their side. Neeley said they will hopefully be on their side if they remain humble. Kryssie said she is thankful for America because they have shown two weeks in a row that they want to keep her there. Neeley assured Kryssie that Danielle will leave over her. Kryssie said she would love nothing more than to be in the Final 3 with Jason and Neeley. Neeley said that she too would love that. Kryssie said Scott needs to understand that getting her out for persona reasons is the stupidest idea. Kryssie guaranteed that she will be one of the nominees. She hoped that Scott would not be smart enough to backdoor her.

3:00-4:00 PM: Scott spoke to the live feeders and said to stay tuned for the nomination ceremony on Sunday because it’s going to get lit. Scott explained that people will be called out and games are going to be exposed. Jason told Danielle and Shane that he doesn’t see Scott taking a shot at Justin. As for him, Jason said Scott has made it clear he wants to take him far but not too far. Jason pointed out that they are not too far yet. Jason brought up how their side will have to become two sides at some point, though they are nowhere near that point yet. Jason said it will become Danielle and Shane vs Kryssie and Neeley, with Justin and himself being the floaters. They talked about how it would be fun to get down to six with those three pairs in the game, making it similar to Big Brother 18. Jason said they have been lucky so far thanks to America’s Nominee. He said they need it to go their way one more time. Danielle said the others are playing the game as though America does not exist, even though America is the biggest part of the game. Danielle said Scott has to see that America is siding with their side and he should take that into consideration when making his nominations.

7:00-8:00 PM: Scott told Neeley he feels he owes it to Alex to at least try to get one week of safety for her, because he knows she wanted to get closer to her and to Kryssie. Scott said one of Alex’s main goals last week was to build a relationship with those two but then she had to burn bridges. Scott explained that she went back on her word in hope of getting Monte to stay by flipping Shane’s vote. Neeley said she gets it and she didn’t have any issues with Monte at all but she had to save Kryssie. Scott understood but let her know that Kryssie was never a target. Neeley said she wants to hear what Alex has to say and then she will let Scott know what she thinks tomorrow. Scott said he is glad Neeley came up to talk because she is the person he was looking forward to talk to the most. The houseguests got their food restocked for the week. Whitney noticed Jason running towards the kitchen with the chocolates. Jason had hid all of the Krackel bars because Shelby likes them. He took the new chocolates to do the same. Whitney, Alex, Morgan and Shelby decided to look for them. Whitney and Morgan ended up finding the hidden stash. Shelby then put them all into her golf bag that she has to carry around as part of her punishment from the veto competition.

8:00-9:00 PM: Morgan, Shelby and Whitney discussed the upcoming nominations. Morgan said Scott is not going to nominate Justin, so it will be two of Danielle, Shane and Kryssie going on the block. Morgan didn’t see any logic behind nominating Kryssie. Shelby and Whitney agreed that it is best to nominate the showmance together so that they cannot use the veto on each other. Morgan said it would be hilarious if Danielle ended up being a have-not this week. She said she would not be opposed to Justin being one either. Morgan asked America not to make Neeley a have-not since she is awesome. She also said not to make Whitney one since her birthday is tomorrow.

9:00-10:00 PM: Morgan said she is interested to see if Scott follows through with nominating Danielle and Shane. Alex said he is either the saboteur or America’s Player if not. Morgan told Alex and Shelby that if one of them goes home this week, the rest of them should leave too since they are going to be picked off one by one. Alex and Morgan spoke to Neeley in the have-not room. Alex explained that she nominated Kryssie because she knew they were lying to her and were going to vote Monte out over Scott. Neeley admitted to knowing about the plan, though she said she was on the fence about it because she likes Monte. Neeley said that nominating Kryssie is what pushed her over the edge. Alex said there was a rumour going around that they were going to target Kryssie but that was false. Alex said she likes Neeley as a person and she does not want things to be awkward. Neeley said she appreciates that. She talked about not liking the divide and the segregation within the house. Neeley pointed out that the power will always shift and therefore it is smart to be cool with everyone. Afterwards, Morgan and Alex filled Shelby in on the conversation. Morgan said Neeley is obsessed with the idea that it’s segregated. Alex didn’t think that Neeley understood what they were trying to say. Alex wondered why they were pissed at her when she made the right move since they were trying to trick her. Alex then spoke to Kryssie. She clarified that she was not trying to backdoor her. Kryssie said if you are going to pawn someone, you should at least float the idea to them beforehand. Kryssie said she knew Alex would not nominate Scott since they are friends. Kryssie let Alex know that she is not mad at her but she is disappointed that Alex didn’t talk to her about it beforehand. Alex explained that she didn’t have a choice since she knew that they were lying to her about voting Scott out. Alex mentioned that Shane confirmed that. Kryssie said they cannot all be lumped in together, but Alex pointed out that they all came up to her as a group in hope of getting Scott nominated. Alex said she felt as though Kryssie was in on it so sh was lying to her. Kryssie claimed that she doesn’t scheme or create plans, because she is there to play the cleanest game possible.

10:00-11:00 PM: Alex told Morgan, Shelby and Whitney that Kryssie had no idea that her allies were lying to her about the plan to vote Monte out over Scott. Alex said Kryssie is mad cause she thinks that they were spreading the word to target her. Shelby said Kryssie had zero votes and a target does not get zero votes. Seeing as Alex thinks Kryssie did not know anything and is at the bottom of her alliance, Shelby suggested they tell Scott it would be pointless to nominate her. Morgan wondered if Kryssie would vote with them. Both Alex and Whitney said no. Alex said what she took from the conversations with Kryssie and with Neeley is that they want them to be one big happy family. Morgan said she cannot get over the segregated comment. She thinks that Neeley was referring to their group being white. The others hoped that that was not the case. Kryssie let Shane know that the girls know they were lying about the plan to evict Scott. Kryssie said Alex told her that Shane confirmed it, but she played dumb to Alex. Kryssie then headed outside to tell Danielle, Jason and Neeley the same thing. Shane was also there. Kryssie thought that Alex was trying to play it off as though she knows more than she really does. Kryssie plans to tell Alex that they threw that idea out there to Scott and Shelby in order to see if they were trustworthy, but it got back to the other side so it proved that they are not. Up in the HoH room, Scott told Alex, Morgan, Shelby and Whitney that he is considering two options. The first is to nominate Danielle and Shane next to each other. The other is nominating Kryssie next to Shane in order to give them a better shot at winning the veto. Scott said part of him thinks that nominating Danielle and Shane together is better. Alex agreed. Scott said it would be hilarious to keep Kryssie safe this week since she expects to go up.

11:00-12:00 AM: Scott told the girls that another reason he was thinking of nominating Kryssie instead of Danielle is that Danielle may be an America’s Nominee. He said Shane is definitely going on the block, likely next to Danielle, though he is not yet 100% sure on the second nominee. Shelby said a reason not to nominate Kryssie is that she is expendable to her alliance. Scott agreed that it would not be good if Kryssie ended up being the one to go. Scott said he plans on blowing up Shane’s game in his speech, making him look like a fool. After everyone else left, Scott told Alex that he spoke to Neeley about making a deal to keep Alex safe for next week. Scott said Neeley wants to talk to Alex first. Scott said he will do everything he can to ensure that Alex does not become a casualty. Alex said she would love to work with Scott for the entire course of the game. Scott said the same to Alex and said he almost feels the same about Shelby. Alex said she trusts Shelby and thinks that she is smart. Scott said that if he has to fight for Shelby, it will have to be more so behind the scenes.

12:00-1:00 AM: Justin joined Danielle, Jason, Kryssie, Neeley and Shane in the backyard. Jason commented on how all the girls are kissing Justin’s ass. Justin said they are not kissing his ass. He said they are just drawn to him. Justin asked why they would be kissing his ass. Jason said because they cannot kiss any of their asses since they would not give him the attention he would. Justin said he is just chilling with them. Justin asked what it all means. Jason said nothing and they are just poking fun at it.

1:00-2:00 AM: Justin headed upstairs to talk to Scott. He let Scott know that the group outside is getting jealous that he is spending time with everybody, especially with Alex, Morgan, Shelby and Whitney. Scott said they did the same thing with him last week. The two said they have got each other’s backs. Scott said he already knows what he is going to do this week. Justin said he has an idea who Scott is going to nominate. Justin told Scott he has got to do what he has got to do. Scott told Justin that he will not be nominated even if the veto is used. Justin said he respects Scott for that. He assured Scott that he is not coming after him if he wins HoH. Justin said he doesn’t trust Shane and Danielle at all. He said those two would be the first ones to start talking. Justin pointed out that it’s him or them. He explained that it’s a disadvantage since they would not vote to keep him over the other. Justin told Scott that the first thing the group will do when they get HoH is try to get Alex and Scott out. Justin said that that side is coming after Scott anyway, so make the moves that he wants to make. Afterwards, Justin told Kryssie that he spoke to Scott and he is definitely going to put Shane and Danielle on the block.


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