Big Brother: Over The Top Day 42 - Morgan is nominated in Danielle's place

November 8, 2016

1:00-2:00 PM: The veto ceremony took place. Jason used the Power of Veto on Danielle. During his speech, Jason said a time comes where it’s not about team strategy and it’s about your individual strategy. However, Jason said he cannot forget about the cheers that he heard after Shelby won HoH, nor can he forget about how the girls were not loyal to people like Monte, Scott and now Whitney. After that, Jason said he is going to nominate Morgan. Morgan stood up and pointed out that Jason offered them a Final 5 deal last night. Jason said everyone knows. Justin laughed at them and said “suckers” before walking away. Morgan then asked Whitney if she was talking about having a celebratory dinner because one of them is going home. Whitney said no. She told them she was celebrating because she did not want Justin getting backdoored. The girls talked things over in the bedroom. Alex told Morgan and Shelby that they cannot trust Jason. Morgan questioned what the point of Jason approaching them about a Final 5 deal was. Alex said it was unnecessary and makes them look like bad human beings. Morgan said she is going to say something to Jason. She headed outside where everyone else was. Alex and Shelby followed. Morgan asked what the point of last night was. Jason claimed that they were still trying to decide what they wanted to do. Jason said their group was forced together by default and showed better loyalty than the girls did. They talked about the girls flipping on Whitney. They said they would not have done it if not for the celebratory dinner comment. Morgan said Whitney was with Justin and Kryssie all along. Whitney admitted she said that she would never go against those two. Justin spoke up and said that one of the girls is going home. Shelby said she is not. Jason told Morgan that she is safe and Alex will be the one going home. Jason mentioned that the girls lied to them about every vote so they can do the same thing by lying about the plan for the veto ceremony. Morgan told Justin that he can laugh now but he will not last much longer. Justin said one of them is going home. He added that he will win the double eviction and send her home next. Danielle said the other side wants to take people they can beat while her side wants to stay loyal. In the bathroom, Shelby told Alex that she is not a waitress. She revealed that she is waiting for her results in the bar exam and she has graduated law school. Alex said she too has a secret that she will tell Shelby today. Alex told Shelby that she will have to swear not to say anything when she reveals the secret. Alex caught Morgan on her way out of the diary room. She told her that they are going to tell Shelby that they are sisters. Alex let Morgan know that Shelby just told her a big secret. The girls then headed up to the HoH room. Alex said the secret is that Morgan is her sister. Shelby was shocked and began analyzing their faces. She said they do have the same nose. Shelby then told Morgan about her secret as well. Shelby said the sisters had her this whole time but she had them the whole time too.

2:00-3:00 PM: Alex started working on a speech for tomorrow, with the help of Morgan and Shelby. Alex wanted to come up with a comment for each of the houseguests on the opposing side. For Kryssie, she said she is really proud of her for not having quit the game yet. For Danielle, Alex said she is proud of her for acknowledging that there is more than just her in the house. Morgan asked if Alex is going to really say those things. Morgan said she is willing to say them if not. They then started planning for Morgan to use the speech instead. Shelby suggested saying that the biggest twist of the season would be if Jason actually told the truth for once. For Justin, they discussed saying that he is riding Jason’s coattails. Morgan said she wants to throw all of the pizza and chicken away since that’s what Justin lives off of. As for Whitney, they discussed saying something about a “celebratory dinner”.

3:00-4:00 PM: Out in the hammock, Justin told Whitney that he is scared about the election. He said he doesn’t know what is going to happen but he thinks that Trump would mess up everything that Obama implemented. Justin said they will regress 10 years if Trump wins the election. Justin thinks that Trump may end up winning because he is a celebrity and he is bold. Whitney thinks that not being a politician works to his advantage. In the HoH room, Alex explained to Shelby that the plan coming into the house was for her to align with the opposite side of the house as Morgan did so that they could work both sides. Alex said it didn’t work out since she did not mesh well with the others. Alex talked about Danielle saying that her side is loyal and sticking together even though Jason, Justin and Whitney have all tried to throw her under the bus so many times. Alex thinks that Danielle will have to win her way to the end in order to have a shot. Alex expects no one to touch Kryssie since she is not doing anything. Outside, Danielle mentioned that Alex isn’t even trying when she has nothing to lose and she should be throwing Morgan under the bus. Kryssie said that side hasn’t wanted to play the game with them and that is their issue.

6:00-7:00 PM: Morgan told Shelby that she is going to feel so much pressure to win HoH if she stays. Shelby said Morgan’s only win came when she was under her own personal pressure. Morgan said she was just talking to Alex and she said that they will have to chill by themselves until eventually the other side is forced to turn on each other and come to them. Shelby said she will Audrey on everyone by hiding in the diary room with a blanket. The girls discussed who they would like to see win. Morgan said she wants Justin to win at this point. Shelby said she wants Justin or Kryssie to win. Alex said she doesn’t want Kryssie to win because she cannot have someone win who cries and wanted to quit multiple times. Shelby was crying just prior and jokingly told Alex to shut up. Shelby told Alex that she was just talking to Morgan about using the veto on her if she wins it. Alex told Shelby that she is not allowed to do that. Morgan said she would refuse it. The girls went back and forth saying that the other one has to be the one to stay, laughing about it as they did. Shelby told Alex and Morgan that she is still kind of pissed that they are sisters. Shelby realized that she would have gone home over Morgan. Alex explained that that’s why she had to try to shift the target off of Morgan and onto Whitney. Alex and Morgan assured Shelby that they always said they trusted her most in the diary room. Shelby said she went back and forth between the two in terms of who she trusts most.

7:00-8:00 PM: Alex told Morgan that they had a good run. Morgan said it was a fun run. Morgan thinks that she will be the one to go. She figured that Jason and Danielle would want her to go since she can get a care package. Alex said her gut is telling her that she will go because they have been so fixated on wanting her out. Morgan said she would love to stay but she thinks they are stupid if they let her stay. Alex said she wants to stay but Morgan is in a way better position than she is because she can get a care package. Alex thinks that Shelby is in the best position to coast to the end. The sisters agreed that they would like Shelby to win over any of the others. Alex asked Morgan to promise that she will stay and fight if she goes. Morgan said she will. Alex told Morgan that she has no regrets but she thinks the biggest thing that led to all of this was letting Scott get into her ear a little bit with regards to having her talk to Danielle about working together down the line. Alex also felt that she was too trusting in Jason when she tried to move the target from Morgan to Whitney. Morgan said her regret is not being more vocal and more herself because she may have received the care package over Shelby and then not been as big of a target. Morgan mentioned nominating Jason and Danielle if she stays and wins HoH tomorrow.


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