Big Brother: Over The Top Day 6 - America nominates Cornbread; Jason wins PoV

October 3, 2016

9:00-10:00 AM: Scott told Shane that he is thinking about nominating Kryssie or Shelby with Danielle as a pawn next week. He said that way the heat wont all be on Monte because he wouldn’t be the only one to nominate Danielle. Shane wasn’t sure that he wanted Danielle to be a pawn again. Shane asked Scott if they have his vote in the event that Danielle remains on the block. Scott said of course. Monte then joined them. Scott said both he and Justin spoke to Jason and let him know that they will not be using the veto on him if they win it. Scott told the guys that he doesn’t think they can take Justin out next week because there would only be four guys left. Monte agreed and said they need to start taking out the weaker players. Scott said taking Kryssie out would almost be a mercy kill, since she has been crying and is missing her boyfriend. He also said Shelby has been snaking around like no other. Scott said he will not even nominate Justin if he wins next week. He said he will likely nominate Danielle or Neeley next to Kryssie. Big Brother called an HoH lockdown. The nomination chairs were replaced with a nomination couch. After the lockdown, Alex told Morgan to put more makeup on and do her hair. She said she saw Justin staring at them. Alex said Morgan is pissing her off and she needs to put an effort in because she does not want this to ruin their games.

10:00-11:00 AM: America’s nominee was revealed. America nominated Cornbread. The veto players were then picked. Monte, Cornbread, Danielle, Jason, Alex and Whitney will be competing. Shane is hosting the competition. Monte told Cornbread they don’t know what America is thinking. He said it could be reverse psychology. Cornbread said that crossed his mind. Jason said this gives him even more fire. Jason told Kryssie the others are so self righteous and think their opinion must be the right opinion. Jason said Cornbread got nominated because he is an annoying person and they don’t like him strategically since he is kissing Monte’s ass. Jason said he is with America and he is not the only one that sees it. Jason told Danielle, Morgan and Scott that the community does not connect with the sweet hick type. Jason then told Danielle that America chose someone they don’t like and that they can beat in the veto competition. Danielle said she is happy they didn’t nominate Shane. Jason said it’s because Cornbread, not Shane, is Monte’s #2. Shane was in the room for the conversation.

11:00-12:00 PM: Monte told Jason it’s crazy that Cornbread got put up. Jason said he is not surprised. He said it’s probably half personal and half strategy, since they likely wanted him to compete against someone who he could beat. Jason also said the fans are unlikely to connect with Cornbread, just like he cannot. Monte said it wouldn’t surprise him if America nominates him next week. Jason told Monte that he wont be against him even if he stays. He said Monte got tunnel vision when it comes to him and it was the easiest way not to piss of the newbies. Jason said the only way he is going to stay is if he wins the veto. Jason mentioned being a bigger target than the showmance. Monte asked if they are official. Jason said pretty much and that if Monte thinks Shane is his #2, he has lost him. Meanwhile, Scott asked Shane if he is sure that Danielle would not nominate him. Shane promised that she will not. Scott said he would probably nominate Kryssie and Neeley then, using Shelby as the replacement nominee if the veto is used. Scott suggested that taking Kryssie out would be good for them and America would understand it since she is already over it. Monte spoke to Whitney about taking Cornbread down if she wins the veto, leaving only his two original nominees on the block. Whitney said she is on board with doing that. Monte said that he too would use the veto on Cornbread. Monte asked who he should target if Jason wins the veto. Scott threw Kryssie’s name out there, though Monte said Shelby is rubbing him the wrong way. In the storage room, Shelby told the sisters that she thinks Jason might work with them if they keep him around. Morgan said he wants to work with the guys. Both Alex and Shelby said that’s just because they are in power this week. Alex mentioned that she would use the veto on Cornbread but she prefers to let him win it for himself if she can. Morgan and Shelby discussed bringing a guy into their alliance. Morgan said she trusts Monte more than Shane. Shelby thought that Justin might be a good option. Back up in the HoH room, Monte told Shane that a group between the two of them, Danielle, Alex, Morgan and Whitney might be a good combination. Shane asked if Monte prefers Morgan and Whitney over Alex. Monte confirmed that he does, explaining that those two have talked to him more.

12:00-1:00 PM: Shelby told Jason that their Jamboree alliance with Justin, Kryssie and Scott is good because they are all wildcards and nobody suspects them. However, Shelby said Kryssie is driving her nuts on a personal level. She said she doesn’t know if she can work with her. Shelby told Jason that she wanted to make a crazy move and she would have used the veto on him if she had been chosen to play and won it. Alex joined them. Jason asked her if she would consider using the veto on him. Alex didn’t commit to that but she said there are other people up there that she would be willing to get rid of.

1:00-2:00 PM: The veto competition took place. In the backyard was a vault. Inside of the vault was the Power of Veto. Inside of the house were clues to the four digit code that was needed to unlock the vault and retrieve the Power of Veto. The first to do so would be the winner. After roughly 30 minutes, Jason won the Power of Veto. Danielle celebrated with him. Shelby hugged him and congratulated him. Jason pointed out that he now doesn’t have leprosy. In the bedroom, Scott told Danielle that he will be voting to keep her. He said it will probably be Shelby or someone going home. Scott said Danielle only needs one more vote since she has his, Shane’s, Jason’s and Justin’s. Justin joined them and told Danielle it’s so unfair that Alex, Cornbread, Monte and Whitney were working together but nobody was talking to Danielle or Jason. He also commented on how two faced Shelby was acting once Jason won the veto.

2:00-3:00 PM: Shane told Monte to backdoor Kryssie and then they are all good. Monte said Neeley and Shelby may vote Cornbread out but everyone else should vote Kryssie out. Monte asked Cornbread if he thinks that he should nominate Kryssie. Cornbread said to do her a favour since she is ready to go. It was then Danielle’s turn to talk to Monte. She said she is iffy on Shelby because she is literally everywhere. Monte said the replacement nominee will either be Kryssie or Shelby. Danielle said she would prefer to be up next to Shelby. Monte said Shane told him to put Kryssie up. Danielle said he may know something that she doesn’t know then. Danielle pointed out that Monte may be able to get into America’s good graces by sending Cornbread home. Monte said Cornbread has been loyal to him and he cannot be disloyal in return. Monte told Danielle that Kryssie is the easy choice. Monte mentioned that Morgan and Whitney may vote to keep Shelby since they are being nice to her. Danielle was on board with nominating Kryssie then. Danielle later added that having Kryssie go could be Monte’s best bet since Jason does not like Shelby, making her another target for Jason if he wins HoH. Monte said they will need to focus on getting Jason out again next week, seeing as America will never nominate him and he is already targeting Shane and himself. Monte then told Morgan about Jason not liking Shelby. Monte said he leaning towards nominating Kryssie. Morgan agreed that it would be the best move. Monte told Morgan that they need to get Jason and Justin out because they will target Alex, Morgan and Whitney. Monte momentarily considered nominating Justin, though he and Morgan agreed that the safer move is to nominate Kryssie.

3:00-4:00 PM: Scott asked Monte if he is leaning towards going after Kryssie or Shelby. Monte said the consensus is that Kryssie needs to go because Jason does not like Shelby. Monte mentioned that Morgan said Jason hasn’t tried to connect with any of the girls. Scott said that’s because he hates Whitney and doesn’t want to work with anyone associated with her. Shelby was the next to head up to the HoH room. She said she wanted to bond with Monte because sh wants to make him feel guilty about making her the backdoor target. Shelby let Monte know that Kryssie said she is a snake and the target. Monte said Kryssie likely knows that she is going up. Shelby said she is on board to vote her out. Shelby told Monte that it would be the easy move if Monte doesn’t want to get blood on his hands. After talking to Monte, Shelby said she feels better and she will go act nervous for a bit.

4:00-5:00 PM: Alex was in the storage room alone. She said both Monte and Shane are full of it. Alex said she doesn’t trust anyone but her sister, and she didn’t want to trust her sister. Alex said Whitney is too naive and is trusting every word that Monte is saying. Alex said Morgan doesn’t really know how to strategize and talk game. In the bedroom, Scott told Shelby that the Jamboree is done. Shelby asked if Scott told Monte about it. Scott said no. Shelby said she would still like to keep some of those connections. Scott mentioned Shelby and Justin as people that he wants to stay connected with. Shelby said she loves Jason as a person. Scott said Jason is already a marked man. Scott made it clear that people cannot find out about the Jamboree alliance even though it is no longer a thing. Scott advised Shelby to get in tight with Alex, Morgan and Whitney. Shelby said she is already close with them but she is not going to just do what he says.

6:00-7:00 PM: Shelby told Whitney that Kryssie has told her she is the backdoor target, though she doesn’t think that Kryssie knows anything. Whitney said she thinks that Kryssie is going on the block. Danielle walked by as Whitney was saying that, which made the girls paranoid. Whitney said she is really scared that Danielle heard what they were talking about. Shelby suggested that they talk some fake game with her tonight. Whitney went to Monte to give him a heads up about what happened. Monte said it’s not a problem since he and Shane already filled Danielle in on the plan. Alex told Morgan and Shelby that Monte said Jason is targeting them next week. Morgan said she is going to continue talking to Monte because she wants to separate him from Shane. Morgan thinks that Monte trusts her the most. The girls discussed breaking up conversations tonight so that the plan to nominate Kryssie doesn’t change.

9:00-10:00 PM: Shane told Danielle that he is very uneasy about Alex, Morgan and Whitney. Danielle said she is too. She pointed out that they have three votes and they go off together all the time and nobody thinks anything of it. Shane said he would take Alex or Whitney out since Monte likes Morgan. Danielle thinks that they should go after Shelby and then take Alex out since she is a superfan. As for Neeley, Danielle thinks that they should keep her around because she will have their backs. Danielle told Shane that he is the one person who should be worried about Cornbread because he wants to be Monte’s right hand man so badly. Danielle thinks that Jason would keep them safe if he wins. Shane said people would expect him to nominate Jason if he wins. Danielle told him to explain that he doesn’t want to make that move because Jason can remain a target in front of him. Shane said his hands are in both cookie jars right now and it’s scary because people know that. Danielle wasn’t too concerned about it, because she thinks that people see Shane doing that from a social standpoint but not from a game standpoint. Danielle expects people to keep Shane over Monte when it comes down to that, seeing as Shane has built better relationships.

10:00-11:00 PM: Scott let Alex know that he doesn’t trust Cornbread. He said Cornbread likes him a lot but he does not trust Cornbread’s judgment. They agreed to keep Cornbread close for his vote. As for Shelby, Alex said she is a vote for them and will do anything they want. Alex was worried that Shelby would be targeted this week. Scott agreed and said he advised Shelby to get in close with the girls. Alex told Scott that she trusts Monte but doesn’t think the same way as him, whereas she knows that Scott gets what she is thinking. Alex asked Scott if he has nominations in mind for next week. Scott said he plans to throw the HoH competition. Alex mentioned that Danielle continues to follow the girls around, likely doing it so that they cannot talk. Alex said Justin follows people as well, breaking up conversations. Scott said that’s why he thinks Justin is the smartest player. They agreed that Justin is playing a strong game. In the bathroom, Morgan told Alex and Shelby that Neeley asked her to talk later. Alex said that’s good since Morgan can align with Neeley and keep them all safe. Shelby said she thinks that she needs to stop hanging out with everybody. Alex told her to stick to the girls for the next couple of days. Alex asked the girls if they can come up with a cute alliance name. Shelby suggest “The Plastics” but wanted more time to think.

11:00-12:00 AM: Neeley checked in with Monte. She let Monte know that she would nominate Shelby if it were up to her. Monte said some people are pushing for Shelby and others are pushing for Kryssie. Monte agreed that getting rid of Shelby would not put much blood on his hands. Justin spoke to Scott about the possibility of Monte nominating him. Scott said he is not going to. Scott said it will probably be Kryssie or Shelby. Justin said he is after Shelby and he would nominate her alongside Monte if he wins. Justin explained that he wants to compete against Monte and see what he is about. Furthermore, Justin said his strategy is to get Monte and Shelby out as soon as possible, then he will go after the rest of The Plastics. Justin said he may throw HoH since he doesn’t really want to put anyone up and he doesn’t think that people would vote him out even if he ends up on the block.


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