Big Brother: Over The Top - Shane Chapman Exit Interview

October 21, 2016

We got the chance to take part in a conference call with Shane. Shane was asked what he would like to see happen in the future with Danielle. Shane replied by saying that "we get married and have babies". When asked if he ever considered using the Power of Veto on Danielle, Shane said no. Shane clarified that he came there for the $250,000. Even though he didn't win the game, Shane said he won Danielle. Shane was if he thinks that he would have made it further if he was not in a showmance. He said yes but said he does not regret it.

Yourself and Danielle offered both Scott and Alex deals to vote their way in exchange for them keeping you safe. Would you have kept your word had that meant voting out an alliance member?

Shane: We would not have went through with it if America put up Shelby or any of the other girls. If we would have had the votes, we would have lied.

Why do you think that America nominated Danielle last week?

Shane: I don’t know. It’s kind of scary. I have been asked that so many times and I am scared to find out. Me, Danielle and Kryssie, our little group was trying to figure out “why is America voting you out? Are you not taking the have-not thing seriously?”. She loves food. She was complaining about that she hated the have-not food. It could have been anything but that is the main thing we were thinking about at the time.

Had you stayed over Danielle, what was going to be your game plan moving forward?

Shane: If I stayed over Danielle, my game plan moving forward is that Kryssie and Neeley would have been my ride or dies. I’d still try to take out Alex and take out Justin after that.

You mentioned your BB family in your speech. Obviously a family cannot win the game. How long do you think they will stick together and which one of them do you think will turn on the alliance first?

Shane: I think it all kind of depends on the HoHs. I think that Danielle has a good family with Kryssie and Neeley. Justin is a very good player. He is a very good social player and to me he is lying to everyone. I know he does know how to play this game. The strategy was those three would last and then take out Justin and take out Jason. If you don’t take out Alex, Jason will totally move over to the other side with Alex. They are great thinkers and Alex respects Jason as a player. That’s why I was like take Alex out so Jason doesn’t have an opportunity to go to Alex. Jason and Justin are ride or dies. If they stick to the plan, they have to take out those players. Shelby and Scott are floaters. They are just chilling. They are easy votes. If the group was to split, I think it would be Justin and Jason to split it.

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