Big Brother Canada 6 - Erica Hill Exit Interview

April 13, 2018

Looking back, do you regret how you handled either of your HoH weeks, or would you make the same moves over again?

Erica: It’s hard. It’s a yes and no answer. On one hand, I wish had continued on my little backdoor streak, and put Kaela up once Johnny had won the veto. In the same breath, if it wasn’t for that twist, I would still be there. It wasn’t a terrible move on my part, but it’s hard to pre-meditate on this show cause it changes so rapidly. I’m trying to remind myself of the headspace I was in making those decision. Obviously now in retrospect, hindsight is 20/20.

You won four competitions, keeping you safe for a good part of the early stages of the game. Do you think that this led to you feeling safer than you should have, since people typically tell those in power what they want to hear?

Erica: I literally just assumed that anything everyone ever said to me was probably BS. Because I was safe, I could recognize that whatever people were telling me was probably to push their own agenda. If people weren’t throwing my name out there, it was probably cause prior to this week I only had one week of potential nominations. I was waiting for the moment I was going to be backdoored, to be completely honest. It’s unfortunate it had to be this soon, but it wasn’t entirely unanticipated.

Had Hamza been nominated next to Merron during a normal week with more time to talk, would you have fought for Hamza to stay?

Erica: I would have 150% campaigned for Hamza to stay. I think I might have successfully campaigned for Hamza to stay, to be completely honest with you. I felt like I was decently good at working the house, and knowing what to say to stroke their individual egos. I really would have tried hard to keep him in that game. Although our game never directly aligned cause he is such a vastly different player than I am, he was one of the few individuals in that house who I truly believed had my best interest at heart. That is so rare to feel in that house.

Yesterday morning, you told Ryan that you would rather lose to Johnny than give $20,000 to someone who did nothing in the game. Were you being honest about that?

Erica: In the state currently, I would say yes. It’s hard to turn down the extra $80,000 and the title. There is something that just rubs me the wrong way about someone who sat on their hands, said nothing, did nothing, won nothing, walking away with $20,000. It’s very hard for me to get behind that. I want to say yes I did mean it, but I don’t know where my head would be at in that exact moment.

When Arisa revealed that Canada saved Ryan, did you feel that your game was in danger, or who did you think would go on the block?

Erica: I immediately thought I was in danger. It was that tiny voice deep down that was like “girl, it’s a backdoor moment. You are getting backdoored”. This was the prime time to take a shot at me. I knew that Kaela was probably going to do it. I just never anticipated her lying right to my face about it. Once she told me that it was not me going up, I was feeling a lot better than I did before. I think that was the biggest slap in the face of all. If she had told me initially, I wouldn’t have been able to campaign anyway. That desire to lie even when you don’t have to was really a slap in the face.

You had quite the exit from the house. Is there anything that you wish you hadn’t said, or wish you had added in, in the heat of the moment?

Erica: I don’t regret it, cause it was truly my real raw emotions once I snapped back to reality. It’s how I was feeling. I can’t apologize for that. Do I wish a little bit of a filter on my language? Probably. If anything, I kind of wish I was able to blow up some more games before I left, and expose some alliances, so even once I left I could shake things up one last time.

Is there anyone’s game in particular you would have tried to blow up?

Erica: I 100% would have put Daela, Ali and Liv on blast for sure. I would have named that alliance, and been like “Kaela has been part of two named alliances now that she has sent home, and she talks about sending her showmance home every single day. When she tells you that you are good, maybe don’t believe it”.

Kaela told you she heard that she was your #1 target. How do you think that information got out?

Erica: She is everyone’s #1 target. When I was HoH my second week, the only thing I heard was “put Daela up”. She is like “I heard I am your #1 target”. No sh*t, honey. Obviously. I don’t care how it got out, or who leaked it, cause it’s facts. It was a good move on her part.

How do you feel about Ali and Olivia voting to evict you?

Erica: I am not surprised. I had pulled Johnny aside prior to that, and said “if she puts Ali or Liv up, Will stays”. We both agreed. If I was going to take that shot back, I can’t be bitter that they would take the shot at me. It’s real recognizes real. It is kill or be killed. They had to take the shot. I would be confused if they didn’t.

If you had gone on the block with a few days to campaign, do you think that you would have been able to convince Ali and Olivia to vote for you?

Erica: Yeah. I think I would have had a much better shot. I am not sure I would have been entirely successful, but I think there was at least a chance. Who knows. I might watch this entire season back and go “girl, you silly. There was no chance at all”. I guess I wont know until I watch.

Does leaving due to a twist make it harder to accept since you had less control over it all, or easier for the same reason since it feels like there was not much that you could do?

Erica: It’s one of those things were it was out of my control. I have got to take it on the chin. It is what it is.

Are you disappointed that you are leaving before jury, or are you glad that you get to go home right away?

Erica: It’s a little bittersweet. I wanted to be a part of jury cause I wanted my vote in the end. I wanted to have a say in who walked away the winner. In the same breath, I think one of the reasons I’m able to take this experience as such a positive and uplifting experience for myself is I’m able to go back to my life and the people I love. Now I can watch the rest of the season with them as a fan. I think that is giving me the ability to let go.

If Johnny doesn’t win the game, who would you like to see win?

Erica: I love a good underdog story. I would love for Ryan to pull out the win on this one. He is such a superfan of the show. He is playing an odd game in my opinion. I am not sure what the strategy is there anymore, but it would just mean the world to him. The $100,000 is the driving factor for most. For Ryan it’s the title of Big Brother Canada winner that I think he is striving for more. I respect that so much as a fan of the show.

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