Big Brother 19 Day 10 - Alex wins the Power of Veto

June 30, 2017

9:00-10:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. Cody, Alex, Jillian, Jason, Matthew and Raven will be competing. Kevin will be hosting the competition. Up in the HoH room, Jessica mentioned it’s not good that Jason was picked to play. There is speculation that he would use the veto on Alex should he happen to win it. Paul told Cody he believes he can talk Jason out of using the veto if he wins it.

10:00-11:00 AM: Cody headed downstairs to speak to Alex and Jillian. He questioned why they have isolated themselves. Alex said she doesn’t think that they did. Cody said she did since they are on the outside. Cody then asked why they haven’t tried to bring themselves in with “the dudes”. Alex said she is cool with them. They discussed some issues between the girls. Alex let Cody know that she is thinking the racist thing wasn’t actually said, though she believes Jessica did say something about her. Alex believes that the girls don’t like her and they act super fake around her. Cody implied that it could be the girls seeing her as a threat as opposed to the girls not liking her. As for Jillian, Cody said he has heard nothing but the word sweet come up when people talk about Jillian. Alex looked to get some information as to who would go on the block if she were to win the veto. Cody refused to give up any names, but he told the girls they will see what actions take place. In the storage room, Kevin let Paul know about Alex saying that the couples are teamed up. Paul assured Kevin that he is in a good spot with the group. He encouraged Kevin to bring the information back to him when he hears it, then they will assess what they need to do with it. Paul had a friendship session, speaking to the live feeders. He revealed that he received the first temptation. Paul thanked the viewers. He said he plans to use the safety as his Plan B. He is hoping that he will not have to reveal that he received it. Paul explained that his plan is to lay low for the first half of the game, letting people come to him, before he makes some alliances to keep himself safe. Paul said the girls this season are vicious, but their cattiness and jealousy is going to be what holds them back. Paul said his gameplay will involve getting the girls to turn on each other. He said he did that with Alex, Jessica and Megan. Paul explained that he told Jessica he heard she was being a little racist, then Jessica went straight to Alex and Megan. Megan then left. Paul plans to give the newbies advice early on in on order to gain favour with them, so they will later eat up the bad advice that he gives them.

11:00-12:00 PM: Elena told Jessica and Raven that Paul said Jillian is saying they are using their sexuality to further their games, plus they are only their to be famous. Raven said Jillian is clearly playing them then since this morning she told her that she is the sweetest thing. Jessica said Jillian is going to stick with viewing them as their stereotypes and that’s that. Elena said as much as she wants to blow up on Jillian, she wont because they will show her cards when they eventually evict her. Jessica said Alex is getting evicted this week. Jessica said Megan, their brain, and Alex, their muscles, will now be gone. Jessica said it will then be Jason, Jillian and Ramses remaining. The girls discussed that Ramses is playing both sides right now. They agreed that he is playing smart by doing that since he didn’t fit in with their group right off the bat.

12:00-1:00 PM: Josh told Christmas he is going to stay strong and positive because his family is watching. He thanked Christmas for her support. Christmas said she can see that Josh is in a completely different mindset today. She encouraged him to keep playing and keep having fun. Christmas said she was getting frustrated with Josh because he is capable of changing this experience for himself, so she is happy to see a different side of him today. After Christmas left, Josh spoke to the camera and said he loves Christmas. Josh called her an angel.

3:00-4:00 PM: Feeds returned following the veto competition. Alex won the Power of Veto. She looked to the camera and said she is coming for the showmances and she will crush every single one of them. Christmas and Paul discussed that the worst case scenario always happens in Big Brother. The two agreed that Ramses would be the ideal replacement nominee. Paul said their side is collectively thinking that it should be Jason, which will make it difficult for them to get Ramses nominated. Meanwhile, the three couples met in the HoH room and agreed that Jason has to be the one to go this week. Paul joined them and suggested that they should pay attention to what Ramses is doing. Matt suggested that Ramses is not a threat since he will not win HoH. The three couples, Paul, Dominique and Christmas briefly spoke together. Jessica said it’s the first time that their entire group has been together. Paul said is very obvious and they need to split up. It was discussed that Alex will need to go next week. Jessica said she needs to be backdoored. Cody mentioned that he could influence Jessica and he may be able to reel her in. In the storage room, Ramses spoke to Elena about the possibility of him being put on the block as the replacement nominee. Elena told Ramses not to worry yet. She said she will let him know if he needs to worry. Elena swore that there is no alliance on her side. She said Cody is going after the people who he doesn’t like.

4:00-5:00 PM: Back up in the HoH room, Dominique and Jessica asked Cody for his thoughts on Alex. Cody said he still likes and respects her. Cody said she would be a great asset to their side. Jessica told Cody that he will be putting one of them in jeopardy if he brings Alex over to their side. Cody said Alex feels alone and therefore they need to exploit that loneliness. Jessica said Alex is annoying and she would like to get her out before jury. She added that she is not the only one who feels that way. Jessica reiterated that Alex needs to go next week. Cody again mentioned that he could possibly influence Alex if she wins HoH. Matt wasn’t buying it. Cody assured the group that he will make himself the target if his bet doesn’t end up paying off. Everyone told Cody that they don’t want it to come to that. Jessica said she will be backdooring Alex if she wins HoH. She clarified that it’s a strategic move and it’s not about being catty. Jessica later spoke to Cody alone, looking to better understand what is going on between he and Alex. Cody said he had made his position on Alex clear from the start. Jessica questioned if Cody had thrown the competition in order to let Alex win, since she believes that he did not try towards the end of it. Cody said he had no shot at winning at that point. Jessica informed Cody that people are worried about Alex. Cody said he is sick of everyone being worried about Alex. He said they need to have confidence in their abilities to beat her.

5:00-6:00 PM: Jessica relayed her conversation with Cody to Dominique, Mark, Paul and Raven. She let them all know that Cody said they need to stop being pussies when it comes to Alex. Jessica said Cody thinks she is being catty towards Alex when it’s not that. She didn’t like that Cody said they should not officially create an alliance between the nine, yet he is going around making promises to Alex. Elsewhere, Cody told Mark that he doesn’t think Jessica realizes how little influence she has over him. Cody believes that Jessica is jealous of Alex. Cody mentioned to Mark that he plans to make a deal with Alex and Jason, telling them that they have to keep the couples and Dominique safe. Mark asked who Cody is putting on the block. Cody didn’t want to mention a name. He said it’s not that he doesn’t trust Mark but he does not want to implicate him.

6:00-7:00 PM: Dominique and Ramses discussed that Ramses appears to be on both sides of the house. Ramses said he noticed that Dominique is with Cody, Jessica, and the others on that side. He claimed that he wants to join them but the stragglers on the other side keep trying to pull him in and he is unable to disassociate himself from them. Ramses said he is worried that he may be nominated. Dominique said she would be surprised if that were the case.

7:00-8:00 PM: Alex spoke to Kevin about how it will be tough to survive in the house when everyone but her has someone to hide behind. Kevin said he doesn’t have anyone either. Alex mentioned Cody coming up to her after the competition and telling her to trust him. Kevin asked why he would have nominated her if she can trust him. Alex agreed that he wouldn’t have and said she lost trust in Cody at that point. Alex said Cody wants her to bow down to the queen but she said no, which is why she ended up being put on the block.

8:00-9:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Christmas, Dominique and Elena discuss targeting Alex again next week after Jason leaves this week. Christmas brought up that Cody is unwilling to backdoor Alex. Elena said he will not be HoH next week so it is not going to be up to him. Elena suggested that Alex might be smart enough to join their side until they get rid of her. Paul had joined them at this point. He said Alex is not that stupid. As for Ramses, Dominique and Elena had discussed that Elena can work with him. Paul said he believes that Ramses is more with the other side than he is with them. Elena argued that Ramses likely isn’t dumb enough to work with people who cannot get him far. Kevin and Paul then met up to chat. Paul let Kevin know that his name has not come up at all. Paul said they will each work opposite sides, then they will meet up in the middle. Paul told Kevin that people think Ramses won the $25,000, and they cannot even imagine that it was actually Kevin. Paul advised Kevin to dumb it down a bit since Dominique is on to him and thinks that he is smart. They talked about Josh being the likely target for next week, followed by Alex after that.

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