Big Brother 21 Day 11 - The target shifts off of Kemi

June 29, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Jackson approached Cliff to let him know that he would like to work with him if Cliff is serious about it. Cliff confirmed that he is serious about it. Jackson proposed that their core four be the two of them, Holly and Kat. Jackson pointed out that they are all from the south and share a lot of similar characteristics and personalties. Cliff and Jackson agreed that people wouldn’t suspect it. Afterwards, Jackson went to Jack to let him know that he shook hands on a partnership with Cliff.

11:00-12:00 PM: Nick spoke to Christie about wanting her to do what is best for her game during her HoH week. Christie said that she wants to keep the majority happy for now, causing the least amount of waves in the process. Christie revealed that Ovi is still an option for her. Nick said he would be down with that even though Ovi has gotten better over the last couple of days. Nick mentioned that Kemi would be targeting Jack and Jackson if she stays. Christie asked if Sam will be using the veto. Nick suggested that Sam would be willing to do whatever Christie wants this week. Later, Christie and Kemi spoke. Christie was open about her plan to nominate the person whose name is brought to her the most. Christie informed Kemi that people have thrown her name out there as someone who has been talking about people. Kemi explained herself by saying that she was using people’s names as examples when she told Kat to go fight for herself. Kemi also told Christie about her conversation with Jack. She said that Jack referred to the one side of the house as “Michie’s side” and excluded himself from it. Both girls agreed that Jack is a part of it. Christie admitted that the girls have been discussing letting Jack think that he is running the game until they are able to take a shot at him. Christie told Kemi that she is going to have to do what is best for her game, but Kemi’s and Ovi’s names have came up the most. Before things wrapped up, Kemi let Christie know that she would not nominate her if she were to win HoH.

12:00-1:00 PM: Christie told Tommy that Bella and Nick have flipped, since Nick was talking to her about it not being best for her game to nominate Kemi. Christie said she hates that Kemi has to be the one to go, but she is not going to rock the boat with the alliance right now. Tommy agreed. Afterwards, Christie spoke to Analyse and Kat about her talking with Kemi. She said that Kemi’s story was pretty consistent with what Jack told her, meaning that she trusts Jack a little more now. Christie brought up Kemi saying that Jack tried to disassociate himself from certain people by calling the one side “Michie’s side”. When Christie spoke to Jack, she let him know that she trusts him because Kemi’s story lined up with his for the most part. Christie then told Jack that Nick has been questioning why she would put up Kemi, and also asking her if it’s really best for her game. Jack wondered if they should backdoor Nick this week. Christie preferred to keep Bella and Nick around for another 3-4 weeks until the powers expire. Jack brought up that the downside of nominating Nick would be that he would have 5 days to bury the alliance. Christie said that they should stick to the plan, try to rebuild the eight, and then Bella and Nick can be the first two to go once it is time. Jack and Tommy agreed that they should try to salvage the eight person alliance. Meanwhile, Kat was filling Jackson in on what Christie had told her about the talk with Kemi. Once Jackson relayed it on to Jack, the two guys questioned Kat because they were concerned that the stories that Christie told Jack and Kat weren’t lining up. Kat said it may have been that she misunderstood. While Kat didn’t get why it was so important that some minor details were off, Jack and Jackson explained that it’s a red flag that Christie is not telling them the same things. Kat began to worry that she was putting her game in danger by having told the guys the information. Both assured her that they will not do anything to put her game at risk. Jack eventually said that he trusts Christie until the end of his time in the house.

1:00-2:00 PM: Holly and Kat discussed that Kemi is the victim this week. Both agreed that Kemi would come to them since she has nobody. Given that word had spread that Nick may be looking to flip the vote, the girls decided that the only way that they could save Kemi is if Nick went instead. Holly thinks that there is a power struggle between Jack and Nick since both of them want to be running the house. Kat said that she would like to see Jackson take Jack out. Holly brought up that Christie wants to take Jack out but she doesn’t want to do it this soon.

3:00-4:00 PM: Kat spoke to Nick about how it would be hardcore to blindside someone in week one. Nick told her that she can’t really even get blindsided since she is already on the block. Kat pointed out that people could always be trying to flip the vote. Nick assured her that nobody wants that. He said that Kat will be fine as long as she doesn’t do anything stupid to get herself taken out. Elsewhere, Kemi told Nicole she thinks that she is going on the block. Nicole said she doesn’t know what’s going to happen. She asked why Kemi thinks that it would be her. Kemi attributed to the conversation that she had with Kat. While Kemi doesn’t want to make herself a bigger target, she thinks that it may be best that she speak to Nick to find out what is going on.

4:00-5:00 PM: Christie told Jack that she doesn’t want to put Kemi on the block if Bella and Nick are trying to flip the votes. Jack said that Nick’s plan is to spook her. Jack insisted that Kemi still needs to be the one to go. Christie said she doesn’t want to tell Sam what to do with the veto. Christie questioned how it would benefit her game to put Kemi up if it will lead to Bella and Nick coming after her if they win HoH. Downstairs, Kemi spoke to Bella, Nick and Sam. She explained her side of the story when it came to name dropping people while talking to Kat. Kemi feels as though it was spun from her telling Kat not to give up into her wanting to get Jessica and Ovi out. When Kemi asked Sam if he thinks that he is going to use the veto, Sam said he would like to but he isn’t sure since Christie is not giving him a solid answer. Kemi said it will either be her or Ovi going up if the veto is used.

5:00-6:00 PM: Christie told Jack, Kat and Ovi that the whole Bella, Kemi and Nick thing is scaring her. She said that she will be nominating Kemi as long as the veto is used, and her plan will not be changing. She worried that Sam would get bullied into not using it. Cliff said he believes that Sam will use the veto as long as there is still enough support from the house to do so. Not long after, Christie and Nick spoke once again. Nick told Christie that the conversation he had with her earlier today is because he loves her and wanted to make sure that she is doing what is best for her game. Nick reassured Christie that he will support whichever move she makes. Christie brought up that they are obviously not working together as an eight, which Nick disagreed with. They talked about needing to get the whole alliance together. Back inside, Kat continued to be paranoid that this all may be a big plan to get her out. Holly told her that she doesn’t think care that much to get Kat out. She told Kat that Christie is a straight shooter. While that conversation took place, Christie told Tommy that she doesn’t know what to do. Christie said she is now praying that Sam doesn’t use the veto. She worried after both Nick and Nicole had told her to do what is best for her own game. Christie said she feels like an idiot since she doesn’t want to play anyone else’s game. Christie thinks that Nick is very much against Jack. Tommy thinks that it’s beneficial for them to have those two going after each other. Christie ended up saying that she wants Jack out but it is too soon. Nicole joined them. Christie said that Jack and Jackson have been rallying people against Kemi ever since she insulted their cooking. Nicole let Christie know that Kemi loves her. Christie said she loves Kemi too, and she has to talk to Sam because she doesn’t want him to use the veto. Nicole encouraged Christie to go with her gut. Christie spoke to Holly and Jessica as well, letting them know that she is not going to let a guy manipulate her decision.

6:00-7:00 PM: Christie asked Sam to talk. She let him know that the thought of backdooring someone is not sitting well with her, especially when that person did not doing anything to her. Christie added that she will not be doing Jack’s dirty work. The two talked about Jack having been offering deals to everyone. Christie told Sam that he can do whatever he wants with the veto, but she would like for it to be a smooth week. Both agreed it sucks that Kat will go after they promised her that she is fine. Sam wondered if there was anyone that Christie could put up next to Kat. He still preferred the idea of using the veto on Cliff. Christie wasn’t receptive to the idea until Ovi’s name came up. They both agreed that Ovi going would be an easy decision. There had been some talks about nominating Jack. Christie said she would do it if she knew that she had the votes, but she doubted that they were there. Christie told Sam that Jack has been trying to turn her against Nick, telling her that Bella and Nick are trying to flip the vote. Sam denied that they have been doing that. Christie and Sam agreed that they should play it off as though Christie doesn’t know whether or not Sam will use the veto. Sam said that he will tell Jack that he is definitely using it.

7:00-8:00 PM: Jack told Jackson he thinks that he has been putting a target on himself by blowing everything out of proportion. Jackson told Jack that he is good. Jack believes that his relationship with Christie is still great. Jack and Jackson started to pick up on the fact that Christie could possibly be swayed to nominate someone other than Kemi. Later, Christie told Analyse and Jessica that she wants to stay true to herself. She brought up that making a move against Ovi would get the least amount of blood on her hands. Christie told the girls that she would love to see girls in the end, so it would be great to get a guy out this week. Meanwhile, Sam played it off to Jack, Jackson and Nick that he is going to use the veto but Christie will be shocked by it. He told them that Christie does not seem to want to get Kemi out.

8:00-9:00 PM: Kat wondered if she has been doing something wrong. Tommy was honest with her that Christie had made a comment about Kat following her into every room. Kat said that hurts her feelings. Tommy explained that all of this has nothing to do with Kat, and he thinks that it would be best if she gave Christie some space. Tommy attributed it to everyone scrambling and the plan not going as smoothly as they had anticipated. Christie briefly spoke with Nick to tell him that she is done playing Jack’s game. She also let Nick know that she will not be backdooring Kemi. Nick was told that Ovi will be the replacement nominee.

9:00-10:00 PM: Sam quickly filled Nick in on his talk with Christie. He said that Jack has been telling her that Nick is scheming and trying to flip the vote. Nick wondered if he should talk to Jack about it. Sam said no. Sam also let Nick know that Christie plans to act shocked when he uses the veto. Jessica talked to Kat about the plan to nominate Ovi. She told Kat that the girls are going to be keeping her. Kat said she wants to go home. She claimed that she had already tried to go home but they wouldn’t let her. Jessica attempted to talk her down from that.

10:00-11:00 PM: Jessica let Kemi know that her name and Bella’s name have both been brought up. She mentioned knowing about it because the boys are blabber mouths. Jessica believes that the boys are the ones pushing for that. Kemi cleared the air with Jessica in regards to her conversation with Kat in which Jessica’s name was brought up. She told Jessica that the whole conversation was about telling Kat that she needs to fight for herself, and then she talked about finding someone that the HoH doesn’t have a relationship with, such as Jessica or Ovi, and see if she can get nominated next to them instead. Kemi believes that the conversation was misconstrued. Jessica talked about wanting a girl to win even though they may not have an alliance and it’s just an understanding. Jessica said it sucks that you can’t be there compassionately for somebody without looking like you are conspiring. Jessica told Kemi she understands why she said what she said, she is not upset about it, and she doesn’t want there to be an elephant in the room. Nicole then joined the girls. Jessica said she wants the girls in general to know that they should not be worried if she wins HoH. Nicole pointed out that the girls could run this house. Jessica agreed that they can as long as they don’t let catty stuff get in the way of it.

12:00-1:00 AM: Christie filled Analyse, Holly, Jack and Jackson in on the events of the day, explaining her conversation with Nick and how she became frustrated that he didn’t seem to be on board with the eight. She brought up him saying that the move against Kemi is for Jack. She then said she spoke to Nicole and Tommy, and was crying about it before going to the DR. Christie said she realized that she needed to stay true to herself and find another option. She followed that up by going over her conversation with Sam. Christie said she has originally wanted him to leave the nominations the same but then she remember that she had given her word to Kat so she did not want that to happen. At that point, she revealed that Sam brought up Ovi’s name. Seconds later, Ovi walked into the room, breaking up the conversation.

2:00-3:00 AM: Kemi told Bella that a guy, Jack, was trying to convince Christie to backdoor her, which is why Christie was crying and so upset. Kemi let Bella know that Jessica said she doesn’t know if one of them are running their mouths to the boys, but the boys have thrown each of their names out as an option to go up. Kemi talked to Bella about Jessica wanting to work with the two of them, Christie and Nicole. They discussed that Kat could also be in the mix depending on how this week plays out. Kemi informed Bella that the plan seems to be to use the veto on Cliff in order to put Ovi up if Sam does indeed use the veto. Bella said she doesn’t know if Sam is going to use it, but Sam had told her a couple of hours earlier that he would and that they are playing it off as Christie doesn’t know what’s going on. Bella brought up Jack trying to make deals with everyone. Kemi thought that he was the one that created an alliance of eight on Day 1. Bella said the eight that her name is in is not a real thing, and she doesn’t even know who is in it cause they have never met to talk. Bella said she may nominate Jack and Ovi if she wins HoH.

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