Big Brother 21 Day 12 - Sam uses the PoV on Cliff; Ovi is the replacement nom

June 30, 2019

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds went down at 11:06 for the veto ceremony.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds returned at 12:05 following the veto ceremony. Sam used the Power of Veto on Cliff. Christie nominated Ovi as the replacement nominee. Nick checked in with Ovi to ask if he was okay. Ovi said that he is. Nick encouraged Ovi to campaign, adding that he thinks that Ovi can get the votes. Elsewhere, Christie let Kat know that she is going to tell Ovi that he is the pawn, but she needs her to trust her. Christie promised Kat that she is good. Christie then spoke to Ovi, telling him that even up until an hour before the veto ceremony, Sam had told her that he was not going to use the Power of Veto. Christie advised Ovi to keep doing what he has been doing over the last few days. She added that her heart is broken and that she didn’t want to do this to him. Christie suggested that Ovi let Kat bury herself. Afterwards, Jackson spoke to Ovi to let him know that he did not want this to happen. Jackson explained that everyone but Christie had wanted Kemi to go for personal reasons, so he does not agree with this decision at all. Jackson claimed that he would rather Ovi stay over Kat since he is tired of playing babysitter with Kat. That being said, he let Ovi know that he will have to vote against him since it would look bad to his family and to Kat’s family if he were to vote her out after she has confided in him so much. When Ovi said that he might need Jackson’s vote, Jackson said that he will pick Ovi over Kat if it is going to be a close vote. Once Jackson headed outside to speak to Bella, Jack and Nick, he told them about his conversation with Ovi. He had misunderstood the plan, thinking that Ovi was going to stay. Jack and Nick let him know that they will be voting to evict Ovi. Back inside, Kemi let Jessica and Nicole know that she will be voting to keep Kat. Jessica talked about the girls needing to stick together. Upstairs, Christie filled Tommy in on the fact that she and Sam are acting like they are mad at each other for now.

1:00-2:00 PM: In the boat room, Jessica continued to push the idea of the girls sticking together. She told Christie, Kat, Kemi and Nicole that it would be so amazing if they could take over the game and make Big Brother history since there has a never been such a big group of women that supported each other. Out in the yard, Sam told Jack that he wasn’t going to give in and not follow through with the original plan to save Cliff just because Christie was feeling bad. Jack said he is stoked that Cliff got to come off of the block. They agreed that everyone likes Cliff. Jack wondered how long they should keep him. He questioned if they should take him to jury. Sam said if Cliff makes it there, he makes it there.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kemi spoke to Jessica about Jack knowing that she threw his name out there. While Kemi admitted that she has thrown his name around, she didn’t know who would have told him. Kemi said she stands by what she said in that she will be nominating Jack if she wins HoH. Kemi added that it is especially the case now that she knows Jack is targeting her in such an aggressive way that he upset Christie who he was seemingly so close with. Kemi stated that she will be gunning for the upcoming HoH.

3:00-4:00 PM: While Kemi was alone in the bedroom, she went over her options for nominations should she win the next HoH. She named Jack and Jackson as two nominees, but she wanted to figure out who her third would be if she needed one. She said that she will not be putting any of the girls up. Kemi also ruled out Cliff, Nick and Tommy, which led her to settle on Sam. Minutes later, Nick told Bella and Sam that he would throw HoH to Kemi, letting her shoot her shot, if it came down to the two of them in the competition. Elsewhere, Kat told Jessica and Nicole that she is worried about Bella, Nick and Sam. Jessica pointed out that it wouldn’t even matter which way they voted, as Kat would have the numbers either way. Jessica told Kat not to worry since she has the girls and they are the majority.

4:00-5:00 PM: Analyse, Christie, Holly, Jack, Jackson and Tommy were the only people in the yard when Jackson suggested that they name an alliance for the six of them. They talked about being six within the eight. A couple of names were tossed around but nothing was decided on before Kat came outside. Ovi spoke to Nicole about the position that he is in. He figures that Christie became so comfortable with him that she threw him up on the block because she knew that he would not get mad. Nicole said she would definitely like to keep Ovi. Ovi said he has Cliff, and Cliff told him that he will let others know which way he is voting, so that could help. Ovi hoped that Nicole could do the same with Jessica and Kemi. Nicole said that she would help. Ovi let Nicole know that he would never fault her for voting against him if the house is against him, but he does not want to be blindsided. Nicole brought up that it would be beneficial to Ovi’s game if Kat were to unravel. Ovi said he is hoping for that. Nicole pointed out that Kat would be more loyal to Jackson and the guys if she stays, so it’s in Jessica’s best interest to keep Ovi. Outside, Kat spoke to Holly about being concerned that Christie is telling Ovi that he is a pawn. Kat said it made her lose trust in Christie and in the plan. Holly reassured Kat that she is fine. Kat then talked about not being on board with the girls alliance that Jessica is pushing for. Holly didn’t care for the idea either.

5:00-6:00 PM: Outside, there was a brief talk about the vote. Nicole said she is leaning towards going with the house. Nick asked her what she would do if it was up to her. Nicole said that she would probably keep Ovi since she has talked to him a bit more. Nick worried that he wouldn’t have anyone to nominate if he kept Ovi. He suggested that keeping Kat would be better since she could continually be used as a pawn. Nick talked about how they should all vote together this week. Sam asked if they should just vote Ovi out, at which point Nick said that he would be down for that. Later, Nick spoke to Cliff. Nick brought up that there is a power out there and there will be another one given out tomorrow during the second Whacktivity Competition. Nick figures that Nicole got it since Kat and Ovi did not use it after being nominated. As for the vote, Cliff said he is fine with however it goes, and he is not concerned about throwing a sympathy vote. Nick said they could always win and nominate Kat again. Cliff added that Jessica could go up as well, making for an easy week before it becomes a war.

6:00-7:00 PM: Kat asked Kemi about the vote. Kemi explained that she doesn’t talk to Jack, Jackson, Analyse or Holly to know where they are at. She mentioned that Jessica, Nicole, Bella, Nick and Sam have her back.

7:00-8:00 PM: Kat spoke to Jack, saying she assumes that the plan has changed a little. Jack assured her that Ovi will be going home. Jack guaranteed Kat that she will stay by a vote of 10-2 at minimum. Kat thanked him and asked that he let her know if anything changes. Meanwhile, Ovi spoke to Jessica about her vote. While he said that he feels good about the position that he is in, he said that he may need her support. Ovi said he will fight hard for Jessica, he can be shield for people, and he is someone to use in competitions that will not put her on the block. Ovi brought up not wanting to be blindsided. Jessica said she will let him know. Afterwards, Jessica and Nicole talked about their chats with Ovi. Nicole said Ovi told her that he likes Jessica and Kemi, and he would have their backs. Jessica wasn’t buying it once she heard that, since Ovi was all about getting Kemi out a couple of days ago. Jessica argued that sticking with the girls makes more sense for them. Nicole agreed. Kat spoke to Christie. She let her know that she is questioning whether or not she still has the numbers. Christie reassured Kat that she is fine.

8:00-9:00 PM: Kat informed Jackson that Ovi is planning on getting a group together to talk. Jackson said it doesn’t matter since none of them are going to do it. Kat then brought up Jessica saying that Jack and Ovi are working together. Jackson insisted that it’s fake since he is in on it too. Kat listed off Bella, Kemi, Nick and Sam as the people she is concerned about voting against her. Jackson let Kat know that Bella, Nick and Sam are voting to evict Ovi. While Nicole and Ovi played pool, Bella encouraged Ovi to be himself and not be paranoid. She pointed out that when a veto is used, it’s usually for a reason, but Ovi can save his game by acting calm and letting Kat lose it. After Bella left, Nicole and Ovi agreed that what Bella said was not very reassuring.

9:00-10:00 PM: Nick asked Kemi what they should do if they win HoH. Kemi said she isn’t sure. Nick asked if she hasn’t thought about it. Kemi explained that she was expecting to go on the block today. Nick revealed that he would nominate Kat. In addition to her, he said that he would need a pawn. Kemi was fine with it as long as she doesn’t go up. She asked Nick to promise that it wouldn’t be her, which he did. Nick let Kemi know that if it came down to the two of them, he would let her win HoH. Kemi said she would take it since she would not have a problem nominating someone. Bella was in the room and was puzzled by what Nick had said to Kemi about not nominating her. Nick said it was all strategy since he had to plant the seed that Kat is his target and that he needs a pawn. He told Bella that he would nominate Kemi next to Kat, and lay into Kat at the nomination ceremony. He admitted that what he would say there, including that Kemi is a pawn, would be a lie. Out in the yard, Kat spoke to Cliff about the vote. Cliff told her that nobody is saying who the target is. Kat questioned who will be the one influencing the house decision. Cliff said he doesn’t know but he will keep her in the loop as he hears things. Cliff added that Ovi doesn’t have the connections that Kat does.

10:00-11:00 PM: Ovi continued to make his rounds to campaign. He spoke to Kemi. His pitch remained largely the same as it had with everyone else. He added that the two of them have the same backgrounds and have the same struggles in the house. He then went to Sam to ask if he has a feeling which way things are going to go. Sam said he is hearing that it is 50/50 but everyone notices that Kat doesn’t do anything, so she is most likely going home based on that alone. Ovi then went to the room by himself to count his votes. He listed off Nicole, Tommy, Cliff, Sam and Analyse. He said that he needs just one more so that Christie can break the tie, which she promised him that she would do in his favour. Ovi named Jessica as the potential sixth vote. Jack was the next one to hear from Ovi. Jack assured Ovi that it’s all going to work out. Ovi said he looks at Jack as his big bro, and Jack will have his support until the end.

12:00-1:00 AM: Up in the HoH room, Analyse, Christie, Holly, Jack and Jackson discussed names for their six person alliance with Tommy, which they had been doing earlier in the day as well. They eventually settled on the name “Six Shooters”. Meanwhile, Ovi spoke to Nick about the vote. Nick said if Ovi has the votes, he has got him, but if not then he will let him know. Nick said he feels like Ovi appreciates the opportunity a lot more. Ovi said he loves this game and he is there to help out. He added that he has no desire at all to go after Nick. Nick told Ovi that he has been the most amazing person the last five days and the first two days. He mentioned that Ovi wasn’t himself for a period of time in the middle of that. Nick said he thinks that Ovi was trying to fit in but he doesn’t have to do that in here, and that period of time likely hurt him a little bit.

2:00-3:00 AM: Bella, Jessica, Kemi and Nicole discussed working together. Jessica suggested that they need a name. She brought up the name “Black Widows” because they eat the male spiders. Jessica said that they should hang out with the other girls when they are not together. Bella agreed but said that they also need to be friends with the guys. Bella worried about talking to some of the other girls about a girls alliance. Jessica thinks that Kat will be more on board once she sees that the girls are keeping her. Bella mentioned that the guys would catch on if they continually nominate guys only, so they need to keep some ties with the guys. When Kemi returned from the DR, the girls filled her in on the alliance name. The girls talked about the need to be 100% transparent. Kemi let the girls know that she will 100% be nominating Jack if she wins the next HoH, because she would like him out before jury. There was talk of potentially using Analyse as a pawn. If Jack wins the veto, they talked about nominating Jackson in his place.

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