Big Brother 21 Day 14 - Ovi reveals his power

July 2, 2019

10:00-10:30 AM: Up in the HoH room, there were discussions about what should be said to Ovi when they let him know that he is leaving. Meanwhile, Nicole spoke to Kemi about Ovi said that he would keep Jess and Kemi safe. Nicole brought up Jess saying it’s BS since Ovi was on board with Kemi going up when that was the plan. Nicole thinks that Ovi is dangerous in a sense that he flip flops. Nicole later added that Ovi is saying that he has Analyse, Holly, Jack and Jackson for sure voting to keep him, and he cannot protect everybody. Kemi asked Nicole who she would nominate if she wins HoH. Nicole said her gut is telling her to nominate Analyse next to Jack. Kemi talked about how Jack suddenly started being nice to her the day after she let Nick know that she would put Jack on the block. Kemi said that she trusts Bella, Christie, Jess and Nicole fully, but she is not sure about Nick due to that. Bella joined the girls. They discussed the possibility that they are being played and that Ovi will stay. Kemi said that she needs Kat to stay. Kemi believes that Kat is with them. Bella disagreed, explaining that Kat went straight to Holly and Jack with something that was said to her. Either way, Kemi thinks that Ovi is on Jackson’s side too.

10:30-11:00 AM: Kat told Jackson that so many people have asked her if Holly and Jackson are a showmance. Jackson denied it and said that her feelings should not be hurt that he was laying next to Holly when they wake the girls up in the HoH room every morning. There was debate over whether or not Ovi stormed out of the HoH room. Jackson then told Kat that she cannot be saying things about Jack flipping the vote against her in front of Christie, as it is not true. Jackson explained that it makes Christie lose trust in Jack. Jackson insisted that everything that he has done has been to protect Kat and keep her safe, including keeping his distance from her. He added that the best things in this game are the ones that no one knows about. After speaking to Kat, Jackson vented to Analyse and Holly about Kat having no idea what is going on in the game, and no idea how to play it. Jackson said Kat is claiming that she is not angry, jealous and paranoid, but her actions say another thing. While Ovi was right next to him, Jackson said that Kat can pack her bags and leave now, or he can just vote to evict her tomorrow. Jackson then told Analyse that he wants to vote to evict Kat. Analyse advised against it since nobody else is voting that way. Jackson then told Analyse, Cliff and Jack that he would like to campaign for Ovi after the conversation that he just had with Kat.

11:00-12:00 PM: Jackson let Tommy know that he is going to run the idea of campaigning for Ovi by Christie. Jackson mentioned that Ovi is terrified and they have broken him down, so he will be forever indebted to them if they keep him at this point. Tommy said that he would love that. Jackson called Kat a loose cannon that may end up putting him up next to Holly if she is the least bit annoyed at the time. Tommy chimed in to say that Ovi is the smarter player to have on their side. Tommy suggested that Jackson play into the fact that Christie got a sign early on that Kat should be the one to go. Tommy agreed to go talk Christie with Jackson. He said that he had the same thought this morning when it comes to keeping Ovi. Later, Jackson went to Jack. He let him know that Kat is wearing him thin, as it has been over 236 hours with her. Jack said he understands where Jackson is at but there is no trust left with Ovi. Jackson said he hates Jack but he is right. Jack brought up that Kat will be a nominee again next week unless she wins HoH. Sam spoke to Nick about the vote. He wondered if things could be flipping since Kat is now pissing people off. Nick didn’t think that it would change anything, since the reasons that Kat sucks are the reasons that she has to stay. Christie joined them. She echoed that sentiment. She said it sucks but the reasons why they want Kat to go are the reasons that she has to stay.

1:00-2:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, there were discussions about the vote and what to do about Ovi. Jack said that he cannot have Ovi stay in the house. Christie said it’s smart to keep Kat since she is not going to win anything. Sam added that Kat is good to have for a pawn. Cliff admitted that he was worried after hearing some things this morning, since he doesn’t want there to be a split vote. Everyone talked about how it will likely be unanimous. Sam pointed out that it might not be the worst thing if a couple of people vote the other way, since it would be easy to single them out as targets for next week due to not being team players. Downstairs, Analyse asked Holly why Christie nominated Ovi. Holly explained that he will be a bigger threat moving forward. Analyse said she gets that but she wishes that they had just got Kemi out since she is so sketchy. Holly agreed that she is sketchy but thinks that she is not a big target. Holly argued that it’s only risky to keep Kemi if Bella and Nick are really with her. Holly believes that Christie’s logic about it being good to keep a big target in Kemi around is makes sense. Ovi is someone that Holly thinks is impressionable and would run to power.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kat checked in with Nicole to see where her head is at. Nicole said that she will be voting to keep Kat since that’s what the house consensus is. Nicole let Kat know that she does not need to campaign to her since she agrees with that consensus. Later, Nicole asked Analyse how she is feeling about everything. Both girls agreed that they are sad for Ovi. Analyse said that she cannot even talk to him without wanting to cry. They also agreed that they would prefer to have Ovi there if they took the game play reasons out of it, but Kat needs to stay when they look at it from a game point of view. Analyse asked Nicole if she thinks that the house is divided yet. Nicole said she doesn’t think so. Both believe that the vote will be unanimous. Analyse asked Nicole to let her know if anything changes, and she said that she will do the same for her.

3:00-4:00 PM: Nick asked Kemi if she is excited for tomorrow. Kemi admitted that she is nervous since she doesn’t really know what is going to happen. Nick let Kemi know that he will be voting to evict Ovi, and he has heard that many people are doing the same thing. Nick said he is scared if Jack wins HoH. Kemi said she is positive that she will be going on the block if that happens. Nick said he is scared that he would go up too, since they bonded well in the beginning but the trust is not there. While he said that he cannot trust Jack, Nick added that he doesn’t know if he could put him up since he isn’t sure that the votes would be there. Kemi said that she would put him up, plus she wouldn’t hesitate to do it initially. Kemi talked about not wanting people to fall into the mindset of being too scared to nominate strong guys. She pointed out that strong guys don’t win the game but the smart people do. Kemi told Nick that he is probably the biggest threat to Jack’s game. Nick agreed. He said that he would vote Jack out if Kemi were to put him on the block. Elsewhere, Jack spoke to Tommy about Christie having lost trust in him. Tommy said he figures that Christie heard that Jack was making other alliances. Tommy made it clear that he would like to rebuild things and keep their eight person alliance strong. Jack said that he is on board with that as well.

4:00-5:00 PM: Ovi sat down with Nicole to go through the votes. Ovi listed off the votes that he has, including Nicole’s. Nicole asked if Ovi is sure that he has Analyse, Jack and Holly. Ovi said he is sure about Jack since Jack is campaigning for him right now. Ovi hopes that he can solidify things tonight, as he believes that there will be little time for game talk tomorrow on the live show day. Ovi said he plans to stick to Kat tomorrow if he feels as though he has the votes. Nicole said the scary thing is you never know what is going to happen until Julie reads the votes. Ovi said he is going to try to talk to Jess even though she is about girl power, because there is a trend and Jess will be picked off next.

5:00-6:00 PM: Kemi told Christie and Nicole she feels that nobody really knows what’s going on. Christie said she thinks that everyone is voting to evict Ovi. Kemi said she thinks so too but she has been seeing odd groups in the house today. Christie let the girls know that there was some drama this morning after Kat said Jess told her that Jack is trying to flip the votes to keep Ovi. She mentioned that Jack claims he is just telling Ovi that he has his vote in order to make him feel really safe. Kemi didn’t see a point in doing that after the veto ceremony has taken place. Christie agreed. She thinks that it is mean. Christie said that Cliff plans to talk to Ovi in the morning to let him know that the house is voting him out. In the storage room, Jack told Bella that she and Nick are doing a really good job of being on both sides. He asked Bella how she feels about Jess, Kemi and Nicole. Bella said that Kemi doesn’t really trust Nicole since she thinks that Nicole is on Jack’s side, and she doesn’t trust Jess cause she thinks that Jess is with Kat. Bella let Jack know that she is with Gr8ful and she is looking to go to whoever has more power, which is their alliance. Bella said she doesn’t care when Kemi goes, cause Kemi keeps running her mouth even though she has told her to chill out. Bella was honest to Jack about his own game, saying that it rubbed people the wrong way when he made an alliance with Ovi but didn’t tell them. Jack said he loves that Bella was honest with him. Bella said she wants to be on the same page in terms of voting Ovi out. Jack confirmed that he is on board with that plan. Bella then called Jack a hypocrite for saying that Kemi is talking a lot of game when he is the one making deals with everyone. She also told him that going around, screaming about Kemi is making him look bad to everyone else. Bella advised Jack to try to gain trust back with her and to be genuine. Jack said the only way that he can do that is by winning HoH and making a move that is beneficial to Bella.

6:00-7:00 PM: Christie and Tommy discussed that it’s so nice having someone in the game that they can trust no matter what. Tommy suggested that it will benefit them to have showmances forming in the house, just because they will be less threatening as a pair if it ever comes out that they know each other. Christie asked Tommy if Jack is conspiring against her. When Tommy said that he isn’t, Christie said that she will have to stop with her resentment towards him. Tommy talked about wanting to keep focused on the eight, not the six within it or anything else. Christie asked who Tommy wouldn’t want to win HoH. Tommy said Cliff and Sam. Christie agreed on Cliff but doesn’t think that Sam would come after them.

7:00-8:00 PM: Ovi spoke to Cliff about the votes. Cliff advised Ovi to make sure that they are locked in. He said it wouldn’t surprise him if people are telling he and Kat both the same thing, judging by the fact that Kat has remained so calm. Ovi then talked to Nick. He said that he will vote for Ovi if he has the numbers, but he is not hearing the same thing that Ovi is hearing. Nick headed up to the HoH room. He was frustrated that everyone is making Ovi feel as though he has their votes. Nick asked if they are blindsiding Ovi. Jack told him that they wanted to wait until tomorrow to let him know that he should prepare for the vote to go a certain way. Nick headed back down to let Ovi know that everyone is saying the house is still undecided. Ovi campaigned to Holly, telling her that he will be loyal to a fault. Ovi claimed that he would never go against Holly and he would ask for her advise on who to nominate. Holly said she hasn’t really had a chance to talk to people alone, and she would like to see where their heads are at.

8:00-9:00 PM: Ovi checked in with Cliff once again. Cliff let him know that everyone is saying “we’ll see” when it comes to the vote. Ovi said that Holly seems up in the air, making him think that he can’t necessarily count on her any more. Cliff said it worries him a little bit that Kat seems as relaxed as she does. Up in the HoH room, Ovi made his pitch to Christie, Jack, Nicole and Tommy. Ovi said he is best for their games since he is a number for them and he is more likely to win a competition than Kat is. Ovi gave his word that he would self evict before he would nominate them. Ovi talked about wanting to stay in the game a bit longer to be able to pay off his school debts. Christie argued that staying another week or two wont make much of an impact on that. Christie advised Ovi to lay low and not corner anyone for the rest of the night.

9:00-10:00 PM: After Ovi left the HoH room, Tommy said that Ovi made a great point. Jack agreed. They agreed that Ovi is a number and that he is more likely to win than Kat is. Tommy mentioned that Kat doesn’t want to be there as much as Ovi does. Nicole said that’s what kills her too. Christie admitted that her heart is telling her to fight for Ovi. Tommy added that Christie got a sign that Kat needed to go. Jack said the only way for him to earn Jess and Kemi’s trust back is by sending Ovi out. Everyone agreed that Ovi needs to go. Bella and Kemi joined the HoH room. Kemi called Kat predictably unpredictable. Bella said the fact that Ovi didn’t even talk to her is stupid. Downstairs, Nicole let Ovi know that the house is leaning towards keeping Kat. Ovi thanked Nicole for letting him know. Nicole revealed that Tommy feels the same way that she does about keeping him. Ovi asked if Bella, Jess and Kemi are against him. Nicole said that they allegedly are.

11:00-12:00 AM: Ovi asked Cliff and Tommy if they would be on board with keeping him if he could get Jack, Jackson, Analyse and Holly on board. They said yes. Ovi revealed that he has one last trick up his sleeve. Once Ovi left, Tommy told Cliff that Ovi is going to the wrong people since he should be campaigning to the people that don’t want Jack in the house, not to Jack’s team. Cliff and Tommy agreed that Ovi may be better for their game but there is only so much that they can do without harming their own games. Ovi brought Jack and Jackson in. He revealed his power to them. Ovi gave his word that he would use the power if Jack or Jackson go on the block. They shook on it. Ovi asked for Jack and Jackson’s help in flipping Analyse and Holly. Jack let Ovi know that he might have a shot if he can offer Christie immunity. After Ovi left, Jack said that they have got to send him home still. Jackson disagreed. He thinks that they should play the game one week at a time, and take the safety when it is being offered to them. Jack isn’t so sure that Ovi would even stick to his word and use it on them. The two debated what to do. Jack mentioned that they could tell Ovi yes and then vote him out anyway. Jackson worried that they would be in trouble if Ovi returns and they have followed through with that plan. Jackson thought that it would be best to sell the alliance on keeping Ovi. Jack didn’t think that it could be done without exposing the power.

12:00-1:00 AM: Big Brother called Kemi to the diary room multiple times. Her mic was in her bed but the houseguests could not find her. She eventually went to the upstairs diary room. Once she got out, she told the girls that it wasn’t a big deal and that she wanted to be alone in the diary room hallway. Jackson revealed Ovi’s power and offer to Christie and Tommy. Christie said it’s perfect then since they are getting him and his power out. When Jackson said that Ovi has guaranteed that he will use it on them, Christie said he didn’t tell her that so she does not feel comfortable with that power in the game. Jack asked Jackson to tell Christie the first thing that he said to Ovi. Jackson explained that Jack told Ovi he would have to offer immunity to Christie in order for this to work. Christie thanked Jack for that but said that someone who has student loans to pay off will say whatever they need to say. Christie stuck to the plan of getting Ovi out. While Jackson played devil’s advocate, he later gave in. Christie said that even if Ovi returns, they can expose his power and send him right back out the door. Meanwhile, Nicole spoke to Jess and Kemi about the earlier conversation in the HoH room. Nicole said it was Jack, Christie, Tommy and herself, and Ovi said “there is your side of the house and the other side”. Nicole said Jack then asked who he thinks is running those sides, and Ovi said “there is you guys and then Jess”. Jess was shocked to hear that. Nicole informed the girls that Jack said Ovi has to go in order to do damage control so that he doesn’t lose trust with Jess and Kemi. Kemi still expects that Jack would nominate her.

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