Big Brother 21 Day 16

July 4, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Cliff let Jack know that David was telling him that he can read body language, and he was able to tell that some people had fear in their faces when Jack was having his house meeting, while others were relaxed. Cliff said David thought that it was a big power move to call that house meeting. Cliff claimed that he was worried that David said he saw last season and he knows that if there is one strong group, all of the other little groups are going to have to work together or else they will get picked off one by one. Jack thanked Cliff for letting him know what David said. Cliff relayed the conversation on to numerous others throughout the morning. In the bedroom, Analyse, Christie and Holly discussed that Jackson is going to have a conversation with Kat today. Holly said Jackson told mentioned that he cannot do this anymore with Kat. Holly explained that she and Jackson talked about feeling as though they are parents with a delinquent child in Kat.

10:00-11:00 AM: While Ovi was alone, he spoke to the cameras about wanting to get back at Jack. He said he doesn’t know if he will target him, as he wont do it if it’s not the smartest thing for his game, but he does not trust Jack and he wants to send a message to Analyse as well. Ovi mentioned not wanting to let on that he is on to Jack. While the majority of the houseguests were out in the yard, they felt the earthquake that hit the LA area. Feeds went down for a couple of minutes following that.

11:00-12:00 PM: Cliff let Jackson know that David was asking a lot of questions about him. He told Jackson the same things that he had told Jack about earlier in the morning. While walking the yard, Kemi talked to Nicole about her expectation that she is Jack’s target this week. Nicole asked if Kemi thinks that she will go up initially or if she will be backdoored. Kimi said she thinks that Jack will backdoor her since he is not dumb enough to give her a shot at playing in the veto competition.

12:00-1:00 PM: Holly told Analyse she is glad that they didn’t vote Kat out, seeing as she would have still been in the house and made their lives miserable, but she has got to go. Holly said she is looking for a nice way to tell Kat to back off and leave her alone. Jackson sat down with Kat to let her know that he has to disassociate himself from her. He explained that he is not doing this for game purposes only, so who knows what will happen in 84 days once they are out of the house. Jackson added that he has to be selfish and focus on himself for the first time in his life. Kat said she understands but she also said that she is confused. Jackson explained that being associate with her is a liability to his game. Jackson clarified that he will still have her back but it will be behind closed doors. Kat said that she still has Jackson’s back as well. Kat admitted that her feelings are hurt a little bit. She questioned how having a connection since Day 1 is such a big deal when there are rumours of a Holly and Jackson showmance. Jackson said that doesn’t matter, and he is not going to talk about anyone else.

1:00-2:00 PM: Jess told Kat she knows that Jack is going to send a girl home. Kat said she heard that she will possibly be going up as a pawn again. Kat was not happy about that. Jess reassured Kat that she would be a pawn and not the target even if that were to happen. She talked about the guys thinking that it’s the easy move to put Kat up since it doesn’t get blood on their hands. Kat let Jess know about the conversation that she had with Jackson. Jess asked if she thinks that it has anything to do with Jackson getting closer to Holly. Kat said she called him out on that. Jess said it’s kind of weird that Jackson can’t be friends with Kat but he can be friends with Analyse, Holly and Jack. Kat pointed out that they could have voted her out if they thought that she was rubbing people the wrong way like Jackson said so. Jess brought up Jack suggesting that they not talk game with David or Ovi. She thinks he is saying that because he had something with Ovi and he does not want Ovi to catch on to his game. When the girls got back to talking about Jackson, Jess said she thinks that Jackson was talking about Holly being rubbed the wrong way by Kat. Jess revealed that Holly has been hinting that Kat is draining her energy. Kat said that Holly should have came in there with more endurance then.

2:00-3:00 PM: Jackson was visibly upset after a diary room session. Kat checked in with him to make sure that she didn’t do anything to upset him. Jackson said it has nothing to do with her. He explained that he messed up but he cannot talk about it since it was in the diary room. Kat said she hopes that he is okay. Jackson said he will find out in 84 days. Elsewhere, Jack told Christie that he quoted Sam from BB20, and the fans would understand, but the diary room told him that he should probably not say that again, rightfully so. Jack was referring to him saying the other night that “f*cking Kemi makes me want to f*cking stop a mud hole through her chest”. When Jack and Jackson were together in the backyard, Jack let Jackson know that what he said wasn’t bad. Jackson said they cannot talk about it due to the feeds. Meanwhile, Kat asked Holly to talk. Holly said that she doesn’t have the energy for it. She mentioned being depleted. Kat replied by asking if she has been taking her daily vitamin. She let Holly know that she had just wanted to make sure that they are okay. Holly assured her that they are fine.

3:00-4:00 PM: Kat told Jess she thinks that people are overestimating David. She acknowledged that he may have a quirky personality, but they all do. Kat brought up David asking them to play cornhole and create eight teams of two. She said people started theorizing that he was doing it in order to see who is aligned, but she doesn’t think that it was that serious. Kat also thinks that other people’s paranoia is what is leading them to think that she is paranoid. Jess said she is surprised that the vote was unanimous yesterday, since she thought that the people that Kat is with were going to flip on her. Kat said that those people were the ones orchestrating the whole thing. Elsewhere in the yard, Christie and Cliff talked about David trying to organize a cornhole tournament. Christie mentioned Tommy saying that David only wants to see who is partnering up with who. Cliff said organizing activities in the way that David is seems a little forward for someone who is brand new to the family. Cliff said that David intimidates him every time that he talks to him. Christie said the same thing, adding that he talks about inception and putting things into their heads.

4:00-5:00 PM: Cliff and Kat discussed Jack’s upcoming nominations. Cliff said Jack has sworn up an down that he is safe. Kat said he is. Kat let Cliff know that the last she heard, she is going up on the block next to Kemi. Cliff said the good thing for Kat is that she would be safe in that scenario. There were talks about the weird energy in the house. When David’s name was brought up, Kat said she thinks that people are overestimating David. Cliff said David seems to be rubbing people the wrong way too. Kat said that’s because people were looking for it. Cliff, Kat and Nicole then spoke in the kitchen. They discussed that they feel as though they are on the bottom of the totem pole.

5:00-6:00 PM: Jackson told Christie that he is a little scared. He said that he cannot go into detail. Christie began to ask if he had said something, but Jackson cut her off and said that he cannot talk about it since he does not want anyone on the feeds to hear the discussion about it. While David and Jess were in the kitchen, David told her that he can see the things that are happening. He mentioned that if individuals don’t come together and find a way to fight back against the obvious, they will be gone. He compared it to how the opposition of Level 6 should have gone against them. Later, Jackson told Analyse that he doesn’t know what’s going on in the real world, but it scares him because he did not get good news.

6:00-7:00 PM: Jess spoke to Nicole about having Kat’s best interest in mind as much as possible. However she said that she cannot be associated with Kat when she throws herself under the bus, is paranoid, and is not playing a good game. Jess expects Kat to go on the block as pawn, whereas Kemi will be this week’s target. Jess said that she would like to do whatever they possibly can to keep Kemi safe. The houseguests headed outside to play with a Slip N Slide that they had made. Feeds went down at 6:53 for a 4th of July party.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned at 8:11. The houseguests got pizza, hot dogs, and were able to listen to music. A drone flew over the yard, resulting in an indoor lockdown. Once they were inside, David spoke to Kat about telling the weak players to align or else they will get destroyed. Kat let David know that she didn’t ever want him to go. She brought up that he was very nice to her on the first night. Kat started to tell David something about the cornhole tournament that he had wanted to start, but she stopped herself and said that she will tell him later. Kat was concerned that too many people were around at the time.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jackson whispered to Kat while they were in the bathroom. He mentioned that something he said about David is now being spun into a race thing by the internet. Jackson said he cannot talk about it anymore. Kat said it will be blown over by the time that they get out of there, as long as Jackson did not use a slur. Up in the HoH room, Jack told Analyse, Holly and Jackson that he is going to nominate Jess and Kemi. Jackson asked what would happen if one of them were to get off of the block. Jack said that he would then nominate Kat in their place.

11:00-12:00 AM: Kat informed David that when he tried to set up the cornhole tournament, people claimed that he was only doing it to see who is aligned with whom. David said he wasn’t trying to do that, and he was going to make random teams. He admitted that he was wondering why nobody wanted to play. In the bedroom, Jess let Kemi and Nicole know that Jackson said he can no longer be Kat’s friend. Jess expects that Kat will be going on the block as a pawn. Elsewhere, David told Kat that there is a powerful four person alliance that could be expanding. David suggested that there are other people to talk to than those four if Kat really wants to play the game. Kat said she knows. David said he has been telling people that if you are not a part of something, you will be on the block. He thinks that they need to stop being scared and start making something happen. David said he wishes that he was in the game. He plans to talk game even though the house made a rule that he shouldn’t. David said he will just not align with those that decided that.

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