Big Brother 21 Day 18 - Sam wins the Power of Veto

July 6, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Feeds went down to pick players for the veto competition at 9:08. Feeds returned at 9:47. The veto players are Jack, Jess, Kemi, Bella, Jackson and Sam. David mentioned to Ovi that it’s strong game play by the alliance considering that Jackson was able to get Jess to choose him with houseguest’s choice. In the HoH room, Jack told Jackson that separation will be created if Bella wins the veto, since she will either not use it on Kemi, or use it and alienate herself from the eight. Jackson asked Jack what he would like him to do if he wins. Jack said not to use it. Jackson admitted that part of him would want to use, if he was being selfish, because he would want Kat on the block. Jack figures that Jackson wants Kat to go. He questioned if Jackson wants the two people that he just put on the block to stay. Jackson clarified that he will do what Jack wants him to do. Jack said that Kemi would go either way.

10:00-11:00 AM: Bella asked Sam if he is excited. Sam said that he isn’t since he isn’t feeling well and he did not want to get picked. He talked about how he will now have to go out there and win the veto. When Bella pointed out that he doesn’t necessarily have to go for it, Sam said that he will. Bella said she already talked to Kemi to let her know that she cannot use the veto on her and put a target on her back. Elsewhere, Analyse asked Jackson if he is going to use the veto on Jess now that she picked him to compete. Jackson said no. While Kemi was alone in the bedroom, she said that she is going to win the veto, pull herself off of the block, and watch Jess cry some more. Bella joined her. Kemi said she was talking to the cameras about how America is going to root for Jess as an underdog since she is being a cry baby, when in reality she is the underdog with the house against her. Kemi talked about the house being divided but wanting to be with Analyse, Holly, Jack and Jackson because it’s safer. She wants the rest of them to realize that they are expendable to those four. Bella said it’s too early because the other people are not trustworthy enough to have a conversation with at this point. Upstairs, Christie and Jackson ran through various scenarios. Jackson said that he doesn’t want to take the veto now that Jessica picked him. When Jack joined them, Christie said she thinks that Jack should take the veto if he has the opportunity to. Jackson said he will do whatever he can to ensure that Jess and Kemi don’t win, but he would prefer not to win if he can avoid it.

11:00-12:00 PM: Jess told Jackson that as much as people might think that she is lying, she hasn’t really thought about her game in the house. Jess explained that she has just been trying to get a feel for people in the house and build connections. Jess mentioned that things got put into perspective that people are playing really hard already, based on what Jack said. Jess said she knows who it is but she does not want to play that game and throw people under the bus. Jackson said he knows that she doesn’t want to do that but it’s about survival. Jess said there is a female in there who is scheming hard, playing dirty, and has her hand in a lot of cookie jars. Jackson said he knows exactly who it is. Jess said he is pretty sure that she played her. Jess said she does not want to get taken down unless she actually did what she is being accused of.

1:00-2:00 PM: Jess spoke to Analyse and Jack to clarify that she did not start any alliance. Jess claimed that she got caught in the crossfire, almost as if she was planted in the alliance so that something like this could happen to her. Jess said she knows that the person who did it has been playing really hard, and she called her out on it, so she is her #1 target. Jess stated that being for women doesn’t mean that she is against men. Jack said he doesn’t think that anyone’s intention was to make it a battle of the sexes, but rather they saw an opportunity when the numbers were eight to six in favour of the girls. Jess said she doesn’t fault Jack for making the move that he made. She again brought up that she got put in this position due to someone she called out on Day 2 for playing too hard. Jess told both Analyse and Jack that they are not her targets. She added that she only has one target. Jess then spoke to Analyse and Kat. She explained that she wouldn’t want any of the girls to think that she was conspiring against them unless she really was doing that, at which point she would not even talk to them. Jess told the girls that they can figure out who she is talking about based on her actions. Jess said that that person, Bella, is dead to her. Jess later brought up that it’s funny how the girls that she is closest to are not even a part of the alliance. Both Analyse and Kat said that they didn’t even know about it. Jess suggested that she is close with them, Christie and Holly.

2:00-3:00 PM: Jack informed Bella that Jess is saying someone made up a lie about her and she knows who it is. Bella asked if it’s her. Jack said that it’s either her or Nick. Bella said she doesn’t care since she knows that she was not behind creating the alliance. The two then discussed which of the two nominees leaving would be best for the alliance. While Jack made it clear that Kemi was his original target, he said that he is open to keeping her if it’s better for the alliance. He did point out that the way that Kemi has been acting since being on the block shows that she understands the game. Jack said he tips his hat to her for that. Bella brought up that Kemi could stir things up with David if she ends up in Camp Comeback. When Jack asked if Bella is leaning towards evicting Jess, Bella said that she doesn’t care either way. Bella brought up that Jess wont be able to do anything even if she stays. Jack wondered if it would be beneficial to win the veto and use it on Kemi in order for him to build trust with her. He quickly said that he is too big of a target so Kemi would want to come after him anyway. Bella said she is sure that she could talk Kemi out of coming after Jack if he uses the veto on her. She also mentioned that they could make a Final 3 with Kemi, having her doing their dirty work without getting the blood on their hands. Jack wanted to figure out who the nominees would nominate should they stay, as the goal is make sure that only one member of Gr8ful ends up on the block. Bella and Jack stepped out of the HoH room for a moment. When they went back in, Jack let Bella know that he could tell by the look on Jess’ face that she was pissed about Bella being in his room. Jack thinks that confirmed that Jess’ target is Bella, not Nick. They agreed to weigh out their options after the veto competition. Feeds went down of the veto competition at 2:28.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds returned at 4:43 following the veto competition. Sam won the Power of Veto and a trip to Fiji. Analyse told Christie and Tommy that Jess was telling her that Bella was saying all of this stuff, and it made her upset. Christie said she thinks that Bella is equally playing all sides. Christie added that Bella is playing a bit aggressively, trying to work with Gr8ful, with Nick and Sam, and with Kemi and Nicole. Analyse talked about wanting to confront Bella. Christie advised against it. Analyse asked if they are still getting Kemi out. Christie said she thinks so. Holly, Kat, Nick and Sam later joined the conversation. Analyse pointed out that Jess can’t win anything. Sam said that Kemi cant either though. Christie mentioned that if all Jess can do is use her words, they already know about that so it is not as threatening as Kemi winning a competition. Nick agreed.

5:00-6:00 PM: Jack told Nick that they are going to send home whoever poses the greatest threat to the Gr8ful alliance. Nick let Jack know that they had a discussion about it and agreed that Kemi should be the one to go. He brought up that Kemi has said the names of Analyse, Jack and Jackson. Jack explained that they will have a group discussion and he will go with whatever the team decides, even if it ends up hurting him down the road. Jack did say that Kemi is the bigger threat in his mind. Elsewhere, Kat let Kemi know that she loves both her and Jess, and she doesn’t want Kemi to think that she loves Jess more than her. Kat said she doesn’t think that Jess has anyone else right now. so she is trying to be a good friend to her because Jess was there for her last week. As for her vote, Kat said that it is not locked in and she sees benefits to keeping Kemi. Kat told Kemi that she is handling things much better than Jess is at the moment. Kat then headed to talk to Holly and Jackson. She asked if they are voting Kemi out. Holly said she thinks so. She then said that Jess has been digging herself a hole by talking about everyone and freaking out. Kat said she is scared that she will get dragged down with Jess, but both Holly and Jackson assured her that that’s not going to be the case. Jackson said he loves Jess as a person but she is screwing herself in the game. Kat let Jackson know that she doesn’t think Jess would go after him or Jack. Jackson agreed. As for Kemi, Kat said she thinks that Kemi would go after the guys. Jackson agreed and said that is why he will be voting to evict Kemi. Holly added that there is no reason to get rid of Jess when she is bad at the social game and the physical game. Kat later brought up that Bella needs to go before jury. Both Holly and Jackson agreed. Jackson called Bella the head of the snake. It was discussed that Nick just follows along.

6:00-7:00 PM: Kemi asked Sam if he thinks that he will use the veto. Sam admitted that he probably will not be using it since it would only put target on his back. Kemi said she didn’t think that he would use it but she believes that she will be evicted if the nominations stay the same. Sam let Kemi know that he would rather have her stay over Jess. He claimed that he will be pushing that in conversations that he has. Kemi named Jack, Jackson, Analyse and Holly as four people who would never put each other up. She suggested that it’s Jack’s side of the house against everyone else, and there is an “if you are not with, you are against us” type of mentality going on. When Sam told Kemi to join them, Kemi said that there is no way to and it’s obviously still her against Jack. Meanwhile, Bella talked to Nick about wishing that Jess was going this week. Nick didn’t think that Jack would be on board with it. They talked about Jack saying that he will do what the alliance wants. They found it odd that Jack was implying that he wanted to protect the two of them, and he would be open to keeping Kemi if Bella could convince her not to nominate two people from the alliance. Bella is convinced that she could indeed get Kemi on board with only nominating one of their allies. In the other bedroom, Jess told Nicole that she doesn’t know who to talk to. She pointed out that Bella and Kemi didn’t tell her anything about what happened yesterday. She also talked about Bella having said a lot of mean things that are completely untrue, such as that Jess is targeting certain girls.

7:00-8:00 PM: After dinner, Cliff told Ovi that he would like for the big group to be split up more than they have been up to this point. Ovi said it’s tough because they might still feel good with them, which will change the moment that they try to talk a shot at that group. Ovi added that the shot will have to be taken since the group will take the shot at them if not. Cliff said he thinks that the two of them and Nicole will be the last three targets for that group.

8:00-9:00 PM: Nicole joined Cliff and Ovi. Cliff asked which of the two nominees is more likely to go after the big group. Nicole said that it would absolutely be Kemi. The trio discussed working together to prevent the big group from picking them off. They solidified their there person alliance and agreed that they should think of a name for it. Nicole said she is hoping that Jess will say something. She would like for Bella and Jess to blow up at each other in order to create more targets. Ovi suggesting pushing Jess to say something to Bella, which Nicole said that she has already done. Nicole let Cliff and Ovi know that Bella created the Black Widows alliance. Nicole admitted to being irritated with Bella after she decided to blow up the alliance in order to save herself. Cliff said that Jess needs to blow that up. Ovi mentioned that they could have Jess talk to David, spill all of the information to him, and then he can blow it up. Nicole said she would love to see David blow everything up. Ovi talked about getting it out there that Bella wants to target Analyse and Jack, as that would set Jack off. He doesn’t want it to happen until after the veto ceremony, because he does not want to have to compete against Bella in the competition to return to the game.

9:00-10:00 PM: The game talk slowed down as Big Brother gave the houseguests beer and wine. Cliff and Kat briefly talked about the plan for the week. Kat said she heard Sam say that he will not be using the veto. Cliff said that he doesn’t want to see Jess go home this week. Kat said she doesn’t think that anyone does. Kat explained that people see Kemi as more of a competition threat than Jess, so they would like to get her out before the third Whacktivity Competition. Later, Nick told Kemi that if Jess keeps spiralling, she will have nothing to worry about. Sam said he hopes that Jess will do that. He let Kemi know that he has heard Jess’ name way more than he has heard her name.

10:00-11:00 PM: Jack sat down with Analyse, Christie, Holly, Jackson and Tommy to discuss the plan for the vote. Jackson said he believes that Kemi needs to go since she has made it blatantly clear that she wants to take a shot at them. Christie agreed. Jackson mentioned that Jess will nominate one of them at most, with Bella likely being one of her nominees. Jackson said that they would still be able to protect Nick and Bella with the votes, so they need to protect themselves from Kemi who is coming after them. Holly talked about Kemi almost winning the veto competition after being so confused in the beginning. Jack said they will send her home. All six alliance members agreed that Kemi has got to go. Jack said that it’s 6-0 but they will ask Nick and Bella for their thoughts. Analyse and Christie said that those two want Kemi to go as well. Jack said he would like to have Bella and Nick back in the alliance so bad, and then he would love to decapitate them once they get down to eight.

12:00-1:00 AM: Kat touched base with Jess to let her know that everyone still wants Kemi to go. Jess wasn’t so sure that Sam is on board with that plan. Kat reassured her that Sam told a group of people that he is not going to use the veto. Out in the yard, Sam told Bella and Nick that he would prefer to get Jess out this week and then get Kemi out next week. Nick agreed since he doesn’t think that Kemi would nominate them. Sam suggested that they push for Jess to go. Nick doesn’t want to say anything to Jack, because he thinks that Jack might be testing him. Bella agreed. Sam thinks that Jack is trying to save his game after last week by pretending that it is a group effort and they are all in this together.

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