Big Brother 21 Day 19

July 7, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Holly told Analyse that she and Jackson were doing damage control last night. She explained that Jess was doing a head count last night, trying to find everyone, and asked where Analyse was. Christie came in and asked if Analyse slept with Jack last night while staying in the HoH room. Analyse confirmed that she did. Later, Analyse told Christie that she doesn’t want anyone to know what happened. Christie said it is nobody’s business. Analyse asked if there are feeds in the bathroom. Christie confirmed that there are. Analyse was concerned about what her family would think. Christie said Analyse makes it feel like it’s bad because it’s on TV, but this is a natural environment. Analyse asked how people found out about Swaggy C and Bayleigh sleeping with each other. Christie said they found out from the feeds, updates, and people whispering about it. Analyse didn’t think that anyone knew until Bayleigh told people about her miscarriage. Analyse said she is going to start to panic. Christie told her not to since it’s not like Jack is a random dude. She called Jack Analyse’s house boyfriend.

11:00-12:00 PM: Jackson let Jack know that he had to cover for Analyse last night while she was in the HoH room. Jackson mentioned that Jess was going around trying to figure out where everyone was, and then Nick was questioning why Jack’s door was locked. Jackson said Nick kept asking where Analyse is. Jackson thinks that Nick is so pissed off because he got stuck with Bella. Nick then came in. He said he knocked on Jack’s door last night cause he wanted to be the first to wish him a happy birthday. Jackson said Jess told them that the people in the RV room were talking crap about Analyse and Jack. Jackson added he is pretty sure that it was in reference to Nick. Jack thanked Jackson for covering for him. He said that he might talk to Nick about it.

12:00-1:00 PM: Analyse was frustrated that Nick had allegedly been talking about her. She questioned why he cares what she does when he is sleeping with Bella every night. Jackson said it sucks that he got stuck with Bella. Analyse said that she would like to say something to Nick but she can’t because it would be bad for her game. Kat later told Analyse that it all comes down to jealousy. She said that Analyse has been nothing but nice to everyone. Outside, Kemi told Bella she doesn’t think that she would have the votes to stay. She said that Sam isn’t going to use the veto, and the only votes that she has are from Bella, Nicole, Nick and Sam. Bella said she thinks that it will come down to what Jack wants. Bella asked Kemi if she would be able to hold back and not nominate Jack if she could convince him to keep her this week. Kemi explained that she had already given Jack her word, which she would not go back on. Even though she said that she wouldn’t want to nominate Jackson, Kemi said that she would have to if she was going to keep Jack safe. Meanwhile, Jack spoke to Nick about talking about Analyse staying with him last night. Nick denied having said anything about that. Jack reassured Nick that he has his back, as does everyone else in the alliance. Jack filled Nick in on the conversation that the six had about the vote last night. He said that everyone agreed on evicting Kemi. Nick said that he too is on board with that since Kemi has thrown three of their names out there as opposed to Jess who has only said his and Bella’s. Jack claimed that he is still willing to discuss the option of sending Jess out over the next couple of days, but Nick said he thinks that it is best for Kemi to go. Jack and Nick then discussed that they slept with Analyse and Bella respectively last night. Jack then spoke to Jackson about what happened between him and Analyse last night. Out in the yard, Christie told Analyse and Jack that Nick was trying to run his mouth about them last night. Jack told her it’s okay since it has been handled.

1:00-2:00 PM: Holly told Analyse it scares her that Jack is no longer a target after injuring his ankle during the veto competition. Holly thinks that he was previously one of the bigger targets, but now it may shift to her since she is associated with him. The girls then talked about not trusting Nick and Bella. Analyse said that Cliff, Jess and Nicole worry her less than Bella, Nick and Sam do. Holly said she doesn’t want to turn on Bella and Nick too soon, in case they are really on their side, but she doesn’t think that they are with them. They talked about targeting Bella, Nick and Sam as soon as someone returns from the Battle Back. Jackson let Nick know that Jack talked to him because he told Jack that Jess was saying that his bedroom was talking about Analyse. Jackson said he doesn’t want Nick to think that he was throwing him under the bus. Nick then went to Analyse to make sure that she didn’t believe it. Analyse claimed that she didn’t. Analyse told a number of houseguests that they need to worry about themselves and who they are sleeping, and she will worry about herself. Afterwards Analyse and Jack agreed that Nick likely was talking about them, but Jack said that they have to try to rebuild with him anyway. Jackson, Kat and Nicole chatted in the bedroom. Jackson said that he doesn’t want to see Jess go over something that could easily be avoided. He talked about Jess spiralling of late. Nicole asked if Jess has spoken to Jack. Jackson said he thinks so but he doesn’t want to speak for Jack on that. Nicole said that Jess needs to tell her truth. Jackson thinks he knows who Jess is talking about. He said that person really is a black widow. Out in the yard, Nick informed Bella about Jess saying that they were talking about Analyse last night. Bella wanted to go off on Jess for it.

2:00-3:00 PM: Jack had a quick chat with Christie. He let her know that he would lay on a burning fire for her, but he would not do that for Analyse. Jack thinks that America will hate him but Christie is his counterpart in the game. Christie admitted that she does wonder at times who Jack would pick if it came down to it. Jack said he told himself before coming into the house that he would not let a showmance interfere with his game. Jess spoke to Sam about his plan for the veto. She said that she is not ready to go yet, and she is there doing this for her family just like he is. Sam said he has to look out for his own game, which means that it would not be smart to put a target on his back by using the veto. Sam pointed out that it’s pointless to backdoor anyone with Camp Comeback in play. Jess understood and said that she will respect whatever decision Sam makes.

3:00-4:00 PM: After a chat with Bella, Nicole let Jess know that Bella said she is going to lose it. Nicole said she didn’t really understand. Jess said that Bella can lose it all she wants. She brought up that Bella didn’t even have the decency to tell her that she exposed the alliance or to say she is sorry that she is on the block. Jess said she isn’t the only one in the house who realizes the type of game that Bella is playing. Jess insisted that she will not take responsibility for being the one to start the Black Widows alliance. Nicole asked if Jess has told Jack that. Jess said that she has. Sam came out of the diary room and informed the houseguests that his grandfather had passed away. He later clarified that it was his wife’s grandfather, but he said that he was closer to him than to his own grandfathers. Sam mentioned that he had been having a bad feeling about it over the past couple of days and he was praying that his grandfathers would not pass away.

6:00-7:00 PM: Christie let Jack know that Nicole pulled her aside, almost crying, and said that someone in the RV room is playing both sides and had an equal part in the Black Widows as Jess did. Jack said it was Bella. Christie said that Jess feels as though she is taking the heat for something that she didn’t do. They discussed that Jess and Nicole can come talk to Jack if they want to talk it over further. Sam filled Nick in on his talk with Jess. He said that Jess pulled the family card, leading to his guard going up immediately. Sam noted that Jess threw Kat under the bus, which is something that he plans to save until he needs it. Sam told Nick that Jess is claiming that she played a clean game, is not a dirty player, and she did not make a girls alliance. Nick said it was Jess who started it.

7:00-8:00 PM: Sam spoke to Christie about Jess’ conversation with him. Christie pointed out that Jess has an issue with Bella, and she is trying to pin this all on her rather than owning up to it. Christie asked if Jess tried to get Sam to use the veto. Sam said no, as both she and Kemi understand that it is not going to happen. Sam asked if they are still voting to evict Kemi. Christie said she thinks so. Sam talked about not really wanting to win the next HoH, since he is not concerned with anyone at the moment. Christie admitted that she is scared about Analyse, Holly, Jack and Jackson in the long run, even though she is working with them right now. The two then discussed the various alliances that Jack has made. They compared notes and realized that he is in two different alliances that are called “Stage 5”. Christie let Sam know that she would love it if someone were to take a shot at Jack.

8:00-9:00 PM: Jack told Christie that if it makes her feel more comfortable from a trust standpoint, he wont pursue anything with Analyse. He explained that he can tell her that it is not good for their games. Christie said she believes Jack but she would never ask him to do that for her. Jack said that last night was more than he had anticipated, and he didn’t want that much. Jack told Christie that he cannot measure the amount of care that he has for her compared to anyone else in the house. Christie said the same back to Jack. Jack added that he doesn’t connect to Analyse in the way that he connects with Christie. Christie said Analyse is the most beautiful thing ever but there is not a ton of depth there. Jack revealed to Christie that he won the Whacktivity Competition. He let her know what the power is. While Jack said that the power is not as strong as Ovi’s, Christie argued that it’s bigger than he thinks. Jack said that he needs Christie to trust him since they are going to go the distance together. They talked about going to the Final 3 with Tommy. Christie said she would not be able to beat him in the Final 2.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kemi told Nicole she doesn’t know why everyone is doing what’s best for Jack’s game. She pointed out that if she stays, she is someone who will be actively against Jack. Kemi likened Jack to Paul in a sense that everyone is afraid of getting on his bad side. Kemi brought up that it makes no sense how nobody wants to piss Jack off when he cannot even compete for HoH next week. While Kemi acknowledged that she would like to win the game, she said that she would also like for everyone to play it rather than let the strong males run the house. Kemi went over her pitch for Sam. She said there would be a bigger target on her than on him if she were to stay, she would be a number for him unlike Jess, and she would not target his two allies in Nick and Bella like Jess would. Nicole thought that it was a very powerful argument. Out in the hammock, Holly said she wanted to touch base with Kat. She explained that nothing has happened with Jackson, and she doesn’t plan on it either, but she would like to know how Kat would feel about it. Kat told her that she doesn’t care, so go for it.

11:00-12:00 AM: Kemi made her pitch to Sam. She said she has heard that Jack still wants her out, so she will be leaving if the nominations do not change. Kemi explained that the whole house cannot align with Jack. She let Sam know that she would not put him up and she would be a number for him. Kemi added that she would be a bigger target than Sam would if she stays in the house. As for Jess, Kemi said that she would nominate Nick and Bella, which would be two people that would not come after Sam. Sam said he can see everything that she is saying but he feels as though the majority are with Jack and would not be happy with him for using the veto. Kemi argued that it will be a different game next week since Jack cannot compete for HoH, and people will go to the new HoH. While Sam admitted that Kemi is better for his game and she will likely leave if nominations stay the same, he stuck with saying that he will become too big of target if he uses the veto this early in the game.

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