Big Brother 21 Day 20 - Sam decides not to use the Power of Veto

July 8, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Christie, Holly, Jack, Jackson and Tommy chatted about the potential of them getting the opportunity to vote one of the people from Camp Comeback back into the game. Jackson said he thinks that most people would agree that bringing David back would not be the best move. Jack said the problem with David is that he is still such a threat, Jack mentioned that he does love the way that David cleans the house though. There were talks about Ovi’s power doing more harm than good to the alliance. Jack discussed that even if two of them were saved by it, two more of them would be going on the block. Christie said she doesn’t think that it is worth having the power in the game since they are not directly in control of it. She believes that Ovi would use it to benefit himself. Christie, Holly and Tommy agreed that they would not vote Ovi back in for that reason. Christie said that ideally they could bring someone like Jess back. Jackson mentioned Kat’s name as well.

10:00-11:00 AM: Jackson told Kemi he feels like there is a common denominator in a lot of things that are happening in the RV. Jackson implied that it was Bella. He said Jack has heard that Kemi wants to put the two of them up. He also brought up the Black Widow alliance. Jackson revealed that Jess is making it clear that she is not happy with Bella, so he is curious if there is a common source since he recognizes that Bella is a savage. Kemi said she has not even thought about that. Jackson said it seems odd since he cannot see Nicole being the one to say anything. Kemi mentioned that she cannot see Nicole being actively involved in the conversation in which the Black Widow alliance was formed. Kemi said she doesn’t know how it was started but she doesn’t care either. Kemi let Jackson know that she didn’t take the banishment to heart. She said that she knew that she would be coming back when Julie revealed that three of them would be returning. Jackson said it was simply a matter of who had talked to him the least. Jackson said he would understand if any of those who he banished decided to come after him. Jackson told Kemi that she has handled this week in a respectful manner, and he does not know which way he is going to vote. They talked about how Kemi could have and should have won the veto competition. Jackson reassured Kemi that he has no intentions of coming after her or trying to get her evicted, and it comes down to what the smartest game move is for his game. Jackson talked about needing to take into consideration the whole Camp Comeback twist. Feeds went down at 10:51 for the veto ceremony.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:48 following the veto ceremony. Sam decided not to use the Power of Veto. Jess and Kemi remain nominated. Nick told Analyse and Jack that Kemi went to Bella to let her know that Jackson said he is going to nominate Bella next week. Jack called Kemi poison, while Analyse called her crazy. Bella and Kemi talked things over. Kemi explained that Jackson was pointing to Bella as the one that was stirring things up in their bedroom. She said Jackson talked about Bella being a savage who is playing both sides of the house. She added that Jackson alluded to the fact that Bella was the one who told Jack that Kemi would nominate Jack and Jackson. On top of that, Kemi said that Jackson believes what Jess is saying when it comes to her claim that Bella started the Black Widow alliance. Kemi believed that Jackson was trying to break the trust she has with Bella.

12:00-1:00 PM: Minutes after talking to Kemi, Bella went to Jackson to tell him that Kemi said he would nominate her next week since she is the common denominator. Jackson explained that he was trying to see where Kemi lies, so he wanted to know if the information would get back to Bella. Bella questioned what the point of that would be. Jackson said it was to see if Kemi is trustworthy. Jackson told Bella that there was not once a conversation about her going on the block. Bella said Kemi told her that it was insinuated. Jackson claimed that he had wanted to see if Kemi would agree with it and throw Bella under the bus, but she stuck to her guns and stayed true to Bella. Jackson informed Bella that Jess is trying to pin the Black Widow alliance on her. Jackson talked about being torn since he wants to vote with Gr8ful but he likes Kemi on a personal level since he respects her honesty. Jackson thinks that Kemi is real but Jess is not. Bella said it makes her feel good that Kemi was loyal. Jackson continued to reassure Bella that he would not nominate her. He said he expects that she would turn on Jack before him. He asked Bella to keep that between them. Bella said even the floaters know that Jack is the one leading Gr8ful. Meanwhile, Kemi told Nicole that Bella is taking to Jackson. Kemi said she doesn’t know why Bella cannot keep her mouth shut. Nicole advised Kemi to be careful with Bella. Kemi said she has been close with Bella since Day 1, so she thought that she could trust her. Nicole said that Bella tells everyone everything, and she will spin it to exclude what she has done. Kemi said she doesn’t think that it is malicious but Bella is always looking out for herself. Kemi thinks that you need to look out for others as well or else they will not be able to trust you. Nicole told Kemi she believes that Bella started the Black Widow alliance. Kemi didn’t want to bring any of that up right now since it would only clear Jess’ name if she did. Kemi acknowledged that she will not be able to win the game if she keeps talks to someone who she cannot trust.

1:00-2:00 PM: Bella told Kemi about her conversation with Jack. Bella said Jackson was testing her because he is starting to come around and he respects her gameplay. Kemi wasn’t buying it. She felt as though she proved that Jackson cannot trust her since she ran straight to Bella, in a matter of minutes, after he told her that the conversation stays between the two of them. Bella argued that it would look worse if she didn’t tell her, since they are always together. When Bella suggested that Jackson is trying to build something to go after Jack, Kemi disagreed. Kemi said that she will definitely be the one leaving now that Jackson cannot trust her. Bella eventually said that she does not want to fight with Kemi about this. Kemi headed to the HoH room to talk to Jack. She asked Jack if he still views her as a threat to his game. Jack admitted that Kemi is absolutely a threat to him. Jack pointed out that Kemi did well in the veto competition, plus he knows that he would be going home if Kemi was the HoH. Kemi promised that she would not put Jack on the block if she wins HoH. Jack said that he would take it into consideration. He then went to Nick to tell him that he is not going to let Kemi break up their alliance.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kemi told David that she heard from multiple people last week that Jack wanted her on the block, so she knew that she would go up if he were to win HoH. David asked if Kemi thinks that it will be her leaving. Kemi said she thinks so since Jack wants that. Kemi brought up that David seems to be in positive spirits. She asked if he is. David responded with “I’m playing the social game”. Kemi mentioned that everyone got super close, super fast. David said it’s cliquish. Kemi said she sees what’s going on but she can’t verbalize it except with David. When Kemi said that Christie isn’t someone to worry about, David argued that they are all together. Kemi suggested that Christie is expendable to Analyse, Holly, Jack and Jackson. David said he knows who the core four is but he thinks that it is extended beyond that. In the bathroom, Jackson told Kemi that he doesn’t know what he is going to do at this point, but he will not tell her anything that she wants to hear just because she wants to hear it.

3:00-4:00 PM: Christie spoke to Kemi about what happened between her, Bella and Jackson earlier. Kemi explained that they were discussing how the Black Widow alliance started. Kemi said she walked into the room when it was already being established, so she doesn’t know who started it. Christie said everyone seems to believe that Jess started it. Kemi said Jackson was telling her that Jess is claiming that it was Bella. Christie brought up that people are saying how real Kemi is being and how cool she is being on the block. Christie explained that she thought everyone was leaning towards sending Jess out until whatever happened this morning, and now she doesn’t know what is happening. Christie mentioned Bella saying that Kemi told her that Jackson would put her up. Christie said Jackson apparently initially admitted to saying all of that before taking it back. Kemi said that Jackson didn’t say he would put Bella up. She added that they didn’t even talk about Jackson winning HoH.

4:00-5:00 PM: Out in the yard, Cliff told Ovi that it might be worth talking to a few people and spilling the beans on some stuff once it’s closer to the time that someone returns. Ovi said that he would like to start talking to Sam a little more once it gets to be week four. Cliff said David is convinced that it will be a physical competition to return, but he thinks that Ovi has a definite leg up on the others if it involves the people in the house deciding what happens. Cliff let Ovi know that Kat said she would nominate Nick and Bella if she wins HoH, because Nick has said that he would be happy to use her as a pawn. Ovi expects Jess and Kat to be on the chopping block next week. Cliff said he would like to talk to Nicole to find out if she has a preference between Jess and Kemi, as he would try to steer things the other way if Nicole would prefer to keep Kemi. Ovi said the reason why he wouldn’t mind Kemi leaving is because she wouldn’t have the opportunity to win a power in the Whacktivity Competition. Cliff told Ovi that it would be huge to get him back in the game. Cliff stressed that he does not want David back in there. Ovi said Plan A is that he returns but they need to have a Plan B set up in the event that he does not. Cliff said he would try to work with David but he is not sure that the trust is there. Cliff mentioned telling David that he feels towards the bottom so he will talk crap about him in hope of getting off of the bottom. Out in the hammock, Kemi told Nicole she thinks that the nail is in the coffin because of Bella. She explained that Christie said it had been up in the air prior to that. Kemi didn’t understand what Bella was hoping to accomplish by talking to Jackson. Kemi questioned how stupid Bella could possibly be. Nicole thinks Bella believes that she is so smart. They discussed that Bella will do anything to cover her tracks. Kemi said it’s really pissing her off because she thought that Bella was smarter than this. Nicole said that in a way she is, since she is starting all of these fires and watching others get caught up in it. Kemi said you cannot be aligned with everyone and lying to everyone, which is why Jackson does not trust Bella.

5:00-6:00 PM: Kemi told Nicole she had a feeling that she could not trust Nick but she had never thought about Bella. Kemi said she trusts Nicole. Aside from that, she said that she trusts Sam to be honest with her. Nicole agreed. Kemi said the good thing about her conversation with Jackson is that she can have another one with him, and he will take what Bella said with a grain of salt. The girls discussed having Kemi tell Jackson that Bella did not want her to talk to him again, just to get Jackson thinking.

6:00-7:00 PM: Christie asked Analyse if she and Jack talk about feelings. Analyse said no. She asked if Jack has said anything about liking her. Christie said no. She let Analyse know that Jack has talked about not knowing if they can continue to sleep together each night once he is no longer HoH. Analyse thinks that they might as well continue sleeping in the same bed since people already know. Analyse asked if Jack mentions his ex. Christie admitted that Jack has been bringing her up when she reminds her of his ex. Christie said Jack called her his rock and then took it back and said he only has one rock, as in his ex. Analyse said that makes her feel really weird because she looks stupid since he talks about his ex all of the time. Analyse explained that she doesn’t want anything serious out of this but it makes it look as though she is just there for Jack to have fun with. Analyse worried about bringing it up to Jack since it would be blowing it out of proportion and making it seem like a bigger deal than it is. Christie agreed. Later, Analyse, Christie and Holly spoke about the topic. Analyse let Christie know that if she felt as though she was ruining their friendship, she would cut things off with Jack. Christie said she cannot speak for how Jack feels about her, but she does not feel that way about him since she likes girls. Analyse admitted to feeling very insecure when Jack always follows Christie up to the shower. Christie clarified that she does not have romantic feelings for him. Analyse placed the blame on Jack, not Christie, and said that he makes her feel insecure. Analyse believes that Jack does certain things to make her jealous. Christie said Jack should know that she does not feel that way about him. Analyse claimed that she will no longer be sharing a bed with Jack once his HoH reign ends.

7:00-8:00 PM: Nicole told Ovi that she needs to be more social. She pointed out that she talked to Ovi who is gone, Kemi who is almost gone, and Jess who is almost gone. They discussed that Nick has become more of a dick as time has gone on in the house. Ovi thinks that Nick is starting to get on people’s radar. As for Cliff, Ovi believes that he has done a good job on integrating himself with the HoH crew. Ovi said he was just talking to Jackson to tell him good things about Nicole, as he wants her to be in their good graces as well. Nicole asked Ovi who he would rather face off against to return; Jess or Kemi. Ovi said people have been talking about sending both of them out in the next two weeks. Ovi is concerned that people will look past Kat and start thinking about targeting Cliff or Nicole. Nicole said it sucks that she is losing another person this week but it’s good in a sense that whoever returns is likely someone that will be on her side.

8:00-9:00 PM: Kat let Jess know that she is safe this week. She asked Jess to trust her. Jess said she does. Kat brought up that Kemi is a liability for a whole side of the house, so they want her out. Jess said Nick made it sound like it is going to be unanimous. Kat said they are going to try to make it unanimous, but there is no way that she would vote Jess out even if things happened to flip against her.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jackson and Kemi quickly touched based after everything that had gone down following their morning conversation. Jackson said it somehow got twisted into him saying that he would nominate Bella. Kemi said they didn’t even talk about Jackson winning HoH, which Jackson agreed with. Jackson explained that he straightened things out with Bella so that’s why he didn’t bring it up to Kemi again. Jackson assured Kemi that she is fine. Nicole went to Holly to ask about the vote. Holly said that from what she understands, Kemi was originally the target but Jess is not handling things as well, making things up in the air. When Nicole relayed that information to Kemi, she wasn’t sure if it was legit or if Holly was simply telling Nicole that because she knows that they are close.

10:00-11:00 PM: Nick told Bella that he reassured Jess that she would be staying unanimously. Nick hopes that they can get her to only nominate one of the two of them. Nick believes that he would have the better shot at staying if only one of them happened to be on the block. Bella agreed. That being said, Nick said that he would rather not be nominated. Outside, Cliff told Jess that he will keep his fingers crossed for her. He mentioned that Kemi has campaigned hard but she has alienated some people at the same time. Jess said she heard that Jack doesn’t necessarily care how the house votes. Both wondered who would end up making the call on who goes if that’s the case. Elsewhere, Nicole said she doesn’t know what to do when it comes to this week. Nick said everything he has heard is that Kemi is gone. Nicole said she has heard the same thing. Nick said he would prefer to have Kemi there but she has no chance of staying after talking about too many people and making up too much stuff.

2:00-3:00 AM: Kemi told Nicole that she doesn’t want to start campaigning until tomorrow night or Wednesday. Kemi said that she really doesn’t want to talk to Nick since she can see that he is distancing himself from her and trying to get closer to Jack. Nicole said it’s drives her insane that Bella doesn’t tell them anything, and she uses her social anxiety and insecurities against her. Nicole thinks that Bella is trying to manipulate her by making it seem as though she feels like an outsider and has the same insecurities as she does. Nicole said she sees the way that Nick was and the way that he is capable of being, but Bella messed up his game. Nicole doesn’t think that Nick can see it. She let Kemi know that Nick said he can’t keep her after she was running her mouth about Jackson. Nicole thinks that Bella went to Nick to say that she is sad that Kemi says mean things about her, and then Nick got on board with getting her out. Kemi said that she cannot wait to throw Bella under the bus tomorrow. Kemi plans to go to Jack. Nicole talked about Bella planting bombs and then backing off. Kemi said that’s what Jackson was trying to tell her this morning. Kemi asked Nicole how she would feel about letting Jackson know that Bella started the Black Widows. Nicole said that she can do that. Kemi then pulled Jackson aside. She said that she would like to continue their conversation from this morning. Kemi said Jackson might be right that she is in a relationship with someone who might be trying to play both sides of the house. Kemi let Jackson know that Nicole said Bella was the one who started the Black Widow alliance, yet she is telling Jackson that Jess started it. Kemi told Jackson that Bella told her about a Final 3 she had with Jack and Jackson since the beginning. Kemi said she feels like she is being thrown under the bus by someone she thought had her back. Jackson said it was kind of disheartening that less than 10 minutes after their conversation, Kemi went to talk to Bella and it got misconstrued into him putting Bella on the block. Jackson called Bella a smart girl that is playing this game. Jackson said he cannot speak on a Final 3 with her, as it is new news to him. Jackson also told Kemi that he cannot say with certainty that Bella is playing both sides. Jackson let Kemi know that he has nothing but respect for her on a game and personal level. Kemi said she is kind of glad that this all happened since it let her realize that she was blinded. Kemi asked Jackson how he would vote if had to vote today. Jackson said that he would probably save Jess since Kemi immediately ran to Bella, but this has made him kind of 50/50. Jackson said it says a lot about the person Kemi is that she has made two efforts to correct this. Kemi clarified that she had not even thought about who she would nominate next to Jack, so she doesn’t know who said that it would be Jackson. Jackson said it breaks his heart if Jess and Kemi’s games are being ruined based on lies.

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