Big Brother 21 Day 21

July 9, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: While Cliff was talking to the live feeders, Christie listened in from outside of the door. Cliff mentioned that Christie and Tommy are very tight, and they have been sharing a bed together. Cliff said he thinks that they are working together even more than he had thought before. Cliff talked about hearing those two whispering last night while they thought that he was asleep. Cliff suggested that it makes sense for them to work tightly together, and he he will have to treat them as a fourth couple. Cliff brought up that Christie is concerned about showing too much affection to Jack, since it could make Analyse jealous. Cliff said he has an alliance with Nicole and Ovi, which is named “The Fellowship”. Cliff talked about thinking that everyone hopes Ovi is the one that comes back, and they can grab a couple of people such as Christie, Tommy, Bella, Nick and Sam. Cliff also mentioned Holly, Jackson and Kat’s names as well. Christie then ran back to the bedroom. She let Holly, Jackson and Tommy know that she heard Cliff talking about her. She said she cannot believe she got that lucky. Christie told Jackson that Cliff is not working with him. Holly asked if Cliff is with Bella and Nick. Christie said he is working with Nicole and Ovi, and he is targeting the three couples plus the fourth couple in her and Tommy. Christie said Cliff talked about it being unfortunate that Nicole is likely next to go after Jess and Kemi, and then he will be a free agent. Christie said that Cliff will have to go.

10:00-11:00 AM: Outside, Jackson let Jack know that Christie overheard Cliff saying that he is coming after the couples. Jackson then told Jack about his late night conversation with Kemi. Jackson said Kemi talked about someone playing both sides, referring to Bella. Jackson told Jack that Bella told Kemi about having a Final 3 deal with the two of them. Jackson said Bella cornered Nicole last night to ask what she is thinking, and questioned if she will target Holly next. Jack asked if Jackson trusts Kemi. Jackson asked how Kemi would know about their Final 3 if not for Bella telling her. While Jackson admitted that he didn’t necessarily trust Kemi, he did believe that the Final 3 thing came from Bella. Jackson said they cannot count on Cliff, and he has got to go. Jack said Nick and Bella have got to go first. They also discussed that Sam cannot be trusted. Jackson stressed that Nick and Bella cannot be trusted. Jack didn’t think that they were ever trusting them since they had made a six within Gr8ful. Christie then came by to tell Jack about what she had heard Cliff saying. Christie said that Cliff needs to go before Nicole. Jack brought up liking David more than Ovi at this point as well. Jack wondered if there is a play to be made by telling Cliff that they know exactly what his plan is, and then see if he wants to join them. Christie wasn’t so sure that it would be beneficial to them. Jack then told Christie about his dream. He said that his ex was there, he kept trying to talk to her, and she would not talk to him. Jack said that it went on throughout the whole night, with her showing an unwillingness to talk to him or listen to him. Jack cried as he told the story. Jack said he has to figure out how to bring things back to the friend zone with Analyse. Christie suggested that the best way to do it would be by telling the truth in regards to his dreams about his ex. Tommy joined them. They talked about Nicole being more trustworthy than Nick. Christie and Jack mentioned bringing David in as a seven in their six person alliance.

11:00-12:00 PM: Jack spoke to Nicole about wanting to be transparent with each other. He said that he would like to protect her game. He suggested that they each try to get to jury together. Jack mentioned that making it to jury is his first goal. Nicole said she can respect that. Nicole asked if there is a definite plan for this week’s eviction. Jack said they are leaning towards unanimously evicting Kemi. Nicole let Jack know that there is no animosity on her end even though he had nominated two of her friends. Jack said that he will respect whatever decision she makes if she wins HoH, even if it means that he goes on the block. Meanwhile, Christie spoke to Analyse, Holly and Jackson about what she overheard Cliff saying. She said that his alliance with Nicole and Ovi is called “Zing”, and he is expecting the eviction order to be Kemi, Jess and then Nicole. Christie explained that Cliff is targeting the couples, including her and Tommy. Up in the HoH room, Jackson told Jack that he has made his bed with Analyse, so he has got to lay in it. Jackson reminded Jack that he said he is there to play a game and win it. Jackson was concerned that Jack breaking things off with Analyse could blow everything up for their alliance. They discussed that there is no going back once Jack burns that bridge. Jack said he gets it.

12:00-1:00 PM: Cliff told Ovi that Christie and Tommy may be a fourth potential voting block. Ovi suggested that they may be able to use that voting block. Cliff agreed. He said that they cannot let all of the couples work together to pick everyone else off. Ovi said he is starting to see heads turn towards Nick and Bella, but people don’t seem to be against them as of yet. Cliff said that they will need to figure out who is feeling left out in the cool kids group. Cliff hopes that the group turns on each other before they start looking to target Nicole. Cliff believes that he is in a little bit with Holly and Jackson but he is the low man on that totem pole. Later, Christie told Tommy that Cliff said they seem like they have a Final 2 type of relationship, but he doesn’t know that they know each other. Christie thinks Cliff knows that she heard him but she is not going to confirm that to him. Tommy told Christie that she is killing it, and he is so impressed every single day. Christie said she is made for stuff like this. Christie said the plan is to make Cliff public enemy number one. She wants Cliff and Ovi to be in the Battle Back together so that only one of them can be in the house. Tommy agreed that Cliff needs to go next.

1:00-2:00 PM: Kemi told Nicole that she plans to sit down with Jack tomorrow to ask how everything between the two of them started. Kemi expects Jack to ask her where it started for her, and then she is going to reveal that she was told about him being in an eight person alliance that was formed on Day 2, and she will then name everyone off. Kemi wants to bring up hearing that Jack said she is a wildcard but he has her under his wing because she flirts with him. Kemi added that she will blow up Bella’s game before she leaves, if she knows for certain that she will be leaving. Kemi said that she would love to have Bella in Camp Comeback, and then she will take her out. Kemi expressed that Bella is playing all sides and people are starting to catch on. Kemi said that she would nominating Bella and Nick with the intention of getting Bella out.

2:00-3:00 PM: Jackson let Holly know that Jack is having a rough day. Jackson said he tried to talk Jack off of the ledge because he broke down in tears in the diary room. They discussed Jack having a dream that his ex wouldn’t talk to him. Holly said Christie told Analyse about it. They agreed that both Christie and Jack have extremely big mouths. While Holly didn’t think that it was a big deal, she figured that it would be in Analyse’s 22 year old mind. Jackson said Jack told him that his attraction to Analyse is strictly physical. Jackson told Holly that Jack wanted to break it off but he had to explain that it would not end well for their games if that were to happen. Jackson said he suggested telling Analyse that they need to be a little more distant in the public eye, but Jack said he thinks that it’s okay to be around each other but not sleep with each other. They figured that Jack might be worried about what America is seeing in terms of him sleeping with Analyse. Holly and Jackson then debated whether or not they should approach Cliff. Jackson said he could go tell Cliff that he heard him, and let him know that he and Holly are not targeting him. Jackson figures that whoever gets to Cliff first will not be his target. They agreed that it would be a very risky move that could blow up in their faces. Holly preferred keeping it more generic as opposed to saying that he or Christie overheard Cliff. They agreed on having Jackson tell Cliff that they understand that he, Nicole and Ovi are focused on targeting the couples, and then go from there. In the bathroom, Christie told Bella, Nick and Sam about overhearing Cliff this morning. While she didn’t get into the specifics, she said that she overheard Cliff talking about his game plan, his alliance, his alliance name, and his pecking order. Bella asked if it changes anything for this week. Christie said no.

4:00-5:00 PM: Bella joined the HoH crew. Christie quickly caught her up on what had happened with Cliff this morning. Christie talked about nominating Cliff and Jess, telling Cliff that he is the pawn, and then sending Cliff home. Jackson brought up that they should nominate both Cliff and Nicole, and then they will know that Ovi has the power if neither of them use it. There were also discussions about nominating the two together so that they cannot use the veto on each other. Christie said Cliff ruined his whole game by playing to the cameras. While the majority of the houseguests were in the HoH room, Jess and Kemi cleared the air and talked about their games moving forward. Kemi said she doesn’t know how anyone would have found out about the Black Widow alliance in order to tell Jack about it. Jess said that whatever happened that night was BS but she had wanted to believe that it was real. Kemi said she thinks that a lot of game was played week one, with people setting bear traps or throwing grenades. During week two, Kemi said she thinks that whoever did that is now trying to put a bandaid over it, but the bandaid might pop off by the the time that week three comes to a close. Jess said she got stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time when Black Widow was formed, as someone was there who had it out for her.

6:00-7:00 PM: Holly and Kat chatted up in the HoH room. Holly said she trusts Kat and Analyse, and hopes that she can trust Jackson. Both agreed that they trust Christie but wouldn’t talk to her the same way that they talk to each other. Holly said she would but Christie blabs. Holly let Kat know that Nicole said Nick was asking her why she wouldn’t put her up. Kat asked how they are going to get Nick and Bella out. Kat said she would have the balls to put them up but she thinks that it would blow up their whole game. Holly suggested that they wait until after Camp Comeback. They discussed that Sam works with Nick and Bella, and they could see him winning the whole game. Holly said she thinks that Sam is a bigger threat than Jack, since Jack has an arrogant attitude. The girls talked about not being able to get a good feel on JC. Kat thinks that he is a floater. Holly said she could see him pulling off a JC game and making it to the end. The girls agreed that Bella is disgusting. Holly said she is not genuine, and she started crying with her the other day. Holly and Kat think that Bella a sociopath as opposed to someone with a big heart. They then talked about Jess being a number for them, so they do not want to target her. Kat brought up that people would never guess that the two of them and Jackson are working together, considering how well they sold everything that went on between them in the past week. Elsewhere, Sam told Bella that they should keep Cliff to get the people out who he was caught talking about targeting. Sam said he thinks that he would stick with nominating Jess and Kat if he wins HoH, not Cliff and Nicole. Bella said she has an excuse for wanting Jess to go, so she could stick to nominating Jess next to Kat. Bella then revealed to Sam that there is an eight person alliance. She said that he is the ninth in that group, but she and Nick are trying to figure out how to get out of it. Bella explained that that’s why people keep saying “grateful”. Ovi then walked in and broke up the conversation.

7:00-8:00 PM: Sam asked Bella for more details on the eight person alliance. He asked if there is a name. Bella revealed that it is Gr8ful. Sam questioned why he is not in it. Bella said that he is the nine for them. Sam wondered if they would try to pick him off before jury. Bella said that he would be the last to go before it got down to the alliance. Sam asked Bella to let Nick know that she told him about the alliance, because he would like to talk to Nick about it. Bella didn’t want to do that. She said she would rather have Nick tell Sam about the alliance. Sam pointed out that Nick might not ever tell him. When Bella attempted to reassure Sam that he is the nine for the group, Sam said that it’s an eight person alliance.

8:00-9:00 PM: In the HoH room, there were discussions about the week one power. Nick said he cannot believe that Nicole has it. Bella said she thought that as soon as the competition ended. Nick figures that it has to be Nicole since they found out that Cliff doesn’t have it, he doesn’t think that Kat has it, he knows that Bella doesn’t have it, and Ovi would have use it if he had it. Nick said there is no way that Ovi would have went out the door without telling anyone that he had the power. Nick said that if he is going to nominate Cliff and Nicole, he would air out their alliance since he needs a reason for making the move. Afterwards, Nick spoke to Nicole. He tried to get an idea of who she is working with or wants to work with. Nicole said that she definitely trusts Bella, Nick and Sam, but she feels weird integrating herself into their conversations. Nick said that it’s part of the game. Nick questioned why they would ever not want to work with Nicole. Nicole then asked if she can be the fourth wheel, which Nick said yeah to. Nick let Nicole know that people think she has the power. Nicole said that she knows her truth. Nick talked to Nicole about who she could possibly nominate. He suggested that Holly and Kat would be the easiest nominations to make. Nicole reiterated that she would like to work with Bella, Nick and Sam but she needs to know where their heads are at.

9:00-10:00 PM: Bella and Sam continued discussing Gr8ful. Bella explained that at the time there were supposed to be six core members with Analyse and Holly floating on the outside. Bella suggested that Sam was likely not brought in because the others think that he is just a number for her and Nick. Bella told Sam that he would be the last of floaters to go if the eight stuck together. Sam worried that he is a bottom feeder. Bella told him that he is not. Sam mentioned that maybe they shouldn’t be evicting Kemi. Both agreed that Kemi would be a number for them. They also agreed that Kemi made a good argument as to why Sam should have used the veto on her. Bella said that her ideal alliance would be the two of them, Nick, Christie and Tommy. Sam said he is screwed if they continue to pick off the little people. Sam said that they might need to get someone to take out Jack or Jackson if they win HoH.

10:00-11:00 PM: In the HoH room, Bella told Christie, Nick, Sam and Tommy that Kemi likes all of them. Christie asked if they are trying to pull something. Nick said that they are not flipping the vote. Nick then told the other four that this is their Final 5. He later named it the Flaming Five. Tommy wanted to wait until they got closer to nine to start talking about this but he said that he is on board. Nick let the group know that he cannot nominate Nicole if he wins. Sam felt the same way. Christie said she loves Nicole and they do not have to go with that plan. Nick said that he would nominate Jess and Kat. Nick also revealed that Nicole wants to be in an alliance with him, Bella and Sam.

11:00-12:00 AM: Nicole asked Kemi how she is feeling. Kemi said she feels as though she will be evicted. Nicole asked if it is worth it to have a heart to heart with Bella. Kemi didn’t think that it would be worthwhile, as she expects that Bella would continue to get defensive. Kemi didn’t want Nicole to put a target on her back. Nicole asked which side she should go to between Bella, Nick and Sam, or Analyse, Christie, Holly, Jack and Jackson. Kemi suggested siding with Christie and Jack’s side since Bella is so untrustworthy, Meanwhile, Cliff and Kat spoke to Jess about the vote. Both reassured her that everything they have heard has indicated that she is safe.

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