Big Brother 21 Day 22

July 10, 2019

11:00-11:30 AM: Sam let Kemi know that he would rather vote to evict Jess. He said that he would like to talk to Nick, Bella, Christie, Nicole and Tommy. Sam said that he has to be careful since he doesn’t know if they are in any alliances that he doesn’t know about. Sam told Kemi that Jack has said it doesn’t matter who goes. Kemi explained that the entire reason she wanted Jack to go is because he wanted her out, and she would like to ask him what the root of it all is. Sam suggested that Kemi push some of the blame on to Jess, including saying that she wanted to start a girls alliance to take all of the guys out, as opposed to Kemi who had only mentioned Jack’s name. Sam then headed to the bedroom to speak to Bella, Nicole and Nick. He pointed out that Kemi can win HoH, nominate Jack, and keep them safe. Nicole said that’s true. Nick brought up that it would ruffle feathers, to which Sam replied “so what?”. Sam questioned why they would evict Kemi when she means no harm to them. Nick said it would harm Jack if Kemi stays, and Jack is the HoH. Sam pointed out that as long as the four of them, Christie and Tommy voted for Kemi to stay, they have the numbers. Nick said he is down for it since Kemi is better for his game. Nick then said he is scared to ruffle feathers so early in the game. Sam asked if it’s really ruffling feathers when Jack said that he is 50/50. Sam then asked why they would evict Kemi when she would not come after them. Nick said that it would be an easy move. Sam added “for Jack”. Sam asked if Cliff would get on board or if he would go with the house. Nicole pointed out that they would become the house if they get the votes. Nick went to the storage room to run the idea past Christie. Christie was concerned that Kemi would come after her. Nick said that she wouldn’t, and she is going for Jack. Christie said if someone is going to take the shot at Jack, that’s great since neither of them can do it themselves. Christie asked Nick to keep her posted. She said that she will do whatever they want since she is for the five person group of Bella, Nick, Sam, Tommy and herself. Christie revealed that she overheard Jackson telling Holly that the four need to catch up today, referring to Analyse, Jack, Holly and Jackson. Christie then told Bella that they are clearly working together, meaning that she would be the first to go once they get down to six. Next up, Christie talked to Sam about the four working together. She said no thank you to that, since she would be the first one out.

11:30-12:00 PM: Holly spoke to Nicole after hearing that she would put her up. Nicole clarified that she has never said who she would nominate, so she has never said her name. Holly said Nick has told Christie, Tommy and a lot of others that Nicole would put her up, so she assumes that he is trying to put a target on Nicole’s back. Holly assured Nicole that she is not a target for her. Nicole said the same to Holly. Holly said people realize that Nick and Bella are playing too hard and are making alliances with everyone. Holly said she feels like Nicole is someone that she can trust, but now she is starting to freak out that Nick could be targeting her. Elsewhere, Bella filled Kemi that she let Sam know about Jack creating an eight person alliance. Bella said Sam then realized that he is on the outside. Bella said this is perfect if they can keep Kemi, since they can be solid with Nick, Nicole and Sam. Bella also mentioned that Christie overheard Cliff yesterday. Bella said that Cliff, Nicole and Ovi have an alliance named “Zing” that is trying to split up all of the couples.

12:00-1:00 PM: Sam spoke to Jack about potentially keeping Kemi this week. He acknowledged that Kemi has gone directly after Jack whereas Jess is coming after all of the guys. Sam said that they could nominate Cliff next to Kemi next week. Sam asked what Jack thinks about the idea. Jack said he has made it clear that he is all about whatever is best for Gr8ful. He quickly corrected himself to say he is focused on whatever is best for their nine. Jack said that keeping Kemi is pretty risky, but he has made it clear that this is about what is best for the nine, not for himself. Meanwhile, Kemi asked Cliff if he knows how he would vote if he had to vote right now. Cliff said that he has more faith in Kemi winning HoH, and in her willingness to shake things up. He suggested that they need a good competitor like Kemi in the house. Cliff told Kemi that he would let her know if anything changes. Up in the HoH room, Holly filled Analyse, Christie and Jack in on her talk with Nicole. She mentioned that Nick threw out her name and Analyse’s name to Nicole. After Holly was done, Jack let the girls know that Sam wants Jess to leave this week. Analyse said there is no way that she will be changing her vote. Christie said she could tell that they were dropping hints like that yesterday. Holly thinks that they are trying to build an alliance against them. Holly brought up that she constantly walks in on Bella, Kemi and Sam talking, and Kemi and Nicole are close as well. As for Jess, Holly said that she has been working really hard to establish a relationship with her, and she is a number for them. Jack said that they will stick to the plan of evicting Kemi. Back downstairs, Cliff and Sam discussed the vote. Cliff said he would be happy to send Jess home if Sam is doing the same. Sam admitted that he is thinking of doing that at the moment. Upstairs, Jack let Analyse and Holly know that he said Gr8ful in front of Sam. Jack suggested that Sam already knew about the eight anyway. He also said that the eight is dead and it is really about their Six Shooters alliance. Nick joined the HoH crew. Analyse asked if he wants Kemi out. Nick said she is not coming after him but he wants her out for the alliance. When Holly asked who Nicole would go after, Nick said he doesn’t think that she would put anyone big up, so it would likely be Jess and Kat. While the talk continued, Christie let Sam know that it is too early for her to make the move by flipping the vote. She said she is scared of going against Jack or Jackson when they very well could have the power. Sam pointed out that only one of Christie or Tommy’s votes are needed. Christie said that she would want to run it by Jack before voting that way. Sam told Christie that they could use Kemi to do their dirty work. While Christie didn’t want to campaign for Kemi, she implied that she would vote for her to stay if Jack signed off on it.

1:00-2:00 PM: Jack told Christie that they are full steam ahead when it comes to evicting Kemi this week. Christie replied with “cool”. Cliff, Nicole and Ovi discussed the votes. They counted the numbers that Kemi could potentially get. Afterwards, Ovi warned Nicole that Bella and Nick do not consider her a number. Nicole said she gets that but she thinks that they don’t realize that she does. Ovi said Nick is overestimating how in he is with the big alliance. Nicole expressed concern that the vote flip could be getting blamed on her. If it happens, she said that she would bring up that five others had to vote that way in order for it to work. In the HoH room, Nick told Sam that he would prefer to get Jess out but he does not want to ruffle feathers this early on in the game. Sam agreed but said that he doesn’t want to be at the bottom of the barrel either, which he will be since the couples will save each other. Sam then spoke to Jack to let him know that he will tell Cliff that Kemi is leaving. Sam said he will do what the group wants. He admitted to being worried after his talk with Jack. Sam clarified that keeping Kemi was just a thought and that he did not go try to flip the vote. Jack assured him that he is fine.

2:00-3:00 PM: Holly reassured Jess that she is safe. Jess said she feels for Kemi. Holly said that she does too, since she believes that Kemi is taking the fall for other people. Kat agreed. Jess asked if there is anyone that she should talk to. While Holly said there are people who she doesn’t trust, she told Jess that it wouldn’t be worth it to talk to them. Holly mentioned that a couple of people were trying to flip the vote last minute, but she thinks that they did a good job of shutting it down. Holly said that those who were trying to flip the vote will likely be the ones trying to butter Jess up once she stays. Jess said that Bella is already trying to do that with her. In the storage room, Nicole let Jackson know that she was interrogated by Nick about who she would nominate. Nicole explained that she would not give him any names, so Nick then got pissed off and said he can tell that she would nominate Analyse and Holly. Nicole said she is frustrated that it got back to those two when she had not even said their names. Jackson said that he believes Nicole.

3:00-4:00 PM: Kemi asked Jack to speak. Jack said that he wants Tommy to be in the room so that nothing from their conversation can later be spun into something that it wasn’t. Tommy did end up joining them. Kemi asked Jack where everything started between them. He said it was a comment that was made in the first couple of days implying that he and Jackson are cocky enough to think that making food for everyone will keep them safe. Kemi said she remembers making the comment but she made light of it, and didn’t even know him enough at the time to know if he was cocky. Jack said that was part of the issue, that she was saying something without knowing him. Kemi clarified that she did not mean anything negative by her comment. Jack said he appreciates that. Kemi asked if Jack is still targeting her. Jack said it’s still up in the air as far as the house goes, but she is his biggest competition threat. Both Jack and Kemi apologized to each other for what happened in the first couple of days. Meanwhile, Analyse, Christie, Holly and Jackson discussed that Nick and Bella are making moves against the alliance. Christie said she is pissed off that they have the audacity to try to flip the vote, and think that they are stupid enough to get on board with it. Christie said that Sam pitched to her on multiple occasions about keeping Kemi because she is more likely to take a swing at a big threat. Jack and Tommy joined the group after the conversation with Kemi ended. Jack asked if they are locked in on the plan to evict Kemi. Everyone said yes. Analyse then ranted about Nick, calling him a pussy for wanting to come after her and Holly because he is too scared to take the shot at Jack and Jackson. Later, Kat told Analyse and Holly that Nick asked her who she would nominate. She said that Nick asked if she will put up Cliff and Jess, and then started asking if she even talks to Holly when she said that she would not put those two up. Kat said Nick suggested that she nominate Holly next to her target. Kat said she doesn’t appreciate how everyone is telling her that they hope she wins HoH. Kat made it clear that she will be doing her own dirty work, not someone else’s, if she wins HoH.

5:00-6:00 PM: Nick and Tommy discussed the idea of saving Kemi. Tommy asked Nick if he thinks that it would expose his cards. Nick said it would, which is why he doesn’t want to do it. Nick added that if he could get in Jack’s head to make him think that it is best for his game to keep Kemi, then he would do it. Tommy said it isn’t best for Jack’s game. Nick said that’s why he hasn’t even tried to do it. Nick told Tommy that Christie was really about keeping Kemi since she is not coming after them. Tommy asked Nick if Sam knows about Gr8ful. Nick said no. They then talked about what Nicole would do if she wins HoH. Nick said he tried to plant the seed with her. He mentioned that getting Holly and Kat on the block would be beneficial for the alliance, since they could then just vote Kat out. Tommy advised Nick to be careful, as it could end up getting back to Holly. Nick said he trusts Nicole and knows that she doesn’t talk game, so he would rather be proactive.

6:00-7:00 PM: Nicole went to Nick to talk about keeping Kemi. Nick argued that the whole other side of the house would be coming after them if they were to flip the vote. Nick said that nobody has said their name yet, other than Jess, so it doesn’t make sense to get Analyse, Holly, Jack and Jackson after them. Nicole questioned how Nick knows that their names are not being said. Nick said because he knows. Nicole said there is no way of knowing that, but Nick insisted that he does well enough socially to know what’s going on. Nick said they can attack after someone returns from Camp Comeback. While Nick admitted that Kemi is better for his game, he said that it’s best to have one enemy in Jess rather than the four that they would have should they keep Kemi. Bella joined them. Nick let her know that Tommy is not on board. He said that Tommy’s point about not wanting to ruffle feathers makes sense. Bella brought up that Analyse, Jack and Jackson stopped talking when she walked into the room. Nicole said it’s evident that there are rifts, and those people would see it too. Bella said that Jess will never be a strong number for them. Nick said that he is not going to put a target on his back to leave in week two when they are not currently targets. He again brought up what Tommy said about not wanting to ruffle feathers. Bella argued that Tommy is not a target but they are. Nick said that he will talk to Christie again, and then they can reconvene after that. Later, Tommy told Christie that Nick is so dumb. Christie called him the worst game player. Tommy said that he does not want to be associated with Nick. Christie said that she would like to work with Sam once Nick is gone. Kemi headed back to the HoH room to clarify one more thing with Jack. She told him that a few days into the game she heard that he had called her a wildcard but said it’s okay since she can get her under his wing because all that she does is flirt with him. Jack admitted that he may have made the comment, and said he can understand why it would bother Kemi.

7:00-8:00 PM: Tommy let Jack know that he and Christie wanted to tell him that they were pushed into an alliance with Nick last night. Tommy said the alliance consists of Bella, Christie, Nick, Sam and himself. Jack said that’s really bad since it means that Nick is making moves. Tommy assured Jack that he is obsessed with him and he will continue to show him that he wants to work with him. Jack told Tommy that he doesn’t want to think that what is going on between him and Analyse changes anything. He said that Christie is his number one. He quickly added that Tommy is his number one too. Meanwhile, Nicole told Analyse that she has not told anyone who she would nominate if she were to win HoH. They talked about Nick being the one to bring up Analyse and Holly’s names. Holly joined the girls. She said she is really confused as to what Nick is trying to do right now. Holly let Nicole know that Nick is saying that he has her in the bag. Nicole told Holly that Nick called her a b*tch. Christie came by to inform the girls that Sam is really paranoid and feeling as though he is under attack. Nicole said he hitched his wage to a bad cart, but it is not him. Christie agreed. She explained that Sam understands that Nick and Bella are dragging him down. Nicole brought up that Kemi is a woman of her word and she would take it into consideration if they were to keep her. Analyse said that she would reconsider her vote if she could fully trust Kemi, which she cannot do just yet. Nicole said that Kemi is pissed off at Bella after how things have spiralled. Nicole explained that Bella created the Black Widow alliance. The talk shifted to Nick and Bella. They agreed that Nick would have to be the first to go out of those two. Analyse worried that Kemi would go back to Bella if Nick were to be out of the game. Nicole stressed that Kemi has been wanting to flip out on Bella, and she has had to defuse her. Nick came by to break up the talk. Analyse and Christie spoke in the HoH room afterwards. Christie said she agrees with everything that Nicole said except about the vote. The girls agreed that Kemi still needs to be the one to go.

8:00-9:00 PM: Analyse told Christie that she is going to talk to Kemi to see if she can get any information about Nick before they evict her. Analyse and Kemi then had a quick chat. Kemi assured her that she would not be coming after her. Analyse said she heard that her name was coming out of Kemi’s mouth at the beginning of the game. While Kemi admitted to being vocal about putting Jack up, she denied having said anything about Analyse. Kemi said that she would like to work with Analyse moving forward, and she has also given Jack her word that she would not nominate him should she stay in the game. At 8:19, feeds went down after Big Brother instructed the houseguests to report to the HoH room for lockdown. After the lockdown, Analyse asked Sam how he is voting. Sam said that he will vote to evict Kemi since Jack wants that. Analyse wondered if they should solidify something between them, Christie, Holly, Jack and Jackson. Same wasn’t sure that it was necessary given that he goes with the majority anyway. Analyse said that she does too. Elsewhere, Nicole filled Kemi in on how the votes are looking. Nicole explained that Nick has been saying that they don’t have the votes, and he is concerned about Jack and Jackson being mad at him. As for Bella, Nicole said she is claiming that she wants to keep Kemi.

9:00-10:00 PM: Analyse talked to Sam about hearing that her name is being thrown out by Nick. Sam said he has not heard Nick or Bella say anything about her. Analyse brought up that Nick has been planting her name in people’s heads. She mentioned hearing that Sam was in the room while Nick talked to Nicole about it. Sam said he heard Nick ask who she would nominate, and Nicole would not name anyone, so Nick said his guess would be Analyse and Holly. Sam clarified that he did not remember Nicole saying their names. Sam said he cannot see Nick and Bella doing their own thing, unless they have pulled the wool over his eyes. When the possibility of Nick and Bella leaving was brought up, Sam said that he is there to play for himself. Sam said there is no way that Nick or Bella would nominate Analyse. If they did, Sam said that he would use the veto. Analyse asked if Sam would use a power to save those two. Sam said that he wouldn’t but he doesn’t have the power. They eventually discussed their nominations for next week. Sam said that he would nominate Jess for sure. Analyse said that she would nominate Cliff next to Jess. Meanwhile, Nick told Kemi that they need one more vote since Tommy is being wishy washy. He listed off Bella, Christie, Nicole, Sam and himself as the current votes to keep Kemi.

10:00-11:00 PM: Tommy told Jack he thinks that Sam could win the game. Jack agreed. For that reason, Tommy said that he doesn’t want Sam to jump ship from Nick and Bella, as he would like to use them being paired up as a reason to get rid of Sam. Jack agreed that going after Nick and Sam is the best play. He added that Bella is worthless without them. Tommy said that he doesn’t even think that Nick is much of a threat. Jack agreed based on the way that Nick has been playing. Kemi made her pitch to Holly. She reiterated that she is not coming after her. Holly said she heard that Kemi had thrown out her name and Analyse’s, and she thinks that the source of the information was Bella. Holly said she thinks that Kemi is getting the short end of the stick due to who she is associated with. Holly explained that neither nominee has done anything for her to want them out of the game, and she would not have put them up had she won HoH. Afterwards, Bella spoke to Kemi about the votes. She said that Nick is going to try to make a case to Kat, because they would have the numbers if they can get her on board. She said that Nick plans to explain that Jess would come after the two of them, which isn’t good for Kat since they would keep her around if they stay in the game.

11:00-12:00 AM: Sam told Nicole that when he was being spoken to, he picked up on them mentioning doing what is best for the eight. He caught on to the fact that it kept switching between the eight and the nine. Sam listed off Jack, Analyse, Jackson, Holly, Christie, Tommy, Nick and Bella as the eight. He said that he is the ninth. Nick and Nicole then discussed the votes. Nick insisted that they do not have the numbers, but he would be on board if they had them. Instead, he was focused on saying that Kemi will get back in the game if they send someone weak out next week. Jess’ name came up the most, but he also threw Holly’s name out there. In the boat room, Kemi made her campaign pitch to Kat. In the middle of it, Cliff came by to let Kemi know that he is probably going to be going with the house. He said that they can talk tomorrow. Before Kat left, she said that Kemi’s campaign is intriguing but she needs to sleep on it. She talked about how she would have a hard time telling Jess that she would be evicting her if she came to that conclusion.

12:00-1:00 AM: Analyse, Christie, Jackson and Tommy went over the votes to ensure that they have the numbers. They concluded that they have the numbers. Christie said the only way that they wont is if Kat flips. Jackson is confident that she will not flip. Christie pointed out that the whole game changes if Kemi stays, since the other side would then have an army. Christie informed the others that she no longer trusts Nicole after she found her whispering with Bella in the bathroom. Christie said that they stopped talking when she walked in. Tommy said that Cliff came by to make sure that they are voting to evict Kemi. Jackson asked if they should leak that they are considering keeping Kemi, just to see how the votes come out. Christie wasn’t a fan of the plan. Tommy thought that it could be a good idea. Jackson said that they will be able to see how far the information spreads and who exactly Cliff is working with. Christie bought up that it would leave some enemies for Jess to go after next week. Numerous other conversations were taking place throughout the house. Kemi and Nicole discussed whether or not it would benefit Kemi to say that she would target Bella and Nick if she stays. The issue is that Kemi believes that she would still need the votes from those two in order to stay. Elsewhere, Bella, Nick and Sam discussed their plans. Sam asked if they are still voting to evict Kemi. Nick said that they don’t have a choice. In the storage room, Jackson stressed to Kat that she has to vote to evict Kemi no matter what, even if the others say that they have the numbers. Jackson brought up that Kat is the swing vote. Kat agreed. They discussed that Kat could throw the other side off by pretending that she will keep Kemi, otherwise they will try to rally more votes. Kat told Holly and Jackson to know that she is voting to evict Kemi no matter what they hear.

1:00-2:00 AM: Kemi spoke to Jackson to let him know that she thinks they have a common enemy in the house. She asked where his head is at. Jackson said that if that is true, he does not want her going anywhere. He added that tomorrow will be a good day. Jackson then relayed the conversation to Holly. He let her know that he gave Kemi the impression that she will have his vote. Jackson said they will see how far that travels after the planted the seed. Holly talked about wanting to tell Kemi that she is good tomorrow. Jackson advised her against initiating the conversation but said that she could hint at Kemi staying if she approaches her. Jackson said that Kemi will be heading to Camp Comeback tomorrow.

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