Big Brother 21 Day 28

July 16, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Christie spoke to Analyse, Holly and Jack about Bella and Nick being besties with Cliff all week. She wondered if they think that doing that will make them want to keep him. Christie said that when the vote does flip, she will tell them that Cliff did not campaign to them at all this week, and he was only clinging to Bella and Nick. Jack said that they have to sell the plan of voting Nicole out for two more days. Holly worried that they need to balance that with keeping Nicole comfortable enough with them, as she Nicole has said that she would take the first offer that she is approached with. Jack explained that they cannot let Nicole in on the plan, or else she could go to Bella and Nick, and then those two will reel her in. Tommy joined in on the conversation. He said that he plans to gun for HoH, and then he will nominate Bella and Nick with the goal of backdooring Sam. Analyse said that she does not trust Bella and Nick to be in the game together. Christie told Tommy to do whatever he wants to do, but she will be going after Nick if she wins HoH. Holly said the reason why she doesn’t hate making a move against Sam is that the whole house will continue to hate Bella and Nick.

11:00-12:00 PM: Christie told Jackson about her power. While she had not yet directly told him about it, he found about it from Analyse and Holly. Jackson brought up how great it would be if Bella won HoH, and then Nick went home anyway due to Christie’s power. Christie said that Bella and Nick will be terrified to put any of them up after hearing about her power. Christie said she would dare Bella to try it, since her boyfriend will be going on the block if any of them end up winning the veto.

12:00-1:00 PM: Holly told Kat that Analyse says that she would date Nick in the real world. As for Jackson, Holly said that Analyse claims that she would marry him after this. Holly said that it makes her uncomfortable. Kat said she doesn’t like the energy that Analyse brings, and she believes that Holly is a much better catch for Jackson. Kat said that she hears guys flirt with Analyse but she has not heard them flirt back. Holly explained that Analyse does it very secretively. Kat admitted to Holly that Analyse is someone who she really doesn’t want in the house. Kat said that she would not target Analyse, since she is aligned with her, but she finds her to be very negative. Holly agreed that Analyse is negative.

3:00-3:30 PM: Jack and Tommy discussed that they don’t think that Christie was ever in danger of going on the block yesterday. Jack mentioned that Bella and Nick may not be trying to play them as hard as they had originally thought. Tommy agreed. He believes that they are down to work with the nine. That being said, Tommy reiterated that his plan would be to nominate Bella and Nick. He said that he would then pull them up to the HoH room to explain that Sam is his true target. Tommy argued that Sam is Bella and Nick’s security blanket, and they would have no numbers without him. The guys think that Bella and Nick would then be forced to work with them. Jack said that he would make the exact same move as Tommy plans to make. Tommy said that he would even go so far as to throw the veto to Bella or Nick in order to ensure that he could backdoor Sam. Christie joined the guys. Tommy filled her in on his plan. He said that he will explain that he, as mediator, was able to conclude that Nicole was interrogated and bullied by Bella and Nick. He added that he will tell Nick that he tried to warn him but he did not listen. Tommy said he would explain to them that Sam is the target, but that one of them will be leaving if they let Sam know that. Christie said that she loves that plan. She asked if they are still voting to evict Cliff this week. Jack confirmed that they absolutely are. Jack asked Christie how they should try to convince Bella and Nick that keeping Nicole is the best move, as Tommy had brought up wanting to do that. Christie said that they an do whatever they want, but she is going to take a back seat for a while.

3:30-4:00 PM: Up in Camp Comeback, David and Ovi discussed the position that they are in. Ovi thinks that it is dumb how people treat them differently because they are in Camp Comeback. He asked if David knows who the one person that is playing this perfectly is. David named Sam, which Ovi agreed with. Ovi said that Sam treats them as though nothing is different. David said that he would not be treating the people in Camp Comeback any differently if he were still in the game. Ovi agreed, adding that they know what it’s like to be different and pushed aside in the real world. Ovi mentioned looking at the memory wall and observing that all of the evicted houseguests have something in common. He commented that it didn’t take long, and they know what it’s like to be different. David then brought up Jack being disrespectful to him. David noticed that Jack made a comment about him under his breath, but loud enough for the other houseguests to hear. David said that he plans to have a conversation with Jack about it, because he should be saying it loud enough for him to hear. David wondered what Jack is saying behind closed doors if he is willing to make comments in front of everyone like that. Ovi talked about how everyone who excluded them from the discussion in the HoH room on Friday night is going to look back on that moment and regret it. Ovi felt that a line was crossed when they excluded Cliff, Jess and Nicole, and laughed and made sure that their voices were heard.

4:00-5:00 PM: Out in the yard, Holly talked to Kat about being part of a large alliance. She talked about how it wont work since she really does not trust Jack. Kat took the opportunity to reiterate that Analyse does not bring anything to the table game wise. Holly agreed. Kat said she thinks that Analyse expects to coast through the game due to who she is in a showmance with, even though she really isn’t in a showmance with him. Holly brought up that none of the guys want Analyse to go, and CBS probably doesn’t either since she is so beautiful. Kat worried that she would be one of the next to go unless someone has the balls to make a move. Holly attempted to calm those fears by telling her that people do indeed have the balls to make a move, and it is going to happen soon. Holly said that 90% of the people in the house would make the same nominations. Kat said that she would probably put Bella and Nick up together, but she also discussed the idea of backdooring Bella instead. Holly advised her to nominate them both.

6:00-7:00 PM: Jack spoke to Analyse and Holly about Tommy’s plan to throw Bella and Nick on the block with the goal of backdooring Sam. Jack explained that the plan would be to go to them right after nominations in order to tell them that they want to be loyal to Gr8ful, so trust him. Jack said that he would now like to figure out how to convince Bella and Nick that Cliff has got to go. Holly questioned if that is better than blindsiding them. Jack said that it would be easier to execute the Sam play if Bella and Nick still feel as though they are part of the team. On the other hand, Jack pointed out that they could bring Nicole in if she sees that they are the six votes to keep her. Analyse asked if they want Sam gone. Christie said she doesn’t care either way but she would prefer to have Nick go. Christie mentioned that Bella and Nick will break them apart. Holly said that she is not against targeting Sam, but she thinks that Bella will make their lives miserable the longer that she is in the game. Analyse, Christie and Holly all agreed that they would nominate Bella and Nick, but Analyse did not want to commit to backdooring Sam. Christie suggested that whoever wins HoH can make the call on that one. Christie and Holly agreed that Nick should go before Bella. Out by the hot tub, Sam asked Kemi if Jess told her that she has the power. Kemi clarified that Nicole had heard Cliff telling Jess that if she uses her power, Kat could use the veto on him, and then they would both be safe. Sam let Kemi know that he knows who has the power, and it is not Jess. Sam refused to tell Kemi who exactly it is. Sam also did not want to reveal who he would nominate in the event that he were to win HoH. Sam did say that the move he would make would be a little safe but it’s not exactly what the house wants either. Kemi said that she would be after Jack and Jackson even though people would expect her to target Bella and Nick.

7:00-8:00 PM: Sam brought up that there are certain people who don’t do anything in the game, but they are floating by on love. Kemi said that’s why showmances work in the game. Sam talked about Andy having been a rat for Amanda and McCrae. When Kemi asked if Sam sees someone doing something similar with showmances, Sam named Tommy. Kemi agreed. Elsewhere, Tommy explained his plan to backdoor Sam to Jackson. Jackson said that he loves the idea since Bella and Nick would then have nowhere to hide. They both agreed that Sam is a threat to win the game, and he is scarier than Bella and Nick are. Tommy asked what they should say after they vote to keep Nicole. Jackson argued that they don’t owe it to Bella and Nick to say anything, so he would prefer to smile and go out to the backyard for the HoH competition. Up in the HoH room, Sam filled Bella in on his talk with Kemi. He let her know that Kemi is after Jack and Jackson. Once Nick joined, Sam also revealed that David said that Jack infuriates him and that he would like to try to get him out.

8:00-9:00 PM: Out at the hammock, Sam told Analyse he found out that houseguests can lie about powers as long as they don’t say that they personally have the power. Sam said that Kemi made up a power for Jess, so it is not illegal. Sam told Analyse about Kemi asking who he would put up if he were to win HoH. Analyse didn’t understand why Kemi would care when she is not even in the game. Sam then told Jack what he found out about not being able to make up a power. A short while later, Analyse and Jack told Sam that they cannot handle Cliff anymore. Jack brought up that Cliff has been vocal about wanting to come after a number of people in their nine person alliance. Jack argued that Cliff is a bigger threat since Nicole has not been like that. Analyse agreed. Jack said he understands where Bella and Nick are coming from, since he wanted Kemi out of the game the second that he heard that she was mentioning his name.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jackson asked Kat how much she trusts Jess. Kat said that she trusts her a 9 out of 10. Jackson mentioned seeing her running to Bella and Nick about a lot of stuff. Kat explained that she doesn’t talk to Jess about much game wise, because Jess doesn’t play a smart game. Kat told Jackson that she does not tell anyone else what she tells him and Holly. Kat asked if she should be worried that she is not in an alliance. Jackson said no, since she is in good hands. Kat said she is concerned that she could be an easy target until people start making big moves, but Jackson assured her that he can think of six people who would be targeted before her. In the HoH room, Jackson asked Ovi who all he has told about his power. Ovi said that he only told Jack and Jackson about it, but he believes that Christie knows from Jack. Jackson said that Bella and Nick are being weird, and they are acting very confident that Ovi has the power. They discussed that there would be no benefit in telling other people. Jackson said that he did not tell anyone, and he knows that Jack did not tell anyone either.

10:00-11:00 PM: Kemi told Nicole she feels like Jack is obsessed with her every single day. Kemi said she thinks that Jack is annoyed that she doesn’t act weak while in a perceived position of weakness, and he is throwing microagressions at her. Kemi asked Nicole if anyone has approached her yet this week. Nicole said that nobody has done that. Kemi talked about being frustrated with Kat for not seeing that she is expendable to the other side. Kemi said that she is not even on the totem pole, and she is more like the dirt that the totem pole is stuck in. Nicole said it bothers her that she was there for Kat when she was on the block, but Kat is not doing the same for her. Nicole said that she would love to see how the social dynamic is if she stays in the game and Kemi returns to the game. Elsewhere, Kat said that if anyone but Sam wins HoH next week, Bella and Nick will be going on the block. Holly confirmed that that is the plan as far as she knows. Kat told Holly that Jackson was questioning her about how much she trusts Jess. They agreed that Jess cannot be trusted with much game information. Kat asked Holly what happens once Bella and Nick are gone. Holly assured Kat that there are other people. Kat listed off Nicole, Cliff, Jess, Sam and the returnee from Camp Comeback. Kat thinks that Bella needs to go before Nick. Holly said that people have differing opinions on the matter, so it will come down to who wins the next HoH.

11:00-12:00 AM: Kat told Holly that she hates the house votes. Kat asked what Holly would think about making voting Cliff out to blindside Nick and let him know that he is not running the show. Holly asked if Jess would vote Cliff out. Holly clarified that Kat should not propose it to Jess yet. Kat said that Jess may be someone who they need to blindside, cause she gets worked up about things that are unimportant. Kat said that she does not trust Jess’ ability to stay quiet. Holly said to not even bring it up to her then. Kat mentioned that it may be a good idea to make that move unless Bella or Sam win HoH. Kat talked about how no one is going after the big fish. Holly said that the big fish are all on their side, so they need to keep them around. She mentioned that she trusts Jack the least but they need him in the game since he has their backs.

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