Big Brother 21 Day 32 - Jackson wins the Power of Veto

July 20, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Feeds went down at 9:09 to pick players for the veto competition. Feeds returned at 9:36. Holly, Jess and Sam were picked to play. Jack then used his redraw power. The veto players are Cliff, Jack, Jackson, Analyse, Kat and Sam.

10:00-11:00 AM: Cliff told Bella and Nick he thinks that they are screwed if they do not win the veto today. He mentioned that Jess has been talking to Christie, and he believes that she may go to the other side if they lose the veto. Nick said that Jess hasn’t proven that she can win anything anyway. Bella and Cliff stressed that they need her for this vote. Cliff believes that they have the numbers to get rid of Jack as long as the nominations stay the same. Nick told Cliff that Christie has been saying that she likely wont use her power since she would prefer to use it on herself. Nick told Cliff that they will probably try to get him to nominate Jess or Nicole, which Cliff said is not going to happen. Nick advised Cliff to lie to them and say that he can do that. Cliff said he can ask that they promise not to put him up if he does that. He told Bella and Nick that he could then turn around and put up Holly or Tommy. Cliff doesn’t think that anyone would vote against Tommy. Nick agreed.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds went down at 12:48 for the veto competition.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds returned at 4:19 following the veto competition. Jackson won the Power of Veto. Jackson told Jack that Christie will use the power on him, and then he will nominate Bella. Jackson and Kat then celebrated together. Kat said that Bella has got to go. Jackson said there is no question about it, and he will be nominating Bella. Next up, Holly spoke to Kat. She said that she was getting a bit nervous that Kat was going to win the veto, which would make it difficult for her to continue to work the other side after using it. Holly said she believes that Nick has to go this week. She explained that Bella would self destruct and everybody already hates her. Kat agree that Nick should go on the block. In the storage room, Christie told Tommy that she doesn’t know what to do. She believes that she will now be forced to pick a side. Christie questioned if anyone would use their power on her if it was this big. Tommy pointed out that everyone knowing about her power has put her in an unfortunate position. Christie said that she needs to talk to Cliff. She also wants to know whether or not they would have the votes to evict Bella if she does end up using her power.

5:00-6:00 PM: Kat asked Christie if she thinks that she is going to use the power. Christie admitted that she probably will. Kat revealed that Cliff would likely nominate Tommy, in order to secure the votes against Jack, if he gets to choose the replacement nominee. Christie said that she cannot have that happen, so that solidifies her decision. Christie told Jess, Kat and Tommy that she would like to get Bella out if she uses her power. She clarified that it is about getting her out as opposed to trying to save the boys. Christie explained that Bella is toxic, she turns people against each other, and she corrupts Nick. Jess brought up that Christie may end up needing the power for herself next week. Kat suggested that Christie should talk to Cliff rather than going through all of the scenarios with them. Christie said that it is a tough decision since she thinks that Jack would have her back. Kat agreed that he would. Tommy framed it as Christie being able to save an ally and eliminate someone who would gun for her if she uses the power. Christie feared that she would be screwed if Bella goes up but Jack leaves anyway. Christie talked about Jackson having offered to go on the block so he could look like the hero and hold it against her if she ends up not using her power. Jackson joined the conversation. He told Christie that the blood will be on his hands, not hers, if she uses the power. Christie brought up that she is giving up her protection in order to go against the HoH’s wishes when they don’t even know that they have the votes. Christie said that she would like to know that Cliff would support her in targeting Bella. Jackson assured Christie that she has the support of everyone. He even suggested that Nick would understand the move. Christie explained that people view them as a six, so they will see this as a potential opportunity to get one of them out even though they don’t like Bella. Jackson continued to push for Christie to let him to be the one to get the blood on his hands by putting Bella on the block.

6:00-7:00 PM: Christie spoke to Nicole who said that she has heard from both sides that she is the deciding vote. Nicole asked Christie what her thought process is this week. Christie admitted that she is not planning on going to the Final 6 with two couples. Similarly, Nicole said that she does not want to be #7 or lower on the totem pole with that bunch. Christie said that she and Tommy would be the first to go once they get down to six, and she does not even want to get to eight with that bunch. Both discussed that they are debating whether to go with the good game move or to go with their morals by opting against working with bullies. Christie said that Jackson has been being selfish by telling her to use her power, but she does does think that Tommy will go up if she doesn’t use it. Nicole wasn’t so sure that Cliff would do that, since she believes that he respects Christie and Tommy a lot. Christie said she is scared that Jack will leave, and then Analyse, Holly and Jackson will come after her if she doesn’t use the power, but she acknowledged that not using her power would be the better move. Nicole said that Cliff, Bella, Nick, Kat, Jess and herself would not be mad at her if she chooses not to use the power. Christie continued to say that she does not know what to do. Nicole advised her to go with what is best for her own game. Christie went to speak to Jack. She let him know that she wants to use the power but she is worried that it will hurt her game if they end up not having the votes to evict Bella. She also mentioned that people see them as a six, including Nicole, which is a reason why they would be willing to take a shot at Jack even if it means keeping Bella around for another week. Christie said that she would like to get Cliff’s support before she makes the move. Jack told Christie that she does not have to use the power, but he does think that Kat and Nicole would vote with them to evict Bella. Jack said that he will love her no matter what decision she makes. Christie told Jack and Tommy that Nicole is hesitant to join them since she believes that she would be #7 on the totem pole. Jack and Tommy agreed that they have Kat anyway. Christie said that she should trust Kat more. She said that she will let the DR know in the morning that she plans to use her power. Christie, Jack and Tommy then talked about pulling Kat and Nicole in to create a group of eight.

7:00-8:00 PM: Christie told Cliff that she and Tommy have talked things over and they do not want to go to the Final 6 with two couples. However she said that she would like to work with people such as Cliff, Tommy, Jess, Kat and Nicole. Christie said she knows that Bella has said her name to two different people this week. Christie said that she does not want Bella in the game from a moral standpoint. They both agreed that they do not want Bella in jury. Cliff explained that he doesn’t trust anything that Bella says, but he felt as though it would look bad if he went to people who had just voted him out. Cliff let Bella know that he was led to believe that he was working with Holly, Jackson and Kat at one point. He said that as soon as he got back in the game, Holly and Jackson came to him to make it seem as though this was all part of a plan since they knew that he had a better shot at retuning than Nicole did. Cliff asked that Christie not share that. Christie decided to give up some info on Jackson as well. She told Cliff that he was the rogue vote. Cliff let Christie know that he is not set on any one plan. Christie asked Cliff if he knows who he would nominate if the power isn’t used. Cliff said that it would likely be Analyse or Holly. Cliff swore that Christie and Tommy would not go on the block. He also said that he would let Christie choose which direction he goes when it comes to choosing between Analyse and Holly. Cliff went on to say that he does not care about Bella, so he will not lose any sleep if she goes on the block.

8:00-9:00 PM: Cliff suggested that Christie could keep her power and he could backdoor Bella. Cliff said that he could easily play it off as though she was going to use the power anyway, so he had to protect his own game. Christie told Cliff that she would use her power to benefit him if he were willing to backdoor Bella this week. Cliff said that he is only asking for Christie and Tommy to keep him safe if they win HoH. The two agreed to think things over before meeting up to discuss the potential plan again later. Christie then told Jack that Cliff wants Bella gone and he would be willing to backdoor her if they offer him safety for a couple of weeks. Jack said that it is a great play, so they need to keep Cliff safe. Jack asked Christie who she would target if she wins HoH next week. Christie said Nick and Sam, not Cliff. Jack filled Holly and Jackson in on the new plan to have Cliff backdoor Bella himself. Christie later told Analyse and Tommy about it.

10:00-11:00 PM: Christie got Jackson caught up on the full extent of her conversation with Cliff. Jackson asked if this means that he cannot nominate Cliff if he wins HoH. Christie said it’s his call but she would stick to her word and not put him up for two weeks. Christie added that Cliff is willing to keep them safe the week after next if he happens to win HoH again. Christie claimed that Cliff had tears in his eyes while swearing on his family, so she trusts him. Jackson agreed to the deal. He said that it is like being HoH without being HoH, and now they can all compete again in the upcoming competition. Analyse then came by. Christie caught her up on everything as well. Up in the HoH room, Sam told Nick discussed that Nick may end up on the block if Christie uses her power. Nick believes that he would be evicted by a vote of 6-4. Nick told Sam that he would have to vote him out unless he can get Christie’s vote. Sam said that he would vote the other way anyway because he is at the bottom no matter what.

11:00-12:00 AM: Christie filled Kat in on her conversation with Cliff. Tommy then told Kat that they are planning to bring her in on a seven person group. Both Christie and Tommy made it clear to Kat that they have no interest in getting to the end with the couples. Christie also said that she doesn’t like the way that Jackson talks to her or to Kat. Kat agreed with that. Kat admitted to know that Jackson would not have her back in the long run after he said that they can not outwardly work together. Christie said that she would nominate Nick and Sam if she wins HoH next week. Tommy said that he would do the same. Christie did say that she would potentially nominate Jackson if he is so much on her sh*t list by that point. She claimed that Cliff told her that Holly could go up and go home in the event that she doesn’t use her power.

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