Big Brother 21 Day 34 - Cliff nominates Bella as the replacement nominee

July 22, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Christie spoke to Analyse and Holly about Nick telling Kat about a plan to trick her into not using her power so that Cliff could nominate someone other than Bella. Christie figured that Sam came up with it since Nick is not that smart. Christie let Analyse know that Nick said he could get Cliff to nominate her so that Tommy wouldn’t have to go on the block. Analyse said that she is done with Nick. She mentioned that Nick was claiming to have ensured that Tommy would go up over her. Christie said that Nick and Sam will be going on the block next week. Christie talked about planning to make Bella and Nick believe that she was still contemplating what to do with her power until she heard what they were planning. Out in the yard, Cliff told Jack and Jackson that Bella had approached him overnight to see if he would be willing to lie to Christie about putting her up, only to have Analyse, Christie or Holly go up instead. Cliff insisted that he would never do that. He told the guys that he would be willing to work with them if they are interested. When Christie came outside, Cliff told her about what Bella had done too. Christie thanked Cliff for saying that he would not break his word.

10:00-11:00 AM: Cliff let Sam know that he has been talking to Christie about a deal. He explained that Christie will be using the power unless he makes a deal. Sam figured that it would be best to flush Christie’s power out if Bella is going to go up either way. Cliff said that Christie is promising that she will not use the power against them, so it’s a matter of trying to create some goodwill with that side. Cliff added that several of the girls have said there is no way that they will keep Bella. Sam warned Cliff that they will be at the bottom, but Cliff said that they would have been no matter what. Cliff then spoke to Christie. He promised that he will nominate Bella. Cliff asked that Christie make it clear to Nick that she would have used her power anyway.

11:00-12:00 PM: Nick asked Christie if she used her power. Christie confirmed that she did not use it. Afterwards, Cliff gave Nick a heads up that he would be putting Bella on the block. Cliff explained that Christie is not using her power only because he was willing to negotiate. Nick headed outside to break the news to Sam, but Sam already knew about it. Sam said that he will still vote to evict Jack in case anyone flips at the last second. Nick pointed out that they are in an even worse spot now since Bella is going and Christie will still have the power. Nick mentioned that he may nominate Christie and Tommy if he wins HoH next week.

12:00-1:00 PM: Nick approached Cliff prior to the veto ceremony. Cliff said that he cannot go against his word. Nick told him that they are going to lose, and he would rather Christie have to use her power if Bella is going up anyway. Cliff argued that he had to look at it from his point of view. Nick told Cliff that they will have three weeks left in the game, since the two of them and Sam will be the next to go. Nick clarified that he is not mad at Cliff but Jack is going to win the game. Nick said that it is BB19 all over again. Nick let Cliff know that they have wanted him out this whole time. Nick added that Kat cannot be trusted either given that she knew about the plan to flip the vote against Cliff last week. Feeds went down at 12:18 for the veto ceremony.

1:00-2:00 PM: Feeds returned at 1:06 following the veto ceremony. Jackson used the Power of Veto on himself. Cliff nominated Bella as the replacement nominee. Cliff apologized to Bella. He told her that this was going to happen either way. Cliff later told Bella that the votes were not there from certain people who he was counting on. Sam suggested that they can preach to Kat that she is at the bottom of the six. Cliff told Bella that he will do what they need to do if they are able to force a tie. Bella asked why Cliff didn’t put someone else up. Cliff said that Christie wanted absolute guarantees and promises that he would nominate Bella if she did not use the power. Cliff told Bella that he did not want to go back on his word. Bella said that the only person she would try to get outside of Jess, Kat and Nicole would be Jackson. Bella thinks that Jackson needs a way to get Jack out without getting the blood on his hands. Outside, Nick asked Tommy if he actually still wants to work with him. Tommy said that he does, but Nick did not think that Tommy seemed confident in that answer. Tommy admitted that he had heard some rumours about Nick trying to get him on the block. Nick insisted that Cliff was the one who brought up Analyse and Tommy’s names. Nick eventually admitted that he would not have been upset had Cliff flipped the script but he stuck to his story that it was not his call as to who would go on the block. When Tommy told Nick that word gets around, Nick said he knows that Kat is the one who told them since she is the only person that knew about the plan. He also said he knows that Kat was in on the plan to flip the votes. Nick explained that this was his only chance to get Jack out of the house, and he already knows that he will be the next to go. Christie came by. She told Nick that it seems as though he tried to play her but she is not a stupid girl. Christie talked about giving Nick warnings that Bella would be going on the block, thinking that he would let it be. Nick said that he had started scrambling before talking to her. Christie claimed that she did not know what she was going to do until she heard that Bella went to Cliff at 2:30 AM in order to try to get Cliff to lie to her.

2:00-3:00 PM: Bella told Nick that she has one final plan to attempt to get the numbers. She brought up a plan to talk to Holly and Jackson even though those two will likely spill everything that she says. Bella said that those two could flip at the last minute and blame it on Jess and Kat. Nick said that Bella can try but he cannot see them flipping their votes. Nick said he cannot believe that Kat told people his plan. Bella thinks that Kat is a lost cause in terms of the vote, which is why she wants to focus on Holly and Jackson instead. Bella said that people are screwed and cannot win the game if they are not willing to stand up to Jack.

5:00-6:00 PM: Bella spoke to Nicole about her plan for the campaign. She said that she would have three votes if she gets Nicole on board, and then she plans to talk to Holly and Jackson to say that this is their one shot at getting Jack out. Bella wants to pitch to them that people would assume that Jess and Kat were the other two votes. Both Nick and Nicole were concerned that Bella could not make that case without giving away that Nicole is a vote for her. Nicole asked that her name be left out of it. Nick was pessimistic about Bella’s chances. He said that they are going to tell her what she wants to hear but they will then talk about her behind her back. Nick said that he does not want Bella to look silly. Bella told Nick that she would like to know that she tried. Nick mentioned that Nicole, the person who he tried to get out, is the only one that he has aside from Bella. Both Bella and Nick told Nicole that they will be rooting for her. Later, once Bella and Nick were alone, Nick pondered his potential options for nominations. Nick said that he could have put Jack and Jackson up next to each other if not for the power. Since there is a power in play, he talks about nominating weak players such as Holly and Jess. Nick said he would then hope that Holly stays on the block, and he would replace Jess with a strong player. He considered Christie and Jack as options at that point.

6:00-7:00 PM: Analyse and Sam chatted out in the yard. It became clear to Sam that Analyse grouped him in with Bella and Nick in terms of being involved with the plan to trick Christie. Sam insisted that he had no part in it. Sam talked about wanting to call a house meeting in order to clear his name. There were also discussions about going to Kat or to Nick to ask if his name was ever brought up. Sam eventually went to Nick. He told him that he is screwed because Kat said that Nick dropped his name as someone who came up with the plan. Nick swore to God that he did not do that. Sam let Nick know that he is thinking about calling a house meeting. Nick said that he is willing to take full responsibility for the plan. Nick pointed out that Christie name drops everyone, saying that she doesn’t want to work with showmances and does not want Jack in the game, yet she doesn’t get in trouble for it like he does. He also brought up that Kat is a snake. Sam headed inside to float the idea of a house meeting to a number of other houseguests.

7:00-8:00 PM: While Christie and Kat suggested that Sam give it a night before calling one, Sam said that he would like to have a house meeting now in order to get it out of the way while people are talking about this. Sam asked Kat if Nick had dropped his name. Kat said that she cannot remember but she would like to say no. When Cliff heard about a potential house meeting, he let Sam know that he will have his back if he needs him to vouch for him. On top of wanting to clear his name when it comes to the plan to trick Christie, Sam wanted people to know that he did not throw out names prior to nominations. Cliff said that Bella was the only one who voiced a plan to screw over Christie. He clarified that she was the only one who voiced it to him in particular.

8:00-9:00 PM: Sam called a house meeting. Once everyone gathered in the living room, Sam said that it was brought to his attention that people don’t trust him. He went on to say that his association with Bella and Nick is likely making others feel the same way as Analyse does about him. Sam clarified that he had nothing to do with the plan. He asked Nick if he dropped his name at all. Nick let everyone know that he is responsible for coming up with the idea. Analyse questioned why Nick decided to use her. Nick claimed that he said that he would talk to Christie, but Analyse claimed that Nick wanted her to do it for him. Sam chimed in to say that he had no idea what was going on. Nick said that he only told Analyse about the fake plan and Kat about the real plan. Nick acknowledged that he dug his own grave by doing what he did. He explained that he had to make a move since he felt as though he was on the outside, plus he does not think that he can beat Jack. Jack told Nick that he respects the move that he made. Jackson told Nick that he is never going to beat anyone with an attitude like that, given that he is saying that he cannot beat Jack. Before the meeting wrapped up, Nick asked that everyone please not take things out on Sam when he had not part in this. After the meeting, Analyse, Christie and Holly said that the meeting changed nothing. It was later discussed that even if Sam had no part in this, he has still been associated with Bella and Nick in other ways.

10:00-11:00 PM: Nick told Bella that he would like to do whatever Sam wants next week, because he wants to make his chances the best moving forward. Nick said that he will take a shot if Sam wants him to. Bella told Nick that he can only trust Cliff, Nicole and Sam at this point. Nick mentioned that he could put Kat up but it would not help him in the long run. Earlier, Nicole had let Nick know that Kat said she would like to win HoH to put him up. Bella pointed out that Nick, Nicole or Sam are going home unless they win HoH. Nick said that they might go home even if one of them do win HoH, due to Christie’s power. Nick told Bella that he will have to hope and pray that someone messes up over the next couple of days. Nick thinks that he would have been good with Analyse, Christie and Tommy if not for trying to save Bella, but he did add that they have burned him before anyway.

12:00-1:00 AM: Cliff and Nicole chatted out by the hammock. Cliff talked about Christie naming them in her little dream team. The two agreed that they are not sure how much Christie can be trusted considering she seems to be covering her bases. Cliff said that he made this move because he fears their numbers, and now he has to hope that some divisions pop up in the meantime while Bella and Nick hopefully go. Nicole fears that they will be the next to go after that happens. Nicole asked Cliff if there is any way that Jack will go home over Bella. Cliff said he doesn’t think that there is any way that Kat will vote to evict Bella, so no. Nicole worried about talking to Jess and Kat about keeping Bella because they could run back to the other side. Cliff pointed out that Kat got so disrespected by Jackson but she still runs back to the other side. Nicole added that they make fun of Kat and she is not even on the totem pole. Nicole said that she trusts Nick and Bella more than she trusts the big group, and Cliff said he is glad that she can look at things from a logical perspective.

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