Big Brother 21 Day 37 - Bella is evicted; Holly wins HoH

July 25, 2019

6:00-7:00 PM: During the live eviction episode, Bella was evicted by a vote of 8-2. Nick and Sam voted to evict Jack. The HoH endurance competition then got underway. Before the episode wrapped up, Jess and Nicole had been eliminated.

7:00-10:00 PM: The HoH competition continued on the live feeds. The houseguests dropped out in the following order: Jess (< 4 minutes), Nicole (6 minutes), Sam (12 minutes), Christie (14 minutes), Nick (16 minutes), Jack (26 minutes), Tommy (38 minutes), Jackson (1 hour 28 minutes), Kat (1 hour 29 minutes), Analyse (2 hours 19 minutes). Christie and Tommy selected the poison ivy chips.

10:00-11:00 PM: Jess told Kat that hopefully this will not become Jackson’s HoH. Kat said she kind of hopes that it does, because he will then piss everyone off. Analyse then talked to Kat about being pissed off at Jackson for telling Holly not to drop when she asked her to. Analyse questioned why he would say that when they are all on the same team. She asked if he doesn’t trust her and thinks that she would have put him up. Kat said she hopes that it does not become Jackson’s HoH. Analyse told her that it already has. She added that Holly needs a bigger backbone. They talked about being concerned about their complaints getting back to Jackson. Kat said that she wouldn’t want him to come after her. While Analyse said that he would never, they both agreed that he can be mean and scary.

11:00-12:00 AM: Holly let Jackson know that Analyse was upset over him continuing to tell her not to drop. Jackson said that she will get over it. Holly suggested that Jackson talk to Analyse to give her a hug and say that she did a great job. Jackson thought that it was ridiculous for Analyse to think that he should be encouraging someone who had hung on for two hours to drop. When Analyse came by Jackson told her that she did a hell of a job. He added that he hopes she didn’t think that anything he said was a jab towards her, as he didn’t want Holly to throw it after being up there for two hours. Analyse admitted to being annoyed by it but said that she is over it. Jackson suggested that she would have been saying the same if it were Jack up there. Later, Christie told Analyse and Jack that Holly had mentioned wanting to nominate a pawn next to Nick. Christie stressed that Nick and Sam both need to be nominated. She explained that Sam could win the veto and save Nick, and then neither leave, if they are not both nominated. Christie said she isn’t sure what Jackson is thinking but she is a bit concerned that Bella was telling him and Holly that they are at the bottom of the six. She worried that he may be thinking that it’s best to save Nick and Sam to use as numbers later in the game. Out in the living room, Jackson told Holly that he would have nominated Nick and Sam if he had won HoH, but he thinks that it would be a bold move for Holly to make. Holly asked who else she would even nominate if she doesn’t do that. Jackson suggested nominating Nicole next to Sam, leaving Nick to go up if Sam wins the veto. Holly pointed out that both could end up staying if they aren’t nominated side by side.

12:00-1:00 AM: When Holly got called to the diary room, Cliff asked if he needs to campaign this week. Jackson assured him that he does not, due to the agreement that they reached last week. Jackson brought up some of the things that Nick had told him about Christie. He said Nick told him that Christie talked about wanting to take the shot at him and Jack a couple of weeks ago. Cliff said he would find that hard to believe. He also brought up Nick telling him that Christie said he is disrespectful to women and she hates the way that he speaks to her. Jackson didn’t think that it would make sense for Christie to feel that way.

1:00-2:00 AM: Holly told Jess that winning HoH is terrifying because she will now have a target on her and she does not want to have to put anyone on the block. Holly admitted that she was considering giving it to Analyse for that reason. Jess said she is afraid that she is going to go up. Holly told her that she will not be going up. Jess explained that she would never assume that she will not go up, because there will eventually be slim pickings to choose from. Jess let Holly know that she will always be a vote on her side, and she has not told many people that. Holly said that she is thinking of doing the most diplomatic thing by doing what most of the people want.

3:00-4:00 AM: Analyse told Christie and Holly that she feels really comfortable with everything but she does not feel comfortable with Nicole. Christie and Holly said the same thing. Analyse mentioned that they will hopefully get Nick or Sam out before potentially going after Nicole. Christie pointed out that Nicole has proven to be a poor performer in all of the competitions so far. Analyse let Christie know that Nick was telling Jackson things that she said about him in week two. Analyse said that Jack did not tell her the specifics but it is not sitting well with Jackson. Christie claimed that she had only said something about Jackson last week when he was yelling at her to use her power. Holly said the gist of it is that Christie doesn’t like Jackson because he is disrespectful to women. Christie denied having ever said that. Christie called Nick so lame for trying to get Holly and Jackson to flip by saying that. When Tommy joined the conversation, Christie asked Holly who she would like to see leave this week. Holly said she doesn’t know if she would rather Nick or Sam go. Christie said it’s a coin toss to her too. Holly said she thinks that it should be Nick but the moral side of her wants Sam to go home to his family. She added that Sam does seem to talk about wanting to go to jury though. Holly said that she is trying to decide whether or not to put them both up or put one up next to a pawn. Analyse said it’s up to Holly but it is safer to put both of them on the block together. Tommy suggested that it would mean a lot to Cliff, Jess, Kat and Nicole if they were kept off of the block. Holly said that she was thinking of nominating Kat since it would make the house think that they were not working with her. Analyse and Christie said that Kat would flip out, which Holly agreed with. Holly said that it will be easy to explain that it was an 8-2 vote, so that’s why Nick and Sam are on the block. She added that Nick is the only one who has had her name in his mouth.

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