Big Brother 21 Day 38 - Holly nominates Nick and Sam

July 26, 2019

4:00-5:00 PM: Kat told Analyse, Christie and Holly that Nicole told Jess that Holly and Jackson were considering keeping Bella. Kat said Nicole was claiming to have heard that directly from them. Christie asked if they went to Nicole to say that. Holly said no. She said that that is so annoying. Holly mentioned that if Nicole is already torn about working with them when they saved her life in this game, she will continue to feel that way. Holly considered that she would be less likely to win a competition than Sam is, so she may be a better choice as a nominee. Kat then proposed an idea. She said that if one of the nominees happens to win the veto, she could go up as the pawn in order to prevent Holly from getting any more blood on her hands. Kat said that she will cry and play everything up in order to make it seem like she is upset by the move. Holly admitted that she had already thought of that too. She said that it would be best to bury their relationship. Christie agreed.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds went down at 5:11 for the nomination ceremony.

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:00 following the nomination ceremony. Holly nominated Nick and Sam for eviction. Nick assured Holly that he is not mad at her. Nick then told Kat that he did this to himself by creating the best alliance in the game only to get himself out of it. Nick later brought up that he knows that Kat knew about the vote flip during his HoH week. Kat denied it. When she asked who was saying that, Nick let her know that he is not going to name names anymore. He did say he heard that the group wanted her to pretend that she didn’t know about the vote. Kat stuck to her story that she did not know. Nick and Sam then chatted about nominations. Nick told Sam that Tommy had said that even if one of them goes this week, the plan is not to get the other one out next. Sam believed that. Sam told Nick that he really wants him to win the veto, and he may even throw it to him, because he thinks that he would be safe over Jess. Nick agreed that Sam would have a better shot at staying than he would. Nick mentioned that the best move would be to pick Jess if they get houseguest’s choice. Nick explained that she would be someone who they could beat. Sam said that he would like to choose Cliff since he used the veto on Cliff before, plus he believes that he could beat him too.

7:00-8:00 PM: Holly told Jackson that she really hopes that she did not just screw herself in this game. She brought up that either Nick or Sam is guaranteed to stay, and now she will have a strong competitor after her. Jackson said that is why he had suggested nominating Nicole next to one of them. Holly filled Jackson in on the fact that Kat came to her to say that it would be best to use her as a pawn if the veto is used. Holly said that she will use Kat as a pawn in order to ensure that the other person leaves and to make the house believes that they are not working together. Holly believes that Kat truly does have her back. She said that she has Kat’s back as well. Jackson talked about wanting to win the Final 6 HoH competition. The two agreed that they will likely be going on the block if any of the other four in the six win that HoH. For that reason, Jack said that they cannot wait until six to make their move. Holly agreed but said that they cannot make it too soon either. Jackson suggested that they start to build the foundation with Cliff, Jess and Kat in the meantime.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jess and Nicole asked Analyse what she would do if she was picked with houseguest’s choice. She mentioned that she wouldn’t use it, and she would tell the nominees that ahead of time if they ask her to play for them. Once Analyse left the room, Jess told Nicole that right now it is about making the HoH happy. Jess suggested that nobody would want the veto to be used when it could result in any one of them going on the block. Nicole said she is afraid of what to say if Nick or Sam will approach her. Jess told her to say that she does not want Holly to have to choose a replacement nominee. Not long after, Nick asked Cliff if he would use the veto on him if he picked him with houseguest’s choice. Cliff said that he would. When Nick asked for confirmation that he would, Cliff said that he would but he would like to double check that nobody would have an issue with it. Cliff told Nick that he will let him know first thing in the morning. Nick said that he will probably pick Jess if not.

10:00-11:00 PM: Holly came out of the diary room with a card to read. This week’s have-nots are the first three to drop out of the HoH competition, meaning that Jess, Nicole and Sam are the have-nots. In the have-not room, Sam told Nicole that he is thinking of picking Cliff if he gets houseguest’s choice. Nicole informed Sam that people are already saying that you cannot feel obligated to take a nominee down, and force Holly to make that decision. Meanwhile, Cliff checked in with Holly to see if it is okay if he uses the veto on Nick. If not, he said that he would let Nick now that he cannot properly represent him. In the event that Nick still picks him, Cliff said that he could compete at 3/4 speed. If he wins the veto, Cliff said that he cannot go back on his promise. Back in the have-not room, Sam told Nicole that he is likely going to go for the money if there is money involved in the veto competition. He explained that his game is doomed anyway, and he thinks that he would stay over Jess and Nick. In the HoH room, Kat let Holly know that Nick came to her to say he knows that she knew about the vote flip. Kat said she thinks that Nicole told him since Tommy told her. Holly said that that kind of stuff makes her want to nominate Nicole. Kat said that she doesn’t trust Nicole and does not think that she has their backs. Holly agreed. She added that she was really considering putting Nicole up instead of Sam today. Downstairs, Christie spoke to Analyse, Jack and Tommy about Nicole saying that Holly and Jackson directly approached her to say that they were thinking about flipping their votes last week. Analyse and Christie agreed that Holly was being weird about it when Kat brought that up. Tommy said that Holly has admitted that Bella made a compelling point in saying that she and Jackson are at the bottom of their totem pole. Christie mentioned that Holly was very sketched out by Kat saying that, and Jackson is a hothead with a large ego who would not want to feel as though he has on the bottom. Tommy suggested that they remember this information for later. They then discussed the plan for this week. Analyse and Christie agreed that they would like to see Nick go. Christie said that she would do whatever Holly wants though. Jack also said that he is in favour of Nick leaving. Tommy added that Nick is the bigger threat.

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