Big Brother 21 Day 41 - Kat is the replacement nominee

July 29, 2019

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds went down at 12:37 for the veto ceremony.

1:00-2:00 PM: Feeds returned at 1:36 following the veto ceremony. Nick used the Power of Veto on himself. Holly nominated Kat as the replacement nominee.

2:00-3:00 PM: Christie told Tommy that Analyse is a little bit pissed at her because she was not on board with keeping Sam when Analyse pitched it to her. Christie stated that she does not need to keep another strong guy that has Analiyse’s back. Christie added that she does not need Sam when he is a coward who has said a million times that he would nominate Jess. Christie pointed out that getting rid of Jess does nothing for her game. Christie believes that there is not a shot in hell that Kat will be leaving this week. Christie wondered who would take the shot at Jack and Jackson. She asked Tommy if he is still feeling good about sitting next to Jack at the end, because she is not. Tommy said no. Christie brought up that she sees his game and realizes that he is trying to get in good with everyone. When Kat came by, Christie told her that she loves her and she will not be voting her out.

3:00-4:00 PM: In the RV room, Nick told Kat that he doesn’t see any way that she would not make it past this week. He suggested that it will end up being a 9-0 vote. Upstairs, the six met in the HoH room. Christie asked who they would like to put up if they win HoH. Analyse mentioned Nick and Nicole’s names. While Christie said that Nick should be the first to go, Analyse argued that it should be Nicole. Jack asked about a scenario in which one those two were to win the veto. Christie talked about putting Kat up as a pawn again. Holly let the group know that Kat was worried about becoming the perpetual pawn. Jackson asked why she would have volunteered for it then. Holly asked if they can really trust Nick if he were to win HoH. Jackson mentioned that they have to have a little blind faith at this point. Jack added that Nick knows that Christie has the power, so this would be the week to have him win HoH. Meanwhile, Sam spoke to Cliff about his plan to blow up Christie’s game in his eviction speech. Sam said he has definitely got to get his facts straight, because she will be interrupting him. He said that he has got to be prepared to keep motoring on through. Cliff said he thinks it is a rule that no one is allowed to comment during those speeches. Sam wants to bring up Christie saying that she wants Jack and Jackson to go, only to later deny having said it. Cliff pointed out that Sam has got nothing to lose at this point. Sam then let Cliff know that he doesn’t have much of a campaign against Kat but he would like to try to get her to spiral. Afterwards, Sam quickly let Nick know that he plans to blow up Christie’s game in his eviction speech.

4:00-5:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Cliff told Holly and Kat that Sam was saying the same old thing about how he doesn’t get how people don’t realize that they will be picked off if they don’t do something. Kat said that he was feeling really confident about not getting picked off when he was calling them bottom feeders. Cliff suggested that the writing is on the wall, and Sam sees it. Holly and Kat agreed. Cliff advised Kat to not fall for anything that Sam says if he tries to make her feel as though she is at risk. Cliff and Holly agreed that it will likely be a unanimous vote to evict Sam. Afterwards, Cliff and Nick chatted out by the hammock. Nick asked if Sam told Cliff about his plan. Cliff said yes. He told Nick that he doesn’t want anyone to know that he knew about it. Nick agreed. Cliff suggested that they talk later to figure it out.

5:00-6:00 PM: Cliff and Nick sat down with Christie to let her know that Sam has been talking about blowing up her game in his speech. They explained that they didn’t want people to later accuse them of knowing about it and not saying anything. Christie said that she appreciates it so much. While Christie started to explain her side of the story, Nick told her that they do not need to know. Nick said that he is trying to get her to trust him again. Christie said that she will not say anything to Sam, and he can say whatever he wants. Christie doesn’t understand how Sam thinks that it would help him stay. Nick said that it might not but it could hurt Christie’s game moving forward. Sam saw Christie, Cliff and Nick in the room together. The three discussed to play it off as though Cliff and Nick were talking about how they are going to vote with the house this week. Afterwards, Christie told Analyse that Nick approached her to say that Sam is really mad at her. Christie added that Sam’s plan is to make Kat paranoid in order to get her to freak out. Cliff told Kat and Tommy that Sam is throwing out a lot of scenarios of what he would like to do on his way out the door, including blowing up games. When Kat asked if it is about Christie, Cliff said yeah. Kat asked what the information was. Cliff said that Sam wants to accuse Christie of plotting against numerous people in the house. Cliff mentioned that he wouldn’t have said a word about it but Nick wanted to immediately run in there to tell Christie. Cliff told Kat that she has him, Jess, Nicole, Christie and Tommy voting to keep her, which is all that she needs. Kat said that she is concerned about Jackson wanting her out, and about Analyse and Sam being close, but she thinks that she will be fine.

7:00-8:00 PM: Sam warned Nicole not to trust the big group too much, since she is likely their next target after Nick. He mentioned that Cliff may be a target soon as well, since his two weeks of safety are almost up. Cliff told Nicole he thinks that Nick will be targeted next followed by her or Jess. Sam said Holly told him that the whole house loves Jess now so he has to stop bringing up her name. Nicole worried that she would be the next to go. Sam said that it will be Nick. He told Nicole that she will not be the target if Nick wins HoH, unless he is stupid and tries to build some trust with the other side. Cliff said that Nick had better not do that after telling him how important it is to take shots throughout his HoH week.

8:00-9:00 PM: Sam told Nicole that he would like to put a target on Christie. He mentioned Christie having said that she would blame Jack and Jackson for her not using her power due to them bullying her. As for Kat, he said that he plans to make her spiral but asking her why she thinks that Holly wouldn’t have nominated Nicole instead, which he hopes will lead to her questioning if she is expendable. Sam admitted that it is not likely to work but he is going to try it anyway. Nicole said she kind of wishes that he could out Christie earlier. Sam didn’t think that it would work since he has to line everything up perfectly.

9:00-10:00 PM: Analyse asked Jack what he would do if he were to win the double eviction HoH. Jack said that he would nominate Nick and Nicole. Analyse said that she would do the exact same thing. Jack pointed out that Cliff is no longer safe once the double eviction rolls around. He later added that he did tell Cliff that he is safe with him through the double eviction, and he does stand by that. As for next week, Jack said that he would nominate Nick and Nicole, and tell Nick that he is a pawn. Analyse said that Nicole scares her, plus Cliff scares her a bit too.

10:00-11:00 PM: Nicole thanked Holly for not putting her on the block. Holly admitted that she could have put Nicole up but she did not want to risk that. She added that they kept Nicole in the game for a reason. Nicole told Holly that she will pay her back. She assured Holly that she has trust in them, and even though her only loyalty at the moment is in the form of a vote, she hopes that it can turn into more. Meanwhile, Kat talked to Jess about Analyse playing a really sloppy game right now. Kat informed Jess that the plan was always to put her up as a pawn, but Analyse was trying to convince Holly to put Nicole up in order to target her instead. Kat said that she would now have a reason to put Analyse on the block. She said that she would love to win HoH in order to target Jackson, but he would have to be backdoored.

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