Big Brother 21 Day 43 - Sam exposes Christie's game

July 31, 2019

12:00-1:00 PM: Kat told Holly and Jackson that if Sam is trying to play mind games with her, he could do much worse. She brought up him telling her that she was put on the block for a reason. Holly said she thinks that Sam is pretty defeated at this point. She added that the reason that Kat is on the block is so that Sam goes. Meanwhile, Sam campaigned to Jess. He acknowledged that her best bet would be to vote with the majority but he asked that she be vigilant. Sam pointed out that he was saying her name in the first two weeks yet nobody told her about it until he was on the block and they wanted him to leave. Sam questioned why they wouldn’t have told her sooner if they are so tight. Sam reassured Jess that he would not be targeting her if he stays in the game. Jess said that her game will be hurt either way no matter who leaves this week. When Sam asked if Jess thinks that he could contribute to her game more than Kat could, Jess said that it is pretty even. Sam mentioned that keeping both him and Nick around would mean that there are two targets in front of Jess. Sam asked who he should speak to if he is wanting to flip the majority that everyone wants to be a part of. Jess suggested that he talk to Holly.

1:00-2:00 PM: Christie told Tommy that she is not opposed to letting Cliff, Jess or Nicole win HoH this week. She said that if Holly or Jack go on the block next to Jackson, she will not be using her power since somebody eventually has to go. The two then discussed Nick. Both brought up him saying that he trusts the two of them the most out of the six. Christie doesn’t think that Nick would put them on the block. Christie and Tommy agreed that they do not want to win HoH this week. Christie prefers to win the following one when her power is up, as she is concerned that Jackson is going to be targeting her at that point. Elsewhere, Sam spoke to Jackson. He said that it is hard to campaign to him since Jackson is really good and does not need much help. Jackson let Sam know that on a personal level he would prefer to have him there. He said that Sam has not done anything to him, and there are only a couple of people pushing that he needs to go. Jackson threw it out there that they could be trying to eliminate him as a witness to the things that they have done in the game. Jackson told Sam that if someone was doing shady stuff on both sides, they would be nervous about the people from the one side exposing them. He added that perhaps Nick and Sam are not that big of liars and schemers. Sam said there is one person who has dropped a lot of names. Sam didn’t want to expose names. He didn’t think that it would help his game. Jackson told Sam that it could still have a positive impact since it would help Nick and himself.

2:00-3:00 PM: Jackson and Sam continued their talk. Jackson expressed interest in hearing about people who he thinks that he can trust but he cannot. The Flaming Five was then discussed. When Jackson asked if Christie was the one who started it, Sam said that it was Nick. Sam eventually told Jackson that Christie was on board with Cliff nominating Jack and Jackson, and she said that she would vote whichever way Cliff wanted as long as she did not go on the block. As for her power, Sam said that she planned to call Jack and Jackson bullies, saying that they pressured her to use it so that’s why she is not going to use it. Sam told Jackson that Christie then flipped the script once Jackson won the veto, and they concluded that she decided to call Sam and Nick the bullies instead. Sam also let Jackson know that Christie is telling him she wants him to stay but Holly wants him out really badly. Jackson said that is not the case. He told Sam that Christie is pushing for him to go. When the talk wrapped up, Jackson assured Sam that it will not have been for nothing. They agreed that Jackson could talk to Jack about Christie. Jackson asked if Sam and Nick would be willing to work with him, Holly and Jack if this were to work out. Sam said yeah. Jackson said that he will see what he can do, since this is Sam’s best shot at staying, but he cannot make any guarantees. Meanwhile, Nick told Nicole that he would like to backdoor Jack. He mentioned nominating Holly and Jackson in order to do so. Nick told Nicole that Analyse wants to get her out next week. Nicole admitted to having heard that through the grapevine. Nick confirmed that it was said to him as well.

3:00-4:00 PM: Jackson informed Holly that he has confirmed a lot of things that they had been suspecting about Christie. Holly questioned if the vote is going to flip. Jackson said that this is why he did not want Kat up on the block. Holly stressed that Kat cannot go home. Jackson told her that they will have to talk. Once they got up to the HoH room, Jackson filled Holly in on everything that happened during Cliff’s HoH week. When Jackson said that Sam told him that he will not come after the two of them or Jack, Holly said that Sam needed to tell her this beforehand. Holly reiterated that Kat cannot go. Jackson said that this is why he wanted Nicole on the block instead of Kat. Holly said that she genuinely trusts Kat but the Six Shooters would have questioned her had she not put her up. Holly told Jackson that Christie will end up burying herself on her own, so they do not need Sam there to go after her. She prefers to gather all of the information that they can from Sam before sending him out the door. Holly let Jackson know that Kat told her about Christie trying to make an alliance with the other side. She didn’t know if Tommy was involved as well, but Jackson believes that he is. Holly said that Kat would take shots for them, so she would like to send Sam home and then consider working with Nick. She pointed out that they are at the top of Kat’s list but they would be third at best, behind Analyse and Nick, on Sam’s list. Jackson told Christie not to stress. He said that he will vote to evict Sam if that’s what she would like him to do.

4:00-5:00 PM: Jackson got Jack caught up on what Sam had told him. He said that Christie is worried about the witnesses talking before they leave the house. Jack asked who Jackson will be evicting tomorrow. Jackson said that he will evict Sam because he respects Holly. When Holly joined them, she asked if Jack already knew about Christie. Jack said that he had his suspicions but he did not have any factual evidence. Jack doesn’t think that Tommy is involved, as he believes that Tommy is ride or die with him. Jackson let Holly and Jack know that he plans to backdoor Christie if he wins HoH. Jack said that if that is his play, that is his play. Kat checked in with Analyse to see where her head is at in terms of the vote. Analyse said it’s not even a question that Kat has her vote this week. She said that she already told Sam that she will be voting to evict him. Kat told Analyse that she is with the six even though she is not a part of it.

5:00-6:00 PM: Tommy had a quick chat with Kat to let her know that he will be voting to keep her. Jackson was next up. He said that he will be voting to evict Sam, and Kat will not be going anywhere. Kat let Jackson know that she respects his game and the fact that he is not using Holly as a game piece to make his moves. Kat reassured Jackson that she would never turn on the two of them. In the HoH room, Christie told Analyse, Holly, Jack and Jackson that Sam brought up her saying that she would not use the power. Christie claimed that she was telling him what he wanted to hear when she found out that he wanted Jack and Jackson out. Analyse and Holly later discussed what Christie had said. Analyse didn’t know what to believe. Holly thinks that Christie is getting ahead of things in order to make it seem like she was not plotting against them.

6:00-7:00 PM: Sam sat down with Jack to give him the full rundown on what happened with Christie during Cliff’s HoH week. In the RV room, Kat told Holly and Jackson that her loyalty is with the two of them. She admitted to having told Christie that she is going to come after Jackson, but she said that she only told her that because Christie was saying it first. Earlier, Analyse had attempted to talk with Holly and Jackson about what Sam had said. Jackson played it off as though no information was given, since he had given Sam his word that he would not say anything. Jackson checked in with Sam to ask if he told Analyse that he knows about it. Sam confirmed that he did. Jackson said that he will talk to her about it now that he knows.

7:00-8:00 PM: Analyse asked Jackson if he believes what Sam said about Christie. Jackson confirmed that he does. He added that he has had his suspicions about Christie for weeks. Analyse said that she believes it since she trusts Sam so much. Analyse asked what Jack thinks about it. Jackson said that Jack wasn’t saying anything about it. Analyse figures that Jack will not believe it since he is so close to Christie. Analyse asked if there is any way that they can flip the vote. Jackson told her that they need Kat more than they need Sam. Analyse worried that Kat would put her on the block. Analyse then spoke to Jack to get his thoughts. Jack suggested that Sam may be stressing that Christie cannot find out about this until after he is gone because it is not the truth. Jack argued that it is good information to know about but not to act on. He said that it would turn into a Fessy evicting Scottie type of situation if they were to act on the information about Christie. Tommy joined them. Jack let him know that Sam is making a play against Christie. Jack gave Tommy a quick update on the story about Cliff’s HoH week. Jack followed it up by saying that he is 100% continuing to move forward with the six.

8:00-9:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Holly told Kat that Tommy cannot know about them being onto Christie. She said that she will be so pissed off if Analyse and Jack told Tommy about it. Holly talked about not wanting Cliff or Jess to go. Kat agreed that they can be useful numbers when the six starts to turn on each other. In the storage room, Jackson asked Jack if he told Tommy about Christie making an alliance with the other side. Jack said no. He admitted to having told Tommy about Cliff’s HoH week. Jackson revealed that he just got confirmation from Kat that Tommy was in on the alliance that Christie made. Jack explained that telling this information to Tommy was his way of testing him to see if it would get back to Christie. Afterwards, Jackson filled Holly in on Jack’s plan. At the same, Sam and Tommy discussed the information that Sam had been spreading. Tommy informed Sam that Christie had found out about him wanting to blow up her game in his speech. Sam advised Tommy not to get brought down by Christie. When the idea of flipping the vote was discussed, Tommy said that he would need the majority of the six to be on board as well. Tommy told Sam that knowing who he would go after is good enough reason for him to want to keep him, since he does not know what Kat would do. Tommy then revealed that he thinks that Holly, Jackson and Kat know each other. He clarified that he at least feels that way about Holly and Kat since they slipped up in front of him. Tommy added that Kat was put on the block to trick people into thinking that they do not know each other. Sam told Tommy that he needs him there if there is indeed a secret trio. Tommy said that he knew that before going into this conversation.

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