Big Brother 21 Day 46 - Jess wins the Power of Veto

August 3, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Feeds went down at 9:12 for the veto player pick. Feeds returned at 9:39. The veto players are Jess, Jack, Jackson, Kat, Nick and Tommy. Jack told Christie that he did not want to pick her for houseguest’s choice because he did not want to put her into that position. Christie said that the people playing are at least ones who she really trusts if she has to use the power in the event that Jackson seems to be staying. Christie said that Nicole can then go on the block, because she will not let Jackson stay. Christie clarified that she still thinks that Jack has the votes to stay. Later, Nick told Jack that he does not want to chance having him on the block on eviction night. Jack believes that he will have the votes either way.

10:00-11:00 AM: Holly let Jess know that Jackson has said that he will leave nominations the same if he wins the veto. She said that she too would have left them the same, so she is glad that she was not picked to compete. Holly and Jess agreed that Kat and Nick will keep the nominations the same. Holly expects that Tommy would use the veto on Jack if he wins. They agreed that it is good that people think that Jack is safe. Analyse talked to Christie, Holly and Tommy about Cliff being such a schemer. She mentioned wanting to find a way to get Cliff out. Christie said that the only way for that to happen would be if she uses her power, but she is not going to put a half a house of blood on her hands. She added that Jackson hates her so the chances of her keeping him are slim. Holly brought up that Jess has made it clear that she does not want the nominations to change. Tommy said that it puts him in a weird position. Christie said that everyone will have to do what is best for their game.

11:00-12:00 PM: Nicole told Jess that she would prefer that Jack win the veto over Tommy. Jess agreed. Nicole then wondered if Christie would give her power to Jack. Jess said that she has given her word that she will not use it, so she wont unless she was lying through her teeth and wants to be known as someone who does not keep her word. Once Jess left the room, Nicole said to herself that they are putting a lot of faith into Christie and Tommy, and it’s faith that she doesn’t really have. Elsewhere, Christie told Analyse that she can go to Jess if Jack wins the veto. Christie would then explain to Jess that she will use her power in order to prevent Jess from having to choose a replacement nominee, allowing her to avoid getting any more blood on her hands. Christie suggested that Nicole could go up as a pawn in order to ensure that Jackson leaves. Analyse doubted that it would be worth it to nominate Nicole. Christie said that she will not use the power if Cliff is going up, because he would then go home. Christie made it clear that she would like for Jackson to leave this week. Christie then filled Jack in on her potential plan. She said that she is still going to feel things out to see who Jess is planning on putting on the block. Jack told Christie that Jackson would owe her his life if she were to use the power in order to save him by getting Cliff out. Christie said that she is definitely not doing that since she would make five new enemies. Analyse later told Christie that she wouldn’t care if she didn’t use her power. She said that they know that Jackson is going to go home either way. Christie questioned if they really know that. Analyse said no. Christie pointed out that the others could be planning a new alliance to go against the five of them. She said she doesn’t think that that is happening but she does not know.

12:00-1:00 PM: Jack told Nick about the plan to target Cliff that he had ran by Christie earlier. Jack said he doesn’t think that Christie will even use the power if he wins the veto. Nick agreed. Jack thinks that Christie would be too spooked that Jackson would then stay. Nick figures that she would not want to use it when it could create new enemies for her. Nick assured Jack that he would do anything to protect him, Analyse and Tommy. Nick said that he would like to stay in Jess’ good graces by not using the veto if he wins, but he believes that people are voting to evict Jackson. Nick told Jack that they would only have to secure Holly’s vote, since he would have Analyse, Christie, Tommy and himself. Jack said that it would also be silly of Kat to vote him out when all that he did was listen to Jackson. In the have-not room, Jackson told Holly that they just need Jack and Tommy to not win the veto. Holly said that they especially can’t have Tommy win since he would go up if Jack wins the veto. Jackson believes that Christie would use her power if Jack wins the veto.

1:00-2:00 PM: Feeds went down at 1:21 for the veto competition.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds returned at 4:24 following the veto competition. Jess won the Power of Veto. Nick won $5,000, and Kat won a trip to Hawaii. Jack, Jackson and Tommy received punishments. Tommy told Analyse that this was the best case scenario since Jack will not be going home, Kat and Nick were able to get prizes to make them feel better, and they took the punishments to pay for what they did on Thursday. Jack joined them. Tommy told him that he will not be going home. Jack said that this is great since Jess exposed herself as a competition threat.

5:00-6:00 PM: Nick told Cliff and Nicole that Holly will probably vote with the other side because she wants to save her own game. He mentioned that it would then be a 4-4 vote. Nick suggested that Jess should use the veto on Jackson if she does not want to break a tie. When Nicole said that the replacement nominee would then be mad at Jess, Nick said that they will be feeling that way towards her already. In the have-not room, Kat reassured Jackson that Jess wants to keep him. Holly said she loves that Jess won these past two competitions after the others in the six have discussed that she is worthless. Jackson asked Kat if she will be voting to evict Jack. Kat confirmed that she will be. Jackson let Kat know that he will be going after Christie, Analyse and Tommy if he stays. Kat listed off Cliff, Holly, Nicole and herself as the votes to evict Jackson. Holly hopes that they will be able to secure Nick’s vote just in case that Cliff makes a deal with the devil.

6:00-7:00 PM: Kat cried to Christie and Jess in the HoH room. She explained that she is frustrated about being questioned after talking to Jackson. She also did not like that Nick had called her a liar after she left the have-not room. Kat said that she would like to hear both sides in order to help her make an educated decision. Christie told Kat that she owes it to herself to hear everyone out. That being said, Christie told Kat that it would be very strange to her if Kat were to keep Jackson. She said that it would lead her to believe that they really do know each other, since it would be too inconsistent with the things that Kat has said in the past. Kat talked about the need to separate game from personal. She said that she does not know if Jack would be loyal to the people that are loyal to her. In the have-not room, Jackson spoke to Nick. When Nick asked which way Holly is going to vote, Jackson said he thinks that she will likely keep him. Nick encouraged Jacks to lay low and not give up. While he did not want to say which way that he would be voting, Nick said that he is telling Jackson not to give up for a reason. Meanwhile, Cliff let Holly know that he really wants Jack to go. He asked if Holly wants him to go as well. Holly said that the whole house needs Jack to go. Cliff informed Holly that Nick wasn’t sure if she would vote with them since she is trying to get in with the six. Holly argued that nobody would have a chance to win if Jack were to stay. Cliff said that they will need either Kat or Nick to vote with them. Holly thinks that Nick realizes that he was a target for the six. In the bedroom, Analyse, Jack and Tommy talked about Christie trying to claim that she had no part in the discussions about the flip even though that is a lie. While they talked about that and other things, Jackson listened in from outside of the door.

7:00-8:00 PM: Jackson told Cliff that he had just heard Analyse, Jack and Tommy talking about having Kat on their side. He said that Jack mentioned having to talk to Cliff, even though he hates doing that, because his vote matters. Jackson assured Cliff that he will not be going back to that side if he stays. He stated that Christie is his target. Cliff told Jackson that they are not going to let on that they are voting to keep him, and he will act like he is pissed at him, but the plan is to keep him. Elsewhere, Christie told Jack, Nick and Tommy that she is salty because this should be a no-brainer decision for Kat yet she is being paranoid. When Christie talked about Jess not wanting to break a tie, Tommy asked when everyone else decided that they wanted to keep Jackson if there is an expectation that a tie is possible. Christie clarified that nobody knows which way the votes will go. Christie said she ultimately believes that Kat will vote to evict Jackson.

7:00-8:00 PM: Jackson told Cliff that he had just heard Analyse, Jack and Tommy talking about having Kat on their side. He said that Jack mentioned having to talk to Cliff, even though he hates doing that, because his vote matters. Jackson assured Cliff that he will not be going back to that side if he stays. He stated that Christie is his target. Cliff told Jackson that they are not going to let on that they are voting to keep him, and he will act like he is pissed at him, but the plan is to keep him. Elsewhere, Christie told Jack, Nick and Tommy that she is salty because this should be a no-brainer decision for Kat yet she is being paranoid. When Christie talked about Jess not wanting to break a tie, Tommy asked when everyone else decided that they wanted to keep Jackson if there is an expectation that a tie is possible. Christie clarified that nobody knows which way the votes will go. Christie said she ultimately believes that Kat will vote to evict Jackson. Holly, Jess and Kat discussed the vote. Jess wanted to clarify who Holly will be voting to evict. Holly said that she would like Jackson to stay, plus they cannot pass up another shot at Jack. Jess mentioned that Nick has been telling her that Jack has to go yet he told Christie that he is keeping Jack. Holly suggested that Nick is just trying to keep the peace. She added that she is pretty sure that he knows that that side was planning on getting him out soon. The girls talked about Christie’s comment that Kat must know Holly and Jackson if she keeps Jackson. Kat said that it was more disrespectful than anything that Jackson has ever done to her. Kat talked about not wanting to feed into the stereotype that women make emotional decisions. Kat told Holly to act like she is voting Jackson out. She agreed. Jackson then joined them. He clarified some things for Jess. He also let the girls know that he had overheard Analyse reporting back after being in the HoH room. Jackson mentioned that Christie was told not to push too hard or else Jess would take him off of the block.

8:00-9:00 PM: Jess vented to Holly, Jackson, Kat and Nicole about Nick. She believes that he is taking information from them to the other side. Jess briefly mentioned that she will take Jackson off of the block in order to put Nick up. Jess was bothered by a comment that she was told that Nick had made about how she would nominate Analyse, Christie or Tommy if they push too hard. While Jess was focused on Nick, Kat suggested using the veto on Jackson in order to put Tommy up. She pointed out that it would take another vote away from Jack. Jess said that she is not going to do that, as she does not want more blood on her hands. Jess believes that they have the votes either way but she would like to see where Nick lies. Downstairs, Jack told Analyse and Nick that Cliff, Jess and Nicole can see this as their opportunity to make a power move and bring in the two people, Holly and Jackson, who are on the chopping block. Jack figures that if he can see that, they will see it too. Meanwhile, Jess continue to talk about wanting to set Nick up. Nicole defended him by saying that she was in a similar position before and that he might just be playing his cards. Nicole told Jess that she will see where Nick lies if the vote comes back 5-3. Cliff joined them. He gave his word that he will be voting to evict Jack. Cliff admitted that he is worried about Nick. Holly asked if Nick has indicated that he does not know which way she would vote. Cliff confirmed that he has done that. Nicole again said that she does not fault Nick for what he is doing just yet. Holly said that Nick loves Jackson and has been really good to her of late. Nicole asked that they give her a chance to talk to Nick before blowing anything up. Cliff, Holly, Jess, Kat and Nicole discussed that Jack will be gone no matter what as long as they stick together.

9:00-10:00 PM: Nicole checked in with Nick who said that he is going to do whatever Jess wants this week. Nick let Nicole know that the remaining members of the six are petrified that they will lose the majority if Jack goes. Nicole asked Nick if he will definitely be on their side. Nick said yeah. He reminded Nicole that she is his #1. Nick asked if people are questioning him. Nicole said she understands that he is not trying to be seen as on either side but people are not understanding that. Nick reiterated that he is down to vote with them. Nick thinks that they would only have four votes, meaning that their would be a tie. which he thought would put more blood on their hands.

10:00-11:00 PM: Nick talked to Nicole about how everyone is going to know who the four votes to evict Jack were. Nicole informed Nick that Holly is voting with them as well, but she told him not to say anything about that. Nick got concerned that he may be put not the block. Nicole said that it wont be happening anymore since she reacted to Jess saying that. Nick asked why it was even being considered. Nicole said that Jess is being reactionary and questioned which way he would vote. Nick reassured Nicole that he is voting with them, as he had already told Jess. He told Nicole that she is his #1 and that he will take her off of the block every time. Nick pointed out that Christie is the one who is playing both sides. Nick suggested that Nicole attempt to convince Jess to use the veto on Jackson in order to nominate someone from the other side. Nick figures that it would protect them more moving forward since the vote would be more obvious and not reveal their cards.

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