Big Brother 21 Day 47

August 4, 2019

12:00-1:00 PM: Kat asked Cliff if he is for sure going to vote Jack out. Cliff confirmed that he will be voting Jack out even if he is the only one doing so. Cliff said that they are all being underestimated, and the other side thinks that they can get him board the Jack train by throwing some compliments his way. Cliff told Kat that Jack was suggesting that there is a women’s alliance. Cliff didn’t buy it. Cliff also said that they are trying to get him to hate Holly and Jackson. Kat told Cliff that those two have always had his back. Cliff said that the trusts them a whole lot more than he trusts Analyse and Jack. Kat explained that her opinion of Jackson changed when she found out that it was actually Jack, not Jackson, who was spreading rumours about her to the guys when it comes to her hooking up with Jackson early on. Cliff said that Jackson immediately shut it down when Jack made a joke about it at one point. Cliff said that they will have to figure out who the next target is if they are able to get Jack out this week. Kat thinks that it should be Christie, which Cliff was on board with. While Kat initially discussed nominating Jackson next to Christie, she settled on nominating Tommy instead after talking things over with Cliff.

1:00-2:00 PM: Christie told Analyse that she would almost feel hurt and betrayed if Kat were to keep Jackson after they shared personal moments and confided in each other about him. Christie said that she will be nominating Kat if she wins HoH after Kat keeps Jackson. Analyse agreed. It was discussed that Jackson and Kat would go on the block, and then whichever two of Holly, Jackson and Kat remain would go on the block the following week as well. Christie admitted to being really nervous about the vote. She said that Holly will not be coming back to them at this point. Christie thinks that she would be the next to go in the event that Jack were to leave this week. The girls agreed that they need Cliff. Christie thinks that he would prefer to work with them since they win competitions. However Christie acknowledged that there is a very small window to get Jack out, so the other side may realize that. She thinks that it would be stupid of people to leave Holly, Jackson and Kat in the game together. Christie called them the strongest trio in the game. Out in the yard, Nicole asked Nick if he had promised Christie that he would vote to keep Jack. Nick denied having done that but said they think that he would vote to keep Jack at this point. Nick clarified that he did tell the others that he would vote to evict Jack if the votes are not going his way.

2:00-3:00 PM: Nick and Nicole discussed that Jess gets caught up in her emotions sometimes, and she cannot see that it would not make any sense for Nick to want to keep Jack after wanting him out for weeks. Nick and Nicole agreed that they trust Holly a lot. Nick told Nicole that his ideal alliance would include her, Analyse, Cliff, Holly and Tommy, but he does not think that it would ever happen. Nicole said that it could possibly happen. Minutes later, Nick threw Kat’s name into the mix. He said that he had forgotten about her. Nick explained to Nicole that the easiest way for them to avoid getting any blood on their hands this week would be to use the excuse that they heard it would be 4-4, and Jack would be leaving anyway, so they jumped on board.

3:00-4:00 PM: Nick told Kat that he is not wavering in his decision, and he has swore to Jess that he will vote whichever way that she wants him to. Kat played dumb, saying she thinks that Jess is letting people make their own decision when it comes to which way to vote. Nick said that Jess had told him which way that she would like to see the vote go. Kat said she is sure that Jess will tell her eventually.

4:00-5:00 PM: Nick told Analyse and Tommy that the vote isn’t going to matter, since whoever Jess wants to go will be the one leaving this week. Nick said that it will be 8-0 if Jess wants Jackson out, or 4-4 if she wants Jack to go. Analyse said that she is starting to get nervous. Tommy brought up that they could try to cut a deal with Jess. Tommy later told Analyse that they could offer three weeks of safety to Cliff and Nicole in order to get them to keep Jack. The next three targets would then become Holly, Jess and Kat. Christie spoke to Jack about the need to preach loyalty to Cliff since he is looking for strong people to work with. Christie thinks that Cliff, as a fan of the show, would be against keeping friends in the house, so she wants to convince him that Holly, Jackson and Kat know each other. Up in the HoH room, Jess said she still believes that Nick is trying to get her to put someone else on the block in Jackson’s place so that Jack’s eviction is secured. Jess pointed out that it would take some blood off of Nick’s hands while putting more on hers. Kat said she doesn’t think that there is any way for Jack to stay, so she suggested that Jess leave the nominations the same. Nicole told the group that her gut is telling her that Nick is on the same page as they are in terms of the vote. She let them know that Nick wants to talk to them but he does not want it to look sketchy by being up in the HoH room all of the time. Elsewhere, Tommy asked Analyse if they should just let this week play out however it may. Analyse said no. She told him that they will lose numbers if Jack leaves. Tommy mentioned that they could let things play out, and then they could attempt to reel Holly and Jackson back in if Jack leaves. He added that Nick can be brought in to form a new six as well. Analyse said that Christie and Jackson will not want to work together. For that reason, Analyse brought up the possibility of leaving Christie out of the alliance. She pointed out that Christie is so good at the game, and she will not be able to beat her in the Final 2.

5:00-6:00 PM: Jack told Analyse that it is not looking good right now. He said that he will have to talk to Cliff a lot over the next couple of days. Jack said that his talk with Kat did not go well, since she is still upset that he tried to blindside her even though it was due to the information that Jackson had given him. Nick then spoke to Analyse. He let her know that he will be voting to evict Jack if it is going to be 4-4 anyway, because it would be stupid to put a target on his back if there is no way to save Jack. Nick revealed that Jess had been considering nominating him next to Jack in order to secure the votes to send Jack out. Analyse asked if Nick would be on board with keeping Jack if they can get Cliff on their side. Nick swore that he would. Nick talked about being in a weird position again now that he has people on both sides that he would like to work with. Nick told Analyse that Cliff, Holly, Kat and Nicole will be voting together. When Analyse said that they do not know about Cliff, Nick told her to trust him. Nick said that he would like to keep Jack in the house since he is loyal. On the other hand, he said that he is not interested in working with Christie given that he does not trust a word that she says. Nick then spoke to Jack. He said that Christie is on his last nerve since she keeps throwing him under the bus. Jack said that she is more or less the reason why he is on the block at this point. Jack added that Christie is the common denominator in everything. Nick let Jack know about Christie telling Jess that he was 100% voting to keep him, which led to Jess considering nominating him in Jackson’s place. Nick told Analyse and Jack that Christie lies her way out of everything on both sides of the house, making her dangerous in the game. Nick called her the biggest threat in the house.

6:00-7:00 PM: While feeds were down, there was a confrontation of some sort between Christie, Jess and Nick due to Nick being upset that Christie was claiming that he swore that he would keep Jack. When feeds returned, Christie was crying to Jess. She said that Nick is the most inconsistent person in the game. When it comes to the plan for this week, Jess said she really doesn’t care what happens. She said that Jackson is a little bit less of a threat than Jack is. Christie said that she would be sad to see Jack go on a personal level, but it’s fine if he has to go. Christie claimed that she would not even vote for Jack to stay if it would put Jess in a position where she would have to break a tie. Tommy joined them. He said that he understand why people would want Jack to go, given that Jackson would not beat anybody in the Final 2.

7:00-8:00 PM: Nick told Tommy that he is in a really uncomfortable spot. He said that he would keep Analyse and Tommy safe over anything at this point, but he would also like to keep a couple of people safe on the other side. Tommy mentioned Nicole as one of those people. Nick confirmed her to be one of them. Nick said that his ideal alliance would include Analyse, Holly, Kat, Nicole and Tommy. Nick let Tommy know that he is scared of Christie. They discussed that she is trying to play all sides. Tommy compared her to Vanessa. Nick agreed since he thinks that she can cry her way out of anything, and use her emotions to explain things. Tommy said he is sad because he loves Jack and does not think that he deserves to go. Though Nick said it is not a guarantee that he will go, Tommy believes that the writing is on the wall.

8:00-9:00 PM: Analyse asked Cliff if they can talk in a few minutes. When she left, Cliff rolled his eyes at Nick. He expected that Analyse would try to get his vote. When they spoke, Analyse asked Cliff where his head is at. Cliff said that he does not know what the others upstairs are going to do yet. Cliff admitted to being worried about being a target if Jack were to stay. Analyse assured him that both she and Jack would 100% keep him safe. Before the talk wrapped up, Analyse asked that Cliff let her know once he decides what he is going to do. Cliff said that they can talk in a couple of days. Afterwards, Analyse told Christie and Tommy that she felt good about her talk with Cliff.

10:00-11:00 PM: Cliff told Holly, Jess, Kat and Nicole about his conversation with Analyse. He said that she was offering protection on behalf of her and Jack. Once Holly, Jess and Nicole were alone, Jess said that it seems apparent that Jack will be leaving, or else she would be willing to use the veto in order to put someone up in Jackson’s place. Holly agreed that the votes seem to be in Jackson’s favour. Holly told Jess and Nicole that she has had love for them long before the blow up that happened on Thursday night, so she hopes that they do not think that she is associating with them just because of that.

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