Big Brother 21 Day 49

August 6, 2019

12:00-1:00 PM: Christie asked Analyse how Jack is doing. She said that he is doing the best that he can. Christie said that they will figure it out. Analyse asked Christie if she really thinks that Cliff is working with them. Christie said she thinks that he is playing completely in between until he decides. Christie suggested that Cliff might be trying to keep the peace so that he can play it off as though he didn’t keep Jack even if he ends up doing it. Analyse thinks that it would be very clear after the vote anyway. Analyse said that Cliff would vote for Jack to stay if he is smart, because Jack is serious about keeping his word. Analyse said that she will be so nervous the day of the eviction, because she doesn’t think that Cliff will let them know which way he is voting. Christie said that Cliff has to let them know earlier since Nick has to know which way to vote. Analyse asked Christie who she would nominate if Jack stays. Christie said that she would probably nominate Holly and Kat. Analyse said that she would want Kat to go. If Jack goes, Christie said that she would nominate Holly and Jackson. Christie doesn’t think that Jackson would use the veto if he is nominated next to Holly.

2:00-3:00 PM: Jack told Nick that he cannot be making safety deals that overlap each other but he does have something that he can offer Nicole. He asked what a good number would be considering that she will know that he made an offer to Cliff as well. Nick listed off Cliff, Holly, Jackson, Jess and Kat as the people who he would want to go before Nicole. Nick suggested offering Nicole three weeks of safety. Nick let Jack know that he can drop his name when he talks to Nicole, saying that he wants to protect her because he knows that Nick trusts her. Jack then spoke to Tommy about Jackson seemingly being very confident at the moment. Tommy told Jack that the key is to get Cliff and Nicole on board, and then they can convince Jess who would get Kat on board. Tommy brought up that Kat is playing both sides. Jack agreed. He said that she is constantly lying right now. Jack said that he will blow up Kat’s game during his eviction speech. Christie came by to ask if there are any updates. Jack said it is leaning towards him leaving, seeing as Kat is helping Jess run the house at the moment. Christie brought up that Jack should expose that Kat knew about the vote flip for Cliff. Tommy suggested bringing it up during the campaign as opposed to during the eviction speech. Christie added that he could say that Holly told her to use the power in order to get Cliff out this week but she said no. Tommy said that Jack could go to Jess, say that he has been playing a clean game up to this point, but he has some truths that he can reveal depending on what Jess would prefer. Tommy said Jack could add that it will affect how Jess views some people that she is working with, and see what she decides. Nick brought up saying that Jack is another guy who could protect Cliff as opposed to Jackson who will remain a target and go out. Jack said that Holly and Kat would be his targets if he stays, followed by Jess and then Nicole. Jack brought up that Holly and Kat know each other but continue to lie about it. Nick asked about Kat knowing about the vote flip. Christie said that Kat didn’t want to vote with them cause she wanted to be a mole. Tommy suggested that Jack could pull Kat aside to let her know what he plans to do unless she can help him stay. Tommy added that Jack knows the truth and could tell Kat to get her stories straight because everyone wants to back him up. Nick said that he likes that idea. Christie told Jack to tell Kat that she is not his target. Jack said that he has to wait until tomorrow to do this. Tommy said to keep it in his back pocket that Holly wanted Nicole out last week.

3:00-4:00 PM: Tommy told Kat that he is so sad because Jack is a good person, which sometimes makes you more of a target in this game. Tommy said he gets that you have to go with what is best for the game. Tommy told Kat that he wants to talk to Jackson and Holly because he wants to make sure that he is on the right side of this vote. He thinks that Jack would understand that his vote does not matter if it is not going his way. Tommy added that he does not need to be enemies with Jackson if he stays. Tommy said that he will let him know that he is keeping ears peeled to try to get on the right side of the vote.

4:00-5:00 PM: Christie filled Analyse in on the plan for Jack’s campaign. Christie said that he is going to bring up that Kat knew about the vote flip against Cliff because she wanted to be the mole and continue working with them like she had been for the entire game. Christie said that Jack will tell Kat that he is keeping her in the loop and looking for her help, otherwise he will go to Jess in order to air dirty laundry. Analyse thought that it was a smart plan. It was discussed that Tommy came up with the plan. Jack said that it was brilliant. Nick said that Kat will try to save her game so she will try to get Jess to get Jackson out. Outside, Holly told Jackson that they will have to figure out where their loyalties lie moving forward. Jackson said their best bet would be to take out Tommy, Christie, Analyse and Nick, and then hope that they can beat the others. Holly said that her gut is telling her that, as is her heart. Jackson stressed that he will not be playing with Christie again. Holly said that she wants her out so badly. Holly brought up Kat saying that she should try to keep playing the other side. Both agreed that it would be too risky to do that. Holly said that the one person she would like to stay good with on that side is Analyse.

5:00-6:00 PM: Christie told Jack she thinks that this plan is amazing and could work out. Christie admitted that she is scared moving forward since Jack and Tommy are the only two who she trusts. Jack said that they are the strongest trio left in the game. Christie pointed out that Holly, Jackson and Kat are strong too. Jack said that they will be good as long as Jackson goes. Christie said she knows that she would be following Jack out the door if he leaves. While Jack said that she is more safe than she thinks, Christie said that Holly and Jackson definitely want her out. Jack told Christie that he plans to be nice when he talks to Kat, because she will shut it down if not. Christie said that part of her wants to expose that Holly told her to use her power in order to mess with Jess’ nominations, but she is concerned that they will not care and then she is screwed moving forward. Christie mentioned wanting to bring that information to Cliff in particular since he is the one who would have gone up if Holly’s plan had happened. Christie talked about Holly being fake and working with people who she wanted out, including Nicole who she wanted to target last week.

6:00-7:00 PM: Analyse asked Nick if he thinks that Jack is going to stay. Nick said that the new plan actually could work. He said that Jack had a 0% chance of staying before but now he has life. Analyse asked what they should do if Jack does stay. Analyse mentioned wanting to work with Christie as much as they have to for now even though she gets scared telling her information. Nick suggested that Christie would have to side with them now that she knows that she is not in good with the others. However he said that they could probably get rid of her if Jack stays but they would need her if he goes. Nick said that his ideal Final 4 would be with Analyse, Nicole and Tommy, and his ideal Final 5 would include Holly. Nick said that Christie will have to stay this week even if Jack stays. Analyse agreed. She said that Kat needs to go first. When Jack came by, Nick told him that he would rather have him in the game since he knows that he can fully trust him. He said that his down to go to four with Analyse, Jack and Tommy.

7:00-8:00 PM: Kat let Holly and Jackson know that Tommy wants to be on the right side of the vote. She questioned why they are still doing house votes at this stage of the game. Kat blamed Christie and Jack for setting that standard during the first week of the game. Jackson suggested making it seem like he is the one leaving only to flip the vote on the others at the last second. Holly and Kat agreed that it would be too risky to do that since they could confuse people and lose some votes. Looking ahead, Jackson said that his plan would be to nominate Analyse and Christie. He said that it would guarantee that Christie leaves, as opposed to nominating her next to Tommy. Holly and Kat talked about wanting Tommy to go. Holly said that he needs to be next after Christie. Kat said she is unsure which of the two she would like to see leave first.

10:00-11:00 PM: Nick told Analyse that it will be good for her if the whole Kat thing blows up tomorrow, since it will create another target. Nick also said that it would give him an excuse to go after her since it would be common knowledge that she knew about the vote flip during his HoH week but did not tell him. The two then spoke to Jack about the approach that he should take in talking to Jess. Nick doubts that Jess knows about the vote flip. He said that Jack is on the block because he blindsided Jess. Analyse asked if Jack is trying to get Kat’s vote. Jack said that he is trying to get Kat to work for him. Nick added that he is going to strong arm her by saying that she had better find a way to keep him safe because he will tell Jess that she was in on the vote flip. Jack clarified that he will not be saying it in those words. Tommy looked to clear the air with Holly and Jackson. He told them that there will still be five of the six left after this week. He suggested that they could stick together even though Christie and Jackson have their issues. Jackson said that he can look past the game stuff but he cannot look past the fact that Christie made things personal. Holly said that Christie was quick to make it personal with her as well. Tommy let Holly and Jackson know that he would not be nominating either of them if he wins HoH. Jackson said the same to Tommy.

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