Big Brother 21 Day 51 - Jack is evicted; Tommy wins HoH

August 8, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: First thing in the morning, Cliff spoke to the cameras. He said said that he is going to give up if people flip and keep Jack, as they cannot have the cult of Jack there. Cliff said that Christie and Tommy will be the next two to go if he has his way. Cliff mentioned that he could end up being out the door right behind Jack, but they did not go quietly since they took their shot. Cliff said that they are not Season 19 and they are not going to let Jack be Paul. Cliff let Tommy know that he is still uncertain about his plan for the vote. Cliff mentioned that he has to talk to Nick at some point before he lets Jack know of his decision.

1:00-2:00 PM: After the HoH lockdown, Cliff let Jack know that he is too afraid of him to keep him around. Cliff brought up that Jackson will be a consistent target if he stays in the house, and even if he can get 3-4 weeks of safety by keeping Jack, he will be toast after that. Cliff brought up that he and Nick discussed that if either of them couldn’t trust each other to keep Jack, and ended up voting the wrong way, it would damage their games. Jack then spoke to Kat. He brought up Kat being in on the plan to evict Cliff. Jack said that he does not want Jess to find out about that, cause that could damage Kat’s relationship with her. Jack gave his word that he will continue to keep that secret if Kat finds a way to find him a fifth vote. Even though Jack said that he does not have Cliff’s vote, Kat asked time after time if Jack was really sure about that. Jack insisted that Cliff is not voting with him. Jack talked about bringing Kat into an alliance with Analyse, Christie, Tommy, Nick and himself moving forward. Kat argued that she would be the first to go. Jack gave his word that he would not put Kat up even when they got down to five people left. Kat said that she needs to marinate on it. She told Jack that she needs to go do her hair and get ready.

2:00-3:00 PM: After letting Tommy know his plan for the vote, Cliff spoke to Christie. He explained that Jack scares him too much and that he is not playing for sixth place. He clarified that this is about Jack and has nothing to do with Jackson. Nicole spoke to Jack to let him know that this move is far from personal. She pointed out that there could still be a Battle Back. Kat checked in with Nicole to tell her that she cannot switch her vote. Nicole assured Kat that it will not be changing. Nick then talked to Nicole about the need to get Jack out since his campaign is so good and he is such a good player. Nick filled Nicole in on what Jack had been saying to him. Meanwhile, Cliff told Analyse about his decision to evict Jack. He said that he and Nick had shook on it after their last talk. Later, Jack told Nick and Tommy that Nick has been playing them since Day 1. Tommy thinks that Nick is just playing both sides. Jack attributed him going home to the fact that he did not play both sides. Analyse said that she had her suspicions about Nick once Kat was finding out stuff that only Nick knew. Christie told Analyse that she doesn’t know what to do in terms of whether or not to win HoH. When Analyse questioned why she wouldn’t want to win, Christie said that she does want to. Analyse said that she would nominate Cliff and Kat. Christie talked about going after Jackson and Holly but then changed her mind. She said that Cliff would be her target because she would like to teach him a lesson. Holly spoke to Analyse and Christie. She told them that voting to evict Jack is not a vote against them. Holly claimed that it was a really tough decision. She let the girls know that she would like to talk to them later tonight.

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Jack was evicted by a vote of 6-2. Analyse and Christie voted to evict Jackson. Jack is the first member of the jury. Afterwards, the HoH competition took place. Tommy is the new HoH.

7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, Tommy was telling Analyse, Christie and Nick that he does not know what he is going to do. He said that he has an idea in mind but he does not want to say it. He let the three of them know that none of them are his target. Nick swore on his life to Tommy that he is only loyal to Analyse, Tommy and Nicole. He said that he does like Christie again. Tommy told Nick that he works great with him and has wanted to be with him. Kat was the next to speak to Tommy. She wanted to explain that her vote was about staying loyal to Jess, and it did not have anything to do with Jackson. Kat claimed that Jackson is still her number one target. Tommy said he understands and that he would have voted to evict Jack if he were anyone who was not heavily aligned with Jack. Analyse and Tommy then briefly spoke. Tommy told her that she is the only one who he would like to talk to about his plan. Analyse and Jackson talked things over. Analyse informed Jackson that she was not going to put him up had she won HoH. Analyse added that just because she and Christie are close, it doesn’t mean that she cannot see what Christie is doing. Analyse and Jackson agreed that Tommy will likely play it safe. Both also think that Jackson could end up being used as a pawn. Jackson worried that he would be sent home over anyone. Analyse told him that he would have her vote, Christie’s vote, Holly’s vote and Nick’s vote if he is nominated next to Cliff. Jackson doesn’t trust that Christie would vote his way.

8:00-9:00 PM: After Analyse spoke to Holly and Jackson about Tommy potentially using Jackson as a pawn, Jackson said that he would volunteer to go up as long as it is not next to Holly. He mentioned that he would be okay with going up next to Jess or Nicole. Tommy came by. He let the three know that he is not nominating any of them. Jackson said that he had been expecting to go up as a pawn. Tommy said that his mind is only 80% made up at this point. Jackson and Tommy then went to the boat room for a one on one. Jackson brought up Jack telling him before he left that he could trust Analyse and Tommy. Jackson said he understands if he has to go up as a pawn but he is not asking for it. Tommy let Jackson know that he was previously not even considering that but he really should think about it. Tommy added that he does not want to do that since he believes that people would vote Jackson out, which Jackson agreed with. Tommy said he knows who his target is but he is not going to tell anyone. He explained that even though certain people are safe, their friends may not be since he only has so many people to go after if he keeps the five remaining Six Shooters safe. Tommy told Jackson he is 90% sure that he will not be going on the block. Jackson said his only request is that Tommy lets him know ahead of time if he is going on the block. Tommy agreed. Elsewhere, Nick and Nicole discussed the potential options for nominations. Nick said he thinks that it will be Cliff and Kat. Nicole thinks that it will be Cliff and Jackson. In the other bedroom, Christie told Analyse that she would have targeted Jackson had she won but she does not expect Tommy to do the same. She thinks that Tommy might nominate Jess and Kat. Analyse said that she would prefer to see Cliff targeted. Christie said that she would be fine with that. Christie pointed out that Kat is also dangerous since she knows Holly, which gives Holly a bridge to the other side. Analyse argued that Kat will not want to win HoH as long as she does not feel that she is being targeted, so that would make it easier for them to win later to put her up. Both agreed that it would be best to backdoor Cliff. Analyse thinks that nominating Holly and Jackson as pawns would be the best plan, though she does not expect Tommy to be down with that.

9:00-10:00 PM: Christie told Analyse that she would love to play in the veto competition in order to take Holly or Jackson down if they are nominated. She explained that Cliff could then go on the block, and the other side of the house could know what it feels like to be back where they were. Analyse said they would feel at the bottom like they had just had to. The two discussed a potential Battle Back. They talked about trying to send Cliff, Kat and Jackson out the door in the next three evictions before it would take place. Cliff told Nicole he thinks that he may end up on the block next to Jackson. Cliff told his fellow Cliff’s Angels members that he would still make the same move that they did over again. Nicole told Kat she thinks that they could get the votes to save Cliff if he is nominated next to Jackson. She admitted being worried that Kat will go up next to Cliff, since Nick had told her that he is expecting those two to go on the block. Kat believes that Cliff will be Tommy's target. Nicole suggested that they would be able to keep their alliance safe as long as only one of them ends up on the block. Kat said that they may have to throw Jackson under the bus.

10:00-11:00 PM: Kat approached Christie to bring up that Nicole said Nick thinks that Tommy would nominate her next to Cliff. Christie suggested that all that Nick does is play the middle, gather information from everyone, and then just speculate. Christie told Kat that Tommy has not said a word to her yet. Both agreed that it would be surprising if Tommy were to go after Kat.

12:00-1:00 AM: Christie told Tommy she is taking it as a sign that they need to mend fences with Holly and Jackson since Tommy won. Tommy said he thinks that Nick, Nicole, Kat and Cliff have an alliance, so he wants to eliminate some of the people on Nick’s side in order to give him nowhere to go but to them. Tommy suggested that the old Six Shooters alliance should make it seem as though they are not tight this week. Tommy revealed that he wants Kat to go home this week. He talked about nominating Cliff and Kat. Tommy thinks that it would weaken Holly and Jackson, bringing them closer to them. Tommy said she might even consider taking Cliff off in order to put Nicole up as a pawn to secure Kat’s eviction. Tommy said he doesn’t know how to make them all vote against Kat. Cliff was the next to speak to Tommy. He explained that Jack was too strong of a player to keep, plus he and Nick had promised Jess that they would vote him out. Tommy said he understands and would have done the same thing. Cliff let Tommy know that he is always willing to make a deal. Cliff said he fully realizes that he could be going on the block, and he does not want it to be a weird week if that is the case. Tommy promised Cliff that if he has to nominate him this week, he is not who he wants to go home. Tommy said he cannot promise that Cliff will not go on the block. Tommy went so far as to say that he will do everything that he can to ensure that Cliff is not on the block at the end of the week.

1:00-2:00 AM: Analyse asked Tommy if he has a target. He said he thinks that his target is Kat. He explained that there is Jess and Kat, and then Cliff, Kat, Nick and Nicole could be aligned. On top of that, he said that Kat is with Holly and Jackson as well, making her the common denominator in the alliances outside of them. Tommy admitted that he would not know who to put up next to her in order to ensure that she leaves, since she is working with everybody. Analyse suggested nominating Cliff next to Kat so that one of them is still up there to go home in the event that the other comes down. Tommy agreed. When Analyse brought up nominating Jackson as a pawn, Tommy said that he would not trust that they would have the numbers if someone from the five is on the block. Tommy said his speech is going to address that the most dangerous players are the one who are good with everybody, such as Cliff and Kat. Tommy reiterated that it would weaken the other teams if Kat leaves. Analyse suggested that it would not weaken Holly and Jackson. Tommy said he really thinks that Holly and Kat know each other. Tommy let Analyse know that he was even considering putting Nicole up in Cliff’s place at the end of the week, because Kat may not go home over Cliff. Analyse argued that Kat would leave over Cliff if Tommy tells everyone that he wants Kat gone. Tommy said that he doesn’t trust everyone to do that. When Nick joined Analyse and Tommy, Tommy let Nick know that Nicole told Kat he thinks that Cliff and Kat will be going on the block. Tommy said that Kat was freaking out about it. Nick called Nicole a little snake.

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