Big Brother 21 Day 52 - Christie, Cliff and Kat are nominated for eviction

August 9, 2019

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds went down at 11:05 for America’s Field trip.

3:00-3:30 PM: Feeds returned at 3:03. Analyse, Christie and Jackson were voted by America to compete in the America’s Field Trip competition. Jackson won the competition, so he is safe for the week. Analyse finished in second, earning herself a punishment costume for the week. Christie finished in last, meaning that she will be the third nominee. If the veto is used on Christie, a replacement nominee will not be named. Christie told Nick and Tommy that she is scared because Holly and Jackson will vote her out. Nick told her not to think like that. He said that he will take her off of the block. Tommy stressed that he does not want Christie to go. Nick agreed. Tommy let Nick know that he is leaning towards nominating Cliff and Kat. He confirmed that Kat is his target. Nick told Tommy to pick him to play in the veto competition so that he can use it on Christie. Tommy mentioned that getting Kat out would be fair for everyone since it will weaken them all given that she is working with everybody. Tommy brought up that Kat also did not thank him for giving her the trip to Hawaii.

3:30-4:00 PM: Christie said that the idea of being hated is freaking her out. Jess explained to her that people likely voted based on the fight that took place on Day 44 in which she and Jackson were heavily involved. Nicole added that people may have wanted to give them a chance to fight for safety. Cliff came by and told Christie the same thing in terms of people voting for those who were most talked about on Day 44. Up in the HoH room, Tommy told Kat that he wants to do what he believes to be fair for the house. Tommy implied that his plans had to change after today’s twist. Tommy told Kat not to be shocked if she goes on the block. He suggested that he had not been planning on nominating her prior to the twist. Kat told Tommy that Christie is one of her favourite people in the house, so she would be a vote to keep her if she is not nominate. Tommy said that he will have to consider that. Jess then spoke to Tommy. She assured him that he will have her full support in whatever he does. Tommy let Jess know that she may end up in a position similar to the one that he was in last week with his ally on the block. Tommy talked about wanting to get Christie off of the block. Jess let on that she was open to the possibility of using the veto on her ifs he wins it. Tommy promised Jess that she will not be going up no matter what happens, or no matter who wins the veto. Meanwhile, Kat told Nicole that she may be going up next to Cliff. Kat said that the best case scenario would be Christie staying on the block. Kat said that she does not want Cliff to leave this week. Nicole suggested that Christie could go if she remains on the block.

4:00-5:00 PM: Kat asked Nicole if she would vote to evict Christie. Nicole nodded. She asked that Kat not say anything. Kat said that she really wont this time, and she apologized for having repeated what Nicole had told her last night. When Kat spoke to Jess, she told her that the best case scenario would be keeping Christie on the block. Kat explained that she does not foresee a scenario in which Christie doesn’t leave if she remains nominate, unless one of their allies vote against them. Jess said that they all need to stay strong together. Jess encouraged Kat to fight for the veto. Kat said that she will. She added that Christie and Tommy cannot win it, as she would rather have Christie leave over Cliff. Kat pointed out that Christie would choose Analyse and Tommy over her. Jess advised her to take things one step at a time, and not get overreactive. The two then discussed that the results of the America’s vote were very telling. Upstairs, Tommy assured Nicole that she is fine. He told her that he is not going to say any names at this point, but he does not want Christie on the block at the end of the week. Analyse, Christie and Tommy spoke afterwards. Christie worried that she will be voted out. Tommy reassured her that she will not be going anywhere. He let Christie know that he made a deal with Jackson in which he would vote his way in exchange for not going on the block. Christie still wasn’t convinced that Holly and Jackson would not vote along with Jess and Nicole to send her out the door. Analyse said she thinks that Holly and Jackson may want to evict Cliff over Kat. Tommy argued that Jackson would ruin the alliance moving forward if he broke the deal to vote how he wants him to. Tommy believes that Holly and Jackson will understand that they have to let go of Kat at this point. Tommy told Christie that everything happens for a reason, and her going on the block is what enabled him to get Jess and Nicole to promise to respect his nominations. Jackson was the next to speak to Tommy. Tommy let him in on his plan to nominate Cliff and Kat. Jackson said that he would have done the same if he were in Tommy’s position. Tommy said that his goal is to get Christie off of the block. When Jackson asked Tommy to pick him to play in the veto competition, Tommy said that he is going to pick Analyse or Nick. Tommy said that he does not want the house to think that Christie and Jackson are good, so he would prefer to avoid putting him in a position to have to save her.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds went down at 5:07 for the nomination ceremony.

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:25 following the nomination ceremony. Tommy nominated Cliff and Kat for eviction. Kat was crying in the boat room. She told Jess that she is embarrassed about crying during the ceremony. Kat said she hates the fact that she is on the block again and that it is next to Cliff. Jess reminded her that the veto competition is still yet to come. Jackson came by to comfort Kat. He told her that she will be fine. Jackson pointed out that there are three nominees right now, so she has a better shot at staying. Jackson let Kat know that he would love to play for her if she gets houseguest’s choice. Jackson also informed Kat that he will not be voting to evict her. Once Jackson left the room, Jess told Kat not to pick him to play in the veto competition. Kat said that she will be choosing Jess to play if it comes down to it. Cliff came by to tell Kat that it could work in their favour that three people are on the block. He said that they will have two chances to keep Christie up there.

7:00-8:00 PM: Kat told Holly that she doesn’t think that she is screwed this week. Holly agreed. She believes that Cliff is Tommy’s target. Holly said she thinks that Kat will be safe either way but they have to figure out whether it’s best for Christie or Cliff to go. Kat suggested that it should be Christie. Holly agreed but mentioned that Tommy is really wanting the five remaining members of the six to work together. Holly worried that Analyse and Tommy would be gunning for her if she evicts Christie, but she questioned if that even matters at this point. Kat said that those two would still be after Cliff even if Christie leaves.

8:00-9:00 PM: Holly and Jackson discussed the plan for the week. Holly said she is genuinely not sure if keeping the five together is the best decision. Jackson said that he does not want to do that. Jackson said that the thought of working with Christie makes him cringe, and he is not going to do it. Jackson pointed out that Tommy cannot compete for HoH, so it would be everyone against Analyse if they vote Christie out. If they do that, Jackson acknowledged that they will likely be the next two targets after Analyse and Tommy are out of the house. Holly said that it may be best since the two of them and Kat would be a trio within the Final 6. Jackson said he believes that they have to vote Christie out either way, seeing as they need to make the move while they can. Holly agreed that it may make the most sense to go with the Cliff’s Angels side of the house. Elsewhere, Christie told Nick that she will leave unless Tommy shifts his target to Cliff. Christie said she does not know why Tommy is so gung-ho about Holly and Jackson when she knows that they will vote to evict her. Meanwhile, Nicole vented to Kat about Nick having told her that she needs to pick a side. Nicole said that Nick is the one who should pick a side. Nicole admitted that she does not know if Nick is trying to help her game or hurt her game. Kat said that Nick is trying to help his own game. Back in the other bedroom, Nick told Christie that he will let Nicole know that he can no longer offer her the protection of others if she does not vote with them. When Analyse came by, Christie said that Kat is not going to be leaving this week. She explained that Tommy is crazy if he believes that Holly and Jackson will vote to evict Kat. Nicole told Kat that Nick is trying to get her to pick a side but it seems like he wants to put her in the same position that he is in. Nicole said that she would not mind saying yes to a deal on the other side, only to screw them over, but she does not want that getting back to her actual alliance, which would lead to them not trusting her.

9:00-10:00 PM: Christie cried to Jess. She said that she is sick of this game because nobody is held accountable for the things that they say or do. Christie said that the game is gross and she is better than it. Christie said that she is going to be screwed if she doesn’t win the veto, since Holly and Jackson will vote to evict her. Christie brought up that she swore on her sister that she would not use her power during Jess’ HoH week. Christie said that Holly was devastated and asked if she could use the power in order to take Cliff out in order to keep the alliance together. Christie claimed that she immediately shot that down. Christie then talked about Holly having had discussions about nominating and targeting Nicole during her HoH week. Christie stressed that she and Tommy were pushing to keep Nicole safe. Elsewhere, Nick told Nicole that it was Holly who wanted to put her up during her HoH week because it would have given Sam his best shot at staying. Nick said that Christie and Tommy were the ones who talked her out of it. Nick told Nicole that he will have a proposition for her tomorrow in the event that he wins the veto. Nick claimed that it would give them their best shot at making it to the Final 2. Nick also made it clear that he will not be able to keep protecting her if she does not return the favours. Nick pushed that Nicole would be better off on the side with Analyse, Christie and Tommy.

10:00-11:00 PM: When Nicole chatted with Tommy, she looked to clarify who was pushing for her to go on the block during Holly’s HoH week. While Tommy did not want to give any names, he did tell Nicole that he and Christie were the ones who did not want her to go on the block. Tommy said that Christie would be able to verify that story as well. In the bedroom, Analyse told Nick that Christie has got to stop freaking out. Nick asked Analyse if she is dumb, since Christie will end up going if she is on the block. Analyse said that Christie needs to have faith that one of them will win the veto. Nick told Analyse that she and Tommy will be in more trouble than he is if Christie goes. Analyse said that she does not want Christie to go. Nick brought up that Cliff would owe them if they save him this week. He talked about getting down to six with Cliff, Nicole, Christie, Tommy and the two of them.

11:00-12:00 AM: Holly asked Kat if she thinks that Nick will join Christie and Tommy’s side. Kat thinks that he will join whoever is in power. Kat said that she will be targeting Tommy if she wins HoH. If nominations stay the same this week, Kat things that Christie needs to be the one to go. Holly agreed but was concerned about it exposing her loyalties. Holly said that they would need one more vote in addition to hers and Jackson’s. Holly thinks that Nicole would vote with them as well. Kat said that she will if she gets off of the block.

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