Big Brother 21 Day 53 - Tommy wins the Power of Veto

August 10, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Feeds went down at 9:13 to pick players for the veto competition. Feeds returned at 9:36. The veto players are Tommy, Christie, Cliff, Kat, Jackson and Nick. Cliff told Nicole that he cannot trust Nick one bit after Christie picked him to compete. Cliff expects that Nick would use the veto on her. In the HoH room, Nick told Analyse and Christie that Cliff is a snake. Nick explained that he saw Cliff go up to Jackson right before they picked players to let him know that he would pick him if he gets houseguest’s choice. Nick said that Cliff must not trust him anymore, seeing as he had told Cliff that he would use the veto on him. Nick said that he will take Christie off of the block, and then Cliff can go home. Analyse and Nick discussed that they will get Nicole to flip after Nick wins the veto. Elsewhere, Jackson told Holly that he actually has to win now. He said that he will keep the nominations the same since he cannot risk her going on the block. Jackson pointed out that Nick will be working with Christie’s side seeing as she picked him, which means that they will not be. Jackson said that he is not going to let an opportunity to get Christie out slip by. Holly called Christie a bully. She said that Christie made Analyse cry the other day by calling her annoying for following her around.

10:00-11:00 AM: Analyse told Jackson that she and Tommy really trust him and Holly. Jackson said the same back to her. He asked why Christie picked Nick. Analyse let Jackson know that Nick said that he would use the veto on her. Analyse told Jackson that they could all still go to five together. Jackson said he knows for a fact that Christie would put him and Holly up. Analyse asked if Jackson would use the veto on Cliff. Jackson said that he would leave the nominations the same. Jackson brought up that he doesn’t know how many chances they will have to take a shot at Christie without having to nominate her themselves. Jackson revealed that he would like to vote Christie out. Analyse argued that they would not have the numbers if she leaves. Jackson countered that by saying that this game is Christie’s if she sticks around. While Analyse agreed that Christie cannot be trusted, she said that she cannot go against Tommy or else she will have no one. She also let Jackson know that Nick wants Christie to stay. Analyse suggested that Jackson should keep Christie in the game as a shield, as she will always be a bigger target than he is. Jackson said that it is going against every grain in his body to even entertain the idea of working with Christie. Analyse told him that it is best for his game. Analyse them had a similar conversation with Holly. Holly brought up that Christie could do the same thing as Nick when it comes to go from public enemy number one to being on no one’s radar. She mentioned that Christie went from sleeping in her bed to saying that she would put her up two days later even though she did not do anything. Analyse said that it would be best if the five of them and Nick got back together. Holly said that she cannot morally work with Christie when Christie has burned people and attacked their character. Holly compared her to the mean girl in high school that. When Analyse asked Holly if she is close with anyone from the other side, Holly said that she is not from a game standpoint. Analyse said that is why they should take that side out before going after each other.

3:00-4:00 PM: Feeds went down at 3:34 for the veto competition.

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:00 following the veto competition. Tommy won the Power of Veto. The competition was OTEV. Kat was crying and apologizing to Cliff, as she accidentally injured him while they were battling for the last spot during one of the rounds. Cliff assured her that she did the right thing by trying to fight for the rope. Jackson told Holly that the thought of working with Christie makes him sick to his stomach. Holly agreed. Up in the HoH room, Tommy told Nick that Cliff is hurt, making him the weaker competitor at this point, and he would like to see a girl leave. For those reasons, Kat remains his target. Tommy said he his happy that Christie will not be on the block come eviction night. Analyse told Tommy that she doesn’t really care who goes but she is leaning towards Kat at this point. Nick believes that he can get Nicole to flip her vote to evict Kat. Nick talked about how they needed the veto win so badly, as they would have been screwed if Christie had left. Looking ahead, Nick told Analyse that he will be targeting Jess if he wins HoH.

7:00-8:00 PM: Kat asked Nick if she is Tommy’s target. Nick said that he does not know. He told Kat that it would be a question to ask Tommy, since he would not tell her even if he did know. Kat said she doesn’t know how she has done Tommy wrong. Nick suggested that she has not done anyone wrong. Nick said he truly believes that Kat has his back in the game, and Cliff does to an extent as well, but he was just trying to make sure that Christie came off of the block. Nick claimed that he would have done that for anyone who was put into that position by America. Kat let Nick know that she cannot foresee a scenario in which he is her target.

8:00-9:00 PM: Tommy told Nick that the main thing that he is worried about is ensuring that whoever stays is not coming after him. Nick pointed out that the girls would have a 6-3 advantage over the guys if Cliff leaves. Nick believes that that is scary as long as Jess is around, as there is potential for the girls to work together. Tommy agreed. Holly and Jackson discussed that Analyse has one of the worst attitudes. They talked about her complaining about her punishment all of the time even though she doesn’t have to do anything for it. Jackson said she is ignorant not to think that she is one of America’s least favourites. As for Christie, Holly said that she would be sick if Christie were to win the game. Jackson said that he would lose hope and quit watching the show if that were to happen.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kat asked Holly and Jackson if she is screwed. Both told her no. Kat felt weird after her talk with Nick. Holly told Kat that she will make sure that she is fine. Jackson asked Holly what the best move for their game is. Holly said that Kat needs to stay. She explained that people will continue to target Cliff if they try to work with him, but Kat would have a shot at sticking around, plus she will have their backs 100%. Jackson agreed. In the HoH room, Tommy let Kat know that he does not have a target this week. He said that he would like to let the house decide. Tommy explained that this week is about making sure that nobody feels like an outsider, so he wants to talk to everyone about their feelings on the vote. Tommy said that he put Kat on the block because she is a fierce competitor and also because she is one of the two people with a reason to put him up.

11:00-12:00 AM: Analyse, Christie and Tommy discussed the plan for the week. Christie said that Kat is definitely scarier when it comes to working with Holly, Jackson and Jess, and Cliff is scarier when it comes to working with Nick. Tommy said that he trusts Cliff’s word but worries where Kat’s head is at. Analyse said that she is on board for whatever Tommy wants. Tommy plans to pitch to Jackson that it is best to keep another guy in the house, especially considering that he is injured. Christie isn’t so sure that Holly and Jackson would be willing to vote separately, and she does not think that Holly would vote to evict Kat. Analyse advised Tommy to talk Jackson about getting the five back together. Elsewhere, Kat told Holly that she only has her and Jackson. Holly said that she cannot imagine Jess not keeping her. Holly debated going back to the other side. She is also considering letting them know that Nick is playing both sides, and that he told her that Christie would nominate her and Jackson. Kat believes that Holly and Jackson have no choice but to go back to that side, but she encouraged Holly to throw Nick under the bus. Holly later told Jackson that they will not be strong enough to get Christie out unless they join the other side once again. Jackson said that he would rather drag his teeth through gravel than work with Christie.

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