Big Brother 21 Day 55 - Tommy uses the Power of Veto on Christie

August 12, 2019

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds went down at 11:00 for the veto ceremony. Feeds returned at 11:47. Tommy used the Power of Veto on Christie. Given that she was the third nominee, no replacement nominee could be named. Cliff and Kat remain nominated.

12:00-1:00 PM: Cliff told Jess and Nicole that he knows how torn they are and how tough that this will be. Cliff said that he wants their votes but he gets that it is such a tough situation. Nicole said she doubts that it will be a week in which everyone gets on the same page. Cliff said he hopes that the vote decided sooner rather than later for Kat’s sake. Jess doesn’t think that Tommy will let his target be known to anyone unless they are really close to him. They all agreed that Tommy is a good player. Cliff said that he does not understand the motivation for putting Kat on the block. Jess thinks that it came down to Tommy being very involved in trying to flip the vote to get Kat out on Day 44. Jess added that even though Kat is one of her best friends in the house, she does not know where Kat’s head is at. Nicole asked what they think that the relationship between Holly, Jackson and Kat is. Cliff said it is a lot tighter than he had thought. Nicole said she was shocked by how protective Kat was of Holly when she brought up that Holly should have gone up if Jackson is who Tommy is afraid of. Nicole said that she would hate to see Kat put her eggs in Holly and Jackson’s basket. Nicole pointed out that they had been talking about Holly and Jackson being the couple to go with, but now they are flipping that thought and thinking that Christie and Tommy are the ones.

1:00-2:00 PM: Cliff told Nicole that he is wondering if his path to get the votes is more so with Analyse and Christie than Holly and Jackson. Cliff thinks that he could create targets for the next couple of weeks if he can portray it as Holly, Jackson and Kat being a trio. Nicole said she really thinks that Kat is closer to Holly and Jackson than to her and Jess. Cliff mentioned that Kat immediately went to Holly and Jackson following the ceremony. Nicole believes that Kat would rather be on the block next to Cliff than next to Holly. Cliff said that a part of him would like to drive Kat even closer to Holly and Jackson, making it even more obvious that they are together. Nicole talked about how they previously thought that their ideal path would be with Holly and Jackson moving forward, yet now it seems to have changed.

2:00-3:00 PM: Nick spoke to Cliff about creating a deal with Analyse, Christie, Nicole and Tommy to get to the Final 6 together. Cliff said that he would do it in a heartbeat. Nick let Cliff know that he was asked to talk to Cliff about it, because Analyse, Christie and Tommy are down for it as long as Cliff is. Cliff said that he is ready to give his word to all five of them. Cliff hopes that what he has promised and followed through on up to this point will buy him some trust with the group. Cliff said that he would be perfectly happy with any of the six of them winning the game. Nick let Cliff know that he would be able to lock Analyse and Christie’s votes in if he goes to them and says that they are good until the Final 6. Cliff admitted to Nick that he has been playing up his injuries. Cliff and Nick agreed that Jess may end up voting to evict Kat once she sees which way the votes are going. Afterwards, Nick let Analyse and Christie know that Cliff said he would join the six in a heartbeat. Analyse suggested leaving Jess as the last one to go before the six. Christie agreed. They talked about targeting Jackson, Holly and Jess in that order. Analyse and Christie both plan to lead Holly and Jackson to believe that they are keeping Kat this week.

3:00-4:00 PM: Christie told Nicole that she does not know what to do yet, and her mind is not made up, even though she knows who feels safer to keep. Nicole said that she feels the same way. Both agreed that leaving Holly, Jackson and Kat together as a trio is scary. Christie admitted that she does not believe Kat when she says that she will nominate Holly and Jackson next to each other if she wins HoH. Christie let Nicole know that she is definitely leaning towards keeping Cliff but she would like to talk to him in order to figure out who he would be targeting if he stays.

4:00-5:00 PM: Tommy told Analyse and Christie that he still trusts Holly and Jackson. He explained that he could see Holly being a core person for them. Analyse said that she could see that in the event that Holly loses Jackson and Kat. Christie said that she would rather keep Jess around than Holly. As for this week, Analyse let Tommy know that Nicole seems to be on board with evicting Kat. Next week, Analyse would like for Jackson to go but she would prefer to not have to be the one to do it. She hopes that Cliff, Nick or Nicole can win HoH to make that move.

5:00-6:00 PM: Analyse said that she has no problem voting to evict Kat but she would like to know that she is safe with Cliff. Christie wants Cliff to feel safe and secure enough that he wants to make the deal with them. Tommy said he isn’t sure that he would want to go too far with Cliff, because he could win the game, which is why he only mentioned a two week deal during his talk with him on Sunday. Christie said that Cliff would be her first target once they got down to six. Elsewhere, Jess talked to Nicole about feeling as though people would look at her differently if she didn’t vote to keep Kat. That being said, she explained that she does not talk a lot of game with Kat despite how close people think that the two of them are. Nicole said that she has been hesitant to let Jess know which way she is leaning because of how close she is to Kat. Jess admitted that part of her wants Cliff to stay. Nicole said that she does not want to blindside Kat but she does not want to let her know what is happening too early. Nicole worries that Kat may blow up their alliance. Jess and Nicole discussed that Christie and Tommy may be better for them than Holly and Jackson are. Nicole told Jess that she does not want her and Nick to continue to go after each other when there are bigger targets to worry about. Jess questioned how many times she has to tell Nick that she is not going after him. Nicole pointed out that Nick feels the same way when it comes to Jess.

6:00-7:00 PM: Nick spoke to Kat about her plan moving forward. When she talked about targeting Jackson, Nick brought up that she spends a lot of time with Holly and Jackson, so he would be shocked if she actually went after them. Nick continued to say that he would not believe it until he saw it. He said that he does not know who Kat is actually loyal to. Kat told him that it is the whole point of the game, seeing as he would know her whole game plan if he knew the answer to that question. When Nick continued to ask how Kat could say that she is putting Holly and Jackson up when she hangs out with them so much, Kat explained that a lie told about her almost resulted in her leaving the house. Christie came by to talk to Kat. She also had her doubts that Kat would nominate Holly and Jackson. She wondered if Kat would throw HoH in order to avoid having to do that. Kat insisted that she would like to win HoH.

7:00-8:00 PM: Kat vented to Jess about nobody believing her that she is gunning for HoH or that her target is Jackson. She said that she is laying all of her cards out for people yet they still do not believe her. Kat admitted that she did not see the red flags about Holly until recently, and it’s more of a keep your friends close and your enemies closer type of deal when it comes to Jackson. Kat said that Holly and Jackson were not her immediate targets but she is willing to make them that if it would save her game. Later, Holly told Kat that she is pissed since two of the only people who she respects are on the block. Kat talked about needing to stick to her story that Jackson is her target, even though Nick was saying that nobody believes her.

8:00-9:00 PM: Holly told Jackson that Kat is getting super paranoid because nobody believes that he is her target. Holly said that they are doing a bad job since people believe that Kat is closest to the two of them. Jackson was unaware that Kat was telling people that he is her target. Holly said she wishes that Kat could take Christie’s place in the group, seeing as she would be fine with continuing to work with Analyse and Tommy. Jackson said that Tommy is not going to budge when it comes to Christie. Holly told Jackson that they may have been replaced by Nick and Nicole at this point. Jackson agreed. Kat came by. Holly encouraged her to try to get Analyse’s vote. She said that Kat is going to have to make some deals with people. Holly mentioned that Analyse has been saying that she will vote independently. Out in the yard, Jackson asked Tommy where Nick and Nicole stand. When Tommy said that he doesn’t know, Jackson said he feels as though they have been getting close. He told Tommy that he would understand if those two replaced them in the group. Tommy assured Jackson that that is not the case. When Tommy asked where Jackson’s head is at when it comes to the vote, Jackson said that he is indifferent. Cliff quickly spoke to Tommy to let him know that he is on board with the plan that Nick approached him with earlier in the day.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jackson let Holly know that he plans to put Christie on the block if he wins HoH. Holly said that she has been thinking of nominating Nick and Nicole. She explained that Nick would be her target if nominations stayed that way, but she would have a backdoor option for Christie. Meanwhile, Tommy spoke to Jess about the vote. Jess said that she is not as close to Kat as she appears. Tommy revealed that he sees Kat as the bigger threat than Cliff at this point.

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