Big Brother 21 Day 58 - Kat is evicted; Jackson wins HoH

August 15, 2019

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Kat was evicted by a vote of 6-1. She became the second member of the jury. Jess cast the lone vote to evict Cliff. The slip n slide HoH competition got underway at 6:54.

7:00-8:00 PM: Jackson led throughout much of the HoH competition. At 7:55, just over an hour into the competition, he became the new HoH. At the time, Holly was in second and Christie was in third.

8:00-9:00 PM: Jackson asked Holly what she is thinking. Holly said that she will support whatever Jackson wants to do. He let her know that he is ready to make some moves and take some shots. Jackson revealed that he wants Christie to go this week. Jackson explained that it is now a matter of deciding whether he should backdoor her or put her up right away. Holly asked who the second target would be between Analyse and Tommy. Jackson said that it would be Analyse since he told Tommy that he would not nominate him. Holly told Jackson that Nicole wants to work with people who she respects, and she respects the two of them. Holly brought up that Nicole was close to changing her vote to jump ship from the six. Holly asked who Jackson would nominate if he were to backdoor Christie. Jackson said Analyse and Jess would go up in that case. He said that he could tell Jess that she is the pawn and Analyse that he is trying to cover up the five. Holly initially said that she likes that a lot, before asking Jackson what he thinks about nominating Nick next to Analyse. Jackson said he told Nick that he would not put him up. Holly warned Jackson that he will have to make sure that he has the votes depending on who is on the block, cause Jess staying on the block would be a vote that they lose. Jackson said that Analyse and Christie may have to go up together then.

9:00-10:00 PM: Cliff and Jackson briefly spoke. Jackson said that he overheard Analyse and Christie telling Jess that it’s him and Holly on their own at this point, so it’s 6 on 2 in the HoH competition. Cliff said he would understand if Jackson has to put him up. Jackson gave Cliff his word that he is not his target. Jackson mentioned that Cliff might need to go up as a front but he will not do that if at any point he believes that Cliff is going to go home. Cliff asked that Nicole be left out of things since she was drug through the mud. Jackson said that he will leave her out of it.

10:00-11:00 PM: Christie told Analyse that it would be stupid to put one of them up, given that they would have the votes to stay. Analyse said that two of them would need to go up in order to secure the votes against them. Christie hopes that Tommy will be able to talk some sense into Jackson. They discussed that Jackson could potentially nominating Cliff and Jess. Christie said that she would be most upset with Nick if she were Jackson, seeing as Nick was telling Holly and Jackson that they were safe but he was creating deals with Cliff and the rest of them while doing so. Tommy joined the girls. Christie said she thinks that Jackson would nominate her. Analyse said the same but both Christie and Tommy told her that they do not see that happening. Tommy doesn’t think that Jackson would want to get rid of Cliff. He expects that Jackson would want to leave Cliff in the game so that he and Cliff can go after each other. Tommy expects Jackson to take a shot at their core group since he knows that they would come after him first if came down to it.

1:00-2:00 AM: After Jackson got his HoH room, he told Holly that his problem is whether he should backdoor Christie or put her up immediately. Jackson said that he would like to eliminate Cliff’s vote by having him on the block. Jackson mentioned that Nicole still owes him, so he is going to cash in on that this week. Jackson is concerned that Christie could win the veto or have someone use it on her, and then she will be after him and he will still have Analyse or Tommy after him too. Jackson said he thinks that Cliff needs to be the first nominee. Holly told Jackson that if they are wanting to move forward with Jess and Nicole, she would like to have Cliff there as well. Jackson pointed out that Cliff will want to stick to the deal that he made, so he can’t have Cliff voting this week.

3:00-4:00 AM: Jackson told Holly that he would prefer a tie because he wants to be the one to send Christie home. Holly said the more people that vote her out, the more people that share a target on their back moving forward. Jackson said that he knows that. Jackson said that he would like to hear from Nicole and Nick first, because he needs to know that Jess and Nicole will vote in his favour to keep Cliff over Christie. If Christie comes off of the block, Jackson said that Analyse will be going up. Jackson said that one of Analyse, Christie and Tommy will be going home, so he will let Analyse and Tommy know that the other one is going up if they use the veto on Christie. Holly and Jackson discussed that they are tired of playing Christie’s Big Brother. Jackson stressed the importance of getting Nicole to vote with them this week. Holly explained to Jackson that Nicole was really considering voting with them until Jess went and ran her mouth the night before.

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