Big Brother 21 Day 59 - Jackson nominates Analyse and Christie

August 16, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Jackson told Holly he thinks that he is going to shoot his shot by nominating Analyse and Christie. He said that he might tell Analyse that she is not his target. Jackson asked Holly if she thinks that it would be a decent idea to nominate those two. Holly said that she doesn’t know. She then brought up that it will end any potential of the five working together, but Jackson didn’t care since he believes that the five is already done. Holly said they will have to feel confident that they can have Cliff, Jess and Nicole on their side moving forward. Jackson stressed that he wants Christie to go. Holly said that she will trust Jackson’s gut. She warned him that Analyse operates off of emotion and therefore gets mad easily. Jackson said that’s fine since he would have been on the block had one of them won anyway, so there is nothing to lose. Tommy joined Holly and Jackson. He said that he is so happy for them. Tommy said that this is their second chance. He followed that up by saying that he does not know who would have nominated them had they won, since it sounds like Analyse, Christie and Nick were all going to throw the HoH competition. Tommy let Jackson know that he has got his back. Jackson reassured Tommy that he trusts him and will be sticking to his word that he gave him about not putting him up this week. Jackson said that he will not be telling anyone what he is going to do, though whatever it is will not be anything that is directed towards Tommy.

10:00-11:00 AM: Cliff admitted to Jackson that he went back and forth on things. Cliff explained that his back was against the wall, so he had to do what he could to survive. Cliff pointed out that he turned down four weeks of safety from Jack in order to keep Jackson, so he hopes that that counts for something. Jackson reiterated that he would not put Cliff on the block if he thought that there was any chance of him going home. Jackson told Cliff that he would love to work with him and Nicole. Cliff said that he would love that as well. Jackson then threw Holly and Jess’ names into the mix as well. Jackson asked Cliff if he can count on him to vote in the direction that he would like him to. Cliff guaranteed that he will do that, though he said that it would be tough for him to vote against Nicole. Jackson assured Cliff that that will not be the case. Cliff said that he will not sit back and take this HoH lightly. He mentioned that he will take his shot. Jackson then spoke to Nicole. He let her know that neither she nor Cliff are his target. Jackson said that if Nicole sees the block, it will not be in a scenario in which she has any chance of going home. Alternatively, Jackson asked if he can count on Nicole to vote in the direction that he would like if she is not on the block. Nicole said yes. Jackson expressed his interest in working with Cliff and Nicole moving forward.

11:00-12:00 PM: During Jackson’s talk with Christie, he claimed that he did not know what he is going to do. He said that he wants to remain unbiased, so he does not want to consider anyone until he hears everyone out. Jackson let Christie know that whatever ends up happening will not be personal. Jackson said that they all signed up for a game, not for high school. Christie told Jackson that she will respect whatever decision he makes. Nick was the next to talk to Jackson. Jackson said that it was made clear to him that he would have been on the block this week if not for winning HoH, so he is going to take this week as an opportunity to be selfish and make the best move for his own game. Jackson reassured Nick that the two of them are good. Jackson said that he will be sticking to his word in terms of not putting Nick on the block.

12:00-1:00 PM: Jackson told Jess that he hopes to be able to count on her vote. Jess told Jackson that she has always been 100% honest with him. The two discussed that their strengths differ and therefore they can be mutually beneficial for each other’s games. As he did throughout the day, Jackson avoid naming his upcoming nominees. Jackson did let Jess know that he only has six people to choose from since he will not be nominating her or Holly. After Jackson wrapped up his conversations, Holly asked him if he is still feeling comfortable with nominating Analyse and Christie. Jackson confirmed that he is. Holly also asked if he is comfortable with Cliff and Nicole. Jackson said he is. He explained that both of those two gave their word that they would vote the way that he wants them to.

1:00-2:00 PM: Holly expressed concern over Nick coming after her if he wins HoH. Jackson remained insistent on getting Christie out. While he acknowledged that Nick needs to go, he worried that Nick would go over Christie if they are on the block together. Holly asked if the relationship with Christie is salvageable. Jackson said no. He told Holly that he is not about to pass up an opportunity to take a shot at Christie. Holly said that she will have to attempt to salvage her relationship with Nick. Jackson talked about wanting to nominate both Analyse and Christie so that only one of them can come down. He wondered whether or not he should tell Nick that Tommy would go up if Nick wins the veto and uses it. Holly suggested that he subtly insinuate it.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds went down at 4:06 for the nomination ceremony. Feeds returned at 4:55. Jackson nominated Analyse and Christie for eviction. Afterwards, Analyse told Christie that if Jackson wanted to compete, he should have left them around until the end. Jackson let the girls know that it was nothing personal, as he came there to win and they are two of his biggest threats. Analyse told Christie that it’s hilarious that she is the biggest threat. Christie told her that Jackson obviously wants her to go, so Analyse is just a pawn.

5:00-6:00 PM: Tommy checked in with the nominees. Analyse and Christie said they are expecting to go home if the other wins the veto. Tommy told them that it is a long week and you never know what could happen. Both agreed that it sucks to be nominated next to their best friend. Christie said that she is ready for whatever the universe gives her. Holly told Analyse and Christie that she did not know what direction thing were going to go today. Tommy said that he gets the move. Christie said that she gets it too but she is puzzled because Jackson implied something different two days ago during Tommy’s HoH reign. When Holly left the room, Analyse said that Holly knew exactly what was going to happen. Christie mentioned that everyone is fake. Nick came by to let Analyse and Christie know that he would use the veto on one of them. Up in the HoH room, Tommy reassured Jackson that he is still with them. He said that he will be in a weird position if he happens to win the veto. Tommy told Jackson that he and Holly ended up on the outs somehow, and this is their best shot at getting back in, so this does not change anything between the two of them. Back downstairs, Christie told Analyse and Nick that Jackson is phony since he was just talking about getting them all back together, yet that was only in case he didn’t win HoH. Once Nick left, Analyse said that the best case scenario would be someone using the veto on Christie. Analyse believes that she would have the votes to stay. Analyse brought up that they might have been safe if not for Tommy not wanting to form any alliances last week. She said that they could have got the five back together. Christie thinks that Tommy didn’t want to form anything since he was already good with everyone. Christie mentioned that Holly is pretending that she didn’t know what would happen but she is so jealous of how close the two of them are. Christie said that the universe is going to have her back. She suggested that they act cool and calm.

6:00-7:00 PM: Analyse told Tommy that she is trying not to blow up. She said there is no way that Jackson didn’t tell Tommy who he was going to nominate. Analyse said she would have respected the move so much more if she had been told that she was going up ahead of time. Analyse told Christie that Nick has to win the veto to take her down. When Christie asked why it has to be Nick, Tommy said because Jackson told him that he will not be put up. Analyse said that she will be going after Holly and Jackson if she stays. Tommy said he thinks that there is a world in which they call all still be good together. Analyse said not in her world. Tommy suggested that they need to get back on the same team and go after everyone else. Christie told Tommy to do what he has got to do but she is not going to be working with Holly and Jackson anymore. Elsewhere, Nick told Nicole that he would vote Christie out over Analyse 100 out of 100 times. Nick pointed out that both nominees could end up staying. Nicole worried that she would leave if she ends up on the block. Nick admitted that he would really want to take Analyse off of the block.

7:00-8:00 PM: Nick told Analyse that he will take her off of the block. Analyse said that she has a plan to keep both her and Christie safe. Analyse let Nick know that she would prefer to stay on the block. Nick said no. When Analyse continued to push for that, Nick said that she is dumb. Analyse believes that Holly would vote to keep her, but Nick wasn’t so sure. Nick said that he will use the veto on Analyse. Analyse argued that they would be stronger with Christie in the game as well, and she would not have the votes to stay over anyone. Analyse said that she is willing to risk going home in order to have Nick use the veto on Christie in hope of them both staying. Nick said that he would vote to evict Nicole over Christie but it would put him in a bad spot.

8:00-9:00 PM: Christie told Analyse to visualize the both of them staying this week. Analyse told Christie to choose Nick if she gets houseguest’s choice. Analyse said that Nick would have an easier time using the veto on Christie if she chooses him to play. Christie asked if Analyse really trusts that Nick would do that. Analyse said that she does. Analyse said that she will talk to Holly about having made a promise to her that she would always choose her over Jackson. Christie said there is no way that Holly would vote Analyse out given how bad that she would look because of it. Tommy joined the girls. They talked about the options for the veto competition. Christie said she does not believe that Nick would save her over Cliff and Nicole, but she will still pick him to compete anyway. Tommy wondered if they could cut a deal with Holly and Jackson in order to get the group back together. Christie said that she will not be cutting a deal with people who she was willing to go after this week. Tommy argued that someone from the other side, such as Nicole, will win the game if they continue to take shots at each other. Analyse said that she is not going to work with Holly and Jackson. Tommy said that Jackson’s move made sense given that he would have been the first to go once they got down to six, and he is not going to settle for sixth place. Tommy encouraged Analyse to talk to Jackson just in case they have a shot at saving both of them.

9:00-10:00 PM: Christie brought up that Nick has been caught up in so many things from Day 1. Analyse told Christie not to choose him if she feels that way. Christie admitted that she does not want to. She said that she wouldn’t care if Nick ended up going on the block. In the HoH room, Jackson talked to Cliff, Holly and Nicole about wanting to keep nominations the same. He said that he would like to work together over the next couple of weeks. Cliff and Nicole said that they are on board. Holly said that she has always viewed the two of them as people that she would like to work with. Afterwards, Holly said that she feels good about things as long as Nick doesn’t get in Nicole’s ear. They ultimately agreed that Cliff and Jess are more likely to be able to influence Nicole than Nick is. Jackson said that doing this is their only shot. Nick came by to see what Jackson is thinking. Jackson made it clear that Christie is his target. Nick said he hopes that he does not get picked to play in the veto competition. Jackson said that he would rather Nick use the veto on Analyse if he is going to use it. Nick said that it would be used on her if he used it on anyone. It was implied that Tommy would go up if Nick used the veto, and vice versa. For that reason, Nick said that Tommy winning the veto would be the worst case scenario. When Tommy came to talk to Jackson, he was told that Jackson would like to keep the nominations the same but he encouraged Tommy to do what is best for his game. Tommy said he thinks that he will be playing for Analyse tomorrow. As he told Nick, Jackson said that he would prefer that Analyse come off if anyone has to.

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