Big Brother 21 Day 60 - Jackson wins the Power of Veto

August 17, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Feeds went down at 9:12 to pick players for the veto competition. Feeds returned at 9:27. The veto players are Jackson, Analyse, Christie, Cliff, Holly and Nick. Christie told Tommy that Nick is working with Jackson. She mentioned that Holly slipped up by saying that Nick has been making deals with Jackson since the beginning. Analyse said that the more she hears about Nick, the more that things start to make sense. Analyse brought up that Holly is so weak since it’s very clear that she is choosing Jackson over them even though she said that she would never choose a guy over them. Christie told Tommy that Holly and Jackson definitely have his back, so he should have theirs. Tommy said that he does. Christie clarified that Holly and Jackson never intended to get the five back together. Tommy explained that even he would not be happy if he had heard people saying that he has no one, like Jackson overheard Analyse and Christie saying that. Christie argued that she and Holly had a great talk. Analyse said that it was a little white lie that had to be told to Jess. Tommy asked why they were so quick to jump ship if that were the case. Tommy went to check in with Nick to ask if he made a deal with Holly and Jackson prior to HoH. Nick said he promised that he would not put them up, just like he had told Tommy that day. Tommy let Nick know that the girls are under the impression that he threw the HoH competition. Nick said he doesn’t get why nobody trusts him when he has been nothing but transparent since he got back together with them. Nick headed over to talk to Analyse and Christie. He asked if there is anything that they want to ask him. Analyse said that she already asked him what she wanted to know. Christie brought up that people are whispering about deals that were apparently made. Nick said he talked to Holly and Jackson a few days before HoH, and they told him that they were not going to put him up. He said he assumed that it was void after everything blew up. Christie asked why Holly said that Nick threw HoH. Nick swore that he did not. Nick told the girls to win and put him up next week if they don’t trust him.

10:00-11:00 AM: Nick spoke to Analyse about his plan for the veto. He said that he will be keeping Analyse safe if he wins it, even though she had been pushing for him to use it on Christie in hope of saving the both of them. Nick said that they can worry about Christie afterwards. Analyse said that she would love to have Nick win it since they would know that he is safe too. Up in the HoH room, Jackson told Cliff that his goal is to make sure that Christie does not win the veto. Cliff said he assumes that Jackson and Tommy made some kind of deal. Jackson assured Cliff that he did not make a deal with Tommy. He said that Tommy stayed off of the block because Tommy has not come after him. Jackson told Cliff that Tommy is a good option to go on the block in the event that the veto gets used. Meanwhile, Tommy told Analyse and Nick that Jackson would be stupid to put him on the block. Tommy explained that Jackson would be burning one of the only people who he has, and he has done nothing to make him question him.

11:00-12:00 PM: Tommy encouraged Analyse to make Jackson feel cool with her and think that there is a way for him to come out of this with her on his side. Tommy mentioned that he is pissed that they are being broken up since he warned Christie to watch what she was saying about Jackson. Christie cried while showering. Tommy attempted to console her. He told her that she can always look at him and see home. He suggested that she attempt to stay strong and fight for the veto. After she got out of the shower, Christie said that she feels bad for Analyse. Tommy said that she did things too. Christie pointed out that Analyse is taking this personally. Tommy brought up that Analyse is quick to jump ship, which is something that cannot happen. Christie said that Analyse is taking it as a personal attack when it’s not. Tommy said he can understand why Holly would come after the girls if she heard what they have been saying in the RV. Tommy told Christie that she and Analyse have been bouncing off of each other, digging themselves a hole.

12:00-1:00 PM: Jackson explained to Cliff that he put Analyse on the block because it takes a vote away from Christie and he has heard that Analyse and Christie have been the ones leading the charge. Cliff said he admires that Jackson was willing to take a big shot. Cliff let Jackson know that he would do whatever he wants if he happens to win the veto, and he would vote however Jackson wants him to as well. Jackson then spoke to Nick. He told him that he would like for him to gun for the veto so that Analyse and Christie do not win it. Nick said that he will be gunning for it. Jackson reiterated that he would not let Nick touch the block if there is any chance of him going home. Nick then went to Analyse to tell her that she will be staying as long as Christie does not win the veto. Analyse said that her ideal scenario would be Nick winning the veto so that they can both be safe.

1:00-2:00 PM: Feeds went down at 1:54 for the veto competition.

3:00-4:00 PM: Feeds returned at 3:32 following the veto competition. Jackson won the Power of Veto. Christie told Analyse she is glad that Tommy and Holly are going around “playing Baywatch”. She said that she is so done and that she is genuinely looking forward to going to jury. Analyse told Tommy that she is really hurt that he would be going around, messing around right now. Tommy apologized for being insensitive. Christie headed up to the have-not room to cry. Cliff followed her up there. He apologized on behalf of everyone for their actions. Christie said she doesn’t want anyone to know that she is crying. Cliff encouraged Christie to fight until the end. Christie said that she will not be campaigning against Analyse. Tommy headed up to apologize to Christie. Christie told him that it’s okay, and she is fine. Christie clarified that she is not sad that she is going home. Christie expects everyone to do what Jackson wants, which means that she would be evicted. Christie said she feels like a fool because she is the only person who came in there with a friend, and she doesn’t feel like she has that. She told Tommy that it’s not his fault, since he is playing his game for him like he is supposed to do. Christie told Tommy that the people who want her out are his closest allies. Afterwards, Christie hugged Jackson and let him know that her being upset has nothing to do with his win.

4:00-5:00 PM: Jackson told Holly that they will have to do some damage control with Analyse. Holly wondered if she should talk to her tonight. Jackson said that they have five days, so nothing needs to be done right now. Holly pointed out that Analyse is a poor sport. Jackson said that he would prefer to see her go attitude wise but Christie needs to go game wise. Holly feels as though Analyse is looking to create a villain so that she can blame her for her actions rather than own up to them. Jackson later talked about wanting to touch base with Analyse in order to remind her that she is not going anywhere this week. Downstairs, Tommy mentioned that it could be a rewind week. Analyse encouraged the fans and Big Brother to give her or Christie a power or twist to help them survive this week.

5:00-6:00 PM: Jackson told Nick that this move was not at all personal, yet Analyse seems to be taking it very personally. Nick said he thinks that everyone knows that Analyse was the pawn. Jackson said that he really did not want Nick or Tommy on the block at all, but he thought during the competition that he might have to nominate someone else. They discussed that Christie was killing the competition. Looking ahead to next week, Nick told Jackson that he would not nominate him or Holly. Nick said that he will be going after Jess since she drags him and wants the guys out. Jackson said that he appreciates Nick having their back. Nick asked that Jackson keep that between them. He let Holly and Jackson know that Kat went around trying to blow up his game by telling Christie and Tommy not to trust him since he was working with Holly and Jackson. Jackson said that he doesn’t feel so bad about Kat leaving anymore.

6:00-7:00 PM: Holly to Jackson that Analyse will be gunning for her now because of this and because she has only been able to beat her in one competition thus far. Holly wondered who would even target Analyse. She hopes that Cliff or Nicole will take that shot. Jackson said that Holly can do it. He asked if Analyse is a threat to Holly’s game. When Holly said yes, Jackson said that there is her answer. Tommy headed up to the HoH room. Jackson told him that it was never even an option to put him on the block this week. Jackson brought up that Analyse seems to be pissed. Tommy said he thinks that she feels blindsided. Tommy encouraged Holly and Jackson to talk to her. He suggested that they will all be screwed if they don’t stick together. Tommy said that Analyse is being fed info in the RV room, though he would not say who is feeding her that info. Tommy let Jackson know that he understand his move and would have made the same one if he were him, as it ensures that Christie will go home.

8:00-9:00 PM: Analyse spoke to Christie about her idea to have Tommy try to convince Jackson to get them all back together since they will need the numbers moving forward. Analyse suggested that they could all promise and swear on the bible that they would not go after each other. Christie said that she would like to take the night to decompress. She did agree that she would like to try something though. Nick spoke to Nicole about not having anyone to put on the block next to Jess if he wins HoH. He said that he would need a pawn who would not get upset. Nicole said that she is not going to offer or speak it into existence but he should do what he needs to do. Nick told Nicole that he will not put her up since you do not do that to your #1. Elsewhere, Holly told Jackson that she wouldn’t even know who she could put up if she were to win HoH. She talked about needing to be careful with who she makes deals with. Jackson said that it might be best if Holly doesn’t win as long as Analyse has been eliminated from the competition.

9:00-10:00 PM: Christie said she cannot believe that either her or Analyse are going home this week. Analyse said she cannot believe that someone who she would never have expected to do this to them is the one in power. Jess pointed out that everyone wanted Jackson out last week. When Analyse said that she has done nothing, both Christie and Jess explained that she is nominated in order to ensure that Christie leaves. Analyse argued that it was a stupid move since she was never going after Holly and Jackson but now she will be. Cliff let Jackson, and eventually Holly, know that Christie advised Analyse to come talk to him and Holly in order to smooth things over. They discussed Christie saying that Analyse is going to make herself a huge target moving forward if she does not stop being so angry. Both agreed that Christie is handling things better than Analyse is at this point.

10:00-11:00 PM: Analyse got Jackson out of bed to apologize for being so pissed off. She said that it sucks to be on the block next to your best friend. Analyse admitted to having felt very blindsided. She told Jackson that she would have respected his move more if she had been told that she was going on the block. Jackson told Analyse that he didn’t owe anybody anything after he heard that he was on his own in this game. Analyse brought up that they had a talk about having each other’s backs. Jackson said that it was prior to the blowup. Analyse said that they had another talk. Jackson told her that Christie was not involved in that one, and he did not guarantee her safety. Jackson reiterated that Analyse is only on the block in order to ensure that Christie leaves.

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