Big Brother 21 Day 61

August 18, 2019

11:00-12:00 PM: Nick talked to Tommy about wanting to target Jess. He said he can’t see anyone but Nicole staying over Jess if he nominates them. Nick clarified that he does not want to put Nicole on the block. Tommy said that Nick cannot nominate Nicole. Nick brought up that Tommy is very protective of Holly, and he defends her a lot. Tommy said that he does the same thing for Nick. Tommy explained that either Holly or Jackson would be great to work with if the other one was gone. Nick agreed. Tommy said that he doesn’t want to take a shot at them but they are not going to work with anyone but each other. Tommy said it rubbed him the wrong way that Jackson even considered nominating him after he has always had his back. Looking forward, Nick said they cannot have two of them and Analyse on the block. Nick said that he doesn’t want Nicole to go either. Tommy said that they can protect Nicole. Both agreed that they would like to get to the end with her. Tommy mentioned that he could see the draw in keeping Christie around, since nobody else is willing to take the shot at Holly and Jackson. Tommy said he talked to Nicole about that last night. Nick figures that Nicole would be thinking the same thing.

1:00-2:00 PM: Analyse wondered if it is a good idea for her to talk to Holly. Christie told Analyse to do whatever she feels. Christie figured that it wouldn’t hurt as long as Analyse is being genuine. Analyse said that she would not want Jess to see. Christie said she hates that Jess would have to be the one they pitch to go up, but it makes the most sense. Christie thinks that Jess is the one that cause the redivision within their group. Christie suggested somehow trying to make things about Jess when Analyse talks to Holly. Christie said that she could then talk to them to reiterate the things about Jess. Analyse told Tommy that she plans to talk to Holly today. She went over what she plans to say, including that she has felt really hurt since she considered Holly one of her best friends in the house, and she believed in the four of them. Analyse also wants to bring up what Jess has been telling her, in attempt to put the blame on Jess for creating a divide between them. Tommy said he thinks that a good plan would be to pitch that they should get the gang back together. Analyse agreed. She suggested getting them all in a room together to swear or do whatever it takes. Analyse questioned why Jackson didn’t want until crunch time to compete with them. Analyse wondered if she add Nick into the group because he will get nervous and get people to go after them if not. Tommy said that he doesn’t know. Analyse headed up to the HoH room to talk to Holly. Analyse said that she has been feeling really hurt lately. She explained that she was super blindsided and felt like Holly had an idea that she was going up. Analyse talked about believing in the four of them (Analyse/Christie/Holly/Tommy) having a shot to get to the Final 4 together, and the two of them promising to never choose their showmance over each other. Holly said that she meant it. Holly let Analyse know that she was not involved in the nomination process, as all that she said was that she would respect whatever decision Jackson made. Analyse said that Christie was also serious about getting them all back together. Anaylse explained that after Holly and Jess spoke, Jess came to her to say that Holly questioned why she told her everything that was said in confidence, which made her believe that it was true. Holly said Jess apologized to her for using her as an example in what was a general statement. Analyse asked if Holly said the stuff that Jess is accusing her of. Holly said no. Analyse suggested that Jess is trying to create a divide between them because she is scared of the group getting back together. Holly agreed. Analyse stressed that she was never going after Holly or Jackson.

2:00-3:00 PM: Analyse pointed out to Holly that Nick was the one who made the deal that left Holly and Jackson out. Analyse said that Nick threw the HoH competition so that he would not have to nominate them, since he said that he would put them up. Holly said that Nick is very convincing and he makes it seem as though he cares about what is best for them. She said Nick claims that he is not good with Christie. Analyse asked why Nick is downstairs telling them that he trusts them and that he will win the veto for them then. Analyse said that she loves Christie and would like her to stay, but if it’s her time, it’s her time. Analyse talked about it from the perspective of Christie being a number on their side. Analyse told Holly that they can be so strong together if they realign, and they could take down everyone else before going after each other. Analyse suggested bringing Nick in if they do that, unless Nick goes up this week. Since Analyse didn’t think that Jackson would do that, she said that Jess is an option to go up as well. Holly admitted to having her doubts about Christie. Analyse said that she too had her doubts, but Christie is a changed person who does not pop off anymore.

3:00-4:00 PM: Analyse filled Tommy in on her talk with Holly. She said that Holly is willing to consider getting the group back together as long as they swear on the bible. Tommy said he thinks that Nick has got to be included. Analyse agreed. Tommy thinks that Holly and Jackson will be the number one targets if they don’t take the deal, whereas they will buy themselves at least two weeks of safety if they go through with it. Analyse said she thinks that this could work if Jess goes on the block. Tommy believes that Cliff and Nicole would have to vote Jess out due to the deal that was made last week.

4:00-5:00 PM: Christie spoke to Holly and Jackson. She said that she felt good about working together. Christie placed some blame on Jess, saying that she believes Jess when she says something since she falls into the trap given that Jess is good and genuine. Christie claimed that she had no intention of winning HoH this week. Christie let Holly and Jackson know that she was not surprised to be nominated but she was a bit hurt since she had wanted to build an army around them. Jackson said that he felt as though he was in a relationship and was cheated on based on what he had heard. Jackson told Christie that he was willing to give the alliance one more shot but then he found out about the deal that was made that did not include him or Holly. He pointed out that there were only three people left out, and two of them would have had to go on the block if not for him winning HoH. Jackson told Christie that she is the biggest threat in between him and the $500,000, and he would be ignorant to expect to get anything better than 5th place with that group. Christie acknowledged that she is most likely going to be leaving this week. She said that she still has faith that they could get back together, and America would be flipping out at the comeback story. Christie said that she will respect Jackson’s decision either way. Jackson said that he had to shoot his shot since he doesn’t know if he will ever win another HoH competition. He said he knows that Christie would have done the same thing to him had she won. Christie reiterated that she will stick to whatever agreement they come to, if she is offered anything at all. Before the talk wrapped up, Jackson let Christie know that he loves her and respects her on both a personal and game level.

5:00-6:00 PM: Holly told Christie that she was holding out hope that they would be able to get back together. Holly said that she did not want to get too involved in Jackson’s HoH, since she was scared of which direction he would go this week. Holly cried and said that she would not have made the same decision had she won. Christie said that she believes that. Christie let Holly know that she is not going to campaign against Analyse. Seeing as Analyse is a pawn and she has a lot of people protecting her. Christie figured that it would be pointless to campaign. Elsewhere, Nick told Analyse that he needs to win and get Jess out. Nick asked if they would really vote her out. Analyse said yes since she stirs so much stuff up. Nick said that someone who he does not want to go home would leave if Jess wins the veto. Analyse said she hopes that Nick wouldn’t put her up. Nick said no. He told her that he would want to put Nicole up, because she would have the best chance of staying, but he would never do it. Nick said that he will not be putting Jackson up if he wins, because Jackson kept him safe this week. In the storage room, Holly got Jackson caught up on what Analyse told her about Jess. Jackson said that he almost wants to take Analyse off of the block to put Jess up. Holly told him not to. Jackson agreed since Christie might then stay. Holly told Jackson to not be so confident that they have Jess moving forward.

6:00-7:00 PM: Nick told Nicole that Jess is so annoying. He said that she speaks about him all of the time even though he doesn’t talk about her. Nick then went to Cliff to say the same thing. Nick said that he has to get Jess out next week. Cliff said he has got no problem with that. Cliff mentioned thinking that Tommy would put him up if he wins. Nick headed outside to talk to Jackson. He told him about wanting to get Jess out next week. They discussed that Jess continues to want to rally the girls against the guys. Later, Nick told Tommy that he is fed up with Jess because she keeps running her mouth about him.

7:00-8:00 PM: Analyse told Nick that her dream come true would be Jess going on the block, and Christie staying. Nick asked if Analyse thinks that they can make it happen. She said yes. Nick said that Jess would be coming after him and Jackson next week. They talked about needing to convince Jackson to nominate Jess. Tommy came by. Nick informed him that Jess is telling people that the two of them and Jackson have a Final 3 deal. Nick said that Jess also told Analyse that she wants him to go up and get voted out this week. Analyse asked Nick and Tommy for their help in attempting to convince Jackson to nominate Jess. Nick let Tommy know that Cliff is worried about Tommy nominating him. Tommy said that he really would not nominate Cliff.

8:00-9:00 PM: Tommy told Christie he thinks that Jackson is going to need some guarantees. He asked if Christie would be willing to go up as a pawn if their potential six person group makes it down to seven. Christie said that she would as long as she has the votes. Christie mentioned that Jess going on the block would be great. She also said that Nicole going up is an option if Holly and Jackson have something going on with Jess. When Nick’s game was discussed, Tommy said that he has been thinking of teaming up with Cliff in order to get Nick out. Christie suggested leaving Jess in the game to take the shot. In the HoH room, Holly told Jackson that Nick scares her. They talked about how they would be 5th and 6th place if they agreed to a deal to bring Six Shooters back together with Nick in Jack’s place. Analyse and Tommy stopped by to check in. Tommy asked Jackson for his thoughts on the potential plan. Jackson said that he hadn’t given any thought to it. He explained that while Christie may be able to help him for a couple of weeks, he would be the first one that she would take a shot at. Analyse argued that keeping Christie around would help Holly and Jackson get themselves three weeks further, and they could be on the block next week if not. Tommy said that they could keep Christie and build the best army that the game has ever seen. Holly said she is scared that losing Christie will mean that she loses Analyse and Tommy. Both told her that that is not the case. Analyse and Tommy pitched that it will be frightening if they lose a number in Christie. Both implied that they would be willing to take a shot at Christie over Holly and Jackson when it came down to it. Jackson said that he would like to sleep on it. Once Holly and Jackson were alone, Jackson told Holly that he has been gunning for Christie for weeks for a reason. Jackson said that using the veto would expose everything that they have been working for with the rest of the house. Holly mentioned that Nick should be the one to go up if the nominations are changed. Jackson said that he and Nick are good at the moment. Jackson said that he will not make a decision that does not benefit his game. Holly said she is worried that Analyse and Tommy will come after them if Christie leaves. Jackson said that is a risk that he is willing to take. Jackson pointed out that he has been a target for weeks anyway. Jackson told Holly that he does not owe these people anything, so he does not need to do them any favours. Jackson added that if Analyse and Tommy want to have their backs, they can prove it once Christie leaves.

9:00-10:00 PM: Holly told Jackson that she would really like to get Nick out. Jackson said that he would too but he personally needs Christie to go first. Jackson told Holly that they should work on their side relationships with everyone since he is not going to use the veto. Holly said that she will support Jackson in whatever he decides to do this week. Nick headed upstairs. He told Holly and Jackson about Jess saying that Jackson, Nick and Tommy have a Final 3 deal. Jackson said that Jess is asking for the veto to be used by continuing to do these things. Downstairs, Jess talked to Christie about cutting a deal with Holly and Jackson. Christie told Jess that Nick will not be going up. She thinks that there is a better shot of getting Nicole on the block. Jess didn’t understand why Jackson wouldn’t be willing to put Nick up when he would lose to Nick. Christie said that taking Nicole out is more beneficial to Holly and Jackson since they can weaken Nick without losing Nick.

10:00-11:00 PM: Jess asked Christie if she is sure that she doesn’t want to pitch for Nick to go on the block. Christie said that she is too scared to do that. Jess told her that she has nothing to lose, so she might as well pitch Nick. Jess later mentioned that they could potentially offer Jackson a deal of safety from several people if it comes down to it. Jess said that Holly and Jackson would not be her targets next week. Christie then checked in with Analyse. She let her know that she is not going to pitch for anyone specific to go up. Christie said that Jess really wants her to stay, so she is not going to bring up her name. Christie mentioned wanting to wait to make her pitch until tomorrow.

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