Big Brother 21 Day 62 - Jackson decides not to use the Power of Veto

August 19, 2019

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds went down at 11:00 for the veto ceremony. Feeds returned at 11:40. Jackson decided not to use the Power of Veto. Analyse and Christie remain nominated. Up in the HoH room, Jackson explained his move to Tommy. He said that he trusts Analyse and Tommy, and he still wants to work with them. Jackson said he truly believes that Christie will beat him, and he does not know if he will get another opportunity like this. Tommy said that he totally gets it. Jackson reiterated that he and Holly are in Tommy’s corner. Tommy admitted that they put Holly and Jackson in a bad spot last week, so he does not owe it to them to make sure that they are in a good spot. Downstairs, Analyse told Christie that she will probably be following her out the door. Nick assured her that that is not the case. Analyse said that she does not want to work with Holly and Jackson. Nick encouraged her to do what is best for his game. He said that Analyse will always have him and Tommy. When Nick left the room, Christie told Analyse that Nick made a promise to everyone. She pointed out that Nick was set on nominating Holly and Jackson last week, yet he is now saying that he doesn’t know who he could nominate next to Jess if he wins HoH. Analyse said that she wants to win so bad in order to put Holly and Jackson up next to each other. Christie said that Nick will be taking Nicole to the end as long as he is in the game.

12:00-1:00 PM: Cliff, Holly and Jackson spoke up in the HoH room. Cliff said Jess implied that it is the two of them and Nicole against the other five since those five were once all working in the same group. Jackson gave Cliff his word that the handshake with him is all that he has got. Cliff told Holly and Jackson that they have his word too. Cliff suggested that Jess is probably just feeling alone at this point. Cliff said he does not think that the other five are still working together. Meanwhile, Tommy told Analyse and Christie that he understands why Jackson didn’t want to take a deal since he is likely getting a week of safety from everyone, and it’s not worth it to keep Christie in the game if he sees her as a big threat just to get one more week on top of that. Analyse said that it is hard for her to want to work with Jackson moving forward after he put her in such a bad position. Tommy pointed out that they put him in a bad position last week since they made a deal that left Holly and Jackson out. Analyse said the crazy thing is that Nick is the one who came up with the deal. Christie said she wishes that she were not up against Analyse, because she would have campaigned so hard. Analyse encouraged Christie to do that anyway. Later, Christie cried as she told Analyse that Nick is running the game. She pointed out that everyone feels so safe with Nick. Christie said that it is so annoying and frustrating that everybody wants to protect Nick. Christie said that she cannot stand him.

1:00-2:00 PM: Christie went over the points that she will use in her campaign. Christie told Tommy that she is valuable to keep because she is a bigger target, and she will have people coming after her once she says what she is going to say. Christie said that Jackson and Nick are working together and they are going to dominate everyone. Christie said that she will nominate Jackson and Nick if she wins, and if not then people can put her up and send her home. In addition to Tommy, Christie plans to make her pitch to Cliff, Jess and Nicole. Christie thinks that Analyse is protected and therefore she will only be a pawn until the end of the game. Christie explained that Nick will get to the end with Holly and Jackson because Nick is trying to get Cliff and Nicole, and Analyse and Tommy to take shots at each other. Tommy agreed that Nick is feeding him the same stuff that he is feeding Cliff and Nicole. Tommy let Christie know that she has got him. Christie spoke to Jess. She told her to let her stay to fight, be a target, and make moves. Christie said she knows that she has Tommy, so she needs to get Cliff and Nicole as well.

2:00-3:00 PM: Christie told Analyse that she will be exposing Nick’s game at some point over the next couple of days. Analyse said that she sees through him too. Christie said Jess just told her that Nick plants seeds with Nicole that Analyse would go after her. Christie accused Nick of throwing HoHs so that the others who he is working with go after each other. Christie said that she will nominate Jackson and Nick if she stays, and then Holly would be her replacement nominee. Christie talked about wanting to let everyone know what Nick is doing so that Analyse and Tommy are no longer targets. Analyse said that she wants to pull Nick into a room, question him, and make him feel like he is losing her. Analyse worried that Nick would then get his minions to come after her. Christie told Analyse to do what she feels is right.

3:00-4:00 PM: Analyse headed to the HoH room to talk to Nick. Nick questioned what Christie was saying about him outside. Analyse denied that Christie had been talking about him. Nick said that he does not believe it, and he is sick of people not trusting him. He asked if Analyse has any questions for him. Analyse asked Nick if he is feeding stuff to Nicole, telling her that she is targeting Nicole. Nick said that he did it four weeks ago. Analyse said she told him that because she trusted him, so she doesn’t understand why he would tell Nicole that. Analyse said Nick should understand why she is so skeptical of him. She asked if Nick is trying to pin them against each other. Nick said no. Analyse asked Nick if he is not on the block because he made a deal with Jackson this week. Nick said no. He told her that he made one prior to the HoH competition, which Tommy knew about beforehand. Analyse then accused Nick of having thrown the HoH competition. Nick said he is done with not being trusted. Analyse said that he is putting himself in those positions. Analyse brought up that Nick was talking about using Holly as a pawn but now he is no longer doing that. Nick said that he has no deal with Holly going into next week, and either she or Cliff would be his pawn. Nick stressed that he will never vote against Analyse. Analyse said that she is confused because she is being told so much stuff. Analyse said that she trusted Nick until she heard about him telling Nicole that she was going after her. Nick said that regardless of that, he still told Nicole that she would not ever go after Nicole. Analyse said that she does not want Nick telling her to her face that they are good if they are not. Nick swore that they are. He said that he has done everything that he can to protect her since they got over the BS between them. Nick reiterated that he would like to get to the end with Analyse and Tommy. Analyse worried that he tells other people the same thing. Nick teared up and said it hurts him that she does not trust him. When Analyse mentioned that he could be saying the same stuff to Cliff and Nicole, Nick said that he would lose to Cliff and it would be boring to beat Nicole, so he does not want to go to the end with those two.

4:00-5:00 PM: Christie once again let Analyse know that she plans to blow up Nick’s game. She said that she is going to do it at the dinner table during their weekly taco Tuesday meal. Christie said that she has got nothing to lose since she is going home. Christie said that she will question who exactly Nick is loyal to, asking if it is Analyse and Tommy, or Cliff and Nicole, or Holly and Jackson. Christie admitted that she may end up chickening out before it happens, but she doesn’t think that that will be the case. Outside, Jackson told Nicole that she and Cliff were there for him when he had nothing to offer. As for the others, he said that they only show up when they want him to do something for them. Jackson feels as though that is all that he did up until Day 44, and no appreciation was shown for it. Jackson told Nicole that Cliff would like the two of them to meet up with him and Holly at some point. Jackson said that he has wanted Nicole in the game, he thinks that she is an angel, and he would like to work with her and Nicole. On the hammock, Christie told Analyse and Tommy that Nick is moping around and avoiding her because he knows that she will call her out. Analyse said Nick wants to talk to Christie, but Christie said that there is nothing to talk about. Tommy asked why Christie is upset with Nick. Christie explained that Nick is controlling the game and he is not loyal to anyone. Christie said that if by some chance she ends up staying, she will nominate Jackson and Nick.

5:00-6:00 PM: Nick spoke to Christie who let him know that she thinks that he is playing both sides. While Christie acknowledged that he does not owe her any loyalty, she said that she is watching him make promises to a lot of people who she cares about. Christie’s issue with that is she does not think that he is truly loyal to any one group of people. Christie mentioned that Nick is likely to continue to throw comps so that the people who she promised loyalty to will go after each other. Nick claimed that the only competition he threw was the one that Tommy won to become HoH. Nick said that he has been upfront with people about being loyal to Analyse, Nicole and Tommy, and he had no choice but to go to Nicole and Cliff once he was kicked out of Gr8ful. Nick said that he then felt as though he had nobody once he found out that Jess was considering putting him on the block, and he got closer to her, Analyse and Tommy since that point. Christie argued that Nick has promised Analyse and Tommy his loyalty and said that he would go after Cliff and Nicole first, but she guarantees that Cliff and Nicole are not under that impression. Christie suggested that Nick is the one creating the division between the people who are loyal. Nick said he has told Analyse, Nicole and Tommy that he has their back, and it’s not his fault if anyone else likes him. As for Cliff, Nick said that he would like to get down to five with him but he would never let anything happen to Analyse, Nicole or Tommy. Christie said that she is glad to hear that.

6:00-7:00 PM: Analyse told Tommy she thinks that Jess is in Christie’s ear to get her to feel the way that she does about Nick. Analyse said she thinks that she believes Nick. Tommy said the same thing. Tommy told Analyse that he would like to make a deal with Cliff, Jess and Nicole that they are all going to go after Holly and Jackson. Analyse said that she plans to nominate those two if she wins HoH. She prefers that Jackson leave first since he is a physical threat. She later mentioned wanting to blindside Jackson just like he blindsided her. While Analyse had at one point been fine with Jess winning HoH, she said that she no longer wants that to happen since Jess is gunning after Nick. Tommy worried that he is at the bottom of Nick’s totem pole. Analyse disagreed. She thinks that Nick wants to get to the Final 3 with them. Elsewhere, Nicole told Cliff that she overheard some of Christie and Nick’s conversation. Nicole said that Christie was saying that Nick is telling her to go after Analyse and Tommy, and telling Analyse and Tommy to go after her. Nick clarified that Nick has never said that to her. Nicole thinks that Jess is feeding Christie that information. They discussed that Christie has talked about potentially blowing up some games. Cliff said that he would be happy to grab Nick and tell him to come with them if and when Christie attempts to blow up his game. Nicole figures that Christie wants to blow up Nick’s game in hope of keeping Analyse and Tommy safe. Cliff agreed. Nicole said that she has so much respect for Nick’s game. She thinks that Nick’s game resembles hers and Cliff’s, so she does not view him as a snake. Cliff brought up that Holly and Jackson seem to think that they have them. Nicole said that she has so much respect for those two, and she feels like they would be true to their word.

7:00-8:00 PM: Analyse told Christie that she can campaign if she wants to. Christie said that she will but it is probably going to be a waste. Analyse told her that she could always get people to flip the vote, and it’s not that big of a deal if she goes home. Christie explained that she will be campaigning because it would be disrespectful to the game not to do so, but she is not going to say anything bad about Analyse in the process. Analyse let Christie know that even though Nick keeps bringing up wanting to get to the Final 4 with her, Nicole and Tommy, she did not agree to anything like that. Christie said she knows better than to take anything that Nick says seriously.

8:00-9:00 PM: Jackson asked Tommy how Analyse is doing. Tommy said that she is “goodish”. He added that she seems to be kind of care free at this point. As for himself, Tommy said that he has always felt surrounded by a team up until this point. Now, he said he feels the way that some people have for so long, as he no longer feels as though he has a team around him. Tommy said that if it is his time to go next week, it’s his time to go. Jackson said he does not see that happening. When Tommy got a brief moment alone with Cliff, he said that the way things are going this week, it seems as though it’s being set up to have him and Analyse go after Cliff and Nicole, and vice versa. Tommy said that he does not want that. Cliff told Tommy that he has been feeling the same thing.

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