Big Brother 21 Day 63

August 20, 2019

1:00-1:30 PM: Nick let Nicole know that Christie plans to expose things that he has said to her in confidence. Nick mentioned that he talked to Cliff before she got the chance to, because he knew that he had said that he would nominate Christie and Cliff once they got down to six. Nick said that everyone was ready to throw the comp and let Cliff or Nicole win once the deal was made last week, but then things changed after the deal blew up. Nick went through the other things that Christie questioned him on, such as that he was leading them on about wanting to keep Jack. Nicole said she went to Analyse and Tommy to clarify that Nick has never told her to put them on the block like Christie was claiming. Nick brought up Analyse being upset that he told Nicole that she was coming after her. They talked about that having been so long ago. Nick said that Christie will never take responsibility for everything that she does. Afterwards, Nicole told Jackson that the campaigns are going to be fun. Jackson said that he doesn’t like to assume anything but he hopes it still stands that her vote would go in a certain direction. Nicole asked which direction that is. He said towards evicting Christie. Jackson suggested that everyone could benefit from Christie leaving. Nicole said that Christie is very angry right now and is apparently going to start blowing up Nick’s game. Jackson thinks that Christie is mad that Nick is not on the block. Jackson told Nicole that Christie pitched him hard and threw some names out there as to who should be on the block next to her. Nicole asked if she should be concerned. Jackson said that he would tell Nicole about it either tonight or tomorrow once Christie makes her campaign. Analyse then spoke to Jackson. She said Jess told her that Jackson made a deal with her. Jackson said it was more so that he would scratch her back since she kept him safe the week that Jack left. Jackson added that he told Jess that he wouldn’t nominate her as long as he could count on her vote to evict Christie. Analyse let Jackson know that Jess was trying to figure out a way to get Nick on the block in Christie’s place.

1:30-2:00 PM: Tommy told Cliff that he is feeling a little lost right now. He said that he would like to figure out what to do with Cliff even though he has expressed that he fears him. Tommy explained that he has shifted from wanting to get people out who he is afraid of to wanting to target those who he does not want to win the game. Cliff said that he so agrees with that. Cliff mentioned thinking that the two of them would be somewhere near the top when it comes to voting for America’s Favorite, which is another reason why he would like to see Tommy win the game if he cannot win it himself. Tommy told Cliff that he loves being the game with someone who loves it as much as himself. They both agreed that Christie is similar to them in that sense as well. Cliff brought up that the guys in each of the duos seem to be going head to head. Both agreed that they do not like seeing the trajectory of the game going in that direction. Tommy reiterated that he would like to work alongside of Cliff in order to prevent that from happening. Tommy said that he is in a weird position where he is not throwing things but he is not upset when he does not win. Cliff agreed. He pointed out that someone like Jackson is making himself a huge target by winning back to back competitions. Elsewhere, Christie told Nicole that everyone seems to have made a deal with each other, so she doesn’t get how it will work. She questioned if everyone is going to throw HoH. Nicole asked Christie if she knows that everyone has made deals. Christie said that she does. Christie admitted to having flipped out on Nick yesterday, and she let him know that she will be exposing his game during her campaign. Christie said she sees the direction in which the game is heading, but she is terrified to speak about what she sees because it makes her a target.

3:00-4:00 PM: Nicole told Cliff that Christie seems to be calmer than she was. Nicole admitted to feeling bad for her. Cliff said that he feels bad as well, since he likes her and she loves the game. Cliff added that it kills him to get rid of Christie over Analyse but he thinks that Analyse would remain the easier target moving forward. They discussed that Holly and Jackson would feel alienated by them if they did not follow through with the plan to evict Christie. Nicole said she is more worried about Analyse putting her up but Christie has shown that she is more likely to win competitions. Cliff thinks that Analyse is more likely to go after Holly and Jackson. Looking ahead to next week, Nicole said that she would not want to put Tommy up but she would probably nominate Analyse. Nicole talked about possibly nominating one from the Analyse and Tommy pair and one from the Holly and Jackson pair. Cliff said that that’s a really good idea. They discussed that they do not trust Holly and Jackson a whole lot. Nicole brought up Christie saying that Jackson has made deals with everyone except for her and Jess. Nicole said that it would make her feel less guilty going after him when she can back it up by saying that he has made deals with everyone. Cliff and Nicole talked about feeling as though the two of them are being positioned to go after Analyse and Tommy, and vice versa. They ultimately decided that they need to talk to Jackson further, as they would be on board with working with him if it is legit, and then they would touch base with Tommy as well.

4:00-5:00 PM: Christie told Jackson that she had originally planned to expose Nick’s game during their Taco Tuesday dinner, but she told Nick that she was not going to do that anymore. Jackson encouraged Christie to move forward with the plan. Christie said that she may hold off until tomorrow. Christie told Jackson that Nick was telling everyone that he would nominate Holly and Jackson, yet he went to them to make a deal. Christie said that Nick is claiming to be loyal to Analyse, Nicole and Tommy, and then saying that he cant help it that everyone else likes him and wants to do his dirty work. Christie added that Nick has said that Holly and Jackson will go back to being everyone’s target after this week. Christie made it clear that her target will be Nick if she stays in the game. Jackson told Christie that the best idea would be to blow up Nick’s game during dinner so that everyone is around and hearing the same thing. Christie suggested that Tommy is more likely to work with Holly and Jackson if she is still in the game. When Christie left, she told Jackson that if there is silence during Taco Tuesday, it’s because she chickened out.

5:00-6:00 PM: Jackson told Holly that Christie shared some interesting things. They discussed that Christie plans to expose Nick. Jackson let Holly know that the plan was for her to go up as a pawn next to Jess. Holly said that Christie is talking about wanting to stay to take shots at Nick. Jackson clarified that Chrisite is and always has been his target, though he is fine with her trying to make Nick a bigger target on her way out. Jackson figures that Christie blowing up Nick will either guarantee that Christie goes or it will put a target on Nick’s back moving forward. When Holly said that she should maybe win HoH this week, Jackson said that there is no need for her to. He would rather that they both be eligible to compete the following week.

7:00-8:00 PM: Analyse asked Holly if she thinks that everyone is going to vote to keep her. Holly said yeah but advised Analyse to campaign. Analyse said that she is going to. Analyse asked if she has Holly’s vote. Holly said yeah. Analyse believes that she has Nick and Tommy’s votes as well. Holly pointed out that those three votes are enough for Jackson to be able to break a tie. Elsewhere, Christie had been letting a group of people know that she is no longer going to go the savage route of calling Nick out during their Taco Tuesday dinner. Christie explained that she will campaign one on one to everybody tomorrow. Afterwards, Nick asked Tommy if Christie said that she was going to blow up on him at the Taco Tuesday table. Tommy assured Nick that it is not happening. Nick said that he cannot stand Christie anymore. He said that she is so petty because her game has gone downhill. Nick headed upstairs to let Jackson know that he can only bite his tongue for so long. He asked why Christie hates him so much. Jackson said she thinks that Nick is running the game, plus she is salty that she is on the block and Nick is not. Jackson told Nick that anything Christie says will not be good enough to keep her there, but it might put him in a tight spot. Jackson mentioned that he put Analyse on the block for this reason, because Christie would have been able to flip the vote on anyone else. Nick agreed. Nick told Jackson that it will be a war if Christie comes at him at the dinner table. Christie then spoke to Jackson. She asked why Nick is pissed at her. Jackson said Nick isn’t sure how much longer that he can bite his tongue. Christie said she almost wants to ask Nick why he is so mad during their Taco Tuesday dinner. Jackson said that it would be a good approach. He said that Nick will snap. Jackson added that it will be a lot more convincing if everyone is in the room to hear what she has to say. Nick came up to the HoH room. He asked Christie to do him a favour and keep his name out of her mouth. He said that if she wants to blow it, they can blow it up. Nick told Christie that she is petty because she is about to go home. Christie asked that they gather everyone in the kitchen if they are going to do this. Christie pointed out that she went to Nick yesterday. Nick said that he actually went to her. Christie then said that she voiced all of her concerns about him. Nick argued that he debunked them all. Christie reminded Nick that she had said that she would be using his name because it is the only angle that she has, but then she decided against blowing anything up tonight. Nick started listing off things that he felt Christie has lied about. When Christie denied them, Nick told her to manifest the truth.

8:00-9:00 PM: Christie brought up that everyone would feel safe if Nick were to win HoH, which is why he throws competitions. Christie suggested that Nick is having the two sides go at each other while he coasts down the middle. Nick denied having thrown any competitions outside of the Time Me A River one. Christie asked what Nick would do if he were to win HoH after she leaves. After initially not giving an answer, Nick said he and Jess know that they are going after each other. The two continued to go back and forth. Nick said that Christie was worried about Jack backdooring her even though they were aligned, and then she told him that Jackson is not a good person. On the other hand, Christie accused Nick of making everyone feel safe with him except for Jess, and saying that he would take Cliff out in 5th place. Jess said she did not know that she was Nick’s target. Nick accused her of trying to put him up as a replacement nominee during her HoH week, as well as last week and this week. Jess denied it. When things calmed down, Analyse worried that she may now be screwed. Nick reassured her that she is fine. Cliff checked in with Nick. He let Nick know that they are fine and that he holds nothing against him. Tommy told Nick and Nicole that he warned Christie to watch what she says about Jackson, and she didn’t listen which resulted in her being in this position. Tommy suggested that Christie is just bitter because her game is over. Tommy told Nick that he did nothing wrong. Nicole and Tommy discussed that they now know which way they are voting, implying that they will be voting to evict Christie. Nicole later told Analyse that someone was laughing and encouraging things during the blowup. Analyse thought that Nicole had meant her. Nicole clarified that she was talking about Jackson.

9:00-10:00 PM: Nicole told Nick that Jackson was encouraging Christie to blow up on him. Nick said that he does not hold it against Jackson, since he was trying to keep the target off of himself. Nick added that it will be funnier when one of them win and put Holly and Jackson up. Nicole expects Jackson to want to talk to her in order to see if she still trusts Nick. When Nick asked Nicole what she is going to say, Nicole said that she will probably say no. Nicole reiterated that she does indeed Nick. Analyse, Cliff, Nicole and Tommy then chatted. They discussed that Nick has not tried to turn them against each other. Cliff said that he would love to find a way that the four of them can work together. Analyse agreed that it would be great. She again mentioned that Nick has their back, which Nicole and Tommy agreed with.

10:00-11:00 PM: Jackson told Cliff that he will not be wavering in his stance that Christie has got to go. They then discussed that Nick is playing all sides. Cliff said that it is not news to him but he does wonder who Nick is truly loyal to. Jackson said that Nick is loyal to Analyse, Nicole and Tommy. Cliff mentioned that Nick came to him last night and said that. Both agreed that Nick only did that because he knew that Christie was going to blow up his game. Cliff told Holly and Jackson that he is a free agent. They expressed their interest in working with Cliff and Nicole moving forward. Holly did admit to having some concerns over how close Nick and Nicole are. Jackson said that Nicole plays emotional in a sense that she will not go after people who she likes. Meanwhile, Nick told Analyse that Jackson was good with him heading into next week but now Jackson was trying to put the target on him by getting Christie to blow up. Analyse said that she wants to win to put Holly and Jackson up. Jackson would be her target. Both Nick and Tommy let Analyse know that she has their vote. Elsewhere, Christie and Jess mentioned being puzzled over why Nicole is so loyal to Nick. Christie said that she might have a crush on him like Tommy does. In the HoH room, Holly told Jackson that she would love if it Nick were to go next. She explained that she has wanted him out for a long time and it would free up Nicole to have loyalty to anyone else. Holly wondered why Nicole is so attached to Nick when he is the one person who has burned her.

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